Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1972, p. 3

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on, then me seselvs frram faibe, mithiut ilng someusels itisai It masn't Nsrts Burfinglos reuldeulu miss preently bave Milton or Campisellvilie encisange pisone aimbers mdll os isave thse dsutinction sf seelsg thisel 00mai lit 0h w pisane nosMitos rid HIllo-Bulstu. Memsiers ni tise Upper Burfing- ton Citizais Fsrum leacssed lis ducing a public meeting Wed- nesday, Jidy 5, from W. C. ons, Beil Canada's Milton Excisange Manager. Thie meeting was issld in lise Ellbride Paislic Scimul, Kiliseide. Ciliseai ut tise nortiters portin of Ourisgtsu huse iseen esperiencing dilficultieî mits tiseir pisane service, one of Use major probisma b Rat muuy ni lise peuple lise in Burlingtnn isut hase Milton oe Campisellills phoune sumberi. Confuin This situation tends ta lead tu ouilems mils tise uperatnrs, cosplain ares renidents. QIsite a numberuofpeople relate eturies ut relativs ur iriesds isusing poslemns pbouing tiser. The relative woud tell lbe operator the party tSiey wunted lised li ssriigto. The namber msald b iute i n lise Milton pisone isois, and tise uperar wnald b onable ta locate Use party. Laot seseis meeting mai Use aiconme ut a uimilar gaUsering i Decemiser isetmees Ourses and ufiser Bell represenlatises and memisers of tbe Upper Ourlinglon Citinens Forum. Parpoue s! lbe ussemisly was tu delve mlo lbe main prsblems people in tise nortisers portion o! Blarfilsgton hase miSs Useir phone service. Dsu'lsg tise December meeting Ourses promised te present Use peuple's proisteis tu Bell Canada's eugmneeri toc a stady. lie isad asised Use groap te, b patient and tn, os miat unswers Use mngiieers csald fid. TIses pruisleiss ounnes, Barlingtos Excisange Manager Peter Croome, and Asistant Phone Manager Jon Rtamsay presented the resaits ni the engiseers' studies la an audience of approsimately 60 people os Wednesday. Ourses lîsted tisree muin ra of complaint be flt tise crowd mai concersed seitis. Tise tisree problins mere: lai ares resîdente mant la ise identiiied miRh Use commasiiy misere Usey liseSarlinglas. (lscitizens mast an urisan type type of telephose service ut reamonable rates. le) local pbone saisucriberi inant toll-lree calling to Hassilton. Mont of Use adience flt Use Sell manager bad bit Use suil os Use bead. Tisey sen learsed oidy mne of tbree main objectives is leasible aithUe present lime-Use point o! identification mitis Burlington. Liii lu Burlinglun Oels ansmer la Rbis proislem, Ourses esplaised, blate place Oorlisgton residenla wiUs Miltes and Campblvill!phone sueru i lbe Sarlinglan section ni Use Hamilton ores pisone bonis. ise compasy started a sarvey ni inisabitonso n Jone 12 and isy Use enîd of Asgmst ail Use fumes miS bie lîsted mîth Burtingtun idformationi operators. A sew phsone bonis miSl ie issued by Use lirst of Decembar and Use names milI b inserted, iaid Ourses. Abaut 50S nomes are îsvolved. Sut il mas sememisat ni a steibe-out tor Use cromd on Use isues nf oislaiig arisas type phsone service ut reasooniste rates and free caliing te Hamilton. Tise ressor for tise demand tor tlS-lree calisg boi Hamilton sa UsaI masy tîpper Burlinglas people bave moved Rhere frose dnmntows Barlingtos or Htamilton and ste!l mainlain tien mUsh Rese arisas arean Uscougs employmest, relatives and pointe ofdînterest. luth cesi A request foe arisas type service sa based os Use tact Rhat a goid pornosn of Use meua base onty molti-party lises asd mant private or serns-prisate service. Also, tbey teel phione charges are ton bîgis. Earlîest possibile date Bell ongbt provîde tisese services mas 1975i, Ou mes indicated. Price teg toc créating an arisas type phsone syntein and telI-Irer cailisg to Hamilton itl be oser $1l,00,000O,000, tise manager claiined. OSe inlend te, conduet a sarvey in 19130!f Borlînglan peuple miso have citiser Milton or C'ampbell- ville escisanges te enable us tu oblain tise majncity's misisn"i Ourses remarised. Be esptuiseb te tise members Use sarvey returns oid have tei prose Use majority of cîinieon mant a cbange. if toll-iree caling inan made avaîlable il would elînninate Use Imesent free pbaning la Oakisle, Casspiellville and Georgetowns, cautiosed Barns. "But perisapn Rhis o misat tise vast mujority ni people desire,"1 b noted. Depidon unances Aol Use misisai-for isaprove- mente te, Use phone service tesge n Oels money raiuisg programas. "Financing te meet baie gromUs and sapply service mbre tbre is none nom bastei b gises priority oser the type oi service insprovemest Use Upper Burlingtos grnap mante," Ourses marned. Burnes indicate' OeIl's fimoncing pictare miii deterisie df Use cempony carrnes out sent year's proposed pisone narvey. Th1e manager tld Use eromd Use plions cempany oidy received OS per cent ofte $78,tgf,Sti it anlted for i a rerent application. Audience reaction te Bornes, enplanatiunu ni lise situation canged fromt anger lu, disappoint- ment la, an andecilandisg ofthUe mot factor involsed. Tisey filon esprenand gratitude for Beli's ntedy ai Use pcoislem. Chsarges monopoly Ose memiser of tise audience ronred Use ront cause ni Use proisiem mas Usat Bell ieuda masopoiy and ceidd do jont about mbat il pieased. 'Weisave a monopoly, yen, isat me aiobhave to provide service tn ail our cesomern, even if Use cot of service ostmeigho tise cetunso," cluimed Boctioglon Manager Peter Cronme. Tom Patience, of itiliscide, qoeriedUshe practicai use of a 1973 phsone oarsey meeting Use seedo of 1975i phione inoprosemenla. **We base la olact semembere. OSe hope te gais as idea of misat ail the people munI," soggented ourses. 'By otatinticn me cou project mbt Use fature." Hîs dlaim Bell relied os ntatîstîcs mas cisailesged isy Bruce Toonlinson of 51.5. 2, Milton. -Wiy did Oeil gel se far boisind in pcedictmng Use cisange of ibis ores irom a curai tu, an arisas settmng?' Dida't know -t miis lI ke, buat l'eu sorry 1 don't," said Baciies, appocestly poaoled. Ose wmon issucied tise ffiiiilne ero png i a populace baving to dependsona mi-pocty lise. -l'eu a midon miRh tmo citîren. Ibm do i get isold of Use doctor in an emecgency ii l'un on a nise pacty fie," inqaired Mcs. Salis Mead of Kiliscide. Mcs. Mead onîd si.- did- bave a phsone isecasse ail sise ced obteis mas a iiled-to-capocity pocty ise. -lwoilddboeepeople could co opecate if yoo told tisein il man an emergency," ofiered Ourses. A public telepisone may b installed snas open air setbong in Use Lomvile or Kiliscide orea, Rhaniss to a suggestion irom ose moman attendîng Use meeting. Tise lady said il inigist be a good Rhing in thseevent of emergency. OurnsnonpliedBellmigst look at needsolthe ares fvr only a lein ise recommssdotios. years befoceitmouldbhave teise scrapped,"ý be stated. Iucal encisange 'Tbe tino-boar meeting esded in At Use Novemiser foram u plan a seemingly amicable manner. la create a local escisange i Use Aiter tbe lormal tels Bell repre- taimviile and Kiliscide accus mas sentatives and members of tise dicaussed. But lait meuh Ourses audience discassed indi-idual dismiosedR te idea an impracticai problems some of the pmople are and cestly. "lmoaid cont $25i0,000 especîencîng wiîR tbeîc teleplione tu, construct and moidd nerveUshe service. -Cccle yoar celesdar som, Use 1972 Steam-Era reanios miii be beld in Milton Sept. t, 2 and 4. GERTRUDE BYTarioGO LCICtEta 'TN DiostObI' Hihitos 4-H members, 17 o! Rein aI lcast, mîlI ise bany travelling on exchange trips andi tu cegiostai coolecences ibis From July 22 - 29 a scoop of 10 deserving b-H'ersinill visit ith 4-HIers icom tise State ni Maryland. Tis is part of tise escisange tcip in mbîcb Haltes paiscipoted mîtb Maryland last year. Tes delegates irom tisece opent a meeli in tise homes of Halton 4-Hers lant sommner. 'The members attending are Valecie Ella, Horsby: Leais i.eslie, Actes; Secyl McEnery, laneisoune; David Mcinnon, Milton; Ken McNabb, Gleorgetown; Gave Reidi, George- teo; BeRh Laidlain, Norval; Desmus McClare, Georgetown; 'Tom Panker, Campbellcille; avnd tilace Bird, Georgetown. 'lie Regiosal 4-H Conlecence thsîsyear will be ed August 8-10 ait Ytork University. Tiss cenieresce is for 15-year-old 4- H'ers. 'lie delegates attendisi Icoîn Haltos tes yeac are Bruce Mciteomn, Caledos East; Rois Marray, Actes: tes McDonald. Georgetown; KeiRh MeKinnon, Milton; Barry Reidi, George- tein; Jane Nixon, Norvat; andi os OSlmoît, Milton, 'lie Haltes Coanty tivestocs Judgmng Campetition wîlI be belSi on Wedsesdoy, Augant 2 dscîvg Use day. Tisn activity âil taise place sn Use Acton area this yeac. 'i'ie competition is open to anyose in 4-H or Juior Faciners whisbis26 vears ni aie or onder. tt WHAT ACOW A miniater midised into a littie bar in Use course o! tes metiace monk andi orderai a glans of milk. By misteise, b wsea served a npiised eggsog. biter drintei tl la Use lait drop ise raised bis eyes upmacd and mas beard te say, "Lard, mbat a rom". THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Aailsorlied as Seond Nunbr -0913 wiialso lie use tisaI Acteevement l)ay for Use Halton 4-H iivestocs .lsdîing Club. Members in Rhis club must attend andi judge ail dassin veder tu complete tiru projcl. to aBucket or Barrel1--0 of the best-tasting chîcken in town.. Kttkyl Fi Ckiel 1ý chickenvjiffa Main and commnercial Milton 878-4171-2 No toiI-free, caling yet, but List North Burlington phones in Bu rlington-HamilIton books DANGEROUS SAFETY PINS Containers' Association oif T e Canada marna mothers that Tih salety pins wits plastic heado a ei, i lest sale tisas ordinary pins Salivaio n1m because they break easily. 'Mmy pins mils tise steel head tiat PICK-UP TRUCK< stîdes sp to, aidantes and dnmn ns in Miltnn il bren isold tse pin shol, are te mont EVERY TUESOAV satiniactory. CAC headquacte r OîOs arttaia 10on cstratretn.-52 areaa Ontrnio.se Stre Corne to your ne dealer for brand newv 1972 Mode! VOLKSWAGIENS (Non Panoe yoqua1i Guaranteed tas ce as nong as any nther ecnmy car 2 yeacs nr 2d,000 mi les warrasty. lso ee u snle offlyrcnsditisd 100 par cent guaeed sd cars.I I Vnlkswagen Service and Warranty Repair ervceDeptn openThrst 9 pmI Freecounes ca biappnment n j ~Um~É IIff CONTINUES MEN'S WALKING SHORTS Kvts, Cottms Pemd Press Polyesters-i Sizes SLEEVESP R DRESsSH Kvts, Polyesters andi Cottonis-Al S zes Mes s Spring and Sumeser CASUAL JACKETS cis beaiser Satari andi Battle Jacket Styles Mes s Sumee R K SHOR MIIIflV Bac oc SLEEVEP LO E Cottoc F F LACK SUITS amo TOPS Ith ewest Styles andi Colors SUlE DRESSES A Uside Variety oi Styles andi Colors 2o- OFF LADIES' SHORTS ATOPS LONG GOWNS LADIES' BATHINO SUITS the FREE PARKING AT REAR 0F STORE MIITDMDEI)RMENT STORE HOURS *U M- U U !Open dail opm 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261 Tisurs. Fr to9 p.m. PLAYGROUND LEADER Lyns Frame ses Ste slsock metnsd ni a siscit shistie te catch Use attention id hec charges aithlie W. 1. Dicis Scltool. Belnm, Steves ( orradetti and David TonelS v.mprlî' in a gamne oi Lad- (1cr's v hile other childrcs play secece in tbe background. The local playgcoond is orgasized by a gconp ni ais- versîty aSnd iigit schosl stodents working fnr Milton Recreation Committee andi is bing held St Bruce St. and J. M. Denyes Schosls and Roary Park os meil. (Photos by J. Jenflingsl MI LTON DOMINION HARDWAàREJ 227 Main St. MilIton 878-2253 Ynnr Conves est Headqoarters for Pool Chomicals là Equipmont We have a cnmplete sientf pnol chem icals andi equipment anSi are qualit ed tn help ynu witis ynu rpool L I I Ask about our bacispard above the ground pools ONL Y 9.95 & 195 4-H members travel to Maryland for week

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