KFJ9 gable ouffée biais isiet. Jhey rlsskers misa Ice wosmiers. 49o 990 au ER 's PRICE 1 and 10 i The hanse antd tise scisaul isave ta bu a team ta prepariag sbadents for a rapidly cisangiug saclety. One cant expect lise atlser ta accept tise fusll respansbility. Becent meetings butwees parents, tagis scisal officiatsansd staff indlcated tise scbual csu do certain tisg, but parental diaciplinse, applied intihe home atmanpisere, lu stili of prime importance. Milton District Hligis Scisaci principal Cisarles Hanter summed it up seell wbun bu naid nue have a camman jais tai do, sud wen ' t get it dane if me dont mark tagetiseri" Sittinsg tltrassgl uhse tan recent meeins, me came away mils the impression the scisual te datag ailit can bumanly do ta, stem tise cansumrptica of alcaisal andi drugs andi ta keep the students gtsided tamard prapur moaa cassduct. Tisere are sumte misa daim the scisual ta f alliag dama sud butag tac teient mitis tise utudente, but same of tise respasibility isas ta rent mils tise parents. Carrent prablens are, simply, a reflertian of Society 1972. Theu scisual ta iarced ta accept misat saciety accepta. The parente isave ta set lise examples. The old sng nIevery5bS5y else ta dctag it' sisauld ast sway those amure sud iaterested parents misa stand by tisuse Womeaîs Lis supparters mW ib hsappy ta note te temnalu students autrautedîbue beys ta the Grade 13 lista publisisud ta lest metks Chsampian. Five girls mere amang the top sevea scisalars misa received Ontario Scisularsis far ouer 0 par cent Imith treu Susus isuadtag te list) andi ail fiye stedenta misa ubtained a place an te scisualis fis-st clas isanurs list for iseviag ouer75 par cent it isir exeous mure tramn the dtstetf side of te lice. A Wsnnlpeg f asnly voilsisured ta, buv a 100 par cent Csuadisu lite tac lisree meeku an a praject arganiauti by te Finascial Post Magazine. The ressdt? "Yau ga ta mark naked sud siding a dagslud, but yuu nave money.îî Tise family tuund transportatian, cltlitg ami ruadtag material tise baggest pruliema bucausu tere ta su sucis thig as an ell-Csuadien matur veisiclu, Casadisu-mede clotes juI don't campete pricemise, ami berne- grama literabaire is pretty sparse. The briglst spot camne misun te amily ment sisopping. By buying ali-Canadian gruceries and iosauebeld gonds tise R(ings madIe samue real uavisgs--up ta 25 par cent ami 50 par cent an sume items. Total savtags made by buyiug Canetiiar-15.8 par cent or $7.901 on a $50agsucery bil. Pravtag it pays ta sisnp Canadien, except for tase tinigs principtestsey feel are rigst, no maSter misaS pressures ut tise masses are exerted on Sisem. Sc lonsg as scciety is plagssed mitis tise problems of drugs, alcuhiso sud buose marais, tihe scisuol wiii bu plagued mîtis sinsilar prcbtems. St wes pointed out tisaS Miltons District Higis Scisual ta sut alune ia tisese problems--every ctiter scisoclinl tise country ta facisg similar cisallensges tan. Reading su abundaisce of magazinse articles on parentscat and cisilti- rearittg, parenta may son bu brais- wasised inta feelinsg lisey are "noS mitis it'. But we're taclineti ta feel parents are as murs 11wtis iti as always, tlsey jrSt need tise courage of liseir rual- vacticas ta ensforce lise rates. A writer ance litsened teenagers tai apples. The isome is tise "farmer' misa plants, cultivates, feeds sud siselters tise apples. The scisact, bu said, ta aaly tise place mbure apples go tai bue "polisisedi and prepared far market If tise apple f araser tala dama on tes jcb sud doesn't raise an A-t craP, the apple polister casht bu expected ta mave a magir manti and trasfrmi tise culls itt a higisly marisetable preduct. It aboilts doua ta tise fart tisat education bugina and ends ta tbu borne. Wisat do you tisints? misicis are not made isere. St alsa illustrates me ail isave somue amourat, of taterdependence au trade mitis ater couratries. Tradu is a tma uap street, Sf me do nat buy imparted praducta, ater caunitries munt boy Canadien prodacta. Seeing tise crawsed at the cirrus per- formance at the arena Saturday put dama any marries we haS about taday's childres buing jaded by TV and dis- iatereuted ta seetag te real ttang lice and ta livinsg cular sigist ta tiseir smn homse toma. 0f course a cis-cus, iseter it's su TV or arouad tise corner, isas always bes a big attraction for tise ycuager set. Ansd the adulte, tac. The cumplaint is ottes isuard tisat tere is notlsiag tac girls ta do ta a cammnty. Tise new girls' suttball teogne operating ta Milton is su suc- cnssfal it proves girls are jant as aîsxioas as boys to participate ta Spats Lad's isupe a minter pragram may develap tua is basketbell, volleyball ne ater actinities. Cycling is really cateitg an in Milton astI mitis Main St. ripped up tise sssy il is tuday, maybu cycliug ta tise ansmer lu tise dumatama traftic probleous. BRC S.CAR: hs aa rwigofaprpse ain gons.Tisws n o hredeinsdspaedrt h -ho whieh ~ ~ ~ ' col Yeetda h rc t ulcSho ie fruinadii n a aoe yms ftevstr.I BRUE st.tue buIt i i ies ance rawiag cfan ropsd ca ira, grouns. T wa un u hisen ess aspaedttiesscl. tai see a cairn sscrporatiag tise old sciscol bell erected on tise VOL. 113 -No. il MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1972 Second Section Don't tald yanr lu-nat muitin for is publicatin, tut Bhis la te sommer l'mi goofg ta wionie a tant. îItte Sentis somrmer mna roc Bhat I've tees gain tai criSe a beook, isut tis year milS tie diflereul. In' Bhe pear in mersh Sm sol gong ta criSe e net. Otter sumiaers S diin't gel arounti ta mnitong a play, or us expose ut tise edarationat syulem, or a sanies oI pauetlt esaeya, mras aters an marriage. This yeer tes tise navet. T'hal duesol tleavn tan moueti, dans Sl? Mapte l' i ete a 'Iim5i volume oI verse. Aoy dam' tout ras criSe pnetry teo days. Mie secret is ta anoîd capital Sltans and paretuatasn, mate yuur lins ait diflerent lngtta, tais ta a lite erntic imegery, and miatse te nnd resait a ninceral expaniese mtart sotody understardu. Here, jnsl ta show you chat t meas. Il ynu don't gel e rouI charge oul ut il, a proloard emoloal experine. BhaS s, and tasout a chue chaS lu' atout, yan'rn a assunîmaur of modern paetry. Dis, on ater Bhing. mo ebyme pleane. Wn'ti onSt catI il yesterday on Bhe suparmortet ate lady an meytn ste ceon't reelly a lady rn o er my tant ual reetty ras tut malette t guesn il mas tiee bugg y laden ît a qoaernr-a aI ca foand orange jie aad tîde and glide and waeand sacks andfourecases oflnon- retuesablO tbIlles and Icelve poands oI pallîd misaS 100 tagsofa spods 1i cars oI ctusty soap Bhat ras aven my leSt isot te soapi drivns my seul carl ista My metatarsat t oept ast tecamse il tort lite telS bal foe loaete laS ladies ard untavatte super- martets and teeause S coalda't da ttîsg. ow, dosIt SelS me ttats not a panin. Il oa svîvd personat esperienre ctaet t attemptedl ta casvey tai te ceader. Il's goS everyttisg. Thee's srsin il: a secretlynars for lot ladies: te card metatorsot. There's pleny ai conveIr images. Ttere's sytatatisas. too about sýeed carl? a tertdîity symbol il t nomr sa one. Ttere's masetîisa, social crilicîsa ndea deep per- ssai sesse oI lutîlîSy and frustration. Is ctalt 1ooîdd raIl unîsersol sn ils appeal. 'Thev wn'ts alItec so deep and btler. of mourse. 'ier'l le Bhe tearly tuastie Sauct: 'Oie gardes aist tord The lawn ai't med But1 l'Il te tîord of sor's gomug tai gond Me ito dong any of tem. 'files terel te te tragile, tender little lyei_ St miates cea po l anes junt criggle and aImant tara teasselvas inside out. Oomethmng tise: love myself tan anytady bat yaa sorry taty bt mayte il's sot eves true. oarry aImaI Bant etysue, bt sometimes il 1001 comes ail auoamatrc-Iie ou caI' huIS il tact. And of course tere'Il te tome dramatir arrative stolt. Immworkuosa sartuo lpie calteS Tise Day I Bint te Black Squireel 'Tning I5 Wan a Blacks Bear. Bal it still needo a lîtlî poistisg cn te test Imetse Mayte yoa tis ibis is jest adranre patlîeîty for oy took. Bot I goaranler tere'il te smeting foreeryone , thugh same of l toit te pretty alonf staff, and yaa ay tavelao bide il from, yone leesage tiS. 1 Oas tîatasg parliealarly of a cople: Dams By lise Old Cleavel PiS, and Let Me Caîl Yoo Meatead. 0u1 teers also soase staff asming 11p ta is really taumtcg. Ose is estitled simply "Pote". [l is baed os a great starm, ohen I. os junior porter. dîd greal tisins wSth a mon aller people cern sea-siet. Itîs tees taartîag me ever sîsce, asysnay. la, tereas a deleetatîn toretanle of my nommuer proînct. t cao tardly coiS 10 get starîrd. Escept talt Ihave a golf date, ten t'as goîsg ocinsasisg. te tere's a bartecue, and soasntoc aller a day lite tat,theMuse and t are btS ready for the sacrt. QExcifing hîsfory abounds in New Brunswick FuatS ia a Sertes Bp Jins DiII. Hîstary, reveatinand eucitiog, ateards ini Nec Brunsmick miare Bne natin' tirsl saters caSe Siseir isomes, tanS te eaety taourda ut piuaenr fise asti survinnd ta tnacis Bhe vasI, ontometi asti inispitaste tand teynd. Loln ot onaaarrow nnckotilandtunit jons New Brausick aand Nove Setea stand Port Beannejoer, aoc e Nlational Histarie Part. The isthmas oI Ctagnecl isad tees saSSIS ty Bhe Frenchs aImaS 1672 anS lise Part mas Bne soen ut a confrontatian tetwena Frencis asti Kuglisis fores. la 1751 PorS Beunejuur munsistnd oI au unnupporled mandas peasSde wit fise bsastioas, ames's tarrecks amie attficrs' barreots mtB day ctamoeys, e stareteane, e gurd isouse and n pactier mafgamie. Construction advncedth e fotantS mare impresuine dimensionsand il played a itttersting rulin the Preacs-Kugliss tante nI1755. The Esgtut capSared te fart, pruvisina rticles ut capitulation cern drawn up andsignedand the istis pesueti momplelely init Bhe isada of te British. Powden magazine Tody te furt ta undergong resteratin but evn cîthouS Bhe mort buiog compînted te spaericet system oi advnced trenctes tasitt sansi aller te fort's capture, ose tie sen aronS tise camp ontaide tise fort. Bp 1757ea palisadnd spsc mes constructud cn- teio tarreots anS mnrtstnps, ne gosa, an watt as a bricks asti stne poctier magazion wise base stil rnmaims. l'le f att ut Beauseur cas sut nncy nîgodfical in Bhe struggle iselmee te Frencis anti EngtMt. The Frenchi militarY geectas captureS mas sut imp * nti BSne relirs ta tise frt more apprnntty masde aSib th egioig ufthBe War nf 1812 isut seSa te hve teen atandasei suon alter te cor and y te middle ot te century iarm huildings tedi bers put op et te site. 'Oihe pentagoal shape aI te lorS cas stil tie Srced ctearty and one oI te stase casemates tnttS aller te singe tas tees restared. North of Bhe lorS cas tie-sen te systeas aI estancismenta, raisnd oroend te camp a te samne peiad. Oslips isp rail Fart Bnonsejo0r atmo inctudes a muoeum and plans of te Ctîgsnota Mormne Railway indîcaîn tac il car plaroed ta tremspent staps ty ceîtway acroso Bne narrac necis aI lard la te St. Lacrence River. The projeos cans til advanesuticen te capital ras out and il tedl tai te atondoned. A canai in te orna casuofoîthe question tereof ate taghtiSdes ciio are teaun sn te Bay aI Fundy asd Bhe dîlleresn in nnoatias uits te S. locrene. Remnanta of Bhat eerly peîi5ect are sSdll enidenS sn cerlta aes. i oasis te ameas oI te taghtSides that te Micmac Indiens cerried ouI use aI trie istaone tortures an the French on Esglîsh captives. They stated teir prisosers in the mud llaSs atloc Sîde ao.' as the smtîing sand ngulied tem, Bne Side rase and a double torture oas iullicted. Bnîceen Moncton and Sactille you'l camle ocrass te Keittar Hause aS bDochester, reitarnd ard reiurnssed as a centesiael prorel oI te Wnntasortaod islanîoal Society. t)caîrd betînd large Ireen on a grassy knolI ct a magsificn viesa of te teaad Meneamcooatlley, Dorceter Island and Otnpady Bay, the tomse oI yearly Regency architecture cas the tomne oI dots KeilSon. Hn came Iroas Yorkstire, Englard as a boy in 1774 srllliiig ot tas fomîSly. By 1813,mared citho a amilyand a man oI someowealt, tie movril ino Stan large stase tasse. Total of sise tireplares 'Theoriginaltneting, of coure, oastby lireplaces and an te restaratios Smo ireplaes ere discavred tat tad tees tudden in Saler yeors ty flie walSs. Tlhey aa total aI nie lireplacesý Prom the ktter a vney narrosa spiral staircase gaesap Bhren stornys tai Bne taras boys atoi tedraom. The stairlOs an interestng piece o alcoenry waîtta widt FORT BEAUSEJOSJR, A NATIONAL ISTORIC PARK KEILLOR HOUS7E, DORCHESTER RUILT ABOUT 1813 ast aven Scs teeS. Once a trivtug seutlement, Dorchesterni assa more generelty casan as the site of a pesetestîery. St cen Jobs Kenlons cîfens loaly tat owned te site mary yearn ega on chiot that penîtestîory is tocaîrd. History is evitent in masy part oI Nec Brunssck. Dates io te 1700s arr as cmmun as tase sn te 1800s min bs rna, mndicalng te nartine peninti of selllement. One oI the Salest tourist gimasiots ullocîsg yau ta triof beock a hISSle tostoey i ta mate otarcoal ruttingu nI unique plaque orgeavestane marners. Tonnîsun Nec Brunwck tas produced a tant os the oubjeelctahct pon cas gel ty writcng tem aS Box 1030, Fredericon. Briait bars sorte istsry b popular artlforim, ttey migisl record for yoa Bhe mnscription os a stase et tase Glege UniteS Citurot Cemnlery nar Price William "boule Lemsn mes sht bp Me. Valentine- or then ona Bear Island an Bne S.. dots River 'She came cn 1783'. 'flene are histaric site merters trougs Nec Brunswc o 0, Shet contd ie cltereslmg postners in pour recreation rmom. AtStainS Johta Bere are carters nutiof e treoly wîth tte Indians cacea 1778, the UnoSeS Empire Loyatits' tasding 1783 or te invenon of lise lirst steam ing tara. Nec Brunsck tas deep rarta in tastory. Dîsmnvered an 1534 by Jaoques CarSien, il cao esplored ty lamant de Cisamplein ta li04. Cheaplain cantered Bhat pear n an alarnd nas SI. Andrewus, close isy misaS is tay te cnrld's tergest tntster paclssg plant. Tise provin cas cedt tai the Kagliat isy tise Tceety oi Utrecht ta 1713 -id tereme e permaneint Britiss possession in t73t. Il saparetet fromt None Scutia asti tecame e provnm ia 178H asea result of the gireeS tnnau nI United Empire Loyelitt. Taises frn tise issue uf The Canadien Chsampion, Tlsursday, .sJta 10 92. **I tope that tase oho crue troags ese deors willtaodconfort, secority and ntesîment of mind." Hon. W. A. flood- Ilac, Mimoster of Weltare for Ontario said declarîsg Hallon Ceateaoîal Maaor oS- sally open Suaday tetore a large crocd atcwealtered aoscoecloog son to atteod the fîcial opeaing. Fînaurial settîcaseat by agreeient tsuean commitlees as set ap hy bath atonaand Peel couatyecourcils as salis- rtorily coneludet. il a reporter! by K. Y. ic to Halton Countv 'ouracdil aiils regolar ionthly meeting teld Tocsaos Peel ogrerd pay Hallon $46,000 for the joinl ooaed me aS Brampton. Milton Cooncil meS on Moaday night for e last lune in te prrvent caoun'd tasters. On Friay itousarrow evrog e cooneil cilS convene an the oec couricil loms. Prom 7.30 ta 9.30 the ne. libraes% oiîeeoffice and coaaicil haihers ill ha' an lai' inspection. Atoa meeting on Motda. Jais 7of the 3oard oI Edocation tor Tralalgar Toship chool Aeea, J. K. Gîtes tendeeed lais reaîg- ationaasamendier ofthe board. Oice the ception ofthte townoship arna board an 1945 le Giles has tees alfaithiol member ofthte olard, giviagaaospariagly of hstiae. 50 years 090 Taise froam thse issue ni Tise i. nadias Cisampion, Tisursday.lidi Id. 1922. Paris. stîrred tl, a 40.0W,000 Iran' lire Shat conaumed a tîg deparîment store,.i osidering the entipiaeat ofairploans ith Sire estingaiotîag bons. These old tie lilled wîth a gas that chaises olt te tlamsan withoot beisg injorios ta te neighboring populations. Oatville and l0arlington are enforcmsa te lacs applyisg Sa ino1e cies. Police Magistrales Speers and BOarr bace lined a sombr oS ollenders for speeding. sn- aolliciest ligt etc. Soase esamples ohould tie made an Milton 100. Three Iolasd Revenue ollîcees Seous Hamiltonscere sn ton os Mosday. St cas usdeestood that ttey oece tryîsg te locale an illîcît stîll somewhere sn tîs egh- tertead. tut, il so, tey apprar ta have laîled. Nobody bon tees prosecoîrd. The largest tee ever eared ty a lawyee iSthe Ie ttousoed gaineas sahiet ioarrington Word. Et'. wîlI receive lac coing t0 Egypt ta delesd a saealty Alhaman aeeamd ai attemptîng ta poison tond Allenty. A sachée oS popîls wîstîsg tai attend Miltas Hîgh Setasl carl board and room tor te sent Seras, Septamber ta Derember. Aayose willing ta accept ose or 100 popils cill lsadly cosasosicate cth Feed D. Dewar, teeretary. Mr. and Mrn. Rotert Seartîhavegone ta Muoko for thee eets. 100 years 090 Taises tram tise issue ut Tie Canadias Chamenpion, Tissrsday. ,tuty t1, ti7t. Constantinople bas a neospapr pristed Snte Esglist langage. b report tovîsg heen circulated tat Kiltride oas inllicled with scorlel lever, ce are requested ta staSe that no case oI eiter scarlel lever or saol-pos bas mode ils appearance an tat lively village. A Social cil be gîven b% Mrv .lrllery i te basemeat oI the Wesleyae (haret. Miltan seat Taesdav. On 'atorday last 0. Mo!Nat. oI Kilteide. sailed pr S.O. Astweeplfrom Nea Yorkon bis 005 tuoEurope to makefalporctaes toc te liras of ahiet te os a membr Wr regret ta ber o ite destruction by tios Monday eîocsîsg, of Me. Sagas: MeCann's woolies factorv near Miltas. The nuli hod bren idii' for zi short lune. iut McCann cas pni iacing 10reum -plil'iiiOond ia.d alargespply oflcool on on nanci. atieb cas parel coseed hy îles Jaces McAlîstr cîlI preaeh a sermon b tbis congregation aI Kîltrîde. sext Ounday, taly 14, on te subîrct oS tasiperance and agaiast thedrintag sgsn of te day'* The MAtI. of Tuesdav aoeoancesltat C. . McKisdsr sinotherfield asa ciisrial candiddate toc the Cacîson, TH E CANADIAN CHAMPION LI-NsNÇ~I . NI. -0 PahePstf ths~oe aste 20 years ago nd tbintd nisu tas ted argo eriai No. MOIN m, panier hile side rne anti2 r.