Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1972, p. 18

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86 1h. Champion, Milton, Ont. Wodnesday, July 12, 1972 SWEEP program 56 students work with HRCA F:11 six losai stodents hase bren hired by HuIlon Regioo Con- servation Authoeîly undcr the Pr osuosual Gos ec ornets Stodcols Woring in an Eoviconcocutul Enhuocement Pcogram- SWEEP). Sicre lte prograco startcd Inn weebs ago, a widc sucîety oftorh lias bren undertuken. For examplr (rose building, painting and buildiog of tlower h.dn las bren donc ut Keiso Conservation Aiea .Anotroworh renhas bren itusy haymng and paitingl thc isokout bowr aI Moonisiteet ionservatmon Accu. Sonne studenin norit on ronstrcoun; they hase bren buidng gabion baskets ai Caulisie Coninonîly Pond and aI Sinlero Valley Con- servation Aiea. home cleacing of the M orîson .Wedgeood Disersion Choannel in Oabsille bas aiso bers undertaiten. Technicet adoisors bo addition 10 tise wort crens, thereis a groop ofsix otdeno rooployed as technisai udoinoro. They are engagril ini doing sncb things as an ecologicul sarsey of Cruoford Laite 10 delermine ils poirobiailiris, socrying, and or:bing reports (rom lte data obtaiord. A fih population slody os also unit onderay, ail the waterways in the walerohed are bing studird. Another terhnicui adoisor las beco doiog photogrupie nork toc teAutitorily. A sfide sludy nf the rcreinuthernulcrsicd isheiig curcird ont. in ordr la delermine whither dumping ot tilI regulutions arc being met. ToIn office Thtre are aiso mno slodents who do ciericai wonk in the ottie. '[bey assîsl lte cegular statf, and take on sorte ot thc duties ot staft wo are on holiday. Edurulîn s a sutai parI ofth1e progruco. uccocdmng lai Brion Hall, SWEEP Supervisor. The sludenlo vsitld lthe Canada Centre for Iland Waters on te uftromo of Jety 6, 10 leaca something about lbcir opecutinon. More educutional outingo are pianned llaougboul lte sommer, in the lape of muing the oludentn more unace ofth Soniriemental protection Inogrucos nhich arr in opecutiun in 1510aies Oh pro, the pîctuce on page one ofthbe wo girswit teir shovels up: titryre SWEEF cmpluyccs ltrendu Cramp of Cucophelîsîlle und Jane Galbithl of Burling. tan. l A SWEEPING AFFAIR is Seing conductei titroughout the park and conservation holdings of Haltan Region Conservation Authity hy aimost 60 sommer empoloyons this summer. The - workcrs are higb ochool und universigy students mitS titis yercs SWEEP - Studeuts Woriting witit un Environcocutul Enitoncemeut Prograco. Many of the ecology-conscious lue s t. ~ academocs have heen husy bruutitying the Kelso Conservation Are.op, Steve Young uses o long, long, long scythse to prune SeaS limbs from a trer. Upper Icît, Kimbuil Morriss, toremus %olé of~ oth (lcorrstcy crew aI Kelso moites short norit of tiem deud - ~ ~ ~ e iOris. Laer right, Jan Galbruitht and Bob Harris hegin ocorit on aî fioner Sed neur the entrance gute of the punit. When the fisarrs are in bui bloom they wili spei the word Kelso. Bottace refi. pianting finmers is one of the tasits umsigned ta Cindy Griree (Photon hy D. O'Reilly) IFarm free repIaoeMeum* -M.n aotchdMn eclipse ofthe sun through toggcd flbotbc ooiy sale way 10 sie pr@gaam Iere such a hnmo, Haltn Reion onsevatoecryt for the blacki oainul. t uhortý s rovdin a ar h sarc tbrrctu four et îrcc repiacemeol peogram (or A oîoomoi f5trces canhbe j .C re irthe rhîya piacird toi one Year, witt lte Thi srvceis valaletomaximumforthis samneperiod ibis snersî wo saaiiu 10 lam 50. The Ireeo mustl e a aTM TDC aof nr-rs.bbar mmmm piocîd ut roasI 200 fret (rom the OPO ERS s 'M ars.Te Authorîty nili roîdence. ltis expcr lllt pnosminand lat The re s u t a londonner MIL laite reusosuble à BURLINGTON a mmînichrgrhrcîsaidc precaulions tu rosuce usaI thse carîeîy of trees asallale wite tiers, once pia nlet, o, enioy a MALL onit, moontaîn asit, blach locusl, succestal growlh. The Aultorily siser nape, Cueoinu poplar. caol lahe rrssibiiy(rIe = T ced oah and black nulaut. AUttir ater )blhe Y as e os I LEPIIONE ffl-77M j tiers are eigbl toi 10 (ccl bigh, planted. Biaoaiiliaaaiaiooiii Hornby Boy bitten by dog has plastic surgery By Mro. Jîse Harnilton The St. Stephen's Churrh congregation held their annual Csichen Barbecue un Saturday evening, July 8, at the Hornby Park. lh. menu conslstod af ciuen, deliciona salade, bante, pie, cote and ten. Abit 15W people attonded the onnuel event. Congratulations la Mr. and Mrn. David Baten (non Cathy Blinco> who oece maecled on Fcuday evenung, July 7, et St. Stephenus Anglican Cbarch. Rev. Cannon James E. Maxwell performed the weddtng cecemony. Donald Gatan ond hie grand- son, Donete Binill of Hamilton, vinîted with Mc. and Mca. Jion Hamilton on Sattncday. Garden Party flic 2515 annuet Gardon Pact .111 h. held at tie Hocnby Par on Satucday night, Jaly 15. Prie. lai the pertormance a baaehell gamne nill be played at 7 pon. Tho jovial Vince Muntford wil1 h.n la charge ofthe pertfornance. He la enpected lai keep the ccood la stitchen. Kent Hamilton ofth1e Nlath Uàne, Hocnby, bas been viultlng with Mc. and Mcs Don Sien ut Milton. Anniverary greetinga are entended ta Mc. and Mca. Gurdon Biacpe .w .11 celebcate thil nedding annivecaary July 12. Bicthday greetingn are entonded la little Daclene Ruth Death who will celebrate hec ticat hicthday Jety 19. Auuivernacy treetinga are extended to Mc. and Mca. Grest Bieiu, .5e wil relebeate thil wedding annlvecsacy, July 17. Bicthday gceetingn are enicnded to the tnlloig .50 ace Drumquin Western visitors By Mine.CecilPateec Mc. and Mcu. Aalawy Rabdnsn of Malton, Mc. and Mca. Carl Ccuuiec of Streetavie and son Gary and Mc. and Mcs. Peter Millec wece recont dinonc gonata with the Lorne Chamberlain family. Mca. Agnea Rippon ut Gibbona Alberta vinited wi15 fnomer neighbocu Mca. Tucu and Mca. Mccry at the hume ut hiec son William Tallyn and tamlfly. S5e plans lu ceturu ta the west on Fcîday by aur. Brtletay greetingu go h.i Mca. Yvonne Simpaon, Michael Hemington, Judy Saunders and lacun Melanon. celebraing their bicthdays, Judy Saunders and Mes Wilnna Ellis obo will celcitrate thiter hidih- days on JuIy 12, Mrs. Don Brander and Ian Break ons July 15, Margeai Sea on Maisday Jety 17, and Don Hamllton.July 18. Anniveraary gceetlnga go out te Mr. andMrs. Harry tLmenho ll celebrate their weddlag ;nivocaary July15 anmverac nyM Sucgery oas performed en Keith Ruddell, age 11. The Esueuiug youth had lai have pluilusg arry on hos note on Thurudy niht atter lie wus latten hy a dog. Heoreas tcmad ut the Peel Memorial Hospital. Police said the ncoiiter with the ilag took plae on the F1115 Uine, mcrl of 10Sldrod, anar the layas home. Mc. and Mca. BUl Cooley attended the weddlng ut Mc. and Mca. Raymond Mille on Saucday econing, Jety 8. Thse bride oas 1efoconer Pal Crawtord, daaghter of Mr. and Mca. Robert Grante.d, whoonned the Hom.by Store pciar la Mc. Cooley. Omcogh Family party honors Le Clark By Un. Ceeg Pattermi Congratulatios 10i Patay Patte.so, blgbest la ber claies, Bicot Oclialm came second and Laure Marshall. tbird. AU received arademe anards aI Perry Merry Schonl lac wark la grade tu.. Tbelc tache. oas Mcar. Barbera Hela. A tasnily gel tugethe. oas haitd authe home ot Mca. Lilie Clark on the Ficat UÀne on Sanday July 9 wbeu hec daughte.s, their Isansid and 1h. graudeblldren gatliered la banu hec on Se. hirthday. A barbecue and complice nus enjoyed by ail. Bsctlniay cake, gift and gond wiabes Oece besaowed on this happy occonion. Ne. aelghor Gel oeil niahes la Harold Rond, oho la doing oeil and home huita losptal tollng Mu raent arcident. Welcume la Mc. and Mcs. Peter Miller of Oakvlile, nho have moned lla the fine non home on the FouISh Lino, fe.mccly ond hy 1he laIe R. R. Ford. Mca Edith Joyce nf 11.1. 5. Mit. on a a oeekend gonat .115 her ulule. Mca. Roar McCann, Mca. Gladys Benham of Fergan nan alan a Sanday visite. aI the McCan hane on the TSlcd Uine. David Macco and Stlont EIder of Toronto bolidayed .115 the Baynor lamily test neek. Mc. aind Mca. William Proud, Ann and Ken ut Moorefteld Onitario, Mca. Ena Tuch and Elmer Douglas oece Sanduy dinner guonts wi15 Miss Margaret Douglas and Jim Graham, Britannia Bd. Congratulations 10 Mc. and Mca. George Bco.nridge celebratiag a oeddlng amivecsacy Jety 10. Mc. and Mcai. Robert Crouiec, [ive ycors an July 15 and Mc. and Mrs. Rohert Bronnridge alan on Jety 15. Mc. and Mca. Michael jonce, July 8. Bictleay greetingn go lu Mary Vandenalh, Raymond Ford, David Hadtield, Mcar. D. Lawrence, Tammy Stephenson, EKen Proud and Harr Ccouiec. Bolated greetinga go la Rick Ronan and Hil Lochie. 1~ ~DISPENSING OPTIONS *Oculist Prescritons FîiIed *Contant Lenses HOURSI OURS - tonFri. 9 a ns. -5.30 p.m. Mon. & Wed. 9:30 ar. Thunra- 90 Op.-, -6p.m. Closed Saturday Friday 9:30 arn.- 9 p.rn. 175 Lakushore Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. È. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILON BILLIS AUTO BODY 269MAIN SIRLFT MILTON 878-2721 878-3251

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