Growing number of cases Heclth U nît wages war on VD letlng luth, bie ugo but lither. sotice l makhsg ss place garbage DGE Ige and rencels i do and El 6 33 lu un employee abo needu tisse uo Iroto aurh becauue ofI ld nss on sicbleuv, andîIs te esuployer entstled lu puy fue Use period be or sbe is nul woebingt Membrs ut Milton District Hospital Basrd asked tbmselses ibis question darong tbrr regular meeting laut weeb. Truster Bruce MacNabowas querying adecisin ho udministratar Bus Woods wo gave an empl oyre tsime off because sbe biadt a dols cerlilicale sayîng she oas tireif andf needed a eest. Ihors ibis go under sicb leaoe orunenîploymesl or abatt' MalNasbed. Piel gise you a struigbt ase.-The surgeon aiso added Ibal tîreduesu nîîgbt be as indîcauor of iloness. Vulid reqarsl Aduonistrator Woods stabt be Itohe etspî0yre's re<uel tar lune offouas avlid one and said vire had recently bren as incident obere an emplnyee wo oas Il biadt 10 be lored 10 tabe silhieuve. "Soquite often st's the odher way arounil, bie nuted. Bour membees Oelt Ibut timiiar equestsbsoud be 200 CAUSES Suspiins 'birr are 200 bnomsn causes ut Board membr Arthur Brîttun toeotal retuedution : n muoy saîd bie oas "sery suspicioss" eaut- th tc ause i still unknown. about seme doctuet,' cerlificutes. "Sunie empîsynes tell thele dco tb tey bave nu mucb MILTON sicb [cave accumulatied and Usey niant luoetoff." eTELEPHONE lscagescwrecullsged ho Dr. W. S. tegule, tbe inedical ANSWERING advsloey commîlter s eepeuentatîve on Use board. 't bER lICE dolt ibe uht saatement une bit. *l CONFIDENTIOL You'reeaccusisg the dctiles a be RTO snapped. ' * COOOTEOUS D Legule a l added t at if a n * F S LI Z employer aois besîtant about a dnctoes diagnosîs uf ss borss, 878-202 Use ductr sbould be approucb'd OPENS 800 considerrd on Useu' menit, but tbaï, the personnel cnnimittee oould study Use sitatin. more difficuls us the infecin progresses. Bccause filsourceînacy lice inaiy ileis aiOuifom th ibfrst contact identîlîrd, tl s dîfficuli, for a prisate ductar lu breab Use cbin ut inftction. .Lauiecontacts This a nibere Use MOPi and Use healtb uit come, insu tbe piesare. Wben a ruse is peumptty eeporled , tbe MOH, in ro- uperatn vil tbe pbysician Ils able 10 locute contacts ufthUe disease in ohaleser comsuunity thcî vioî reside Ilit othe t copoosîbility uf tbo MOH lu hace tbe ondîsîduals located. inteecinomi and if isdicated, mrdîcully euumssed asd treated. A teani inctudisg one tuBl lune bealtb anspector, bealUs nurses and pelouse doduers ail join in Use tîgbt agumust VD. The Miisty ut Pieultb bas a suesety oI lîteruture, fdlm strsps, stides, and filmns avuilable tbrougb Use beulh suit. ByfBobfBll tise famsty doctar is repnsible aPilU UntofitIbssa tnuthe past tbree taon eears tue deseemining and desyug prsi roncers and mast be tberspeead ofevenerra dioease ini contacts, Iucasîng and foiloing Ptcscered ai ail cool Statîstics Canada itas ceucbcd ils highesl up oîib trtciocn foc contacts rc guobcccd ut thc procinci proportiososince tbe secood aod accuogiogcexuoooutîou nd officebsutbtoselfigures and noi wonld wue. Cases of gonorebea treatment. publisbed. sloubted in tbe smo year periud At the begmsaig ofthUe yeur , Ipratrl 1969 and 1970 in Ontario. Piatun Cnunty Pieltb Unit Pubi helanurse laya Venereut diseuses are usmng uppoinset sne ut ttsefr staff of Pulcb. t nre lya tbe Most prevatent hilt unspectors Lt o rb on the Impitrant este mn breabing Use commnicale iseaes n VDproram.-ebant ofinftion. 'Tbe nurse cuniusîrbte diseses in V prgras. .directs bier efforts tussard Ontario. Of Use fine, types of VD, Muni repnrt dispelling ignorance and tbe tan mnst commun seally This bsdividal viorb busicutty belpmng the cnmmasity unm itaelf transmitted diseuses fare on referuls tesas dortors. aguisu tbe enemy. Nurses goasrbea (nimetimest referred Dncsnrs by ta are reqtdred tu cosdurt a custinung prograni of t laus "a dnse" or "tbe clap" und repart ai] rases la Use bealUs unit. educatang ynung penple le sypbillîs. If the dnctar bus idestified und mussers of gmod bets. t BnUs ure nery serions diseuses. treated tbe situation su the Tbe eonsy's propeunn ilsa Untreated, sypisillis is pnsentiufly atisfacsinoftehahunte re-adali.Tetnn fatal. Wbite gnnnrrba is nut s u eusBon s esniUeUrefcdafl.Ts rn beses is nf a loi uocr eoti ccepted and sent to Use eniigbbrms as many peopte us sersas, utoenaero deparient fnr statistical use. pnssible ubout Use diseuse and 10, eauto the nambernof ruses. lf Use ruse busn't been treated transmissinnd tries tn sie nus Neni. values ne if contacta bave nnt been reservuirs ut infection and Popultibon explosinn, ninbility, identified and esunslned, tbe peevent Use spreudisg nfthUe Use isdastrial revnlstson abicb inipeetorrequestu permissiun tn infectinn. repluced spiritual grna tb l speab la Use putient. Tbe early detectîn of Use maseril guisnu acertaisdegree The MOPi and bis staff are infectin sveryimuportaasshe asd cuused a change in values us brasd toi preseeve Use saine earîy stage is Use essieus in vilb mei as Use cbusge 0nin mruts and conntdentiutity tbat esists ta treat Use prubteni. Treusment, a generully dittereot upprnucb su dnclar and patient. Accordlng su cle nos impossible, beennien Llte are uttribated us ceusons tue V tUe genaing samber ut cases ut VU in Canudu. The avnitability ut birth conten oli .. peeudîngese tecssliyofc pI reasesg se ncion, asy utt is V D coedng su a Piton Caasty PieulUs Unit otficial. Tise muat dangeenas ufthUe widespreud aexally trunsinuttedl The origin and history ut cenerai disuses la sypbiltis. Ot diseuse and bus doubled is Use senereul diseuse ionst rIeur. Uhse antreated une ird are tan yeurs 1969 and 1970 in Sanie feel it aa brnugbt la Ibis subjected ta blindueus, beurt OIntario. Untreabed, it eus speead contry by and seumen tailure, paralysis or isanity in ta oUsers and resmit is femelle but tIees tel it vns bere peine to ita tisaI stage. If uotreated, a uterility, arIbritîs and damage to Uste explurees and seasuen. peegnans tomas can pas Use set baon labiles. As sld as mm diseuse tu ber uttspring caauîng Otten annien show no The diseuse is a nId au man deatb ne defoemîty. sycoptama ufthUe diuease even icselu. PRtference ta Use diuease Symptunis are sunilar for mnie Usougb Usey cas speead ilt n la recurded su Use earliest bîslaey and annien. Pionever niany oUsees. Wben symptnma sbow up ut muas. A numble ut tmous canes sbow nu symptoins tue a Usere is a muId baromng senation persons bave died teoni Use peri [romi 10 ta W0 days aBter durîng ursan aod sligbt diseuse. iection. Otten a al egsore vagisal discburge,uftes cnused Faced wîsb a drumintie Use sîne ut a dase appeais' with nUser cnnditions.. nicrease unthUe nuniber ut cases niually in the genisal area bus nus Men usaly eupeeience a in Ontario and Canada, Use alaays. buening sensution dueing Ontario Depuesmnens of Pietb seisaion and a discbuege front, cosmsisned a tasb torce abast flashes, sere tbeous or muth, the end ut the pesis. Sanie bave Usree years ugo. reomnd-badacbes, pailb los ot bale, aosuympsuns. Amniug oUser ecm ed-sligbs fecer or sanîles glands are Cun la red bions tbr fur.e urged linies la sysoptomu libely ta appear tbeee VU is spread by people abs set up, penpeely tinunreit and muntbs aller contact. Dueîng Use buse tl by intiniate senual staffed 50 deal IlU tbr peubleni prod sypbîllls lu bigbty contact, asuaîîy intercurse. VD T en sacb cîlisct noa miss i cootagiuus and can be opred muy bedasgerous iftsseated. Ontarso. tbeuugb issig tn Ibis otage. Pioaeseeeveey caseran be cured On tbe recommendasion of Use Ibese synîptunis usually bttedmg antb fourse, detected ruec tV r disappear uwîlbout medicul but tbe damg untb mi aeuee siesy Use MP ar e nn bus tbe hUe dhisea earo now epored irecly he MH atenton t tePieaUs authoreîbes urge peuple eatber Usan Use Ministry ut gues insu latent stage nicb lass sui see a dorsor ne slsit a clisir un HtPealUs, in neder ta espedite Use tue ocars and is fulloard by Use suspicion of esposare. Kurty f identification and treatment frnai stages. eepuetiug is important su esse k taocedures. Mosticonsus early diagoni and tu stop Use Queries "tired" employee given absence f romn job GERTRUDE BYRG N SNEbKEBB.i PREVENT DAMAGE Wben paining ynar bouse, cottage or brut tos surmoner pcuctsce nyn sufety remndu The Canudian National lastitote for the Blind. A paireof sufety gnggtes wIll present Ususe tisy bita ut paint roni dessroying and caasing permanent damage lu Use delîcate tissues ut thn eye. Exp.ct re< director S Itervieas lue tbe posstin ot recreatios dîrectar ba wery bron toseirîd, tonees of thc i'iiîs andiilcccioo(osîioittoc icucrd l7bsesday in a report ieom Use sellection conuoittee. Fise applîcanta aere inter- stewrd leuni tbe 15 applscations reeieîsd and adesînwould b eeacbed aben tbe tisa inter- vinas bad bren cnmpltsed. fitis enpecsed Use position aI be tîlleit for Sept. t, altooîng a sea director tune su plus the tuli and teinter peograni. G. Ness met tbe Comrmittee 50 coline tbe pueb dedication plansed in Use 17 lut Abbeywund subdivision just soutb oI Ontario Tree Fruita. Members nilthes ea adîoinang Use strnvitous fooad plain land and tous sut targe enuugb fue active games lue urea residents. Tbe possibilîty ot ucquirmng uddstionut lusd froir Iota Usas teere un Use flood plain oas discassed and Use master is ta be furUser mnvessigated. Gond attendanre Reporta on pluygeound and The Champion, Milfon, Ont. Wednesday, JuIy 19, 1972 B9 creation *pt. i Hw TO BU Au saîmmîng pool operation WTOBY U todisîrMd large atteodances. T'oe A Little Bit ai a lime sc onhlan third wrilso increused atteodotc tous brîog "I a -g . O blett at a tor registereed inday camopand play- AND if oo'v sot $115.75 sales grounds. tao or clown paymt o carS Tlhe empioymesî service for taoe the obole car and pay for it students bas 22 eneolled, mont of litte by littie $61.1 au tonth for a younger age. Employment 48 toorosý opportonities are brssg rcceioed (THAT oorks oui f0 a deferred for older boyoso ibte 16 and op Pamn Pric of $2,337.00 oStos category. toclades $115.75 fax, $20700 ______ lîceose, 52.00 registratiot atd 598.70rlatcharges atan antsa MANY HANDICAPPED percetfaqo rate of 11.66 percent.) Mental retardation handicaps THIS tinds life insiranco, and lobce as toany childreo aste COMeta fofal prise $f2,452 75. cerebral palsy, rheomatic heart dîsease aod bliodoros ail ALONG, fhe a yo gef a lm togethr.tfialctatelp frotvthercar. Such an average 31 miles fl the 3 PER CENT RETARDED OF course, yo ccîht be fhr kind that says to iself " dor't lie Tbree out ofevery 100chldreo cnrroti tvotil bors are meolully retarded I0 sonne degrer. IN trot case fhr cast prc is * I * M NOof courtse a top frade rn E S FOR PboosugtIaal Volkswagen Lirmmted 888 Guelpb Lien. (Opposite the Mil Burlington, Ontarin. in t. 87 901 632-0222 Wr sbacr your feelings about spiraltîsg conta Ibat base bero affectisg every corionooby and service; wlocb isclodes Iots of tingo socb as powerlioes, trasformer statiOonsand labor col That isohyssebave bren otriving conotantly i0 maintain tbebîigest level of service iltlout iSvigiouch ground to inflationary pressures. Elrctcîcity sn ail ita applications stili remnains the biggrst bargain in the luioily budget. MILTON HYDRO RATES IiESIDENTIAI, -Oî-Moolbly rsn fi Fîrst 100 KW. Pies. ii.80c 4.20e Nerxt 400 K.W. is 1. 2.00c Blaînce if Basic coosiomption I. oc 1. 15e REISIDENrIAL -3rd Blocb P1OEFERRED Metetred Elrctric Water Healisg 1,000 KW. Pis. itab 0i .95e liodeotiai Minimum Minimums MONTHIT bill $2.50 93.00 kcl Sercer - Monthly Demaod Charge $1.90 pee K.W. $2.00 per K.W. over5gK.W. uver 50 KW. licol 50 K.W. ies. 3.80c 4.20e Scl 200 KW Pics. 1.07)0 2.00e Neot 9,750 K.W. Pics. 1.5i5c 1.65e iBslancc of K.W. Pics. 0ObUc 0.68e Geocral Sercice -Mioimums IlptaoK0I $1.0per montb Oser 50 K.W 0.25e per nisntb per K.W. Io. îctucordrcIo &oclttîy hîtOcog etocdurni. the Ibt,%c rites a"'. 50i00 i 0 iH u. hoOco 5r,rsu, O ta ditco centi for 1 1 MILTON HYDRO St' ESQUESING TOWNSHIP noul bus its cin Spiritutl Assemhty softhe flubai falts. An assemhly is formnei seienever Use Baubai popolation nvee 21 is nitie ne more. (Boiai ipeononeed Buis-iigisi is o Nvorld-wide religion formedin l 196. Memeshes ut tise Esqoesing Assembty aem, front euw, Mes. lashelle Weuvee, Mrs, Mary Lumron, Mes. Dole Sms unit Mes. Jane Wurnee; second rOse, on Weavee, lOfs. Cucotyne Dnatdett, Bill Sums, Duye Dosedelt und Wayne Miller. Revlsed rates will apply te ail hydre bis issued an and after August ist, 1972 electricity is the biggest bargain of ail... even with an increase, rates are stili xmtv 10w DUE TO HOLIDA YS Milton Bus Service wiII flot be operoting this week resumning service JuIy 26 MILTON BUS LINES