*2 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wodnesday, JuIy Ï9, 1972 When production starts, theylII be ready Polymer pre-trains lemployeles ,hn te Potysono Corporation lhny isere -aid itands" aI Stoi piant in Milton siarîs io tpc of mort. Yel lthe rontpany is production lter titis saunmer, a lusleolerng Oie coiscrete module crwof te men soil laite up teir haasng field, amd mmlt of te posta on the production hune an if tan have neyer worited in thts REALITY 'Te consumer mal reolly have smring tu crow about mites a nolO toner contidered A. T. MOORE 9njIiMce CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2271 Ji R. Curde0. OPTOMETRISI BIJRLINGTON MALt I BEPIONE SU-7788 POLYMER CORPOR- ATION'S neta plant in Milton mill ho ta production soucn and tihe flrst 98 plant employees have heen itusy learning siis needed for ibeir john in an extennive training program condocted at the plant. Bah Ritchie, toit and Ted Hoogveld. in top lef t photo, weld steel uprtghts in place wtth a timed arc melder which reqiren no spectal eye protection for the operator. A t top rtght, Geoff Suters, training co-ordtnator, tcf t, SChats wttith Lionel Facey who bs seasurtng for a plucohing Ainstallation. In lte mtiddle photo George Turner wires a fate fox whule Wilfred Labrecho, left and Milton Lake instail a door in on alunost completed apartment module. Each emplnyee must also spend a numhor of houro in the classroom su, that hoe wtll hoe knomledgeahle about lte equipment how Il ho using. (Photos hy J. Jenotogsf Fay's ELECTRIC COMPLETE il ~ 5ECTRIC SERVICE * INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE * ELECTRICAL GONTRACTING OELECTRIC HEATING WATER IIEATER RENTALS 878-2048 FREE ESTtMATES FAMILY ALLOWANCE In Our Store and Get a Chance on Our Free Draw Prize Credit Coupon Book of Last Manîis's Winner: 4 0 Mrs. Brenda MacKaY - Georgetown. ZIosCourmny FsIretown Open Mon. - Fri. 1,0 a.r. to ..-St ay 9 arn. to 6 p.rn. Oie business itelore lthe plast nons siaru ito production. Start aitisstag bae nSriliste world's leadtag manafacturer ai raitier. tIn 1% the compmny decided ta enter lthe itousteg teduulry sa a houmteg itrancit mas formed, Oie tancrete module systentstpea construction mas uludied, amiOe nttapany punithaued lhe W. A. Marsital farta on Harrop Dr. te Milton ta Oie sunaner of 1971. Groand mas itroisc tant fait mnd since titen a massive plant mstintated la o m oclth $5,500,0001 has nuesn on Oie site. T7te contpany mill manufacture lîglil-meiglil pre-stresned, reîniorced concrele itousing modules an an ataentily hune haute ta ila 130,098 siare feel ut fitar area. Thte talla mOl ha compleled ili doors, mtedoms, furniutangu, pluntitg, iteateng mnd electrica equiptaml, Oies slepped la Oie tite for assemitly. Units ras lie ued for apartissenla, maisuselînt, toms- hauses, itels mnd a mide range af otiter itaildings. Officiais prediel Oie îl.ut miS, aI hall capacity, have 230 emplayent morl an twu or Oiree sitfua day mnd praducteg 12 la 24 of Oiete concrete modules a day. Ithe Oiemac future Polynter mill start production tI mit plant manager Franki Malltby coliu "a ntechanical thake-doan penid.' Witnn il storla uts teitial rrems wMl be ready for il. Some of tem have spent lthe lut four mooths trainng la do their jota in a unique traiig prograta Oie contpany has tan t agteg rigit ta lhe site. AI] test att jota Geoff SaIes, Polynterus Trateing Co-Ordteiator, is Oie tan ta charge ut ialieg sure every plant employee linots flt jobt mien Oie ptent opens. Bis sysient o simple; tarit tam learns ait tere teainowmabout Oie compony mnd lhe uperation of Oie plant. Thte firdt trateing progrin slarled Murcit 21, Oie second an May 15, and 10 date ite has te nten almmlt iully lrained mnd reody te go. Evestmlly over 200 miS itave "giradmlted" frota Oie intensive trateteg courte. 'Tse Depacîmeul of Lahar aod Oie Canuda Mmnpomer divition itavnassitledousqute ait," tapi Solters. 'Titeir help has han very imaportant." A numiter of industries liane ahuo co-operatad hy loanteg lectureco, testructurs mnd equipntent. Most of Oie mes inthOe training prograta slarted as nsitilled or semî-slilled murliers. Theypre tearnîog everything aitout Polymer-loiti is taanaged, Oie cotapauy's philosapity. safety, maiutenance, matitematicu, physirs, crane handliup, lilueprint reading, moitile equiptannt, malerial handling mnd tecurily, te addition ta teir main chores-murking miith concrete, electrical, carpenlry mnd plumitg mort. Uselliaver site For training purpuueu tite compauy han Ima round portablte clasurtamt sittiusg anlaide Oie riem plant on Barrop Dr. A morig area aI titaver Lianier, accusa Oie rosit front Oepant tas atme made avattirto Polymner and il is Oiere Oie mes are gelliug titeir practical trainteg te the jolis Oiey mill do miten Oie plant opens. Sulers said lthe men first receive te-dlam trateing an Oie Oicory of the operatian. Titta Oiey gal lInth Beaver pltant and, asng two large modules tal mere made in tae United Statta for a traniug ground, assemblte Oie intide maltas, litai up Oie plumiting and electriral inlares mnd pructite ltheir cacpentry sMias. The mort te completely mon-productive ut titis puit- after il's data il's tors apact aod Oiey sturl aIl over agate. Eoch tan milI spend apprun- imolely 1,000 bars trateing for tes joh. Training nitould lata fall yeor, arrording la lthe cu- ordinator. Soiety is bitetg stresoed pretty teovily Oiroughout lIn trateteg. "We roupl hoanter umoy aI il," says Saters. Mite Crucef lu, eteef ai plantland personnel protection, sapervises lthe securily ond ialety aI Palymer. New coarse so hiesh mto ImthOe firsl training course ai Polymer mili liliely mort in Oie rentent mixing orna ai lIn plant, white lthose os Oie second coarse milI mort te Oie module ttnisitg orea. Oiers mil ite guards, maintenance New Brunswick ... fcostiued fram Page J3t) th'ather g"es% ojoy tiech llgt teloi tshe illnglyndealled thie diii.s and genaiaely concerned iterself mth her gaete. John Fisher (Me. CJanada) aecotnted Ote greup of Ontaria nemomen on the itrief isur ap trip in New Branswickt taI lias sapplied thte batckground for Sois sertes oi articles. He remeoibered itis appearance at a Rolary Dinner in Milton sotie yearn ugo. Oor n d rated lu New Brtunswick lia knomledge ai the acta and lii fluency in descriiig il added mach ta aur flrst hanl gliunpteu. Hol descriptions af lte rhiythmn af Oie province' exeinpllfled by Oie tides, tlie cliocotate lirown flats lthaI are revealed elien Oie 114e suhsides and lie recollections of folk lare ai the provnce added dimnsion and dept t te it. s1 troarlude titis series tuay 1 suggest if yoa are mahteg a tripto Newmtinaici and mmlt tu plan aliead, jumI contact Tottrlsm New Brunamicli, P.O. ox 1030, Fredericton, N.B. Tliey liane tante fine people teme who mitl te happy 10 pronide Oie tefornmation yoa request. met, tift trucki operalors and otherman's jobiandlliemenliave malerial handlers. Thte cnmpany fol ta kmota ont aloter qaite will soontstart a course ta trate 10 meil. fthey're starIng ta perfectn lift trucki operataro. tlike mne btig hiappy famlY" and Sulers sys lthe extensive tit la mit Polymer manIa. training course han been a greal -We liane 1u wort as a teant," belpi te bhthOe compmy and lte conduiaes Iuters. emoyees. Eacit one tearno lte Ke#tuckY Fied C1 CHICKEN VILLA Mais and Commercial M ILTON ..978-4171-2 iHORS: MON. -THUR0.it1.3a.u -8pt.. FR. -SAT. t1.30tu.idnioglt SiNDAY-tl.30a.nî.-Opt. DAT SUN 510:3 ail the no-cost extras you really need. When pou bup a Datsun, nos re getting the ---- whof e machine. You don't need anp 'optiosalA_ Datsun offers 62 carefullp planned entra features - o - - --------- gise pou more car for The electric rear window defroster. your dollar You get the fhe slickent four-on-the floor front disc you could ask for. (Or, at optional brakes pou extra cost, Nissan s fhree-speed need for short, automaic. saint y collapsibl e steering .specifically for column you need for -Y . Datsun s ot The f misumethiîîg else). sophisticated Also the f low-through Pension nos need for a More A staunch, smoot h. weli controlled ride f ree-rewîing oserhead camn engine. Tinted glass, Carpets and arm rests. Lighter and ashtrays. Whîtewalfs. The works And more. Dataun gises you one more no-c0sf extra f6a no 0f her car cas oSfer at anp prîce: a string of rally \itoies that is unmatched sn Canada. Thaf may be esen T uuu more thon pou need. But the price is rîght. Road test the ralfy champ at pour Dataun deafer's nom ATU MTSUIsayoumdy.ed PRODUICI Thoro are more thon 1200 Daîsuni Dealers ocrons Canada ana the United States. OF NISSAN M ~