4 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednsnday, Jaiy 12, 1972 LowvIIle club. defends record of supremacy Elsley's earn tie hold first spot PLAY BALL waes tht ct-y at Hornby Basebali Touroameno wao held there. Commuuity Park on Sunday orben the Hornby (Photo by G. O'Reilly) Leaslde scotedimice inthetop ufthSe nisth ta breakt a 5-5 lie ami deteai Campitelîvilie 7-5 in Campbettuitte Oueday afteromo. Boh Wylie mbo morbed ose ami twu tirdis itg ta reliet gui ct.edii Cor the min as ta held Cocophettvitte hiiitco uver nuit roule. Starter Rîcb Fleury in oeveu and use-ihit.d inniogo allowed tive t-s uff seveu ins mutine oiriking imu and malbiog eighi. Garnei MitcheSl ment the roule Cor Campbelluitle aiiomosa t-e rs oCt rnea hibi. Ht malhed three ami sit.uc ul 4-0 ead Leotide hopped inta a 4-e iead inte tird. Fleury stagled, meni t~ocire SQIRTs Mitas Squirt ptayed agatasi Gabudlle lest meb and mere unluchy nul lu gel their tirit poit oC the session lu their rmbt. Ai baSl time te score moue an 0-0 game and en the second halt il mrisendto end playunsth agoal Cor Galuvolle uesmered hy a goal leoin tht fouiot ofMîbe Lasobo lu iie the score once again. llftduusely Cor lie Milton boys in the las minte ofplyGubkvîîe came up the foeld ami put tht mouner iehîsd the Millt goal- beeper. Thîs meekhowever the quit gainel ter tîrs in ît mii mot an syhîll siruggle ail the may mhes iley lebi lie field ai hall- lne beind hy a score of 2-o agaîs Acko In lie second hall Sie 5-sm came lu fle and goals Irvur centre furmard John Dlelacouri, Mîbe Lamhe ami a penalty loch conversion hy Kevin Hurbos sealed the tirsi uiclury Cor the Squurts sn os excellent game Lu shîch iley truer gave OP lryisg. PEE WEES -Milton Pet Wees added tour usure Poîis to iboir league standlings mivh bau mure suis, the 10-si agaînsi Gabuulle mnd the seosnd ogaiss Gsioguacousy. ta thebsist g eitheyIldhy a score Of 1-O ai halt tomne os a goal by hirvu Cox and althuugh Oak- cille ivd tle boue su the second ban varlu os Milton regamned lhi ea oun u a penalty goal i>ortI hfe Mitchell mas cosghi oCt hate on the throm in. George Chester. bomnered ithe eighhito iithbe score ai 5-5. Leaside ien came up mith the imcoesaryroutt intihe munth. Millersuolhed, ou a mild pitcb and ocored ahead ut Smith suho drovt a humer uver Sihe centre tield tesce Scoith and Gsorne bot homered asd doubled tut. Leaside. Scott humered and Taylor, Weedon, MacDonald, and Fleury att tingled. Bornes Peter Aodrems humered and oisjgled tut. Compbottvlit and Lors Faggosittgled tice. George Chester bomered amd Rich Clemesi and Garnet Mitcell both sungted. Camphellville's seul home gaine muOl he ai 2.30 p.m. os Ouuuday July te mith leagoe leadiug GabvilOe supptyiug lie opposition. RHE Lo:ide 004 100 002 7 93 C vine ON0 202 010 5 72 Leaside: Fleury, Wyie (8i and Jud Il Camphelluîlle: Michell and Andres ku third ut Smoih' double and bot scored as Gshborne doubled. Au error, a sioles base, a malk and Scoti's single produced imu mure. nie visitars added aorther on Oborne's humer i he top ot the tourt ta maire il 5-e. Cacopbellville gui imo bach in tht bolto of utihe tourth. Andrems bomered lu Il off and lies Faggion sîngled, mao puehed tu lbirdhby tmumalk and scored on an îotield oui. Compbelîville camne up mit imo mure ie siuih ta cloue the gap ta 5-4. Dosmos malbed mnd ihes a tmu bate erro. put met on second and third. Garmit Miichell'o single dt.ue inuoeuadedothe-sored on anuthe- Leaside errai- ater rosuet.ted by Laurot Traynor. ta their second game they pkayed agaînsi the might ut Chioeuaroany ami the delence met-e uutatattdig, getbong a shul mit. Mdin lomb the lead and held onsta il Cor the resi ut the game on a goal by Horace Saunders. BANTA'MS Milton Bantatos lint a gamne agaluot Georgetuws lasI meeb and the mais cause ut the deteat mos tie loch ot players suho tursed out Cor tht gaine, matyuof Sie regulur line op not potime tn an appeurasce. nie tisai score suas s 5-t loss mit their cn solation goal leing pul sn the sel hy Oreodas Merriti. The Bastams came hacb this sueeb and gave Brompton a druhhiog muth the bisaI score boise as 8-I uoctury. The hall tome score suas 3-1and aiotimeinothe game did the Miltuson e loo ihe loers. The goassuerrocoredby Lurry Beaulieu Si Cruin close-in, Howard Saunders (2)frum about 20 yards oui and ose gual trum a 30 yard shui offtihe burt ut James Hachis. MOSQUITOS Milton Mosqitus plsyed ilee gaines receotly, the tîrni agaînol Adtos sud they hiesu a 4-1 Il mt uuly 15 minutes leftin sthe gaine lotlie the game 4-4. Charlie Cou scured a hat-tcick on passes fromr Alphie Crisci asd teve Baudler scured the oSier us a passg play set sp hy Mibe III,,vs i o,, i'sq du Lumville iurned Hot-niyty determinel hid duo usay îcîth a2-1 iciryîttalks Rural Blingtsnes c ilsv Fasit action. Losouilie won tvcee Cames on the Badenuch iutoocoaes tu ht-mg the husurs hume. Gave Gaies' Imo aon bamer pul the game inth bag fo- Lowville Tuenday. He liait a ttagle an mell and Mur-ray Dawston it-ipled and oîoeled. Doue Cuordale duubled and singled, Mark Buck tt.ipltd and Sts Goihel ningled Cor Lomvitte. Wlntag Pliiteer Winmîng pitcher Rus Nixnt allowed one rat o tive bibi, malhed une and sirurb ut iree. Ed Duos was the lusing pitcher. Don Ctaohuo Iriplei mnd utaaled lot. Huohy. Lamville scuted a 17-3 min uvet. Prucot. ta hritg their leagat record ta 10 mian ami une ous ft.iday. Gave Gales bomnet.d, douhled aod omngled tmico, Ota King humered, doubltd and singled. while Gale OSith bomneted adntnged ta lad the lAmuute hitiers. Frank Rertasson iripied, doubted imice and stagled, Lee Cuulsuu tripled and singled mitile Doonis Sinclair poueded a duble Moffat glirls whip Eden Milis Ai Eden Millo Musday niigbt, Mottai 12 and ueder OB" girls sualloped Eden Mats 44-I. Joanne Dossis and Jarbie Donnit bath kIt a pair ut hume rues Cor Muttat Id Cathy Kenoedy comtected Ocot-mg rues fut. Mottai more Jenniter iatzi, Obamna Hendersun, Cathy Kennedy, Juaste Dennis, Linda otto, Wendy Brîltuit, Paulline Juosion, Ctady Jeantago, Sotie Ruttitbt-sby, Ctat-maine Etse.y, EOlen Hmt-s and Jackit Doncos. G. Htnemey scored tht otiy rue Car Eden Millt. Jumnne Dosoîs, Elles Heurt, Paulinr Juhoolus and Sousie Rorthershy scuced the ualy tour ruos, as Muttai 12 mnd under girln -B ieam lusi 24-4 ta Hillthurgb Imit Thesdoy sighi. MuRfai girls played meli, Baid Iuckc for Hornby Hurthy mes's ball clubhbave rue lulu a real taagb slamp. luemeg six in a cum mnd Cive ut theco by une rus. Against Lom- ville Tuesday, Hursby led i-0 mth u ut in the nioth intitg suhes Gave Gaies hlasled a Imo rue humer. Tie club lusi lu Palermu 5-4 Fridoy iu 12 conings and oultet.ed an 0- oss lu Parblatd Paving. [SMILE AWILE6ýIPAUL RULEE We're still COUGH -COUGHING over the dusty road reconstruction in front of our store and ou "CLEAN SWEEP"r sale continues tili the end of Joly, check the store-wide specials 00w, w hile they last , at 'Ra -MidgT il EXCLUSIVE 0D P rEp, LEcTrtoHomEadS 26C MAIN ST.,EAST MILTON ONTARIO 40-le878.4633 and single and Dan Rtheibe.igton doobted. Mark Buck, Dote Powell, and Blîrue Peer rosovded out the. i.owsvsiic offesce with singles. Wicoîne pitcher Lee Couloo alomed ttorco runo on teven bits and tino walko antd be Catned Il batters. .ooviUte blanbed Otrabane t-t. F'reelton ovet.pomtt.ed t-t and outhit Eden Mina Cor an M- cbampiooobip victory in the Oadcoocb tour-neaient. Dale Smith ningted Omice in the hirot eame for tout. RBI'o white Gaies bomnered and att King douhled and siogled ta tead tht Lamuutte bîttert. Veleran hurler Jacquet Plaquette held Otrahane scorleto as he altowed one bit and thee walbs. Ht tanned rigt Otrabane hattero. ta tht Freetton tome atu King bomered, tripled and sited whiît Gattt bomered and singied. Smith iripltd and .2eahted and Dennis Sinclair doubled and siogled. Lee Coulson and Dooig Cuterdate eacb tbtgitd tut. Laoile. Winoint pitche. Ron Nixon allowed une run on eigbt bita, walbed one and strucb ott tbrtt. Citamplfnalp le the cbampiuttbip game Sithi douhltd and singled tmire, Bruce Carver and Dtoois Sinclair calb omgled, Ota King dothltd ani Lee Couison, Dove Gailes, Mat-ray Dawson and Mark Btuck oîogied. Lee Coioson mao on the moutr for the it. He atiomed six bita and tht.ee rutsa, malbed none and tacoed 12 hatiero. losuville miO boni Proco. Jliy 14. tahe part in the Port Credit anaet Ot.day andhot tor at mtek ta tht r-Blîf Tbetday July 11 il.W miii play O daadhtHrtby Ttuday Ilege the game beimeen Etaity, Juiy la0 G A.W and U.0,W. mat tained Thursday July 13 Richardsoo's Loville dominaird Otallon out sand wiii be ruscheduled latter. suiv meet UO.W., Rural Ail Star. suieciiono made Weduesday Etlty's Pha.cacy MuOday Ju1y 17 Rirbordton'n vot t.ecootly. Tht Brait astr tbleaco and t4icbat.dton Cbov Oid'n U.A.W., and Tuetday Jly 170 stet Doug Coverdait of Lomvlt again battted bi a dead tack-tlt of U.S.W. oucah lbEtty at irht bote, Dotg Powtel l of14-24, and an Frlday the ntm cah ihElly Loeil tsecond, Jota Jat-st Rotar.y clubrcame tp vith its tilttAtm of Paiermio at third, Obi Kbng of vicioey ove. U.A.W. 29-17. t ns ti touvilt at thort tap, Charlte Hitt.s for Rirbordsot'a ta the ù b ae andeatereoPP aierm cfLobvibh (iirbrds E'soteygamere UflB2 mili pitch. Doit Smith of Bla Gag, Danny Shoton: oft Mrn eni Lowvile, Barry ones of Procor .oaure ami Jay Froaeh mlth Mott Amî em a and Lee Couoison of Lomviie mli bal. A bomne riat mas alanasaoCir - laa play tbo tield. amathtd out by Rues Oaim. gaman tit tesein. Reeently they Gmn Cbîabobon Of Hot.niy miii Great pla sconat a 14-4 mis oser Eden Mliia se action on tht tecond att tar and a 37-i2 dt.tbitg againat itaco ai finat; bost, Lou Adamo Of Gordon Nithet on the Morroiffo. Palermo ai second, Sta Doibel of Rirbardon's tean madt a gret jDaVt Broo andmRmaunand Lomawuvien oatai ibiird, atBtoct play in lthe lot inning ofC tht ti t h ba one Sant e -ooam Oiagbit u Paet-a a obrigame, kmocimg domo a mie liandy Smlhtdn. oego stop, Gave Rirrme- oC Procot drive ta pot out tht tat Etaity teoSv las ai the illt catch, Rot Nionof Lovuiie batie. mtacb if scored mould gamae asdRicukpilt amit&demann svi0 pitcb and Ttt.ry Whiehead ut bave givet Etaity Phar-macy base obetti isrm Prucor, Murray Damson of anoibor vsrtary. Tboy altoo i a Rs rte agtaln i Latevillu and At Paceof Prucat. double play a DanySinm aina intfieand augts ralg l mdll play the field. cagbi a lly tanl and ttn tucted hi all li n asyBt tirt bote Cor lte second mit. tam-td a ineo drie ai abat. Tht La nGamnes tube playtd nent :oek psschidtie iaieSai am Lo w n ~~~aremunMonda y tly10ad Elaley DnBcaa ad nt n î2lot Richtardon% play Mat-tas bo lng ad tîliday Jaiy 14 at U.A.W. ___________ chattengms Etlly Pitatmacy. ~ ____ winnersT-Banl staudings Teaco W L IPTS Ladies'mttuet.tattMilton Lame Eksley Pbatmary 4 - 3 il . d Bomling Club Monday nigitt wtt-t Ricburdson's Citev 3 « 2 8 Betty Muttro, Abico McFaddmn UoSw. - 1i and ey Miltent ta thai ot-dert.sary i 3 i. MOO E mbhieemn'smtauersme.e E U.A.W. Il tl i 3 .T.M O Foter, Bruno Coradetti and %M M Amblta Cairns in thai ot-der. Raited 0ot r aareled games The club is enpetng a full are nom boie t-escittduled. Tht CAMPSLLVILLE bouse tut. a tour tam club Cottoming at-e tht playing timnet 8-2271 taut.tey Thursday tvenitg ai tht and arta mbereiv e abre at-o bo 5 Commercial St. ste. played. Spagheupt 1 tti rMacaroni2~OI Cb.si's whit POTATO CHIPS l'mced iinuite9rll talt, Vinegar, Plain, tor Bar-B-Q t Brao Plain"-Oeg 33c t. -s -I -B R--E AD-- -- ByoePackage at 25c Jspaghetti Sauc 4Tn 9Ot aotoosRgatah and gel act 4 1-oz-- - - - - - -g-33ai tRE Atner -400oz Tins FRE TOMATO JUICE 37c: 4 for 99C FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER 6 9 Çb .Wl SELL ONLY RED OR BLUE 13RAND MSATS FehFeo Lean i resh Lean Meaty CHICKEN Botn PGRK CHOPS 5i. POKHCS 2 LEGS IFrnb Lean Psrb Fretth 49% 1SHOULDER ROASI 450. PGRK LIVER 29? FreshLean 1 Fresh Lean CHICKEN est ,PGRK ROASI 55c.1 SHORT RIS ROASI 751b BREASIS 1--tteLuea pet Frei Lean 49 l SPARE RIBS 491b !BLADE ROASIS 691b FreshLean IFresh Lean Grousd BLADE orCHUCK STEAKS 1b. i OUCK BEEF 79b. Fresh Lea 1 FresttLean I PleobLean BncI PRIME RIB iPRIME RIB BRAISINC STEAKS Ici .1 ROASIS 99c, Ries 59 AV TSO PCAS IN r ETT6PMST R A ER ER E1H IH '0 .II Q N - ' i F 1 eiamVion Lote runs cost C'v'il le goame Pee Wees pick up six points PUBLIC SWIMMING MILTON COMMUNITY POOL ROTARY PARK Every Afiernoon: 1:30 -4:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday Nights: 5:00 - 8:00 AOULI SWIMMING Monday, Wednesday, Friday Nights: 8:00 - 9:00 Tuesday, Thursday Nights 7:00 - 9:00 TEEN SWIMMING Saturday Night: 6:00 - 9:00 Sunday Night: 6:00 - 9:00 CHILOREN tander 12) - 15 cents STUDENTS (11llIover) - 30 cents AOULTS lover 18) -50 cents P fi ey and 1 held adde a1001 Tone Ad HurE Blai (lin tmo, Jud) ttad a andi Cout bitai mc cotte Wi mc dite bout 'y ci1 c it ant. StI att ci to Str plic Was ad brlu tai and Il oh and b1 h