Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1972, p. 10

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r10 The Char y,, spion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdsay, July 19, 1972 8 HELP WANTED COPUTR ttator fou 7 B B 360/20 cord systens. le start iomediately, etaperienced desi- ed but nul enoolial. Apply tu A. 1. Reid, DimIton (Canada) Lld., Aclun, Ont. 8b3-3304 ht[QtCIANICALI-Y indirect ycong an oek.eor omtic' machie hop. comier salo, de- liveey. Salarp, compoup boned- ls. Ooply Bus 434, Oakville. 8612-2149 INDUSMIN Lid., o subsidiary ut lFolcutlhridgc Nickel Mines, requies a loI ciass eleclrician fer Ibeir Aggregates Division ait Aclun, Ont. Pluase orte Bo 960, Acluu or phone 519453-220. @b3-33!N PERSON WITH TRUCK Tu CollocI Re-Cycle Materlal trson SPIN depuils, tinst Salur- day eoch monlb. The SPIN Committee To Sda:inan Dopols and 8 HELP WANTED JA'NTQR Requirel for Men's Louher Ruons aI TRAFALGAR GOLF and COUNTRY CLUB Ideo for Ratirad Gentleman Apply lu ROSS WATSON 878-2303 10 STUDENT JOB INEED o ýBaby Sitter or bnlp iu a restaurant, coîl Woody Wayne. age 16. 376-1383. l8cl2-2153 GIRL very gossd wiIh omall chsldrrs would like summorer babyslssiug job. Caîl 878.4771, ok for Woody Whelbaou. 10cl1l-2049 Supply t'sshicily Looking for HeIp? FOR INFORMATION Call 854-9847 11 PARAI HEUJ 282 s GRASS CIJTIING s BABY SITTING WANTED a BASPddEIT GLEA04ING MALEeORAFMALE s Co MALE R FEALE s ANY JOB - AýNY SIRE MAKE EASY $ $ $ Pur girls and boys. Easy tsoselflpasybuse. Also G8LL socks f or the enlie f auslly, briefs or 'bikini poulies, Iights Summer Student etc. Pren instructico and enlor catalogue. Write soday. Employment Resion Milton Recreation BORt bOY LTD. 878-2442 flops W, 10383 HbaIers SI. tOc-of Munîreal North 459, Ooebec. EXPERIENCEO i LOST OR STRAYED ShIkU, orange cas in Wood- TRUCK D IVER oaed and Ontario area. 878- Rcqcirad for a 3 sou van for 3614. llc12-2157 day dat:scry oi food lroduclo. PART Germait Shepherd, Minimum aga 23. 5day vvek mata. Blonde. Missiug since asnd year round employmrnI. Jaly 3rd. ORoard. for Olddu Pet. Ansoaro su Sue. 827-6580. Appty lu persan ta: 11lcl2'2133 Maple Lodgo Farmî Ltd. Nurvat. 6th Lino, w001 of 13 FOR SENT Brampton lWinolon Churchill _____________ Btvd.) and Venile norîh of Stadles Ave. SUBLET 2 - badroust apur- 8hb12 ment. 878-5127. 13cl2-2183 3 -10000011 apartusent. Cherry Pkckers Phone 878-4924 aller 6 tps.î0 To stat July 27, 7 a.m. e*___i- Pm, Must prcide ocu tram- ONE Bodroonsi Apt. Milton0 sportation. age 14 pro. and av- Court Apio., 155 Onlario St., Ph. er aid os you ptok. 3 6-oss. bas- 878-3844. 13011-2063 kets, $1.00. 3 - 00000011 tarus bouse, BRAESIDE FARMS 'uital o cr strait quiet taoully. 7244 BeIt Sabuol Licc, Milton. 8828. 1c224 8r12 3 - 00000011 home, suexel leus locatiou, avatlabla Aug. t. JUNIOR CLERK FOR A 878-3014. l3cl2-21184 SMALL FFICE ATTRACTIVE I badroo ap- SMAL OFICE arsocol., ail utlisîes paid, $135. Pratealsty at-atout gradoale oonlhly. 878-4Zl6 aller b.* of grade 12 octS addicg ma- 13.12-2152 chtce' tvyptug acd geserol office ork. ELECTRIC HOT WATER Workiuc Baces 9 -6 Daily HEATEOS waISh free service. aod 2 hoccs aoc'ry other Phono Mitonc Hydro 878-2345. Satccday. 13c16s-If Apply I 00000011 Apartocol, elec- M peLdeFarms Ltd. triecthermostatlcoulrolled, frsg, Mop lie Lodeo Bap o to an d balcouy. 878-456. tWinslcn Churchill Blsd.) and 3 121 a î mtle ncrtb tof Sîetas Ave. ONE Sedruor aparouens, un- 8c12 Icrnlobri. On Maic Street. Salit- able for couple. 878-6810. FULL TIME POSITION 13c-1666-5 For mas saISh cradc 12 cr bat- FUONISE, dlean, wl ter, in rtil sales.Musît r-tscprmainlfr workiog genle- rudtc. corseous and aobilioco. man, cacîrally Iccaîrd. 878-6843. Guis reliabla percan naci oppIy 13cll-2073 for Sîis rospoccstal positien. Appy in persan. ONE Bedrouo Aparîmanl lu Miîtu $145.ý Asiable Saps. 1. Canadian Tire, Milton Ca 1 743S9944, Waterloo, collecl. 8c12 13cl2-2132 PART-TIME I1- BEDO0M aparlooens, Seol. bydro, frig., 55050, broad- TRUCK ~ ron DRV RS n0sd drapes included. 878- Ocquiead et- eîpbtc (Sauling FUONISHED boakelor base- live peltryo menIt ,spot-soat, olerpo 1, mat. Minimcum ace 23. Mucst basa ure, reopocoible persan only. tatrtraile- eupcriaoce 878-2579. 13cl2-211 Applp et perstn tc: MODERN 2 -baodeco apar- MAPLE LODGE FARMS ment, cloea dosanlooc, $149 par moot, ail servcecstinaluded. LTD. 854-9980. 13cl2-2165 Nerval, 6t Line Westof Brampton (Wiccîoo Chuchill 1-BEDR00M apatienco, pri- Blvd.) and !, mle nsthî o a ectranca. oalk todcloc- Stoclas Aca. ocn Miton, imoadiose possas. 8h12 ion. 844-940. 13c12-2168 - MODERN 2 --bedrooot aparî- P. L. ROBERTSON ment, central locaton aucilable MANUFACTURING Aoc. t. ORply non 138, Canad- COMPANY LTD. iac Cbhaopiou 13c][3-2137 RO<UIRES A FUONISHED t-cous for work- icI gentleant, lincuoaupplied, JUNIOR MACHINE refrlgeraîcr avalable, sprt OPERATOR BASEMENT bachelur apart- e Esperiecc scilk Plden btllý ment, asailoble auy sior, $75 a tng oachine or comparable tous. baclades braI and hydro, oquipoeusuneessary. souiai Irig. and stove. Roply s Salarp coomensurute woh Bon 125, Milton Champin ouperienco. 1u98t AI9PLY TO BHOUSE, 3 - bedrcom ranch style with allaabed garage. av- Personnel Department albemduut esrpe 97 Bronte St. lacs msature couple. Send port- 878-2861 139, Canadion Champion OC12 53o12e13 13 FON RENT IN Mo8sslsessla -S* let, oe bedroranm opOeisste A akstiu 2 eeprllydeuoratî M&6 6116 étier il3 P.. 11c12-21J.4 2 BEDRO0M winterogd cot- toge lu prissate weeudedsa, close su 401. Room su huar ocr horse. 814-2128. 13c12-2150 SAUJ3LE Beoch, 2 and 3 bcd- coco cottages, bside couvert- lencro, ftoRy equlpped. uondy heouts. 422-1011 Hepworuth. 2 - BEDR0001 ubuninhed apartmect iu Rochwuod. Avait- able immuediately. Neoly dec- oruted. P'hone Ruabusuud 836& 4226. 13b3-3305 PUlRNISNED ruons oifh kit- oben and aieier privileges of bouse anmouphere, central loca- tin. Apply Bon 142, Couadion Champion. 13c12-2182 APARTMENT. comiplesely fu- ruiobed, couvenseult location, saitable 2 adultu, self - contai- urd. avoulable Aug. Reply Bon 141, Canadian Champion. 13cl3-2172 NOW RENTINO - Gîro Ed- ou Court Apîs., Bsonle SI., Mil- sou. Yeu are iuvitedl lu view the ltly baenished model suit- es. Saturdays and Suudays, 2 lu 5 p.m. or hy appointmneut. Insmediale possession. RentaI agents, Beut Realty & tusur- aneLsd., Milton, pihonu 878- 4118. 13cl126-l 1 AND0 2 001)0001 APARTMENTS AVAILARLE From $130. and $145. muulh- ly, lu ACTON. Aboun maclades aIl ulîilies, coloraid aplionces, drapes and halcuuy. Acton 853-2197 - and- Acton 853-0272 13o-ti RENT A TOYOTA BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK OR FOR THE WEOKEND HALTON TOYOTA Hoy. 23, North of 401 878-4365 Bo612 THE MAYFAIR APARTMENTS ONE AND TWO BEI3000T APAIRTMENTS AVAILÂSIJE Sauna bath. recrealion ruons, Ored ple. AIl ev Apply Staperioloudeus 215 Ontario Street N. or Phono 878-5169 13c-If 14 WANTED TO RENT ,HOME wilb 10 suo 100 acres of land lu Mcilton district, pus- secssion by Aug. 31. res cpen. Phone colcl Caledon 519-927- 5807 after 5 p.m. 14b>14-211ti YOUNG Marrird Couple wisb ta rent 2or 3 bdroom huse or fat-o boose lu 'Milton vicin- ity as of Sepsambar 1. Toron- tu 416 - 431-6079 collecs aller h . 14c12 2160 HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17ct QUIET VILLAGE - 2 slorcy partiltly s'nauted 3 BSR. oider hoamin quiet arca tt'ish pprstmaly 12 acres. Pur farîber information tail Jackie Becton 878-9511 or 878419. JUST RIHBI - Imoacalale 3 1.0. socroy and hall home, as- tracrive bock vard vvits las'ge osada'trco sitalcd close lu bath scools. Try ycar ultor tl Jackic Beton 878- 9511 or 871-4319. BUNGALOW ond GREENHOUSES IN MILTON - 7 gracubonses, oleaa heatd waith larg balter, plus cold socolga mont, alsu 3 B.0. bucgaulow on oý cra lrccd lt. Wilb good docoi payorolt V.T.B, lI orag. Coîl Hce Borna 878-9511 or 878-3997. MOVE RIG T IN - In is Psorey 3î.R.brick hoelsit largeoktcheu, separtscdiing and L.R. 4pie.bath, fll baococnt and closeotulocooveietccs. Try your dowo poysneno v'stb Ross Cescon 878-9511 or 878-2755. 17cl2 IWIMPEYI NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesmnan in Aftendance from 10.30 arn. Daily Cail 878-5364 Collect 17od rehour DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND WSclbar pour oud lu etegansly oulterlainiuf or casuaîip relaxt- tng, 13-cc 3-Sadrac brick bugalow bais ail thc essnial qaifications, beaultifl oulsal paneihung and oall lu ocall broadloograce the L-shapediinig -diig rum ociîh the cloue lieloce and aryssal chandelier complot- sug -aIe scane-. aal n klîchru, t 4-pc buth, rc. raous oith bar,ocsctyluced baakyard and siugle garageih paved dlrive adctif tte raon ad ovenience, locaed on a quietstraa in Milton, plraoatsiy surrouudced hy uealy l audscaped ground. Give Les Bunker the pleasore of sboccing pou ur future hom. FOUR SEASONS CHALET - MILTON AREA For pou t0 sac and eejuy -Ibis 1615 sq. fI. plur log conslracteci home osilb a lieldsoe lireplace, un 2h acres of beaati- lut bush psoperp, close tn 401. CallS Irene Pries. NEW HOME 4-bedrao home st ili uderaacosrucions, offeriug ail cnein cas, living rocon, diucug rtonsa, fausiiy room oltb lire- piac canod barbecue, lu the drcamy village of Ecerlon Cati: trane Prias. MILTON 3-Sadroco brick bungalowa wilb attaahed garage and paved drive, heausifaiiy landocaped, 4-pc. -bath and modern kilabru ocilb hardoud flooro thrcagut except bath and kilaben flup dicidad basemeu -nil-b 24.7 s 16.10, ftalty fiisbed rea. mrino wf lbar, large oorh nbolp area plus wasar suflanar and TV Ioor waih rotor olor head and FMbhead, liing romdrapes ioluded. Forlfurher informa ion cal]: Frauk Kirkeby. SOUTH 0F ACTON - REDUCED TO SELL I5 acre Ici oish pofesioua bult baseomelnl t ub fluor, l00' drttted wr11, 500' fieuage on majcr cunty soad. Plans aud ssrccy ut Our office. Pur more dulals catît Prauk Kirhehy. 15 ACRES Inusceu:c Nassagaweya Top, apprgs. 7 miles fromt 401 Boy., beaatifully Iaoed with plue and cedars, rolîîing building lut. Tep pur uffer ollO Rap Bell VIEW TSis prupersy bas fi. Fireplace in the living nourri, laage ie- chou., large diolug arre clOs uearly 34of an acre, on a main rmadl, close su Milton. Coul: Duc Goland. CHOICE Yu choice of a hume un a serriced lot in 1the bown of Milton. Cali : Dor Goolou,.. Brethour Reaîty Services (1961) Ltd. R. a tor Milton 878-4121 17cl2 14 WANTED TO RENT 17 REAL ESTATE 17 MAL ESTATIE 17 REAL ESTATE PRIVATELY bhat, moloraad ROU12E with 8eauty SlsOp is 01316U#ME-Oite traiter, July 21 to Aug. 3, amy downlose Million for saile, good CHRISTIE & WOODS bunlt il bedronsbn aq reosonable lee. Rederences. Win termu, 10w doues payet REA M SATS L18.ITE BV!#OsdllhSnoeU insure. M7632S ossytiane. - 990. 17.1 ,166 2 balisa doseLr.o ag l4u12-2139 _____________aIsdd :o5 2 *~te 189 Main Steet MILTONI Pm. for appolntmSt. 001DLE -0250 suorkisE 17o144672 aparlmet in dowoto-ss Milton WANTE D 872579. 1412-2203 TOWN in rural area, senaîl acreage, 2OR 3 bdrw bnouseor ap. ELETT ped liviugand dinfingrect, Hallon County close ta 401. rmeu wih yardltonatres. large kitcben. ample CLIP-Principals only Colin Jones, Bank of Nova Sc- boards, beautitfl torgonol lia. Mlihon, 879-2347. 14cl2-2163 i n loors, broadloom OlsrougtsOut Reply Box No. 1 .40 NEEDSPAC? 10 3 pc. hello, laundry Canadian Champion 161 FINNCE JUST WHAT YOU A.RE a roomy, heautfful home, sui-171 161 INANE LOKINGFOR able for o large famlly. Please ___________________-This home hou 4 hedrooms and ao rîl 87-M tla 7-11_____________ N EW ~~does, 1 co pc. washroorn, or 029. _ _ _ _ lots ofcupboard spce large COU NTRY LOV 'R T S broadloamed living main, fi- OfI00. Guneral Store, Gos Sa LOW RATES ishrd roc rmont also broad- tinand Separale Acmo AIG 1sf and 2nd lststed, many ailir exslras. dation. Ooly utore in village, UP TO $3,000 WeilTGAGES lots O coe tuus sîl, r- close tu large tlew develop- Preîson ea5inerd oms iglsI low doon payeeu plus tarbose Irons or csomn de- Service Wilh Inîego-ily as $32,900. stock aI valu. Msorîgage t0 sigurd. Gel ail the tacts. Frank G.M.B.A. Member be arranged. Cals Pal Slrao T. tfinfold ( hume oonsusltanll, 91/4 % Commercial building wilh living as 87&-2095. Beaver Lumber Ca., 570 tHa" - Combine lut aud Iud. qoorlers lu dsoultoon orea. top Dr., Milton, Ont., phone M78 - Pay aIl yonr bills.- Excellent location. Cauld bu 4 ýBedroom home, locaurd in a 4123 or vios Beaver Lsamber -Combine dllblu. osed for welding, esc. Ashing quiet cuntry village, close for a home catalogue, 11.00. -Btaild o bouse. $12,000. Excelleut terniu oon tu 41,. large living man and î7c-sd -Add a mom. ho arrau<ed. diuinyg ares, paselîrd rec. 2ud Moruigages fromn 12% rumi wil bar, weIl land- CAL: Ccnry ivng -ulre brck scassod. This home is on a 20 AUCTION SALES CALL Contr livng,2 -story bick large Ireed lot oilh sreom, J0E REYNOLDS and traîne homne oichharu ou she ullimate iu village living. INCOME MORTGAGE lare oI popity Aulra aOg- CulI Rus Chappell $711-2095. For Complete SERVICES ins i utexcl l cond-on Auction Service Askiug $36,000. North Burlington 639-1043 (Evenings) or 2 Acre Ravine 'Lot lu airea of ex- Chris A. Schouten 527-4557 Hamilton STELLA PARTON clusive humes. Priced aI AUCTIONEER $17,500. Pîrase catI Myrîte (9 arn. - 5 p.m.) Milton 878-6705 McClellon 870-I90 or 87-20195. Sales of aot typas, 16IC-tf 17ell Wanted for Cash Client Slscnuti nwee 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE I0 . 20 Acres oilh paabode, or Tel, 878-2576 bunsuomelu Milton, Camp- R.R. 3, Milltons, Ont. bolîville ares.Or to -M3 acres 200dI lu build ou. Please cati Myr- FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS île IdaClellan 8705195 or 876-Wad Bo nig 2095. ad Bo rig Phone: BOUSE TO R-ONT SM1. mou- Ucosssd Auctiousa tbly. MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 -ALFriueSd Represenfing 878-2095 878-6057 Phone 878-6730 CANADA TRUST REALTOR 17120p04b-At ya 19 LEMA Noice té Creditors ina *0e EabAs e D R1M TAVCO, lms et tse Toe «, Oshutus, iha duconne c Mabuzn -png- decelIIIII AIt persans saing daims ag- aisith5e Estota of Ida Rut Tayor, laIe ofthe Town cf Oa- ville, lu the Counly of Boston, olsu died ou or absout thse 131b doy of May, 1972, are hereby notifiait tu senti particulars cg saine -te the uodersigued ou ne Itefure the 'lut day of Sepens- bser, 1972, aller which date the Rotule wil1 he distrbted, soitis regard ottly lu tise claims of whc h loersigned sisall Ihnlvenle, oud the u- dmge llnot loe lioble to ooy persan scf wose claiti lOsey uhaîl not Ibmn have noic. Daled ut OakiHe, ltis 415& day of 20f y, 1972. Martel PelI and hRa William- sou, Rnecalrices. By ebeir Solicitors, 'MO8iSIJLIAM & MorJJEOD 1226 WhSite Oe.ks Olnd., Ookviîle, Ont. 19c14 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE THIIiRMAY, JSJLY 20 - 6 Pin. For NM H. BAILRY 195 Rdinsbsrgh Rd. S. (Partial Lin») Ilelonator frouI free Refrig- eralur 24" Elocîtrie Store, Wes- tinghuuse Clothes Deyer, stussll 910e Narreut Table, 6 gun stuo& type Chairs, Bossua Rocher, e- tension Ladders, bond oud pov- er tuais,sellecîtouscf glasand china pleans. 3311 MoiARINEY Auolioueer 68941778 Oscuer and Auoeioueer nosi respousible for any accidents. 20u12 AUCTION SALE for MIR. OSCAR ]LERICH As 45 Swing St., Georg9etown, JUIY 241h Au 6.15 oharp. Kelviuator aut. reflogeratorl Frigidaire deluxe 22" electric ssove; elrctric kelîle; Kittby v- cuons cleaner oith pulisher, huRfer and uproyer; Hoover fluor pobusher; Beatty oringue wosher; studio coch; cherry 4«ople0< table; soulees; antique ptltè asaphoord; 4 crocku; oil larept; extension cords; wall enie. sors; mascbiog lumps; 5 wood- en bildben choira; 34 led solda mattresu; night table; 2 dress- ers; vaiy; chestu of dravvers; pewter caudlestiahu; silveaplate creans and sogar; olver teapot; cheese dish; polo and pans; dishes; cutlery; Iernery; otd sus- cher boched armehoir; small table; ruching chair; Wedge- wuudura enls; 6 Camival glass lumblers; pressed glass bools; uld pictore priolu; large lunes tablecluobu and naphins; lace labîoclotb; qalisy cf hou- vy cucîlen blankels and qsailtu; dlown pilloovs; 2 patchswork quits; sheets lonels and utiser linons; govels, robes, boues & alter gardont louis; chaise Ioua- nige; mats; andnsouy other art- iles soc nuoorss lu mention. A cunsiguimans su ibis sale cousist of: 2 lealber iulaid macle end tables; 2 hsuess chairs; pr. brasu lumps; fluor lump; large watt mirror; sel ofi dishes; glasses tc. Mlr. Lerch lu giving up bis home. This material loiug of- fered for sale is of good qlity. ALFRED O. SPENCE, Auctionour, 2gb3 RR. 5, Gorgelown, REAL ESTATE and AUCTION SALES CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE 8(00W PROCED)URE Lock of louwtedge of uafe Iroredores is the major indirect cause of acidents, oeeordlng lu SI. John Ambatane. Do nul rely us setf-leaehing, lot rather teare Ose sole woy fruns ou expert. JOB 88(1118 Lach of job s<01 lobtes maoy tonus, att of whinb cnt tend to accidens. t may cosse o suorker ta tep olhee amalfe metbds. GERTRUDE Dy -aOeODM SoAg oRe 3 OPEN 1 $28,500 I RENlTEt VALUE IDEAL MEADO "HELP 00e ha, Art P Sten 1 Mike Men

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