Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1972, p. 19

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ly Henry J. Stlley, Agrelaural Reprssnative- Hans tmodpriesrsally inesed latsty? A nsw publication hy Ose Otaraio Food Cunseijgivesmanlnsight ino Uis question Roceut puhlscijy ocec rissng 1usd prîces may hure ji-It sine Cosuuesrucoslusedoandeuncei-usd. Thelfrequeucy offod purchases mobes consomers muresaiare ut food prirs Osas peices ut oter oumer gouda and srvices. Cansme-s ay susuder seby food rustu sbasld iacrsaus lu aecountry mbers food is se pîsutiful asd agrirslturat surpluses a frsquent occurrene. Tbers's nu doubt OsaI 1usd prirms haes bous isrsasing. A dollar will sol boy a.9mueh fomd as it did 10 perom agit. Howsvsr, snse t96t the test ut virtoolty aIl Canadien onsamer goudu and services surb os transportation, housmng asd ehotbssg bas iorreassd. Th5e Caonsuer Prie lsdss ls a mese ut cnge lu tse rost of conssmsr gosds and services. Ointe 196t, ail itsms bous inceased by 29.4 psr cent, Food bas ltrsansd by 28.4 pou test. houg by 23.5 per cest and claothing by 31.4 psr enit. Hsssing bas sot incrsed as rpidly as fusd ovsr tse !st 10 years. Hse eer, mbss me look a t tbcangs tramn 1969 ho 1971, all itsms have s'treased lu pire bp 4.3 per rest, with busisg op by 4.7 psr cent, cltisg 2.9 percenst and foad bp only 1.8 per test, Ibis wuld idirats OsaI tuod paires are sut uut of tins mith noser pries, and in fart, mers laggs'g ater sections. flot con sasilp lu tees by tse farener--Ibe ditasottu prics tur hogsand eggs durlug Ose pont Imu psars asd tse reducei prie tur taenhs lu 1971 over tse prsvious pear. Retent increoses lu tse prie ut luel, psrh, sggs and lusilers mdll bring Ose Cunsumer Prits Index un tood pruduclu mors in liue witb oter guudo and sevices. 'Ths pi-ici-otage of take-home pop Ose oai-rage Canasdian speuds on h:is Iersicriru0c ' vccrc Whlc thepeircntiguoftahe-hsîucpay crpenjonltrd was23. dpecenti i ih 191 7b 969 Suis percetagc dspped 15 10.0 pi-r ci-st. ASl these comporisons bave lsd Canadien tarmers nsi Ose conclusion thot Canada hou a "ehellptfood" poliey ot Ose enprme ufthOe farmer. The fermer ses the eust ut lais inputsu lahor, machinery, houes, etc. juping rapîdty in rouent peurs mîth retatively siesilar pui-es toc his prsdoc. He touts Osot be shud bie sburiug lu o litt1e lugher portion ufthOe eumoumer's dollar. 'nie consumer oflus toits tu reatise thot the toimer rereives ouly aoot 40 per cent ut the peu-e paid toi-Sue tood mn the store. Sixty por test ut tbe cust sa toc Ose services pruvided tu thot food alter it teores Ose bar or the marketing custu. Thes services have luereosed greatly in the post tem yeort. Hsm hou Ose Candien former luen able lu sussie mlth tomer prites toe hîs prodsce thon in must oter deeopsd cuusries? He lis mure efficient Osas fermiers lu thes coustries. Heina able lu prodoce mure per bour ut uurb. Osr tscbmlugy is mure advanred and Ose managementlotuurfot; giees us andvanageuoverutber. 'Ibm, nu continue 10 compete lu o country miOs a "chsap tood" policy, our larmers must conuea lui become resu more efficient. fhuose mbu stand stilI miSl sut bie able lu compete. They wilI lots Ose y as Jamses sed tlmse qsaestiosas and teIr luos agbt W.A. gats ' 13. Mes. nslded tee ettems of a Mes, S. ed Atnsme ramnesdge by Miss IL mas asnch lu Ose pan mîli be iThe Jly sunei as a inasmient lide. A i Ose Jane L tise aIs about wo.d and by J.P. Mysik, Agrlcallusara mas quitse bîgb and Ibes mop Esglacer hars bssn an iucesn of soit Many pond amues hans semlion whicb provides thse bslb lui-oms ajoemed Ibis year due lut the nulrîes lac atgoe growth. heasy islsstatisn M o aquatic Wlssn tse morme er anod wssds oud algas -' Ibes' ponds.. sunsbîne houes insrased, Nooscs sjysplalo why conditions weresurh that aqualir this srratrred othesr Osas the fart plants and algas sesmed ho gros' that Ilurs mas a dejapsd spcing overuigbl. Pechopu nature mode inùhic mas aci-ompoinied snitb up for lont tie. t betsw normaj lemperatares. Inm ro cs, there are prmos d 060w s'ejt and csmtff dus lu ra om s of5 s0quattc vsgstation. KAISER h:ouse:iding...foth Enhance sasphame, uldor usa StUcC, wod ame obk * NEVER NEEDS PAINTINU *20 YEAR GUARANTEE siCHOICE OF COLOURS AND FINISHES 10W FACTORY 9R«&ES0N- OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS e Alurninum Doors BUDGE e Combination Windows ITERS I [jAILABLE e Car Ports e Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OF CANADA EnStaf Fossthest,Oakille 845-0318 OUT-OF TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONECOLLECT ENDS SAT. JULY 22 SEE THE Summer C ar nival1 0F VALUES IN OUR WINDOW ~a(Many Morne in the Store) Home Hardware k Stores T. Ra.McKIlM MILTON Ont. 878-9222 algae Higber aquotir planta asd algos mre important tor moluhoimsng an usyges holauce essential lu fish life, and tbey oIns costeibute lu lssspisg mater lempsratures at Ose tom tevels eusstiel ho crtaim species ut tisb. Water plants paunide a soîtobte 'envirosmaent for Ose production ut aquolic invertabralu organisent mbieb srve as food toc fish. Numerus o<laotic plantu are utlhasd toc 1usd asd or protection by maup species ut moterfoml. Cons nus On Ose oter band, ponds and loites moy becume ussigbtip becous ufthe preosce ut dense maots ut decuuspusisg surtace- type algas. Recreotiosol oses sacb os tishusg, smimeng or hoating moy he oupaired by accumulatioss ut sigae or grumths ut aquatic plauts. Wluter'bills of fmbh moy resaIt teus' usygen deplthus in Ose mater cosed hy o decumpositiun of plants ander Ose ice dorlug certain minIer sasous. Conteol ut aqatc plants may lu ocbteved by Éither mecbanicol or chemîcot ens. Simple eabîug and chais.deoggisg opeatios Map produce teenporory resollo bet Ose plans soon re-establisb theenseles. More elahorote metOs sncb as osderwotsr momisg aud dredging machiues cont lu usetut bel o cunsîderabte eupssse sa innued. Citeran coenta Cbeouîcol eneOsodu ut custrol ors the most practicol cossiders'g the esse mitb mhîcb Osey cmn lu apptîsd. At Ose prresrt tiune, there is nu ose ceemicot mbtcb mdl odequatelp esutrol att spectes ot oigne and oqotir plants. Chemicals currenlly availabte geuerollp prunide costeul for osîp a single 'The Ontario Water Resources Commaission Art prueides Osot "No pormun sball odd osp sab- stancetuOsemoater of p meil, labs, river, pond sprlug, steoe, reuseoir or other mater or usateresurse for Ose pucpose ut llmg or aflecting plants, sna, imsects, ttsb ur uther living malter or tluog threremn miOsout a permît issosd hp the Commission." There are provisions lu Ohs sectiun mbicb Ose Commission can esplais. Chincoj conîrot ts easy pet difficoît. ho ordr te gel gond ressîts Ose squattc plant must be îdeuldîsed, Ose proper chemnicot lu used in Ose correct quantities s OsaI Sue halance ut noture it mlu vertp disturhed , and att tegat obligatiom ors met. Assistauce onutuch molli-rn con beut he uhtaîsed [romn, Ontario Mluîstey ufthOe Esetrusent, Biologp Braucb, Atteu tisu Miss D. Mai-Kenzîs, P.O. Bon 213, lOesdole, Otants. J. R. Curne oD OPTOMETRIST BU RIINGTON MAIL TELEPHONE 632-7768 f A ÉBîîiîllittttiîlî31î A fiîilîlît Fins Furniturs MILTON PLAjZA Wl! teach urban farmers Many urhos resîdents, lu us efftutol gel omay trom the rat race mnd pollution ut the City, ors buyîug country eutates and farms. Sonme i-ave Ibsîr johs hehîud lu hecome fuîltlime lori-ers. Others, mhu are maybe mure opprehensîve, mue tu Ose rount-p nu dahhle in farming and commute 10 Ossir johs lu the City. One Suiog is certain homever the trend is gruusug mnd in an effort lu provîde Osîs 'gromlug crup" ut uem baruiru w ith practicol mnformation soîboat Osey cout uperate a nocestal torming esterprîse, Ose University ut Guelph wîlI otter o special progrom in opplied agriculture Osis taIt. Off-ced thrsogh the Unsi- veruity's Office ut Cautuing Educattun, Ose speciat prograus wili hi- gîven hy Guelph tacolly stactmng in September, Imice meekly in the eveuiug at two locations-the University ut Guielph campus and Yorb Umiversity. It is geuerotly occspted OsaI mure toi-mers are mIt seeded lu Ose mndostry, but BErIER larmers are. Sume ufthOe "uchan feri-ers'- mhu bave demuuslratsd Osir management ohility mn Oseir dity jobs, need techoicol lfrni tramning. 'Itis lis ushat the Guelph cours bopes lu gîve Ose aspirmng fermer. IL îu hoped Osot 106 kuomledge learned sn the clossruomr mijI r-soIt in suhosmtante sovlugsto si-mfetoiers, Osrougb reduction ut touse mnd Osroughbhetter larmîsg proclîces. To qaiy for o cerlîfîcate in applîrd ag riculture, o stodent munt cumplete six courses. Okay grant for flIood mapplng Flosd plus' moppmtg alosg Ose Fourbusn Mile Croub and Ose Jushua Creesoin m abvilte mîlI ho corrîed out by Haîhon Reglun Consrvation AsOsority. 'nie Honorable James Suoru MPP for Holtun East and Mîmuster of Gueement Services mnnuuucd recently approval for a $9,750 grml hod bei-s oppruved hj' Les Bernier, Mîuter of Natumel Hi-sources. -T'ATISTICS CANADA r-purIn 1h01 Canadian loren cash receipîn, whîch had hiesn dectiniug ntighly each peornîince 1967, turned upward agamn tant pi-ar and eeached a nem record high of $4,495 million. Chart aber4ai-en farm cash receiptu user a 45- pi-m periud and shows hos Oshe revenu e usas diridcd. Cash receipts weresahnut10 bmen asntgh in 1971 as they mers dorîug the depremsion pi-mn ut 193t-35,tnuwst point onthe chai-t Receipînlfor cropu increased eîght limes lu Ose naine perîud daîrp pruductsnseveu and a hall limes, poultry and eggn 10 Rose chafer con damage Bp Robert W. Stokes Maup loa ridi-us ai- cuucered oie ansmijlh eete Osey ors fîudîug in Ossîr gardien. 'nus inuecl prohahtp is a "Ruse Chalsi- atd boms cuouuony an a "Rose Bug". 'nie odutt of Suis oused puarme selug num in a uteuder tomu-cojored hieltle aboutune.-half inch in length with long copper colored legs. 'is imecl eots the hodn, flmesnd leaves CI plants and os rerp mîouu lu ruses and punnies hut may atmo be tound on moup other plants înctuding opple, peach, pour, rasnpherrp, ntromberrp, cherry, hean, hi-rt, cohhoge, corn, dahlia, etm, hydrangra, senatt grains and granse, etc. Thene mnerlu uIt-n apprar in lurge numbers and il es ot uncnthin to malkuof i-suc gardes usîth sone adhering lu plants Properoto Cunteul map he hy haudpîckîug or spraing usith Malathîsu 25 pi-r cent WP applied up lu une-dap befut c harestirg of ioutected cropu. Voue local hardware se chemîicai sut-I nhoud han- a supply on haud. Auasap fllous the directions us the lahel mnd se-ci- apply mîore thas the recnmmeded amunt. Fur fucîher information ci-gai-ding Suis peut, contact ur local Ontario Mitintry ut Agriculture mnd F'ond offi-ce. INFLATED IME Wcrrmodcems dosi-athe eel as duiia-c'tasers haucu't caught tri ve. hut hai-e uscrn thein VA R _LU EI WCeiet kd ML DEPENDABLE - sevicE I818-6380 Yssr ShrlI Dealer BELL BRGS. MlILTON Moet sme of the gardon monsters! Daa odl Dordlon Cwaudl Crabgras Pi- Poasi tWrii-orrng White Gruh Aaeuyrng Ahird Corn Bucer et sme of the monster fughters! $a,,, 1.20 $2.88 ' iii $1.77 % $1.99i,$1.60 $12 aitYOU COOP awn& Gardes Centre fsowl OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M, lUNTED O-EPuATIVES OF ONTARIO f Milton 878-2391 Georgetowon 877-2271 Ouest adltorloll Ch.aop food at farm.r's expense Pond owners alarmed 0 arn, - 9 p.m. É. ',TRI flousE 0p cRtivRoLET HAPPY HOLIDAYS? If you've been wondering if your present car wiII survive another holiday trip, corne in and see our complete stock of new and used cars. * &'* O. jAcK ~ ~ RIHRDO s s s - - The Champion, Milton, Oct. Wedvnesday, JuIy 19, 1972 17 million dollars Evaluation 450 day resuit 40 0 bylHenry J. Staley 4,0 nThm-sday, Juty 13 39 4-H club userbers froni Holton County tr i l 7crt the Uîruvccuîty ofI -3,500 crscruatio petition.Èîuoses Df dat ryhref, heep and sne wr evaluated and resss givenhy the members. 3,000 lu the senior section, for thons 16 years of age and over, lthe Wînner s's Paul Stewart, Hornby snOb 30 sut of 400. -- 2500 Ruoners up usere. Ken McNahb, 2, eorgetowun and Ma-g Robinson, G.eorgetown wîth 379: till Stokes, Casnphielvi'lle, 378, and Tom 29000 lnteitreiaescin o those 14and 15years ofag, Barh Browns, Acton wos the aisser o'ith 376. lunners up werr; Keith -1,500 McKinnon, Milton, and Valerie Ksught, Causpheillille uith 366; [3ehhir hutchers, Adtos, 362; and aill Allison. Georgetoss's, 358. lie0 I the junior si-ctSon, for those Et ci-arn of age and ouder, the m ontrws Sheila Auger. Srva 1, with 369, Runners up were: Sti-phea Stanley, Roi-hsood, 365; 500 Peter May, Hornhy, 362; and D-av-id lýtanjey, Rsckuood and Diasa Lepa. Milton, osith 361.' CIohbleaders ausisting with the O competihion wsre Bert Stewart, '-55 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 71 Hlorthy 1, Jus Wijhinott, Milton; and irI t Nurse, Georgetown. tours and hrrntock 14.7 toues. POLLOCK Tie hig increase iu jliestoch receipîs accounrd foe the major change in product 'rnis' lvestoch AND0 hrooght in onty 21,9 pi-r cent of cash receiptu in CAMPBELL those depresuios years, as rompar-d with 33.6 per -- cent in1971. Crops accoutedtfor 437per cent of Mao ute.ao farinrev-enues in 1931-35 and osly 38 per c ent jast snoosemii vcr t3oiry product peosidrd 20.5percent ofcash M a,.E1n.oîs cecceipts sn the 1930s mnd 15.6 pi-r cnt last pi-ar. e iaEnrvn l'oujtry and i-gos hetd ahout the sene proportion of néaSs the tuai-hit-uS pi-r cent sn 1931-35 and 9.t pi-r cent ontns II'8 .' il071. Other" i-scripts repcesented 4.0 per cent ol GSALi __- _ jhejotajinte j930snd 3.7percesttast year. 62 W.., St. Nosn BILLIS AUTO BODY 269MAIN STREETMILTON 878-2721 e 878-3251 Compiete Collision, Body Repairs & Refinishing, Aiýo Custom Appliance Refinishing. 1 ARDSON CHEV OLDS

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