Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1972, p. 19

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Rural-Urban Exchanget Oakville girl enjoys week with Nasscigaweya farm girl Stery aud potos Bp Don O'Reily Sentdra Early sud Bandesa Siiuy King are tniu prodoctu of differeut reirusiments miso titougit tisey bave sirnilur; blterestu, issue sligbtly differeot lifestyles. aegaeegs Bute Saudysargrd ih students mO are aUli =ur ut misat tsey muant ta do mite tel %9tý - brons. Tiscyre mot rratiy marrird about the situation, Ossougis. Bols arr 13 yeas oid, Sandre Kîog; attendu Ne.i Centrai Publi chocitn Oskisutle sud wili mont lihely emmli ut tiaisilie Trafalgar Igis Scisuol mbenshoe cornplrteu grade elist Sendira Early lu s stienstu Broobuitie Public Scissul, mito ba plannaing tu go to dcoi iet id tu tue isis uose ou er ise suas àO trested ut f Hospitaf. allermuish the - Fift i le, dl, oser ftse Bil Cool ey Crawford, MrS, Robert 1 tise Hurnby cufey. irk bd gaut wiSis ir MeCann, ni ut Fergu e Tlsrd Uine, Stuart Eider ud mils tise ison Prood, Mmorefld ,ere Suday mitit Miss s sud Jîi Rd. lu Mr. sud Bromnridge weddlsg If. Mr. sud r, Bive peurs r, sud Mms. sfu onu Juiy icisuet Joues, u go to Mary nond Furd, Mes, D. Stephsesson, Mrr Crouler. go ta Ricis [lI7HLE SANDRA EA.RLY ls busy muking struwberry jusoi Sasdy King in prc-uccispiedwitb sumpfisg tise miaircs. (Phsotus iy D.O'Reilly Sctuot mites site fliises ber ci pubie scismi edoucatisu, Depessdoenland Sendira Esrfy lu tise fourts gesteratisu Eariy te flue su tise Eari y feai (s Ceotury Faria) os 25 Slderosd lu Nsuusgsweyo, tiendra's parents Don sud Jesu Earf y vinw lite ttrougs tise eyes upeple miso depend os lise land for thisurcae ut inrme, Thse otiiler Senndra (Sandy la au resideut ut subturin Oaiife, subere sises lieut for tise pout pear. Bel ore fisut site lived in Preston. Thout tann tempo niBO rosssidersbfy ufomer thssulber fumsent burnetomu, sne daims. issio Kiogus fatiser ;a an se- moutant wilti tise Otario Mils Assucatisu. St nias bilseof uitis year'n Urisso-fias Exchanuge Progruni tintdra King mus aise ra lutay mitis tbe Earfys. In addition toi beibg a fu tisse, tise meuh-long ventare gave ber a brieS pice ot a lite different tissulber nom. cuit la low Tise fJrits-Bursi Prograrn attemsss te plae as urin pougter os a formiSur a mers sudtlodgrsa farrn ciid mitis s city fsrndy Sur mursn dayn. Cunt in sufy titrer doSas per youtb sud bths tie bouit famnilles are muvered isy nisarauce. .'We're isopisg tu iniprve relations isctwrrs tise urbin ideelier snd tise fermer. Ttrugi Itise progruni tbe purticiputisti ritdres cas sec tisas lite us a farrn or vice-versa lu differcut, tiss mitt tisepur bren se- terned te," nuises Jsuet Hanter, HuItos-Pret Cu-ordiuuter ut tise prugralm. Miss Hanter, mito oporaten teorn tise Miniistry ut Agricsultusre Buldingi os Mais St. lu Miltes, saysuvery fcm farsueru hae insdirated luterrot is the progrues yet. SIm uptirnintie tise situation mil i uproue," site states. Applicauts are ritun os suris erîterîs as marks sud attitude in scissut sud mitetier or sot tise porticutar studeut nioufd brurfit frorn tise ruald outisu. . Osr Oshusir tani, tiasdy Kingi dursu't isos misy site mas nefented. Bot shens glatd tu ae lied tise opportusity tu henp mitis tise florin, cOures, eren mises it j relis clinog out of bced ut 6tIti r d ete faiy' comn to tise isam for rnifhiug. lu'e atmo learurd sonn useful tips os bissig frorn Sandra,' remueks Ssudy. ALI mort sud no play niaises Jark Sansdyl a dufI pensn. flic gis did't issue ai tbeir timr scheduled formwork. We&m speut suîrnîg ut tise Rochmuod Conservation Paris," espiains Sandra Eariy. Wisp dîd the Karlys decide toi porliripote lu tise prugrani' 'Wr iscard tise orgasizers eeded ist forint asoities, so0 we ber trips restrîrord ta Caiornia erided O hellp out," says Mrs. or Hawaii-Europe bus no eau Early. appeal. Diflercut ides A rolfege or uoiuersity course "fo giueo yooogsters a chanore io proisobty iu tise offînti for Saody ta see misat farming is reuffy Kiog. Saodra Eurly mont sure lise,' adds Dos Early. "Sorne sse'il suant aoy more educatios city youts tiik food corneo atter comptetioti publir sud higs dlrectly froni tise cas.' schoof. Whote tise two young tudies Pleuty teu be dofag have simîtur interests, they Last meek'o esperiecre wsa mitaio orpurate ideotities. -taise tiîgs as tise corne affuir" Sandra Earty keepo lier beir for tisegirlo. They mere uever foot short, wiie Saody Kiogos haïr for somettoog te do, tisey report. cascadesuisusot tobher ohooldero. 'tisse ws divided betmeeo ferra The Oukuite gi dreaus of aod kitrheo chires, iisg, becoosîog su airioe stemardeso swiimosg. sud espforisg. sud travellisg ta Ssuîtoertasd. Ose ttoog tisey did sot do mas Sandra Earty masOs ta ester tise plus tise nesO day's eventa, sys berne erooumir profession or Mrs. Eartp. 'Wiseo yuu're os a worin l tise serretariat tise. farmtisere's just nomay yoursun fise Esriy gi masos lin tour to, plan for asytiig," sise otiser tsuds toci, isot sise'd keep cosafuded for tise fsrnîfy. Crops full short of good prospects By Evans Estabroos are sosu devetopisg wetf sn tiss Froston Jue t0 acroos Osfario ares and moot ut Ontario. sud met weatiser in betis Ontario sud tise easters seauard le V e i i U.S. is adversefy affected pro- duction of fruit sud vegetaiste Tisspig prospefor a ful Science aftrthe frest of Jose tu asd tise r n fruit rut wiri deuefoped s a C n r resait of met meatiser sn iste Jur, titis putentiaiiy aisudost By Henry J. Stanley crop taroed toi ose tue betosu Os Wedonesdsy, Joty 5, tise sucrage. Titis redoctios ut rrop Haitos -f-H Agricuitaraf Clubs ws reffected os tise isigiser price rnmisers trsueiied tu tise Ostario ut strawuierries sn tise Scienre Centre, Toronto, for tisei" superosarset atiougs piris-yoar- snuai bus trip. Tis sip is 0w0 uperationi retaiord tiseir spsued isy tise Kisussis Cluis of regutar price. thse Kigssay inToronto. At nooe Boost Prires relrestients sucre prouldrd isy Adversewestisermintiseeasters tise Kiusujaus. U.S. bas rrsuited in a redued H'r tisheietok auo aio volume ut caisiage sud ffr h setcsraotu rautif tomer bieîg sisipped istu day aitie Uniucrsity of Goelphs Ontario. do a resuit, Ontario Joly 13. Tisey wiii hssue classes suppliers saur sot iseen aiste tofu diry, beel, siseep snd ommne iseep op ta demand resuloing luandwilcuuiauatr tse iassssse isigiser prîces at tise urgetubte os tise type of the animai and iii monter. performance, rate of gais, miii fise sesu Ontario potatu rrop iroduction, etc. nosu beisg issruested but mas set beck isy tise ure frost. -Cresus arr odring sud stosn Most fruitland ergetable cropo local roado fisis suetk Control Iivestock I pests with CHIMICALS sJTILIZING a bauldet os a spot O reax are Eariy. (Photo bu D. O'Reitiy) thec two Sondes. Suudy Kiug and Sandra NO MEETING tisis suesk aud tere suereut couecîl mueeting. A reguise Milton Coucii ied no meetsug enougabise to attend sud maise meeting nia3 l bcied neut suivis tisîssuceistoormny coosiciiors ip a quorum tor cîtier depending on boni rny hauc isoses sommer isolidays cumssittee meetings or a fl cooncillors are stilli n tumu, e~ The rest is up to you. Delioeesg s constant Slow ut ponds, depeudsby sud sstnip-tbst's pous Hydeo's roundi tise-dock responsbisty. Aud isecause eiectricity peovides su msuy services o depeudisiy, suost boners use taise itueo geauted, And pet. su rnuy bornes 00cr tee yesrs suit, tise ctuaisy ot service is srurrey eestricted-simpy isecaise tise wsnîng is outdated and suadectuate Rewiriug cas maise s suscieof ditterruro. In coueirure, isy prooîdsug ample outiets aud swstcis suisre yoo issus tbrr. ne performance, isp briugîug foul power toi pour applsances o tisat tisy cav operate as peais ettscsency. lu saSetp, bp elsrnatsug tise hacards ot au 00cr tisîdeurd susssug system. Good rasos Sor giving top priority to pois borne aîsssug subru yuu cuussder mabsuf improuemeuts. Iu Sund out nisat seusssssg can do Sor yoar horne. cail a quaitsed Electsrai Motesusaiu coettactur Aned ask ism aboiS She Hydro Finance Plan-au easy wsp tuofst tise worbststot u budget. Featherstone Electric Generai Wsnîng & Repaîrs. Electrsc Home Hratiug Budget terrms avaîlable 6619 Hwy. 25 878-6378 Milton McPhaiI Electric Ltd. 878-9513 66 Charles Sf, MilIton 877-5795 ludustrial-Cummercial-Farms-Homes Electrsc Heatsng Installations Nadailin Electric Company Limited 3153 Baseline Rd. Mi Iton 878-4111 Engineering-Consfroctior Service- Lighisfîg Sisowroomn-Sopplies -I SANDY ANtD SANDIRA are utmwork inthse Kurfys'gus'deo c C1. c CeI 4412 WoliW look affer you long affer the sale! Yu cas drive pour car' for ose year or 12,000t miles send if anyfi g gues wvroug, asd It's the Manofactorer's fao t, t w il s bel sieul free Complefedetal sufftis 1972 rew car guaranfre are ul splsyrd os tise wisdow of every sew car sn our showroom! Mises yoor 1972 American Mofors car --cornes ir for goarsutreed repair work asnd service tise recessary work will ise doue quickly sud dune well. In addition if if is urcessary tu, suon on pour car for more tisai une day we'll pruvide pou esiti a Loarer Car at no cost. George Ciemnents A eoricaon ________ PrteCtfon Motors PUaiExcl4usive Whou you'rs Iosking for a nmw car - look whsrm thé prios tag se roasonable and the. service se supsrb. ALLAI GLEMENTS - AND SON Brante St. S. Milton ~51S7823 Ne. CO-OP UH IVETC sseutptose tsscteotor PRAY cuetases s mixtue il ents t tesu u s tus, ray uslpe aerdsfenal speay orestostsc spray eqipeet Redsccs tic po pula tios.n CO-OP LIETC vscgSPPAY o and sale on dairy animais, tCoes u spu r CO-OP WARBLE KILE cos C-P CYtON on i a poîueonsetsd for coutrul eeromeneded foe isuusetip of warbus andice on raSSi Sontrouin aud aeound lise Loustork sisuid Ou treted sock bilsdings. One gallun ie tise fsit. A slgie ut tisu peepseedssprs ,ii tsOstmeet iu tise fali ujîil cour t5tto 1200 uae teet. giesa og louse One application sely f-e controsu le etfective up su s cireki or United Cs-perssioosof Ontario B RON TE ST., MI LTON 878-2391 9

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