"q ampion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, July 12, 1972 11 ne se Pusblie i7cul200 - Custuin mn.Longe dining rooms, rage on large 3644 otu 4 l7ui44672 P30,000. a, eanmea fun buse assis,. rook Drive 0VOODS LIMITED pertitîs cr ype homen I aparimanti. TRY ville ila sutuateit 34acre lot i itroosu, me- e livingroass mins, bru- ample cup- nms, 4 pe. garage, gaud imuiting to ponds. e' ui, hics and .100. yen Bfer. -s ot ouneen- P weeurgently ntise $24,000.. for aur cli- nI ras oqi- Esn Ciseppel areChistise 878-6057 17c 1 SALES E 11 .EDS 3-6418 170,1t LTD. 20 AUCTION SAE 20 AUCTION SALES . 2 AUCTION SALES H m rTeC A U C T I O N S A I E SALE Juniorsi N saaw y a For Mrs. MARGARET McDOWELL Fmr Mm. If. SCHOI ti Ar bier resldence, M leuI Street, West. in Actusi Locateit 6 miles nanti aot C Sp On FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 14, at 5.30 6rco an amMdmYJno Hok Club adfrme alim ed aut quarraes Huseisuli Anusan sd Mise. coachs Carl Hymers has isoon FURidITUCE - Jacques and dinim), gond; leg vise; lots oi item settled. Tise dispute tirst erupted Gloing ln o o sri n areet"Gro Hayes walu tlee, gcnd one;aoldtacts; 2 iratts buitter (Partial LitOly) wheal-ymrs aslfiredtremî he -chailtin for mjrCuclrCa Meny opsdala, love seat & 4 matalengl chairs; priai ansd fadile; aid fliai irns; Westinghos roerstor, coach-manager psition. Nasagwy uris eethrsoton odn adhe oift rmund nsk table on pedestal: large blue designcrack; Bim appeau. 18 cui «ontfreezer; Theeîrmng occurred prior talast impected bthtonship cotclacsto.t ih bufftin 'nuis tadeit tluwered & Strattun twn mmewer, 4 ey- Westisnghsouse 24' Electrua sta- Christmas. Hymens engaged a înarsday niglut. "I'n concerned nis tise Me. A windows, 4 chairs to mautch; elie, i year. ve (2 years old)i 8 piece dis. lawyer and lbeglant t0 Sute tIse i2 Tise plams lmised gmud but two present operation aftie plant. Casap drnstu rcherpn it swi n g.Iejsqp - Buwls eye niiig enuitle; wasis stands; club diectars for tise remainder gai blacks marks Ior messy pila lhey are mit attempting ta i a ennags dreneru drse seisti swiug lmp 2 ssieee tsedraam sut 12 years af lise ualary le teit wsea oseng and blastisg'escesies. gand neigisbor' tise reeve tiseough mirrur. swiss giove boues an lnid) Fsgrlup ems04; 3 piece bedraom suite; accurding le lise teriss aI tise One was asked tar as alternate charged. 'Wr enuldolt ho sure Mr. carved pulls, goixd one; 2 [qt unis colnred tanin. quuntity uf linons, loedding etc. uintract. trucks route. Anliser was givon a lisey'd keep lhiser word." Bshe alun lise old loank aopbaards, pantl dauru; DEnatps - Bensulgian sbuwi; twa single continenta1 iesod; ail Club esecutive spahesmen clean bill ot iealts wsics Meaus cisarged tise qarry wsea stock- big a oepen isutei; aid sideinard; gren mokie barrot; 3 figure stove; 2 pioce cistertieid soite; annOunced MnnduY a seuliement o detioental continents nisen psling ail river senic areas aftie a lan a senaîl wanhstaud, gaud; 2 ai spooner; Tiusile celery , gond 2 PC; elaibueis pion cupleaurd; had iseen reached ast af court, plans go la tise province tac tonship and lise campanyn inia a dressers; 3 pae. isedrum suite une' noverai pieces of tiariany Westsnghonuse 21" TV; 6 aid Rais ut the club directers tramt appraval. hlasing nus reupansible tor Boiras luioderni. mai gond condition; china; pinE and whiute tiller toc dining ront chairs; eiee. isian- la peur's esecutive puys part ot If tut once ne could sec Buis broisea tisermopane wîndnnu a a o a pe tan y o chair, turquioie; 5530 bride's basket; tian Stroy' biei; pas.. ot pino; aidd iseds. thsedet. Termsofthseulttement isappen," enctaicord Reeve Aune neacisy borne. alterna 8' x 12'. puttern sugar shaker, tonispick chairs, drossers, oe. qaantity of nere sot releaned. MacArthuar as couriil inspected Datterin Materiain and tise vil] bulder; ady disis; foted ds glass and china pieces; lontors; oarge sets oI plans outiaing large Connicuclion's application tor a la Hi APPIUIACBS - Eldorado et- and ereant and sugar' 4 Caeni- coppor houler; nis eues. fu.êl"k kiue recreatianal areas nisere permit nere nul cisaBenged "bot cloyen ectria utave; Prigidaire Iig; svai disses, glnonues- 3 pines 4 spaed Ford Fergusan trac- E'5UUptedU bybid yawning pila non oxst. Most ne as a cause il do deplore Bue bult." old li bux., mmal gond AutuIk Glass: Pin Wiseel tor 3 ph.;. 6 It. 3 pis. disec; smati onîlines plauns tisai nif lite 25 to hiauting openatîn ou liny are e piecesAROU -i glf bek ass; piece . i g renu Ploa 'nise îcio pis2c- . -Byears te tuiis.ý carcied an ai lise preaent hase," Camp MISCEgI.AN-EOIJR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ he land reuai e;pi .P Np oepe uien'i ou ~u hV * * "Itias te bappea," a councillan Bue reunlulian road. trucks dlock; gingeebread clogk- es'- Pan sels and pepperu; chiina mer; 3 sectuionisorrowus; 3 sec. >avisedl oaernmen regulationu Plans oI Sprngsans Sand and Coanri etral roui gnnd pinisaro teýes; teu strainer; 2 good cake stands SPrsssg toneis cuitinator; vealis L L ead qare simlGaea ust o ,la.3 oi 'nicher cluises hampser Clansm flasri, triait boisl. Thero are IlIgspîýou.; quanîiîy af naïfs, Of ilr ea s ebiîtia panhlreByepand iy esonctr airo Scotland 15t years agol; nid luis ofianlier places of gond nai, tc bers scalos; pawer n iraha s reagîvean opemlun beoerte. _____________________________ev treoshs; signed seatemnulur lJer- glass und china. nearly aIl nId. ion maner; own sprayor; isHeGastmyINo2FuaI, isen p it tse ree dostar; veheel herma; 15 ft. Th aOae atlyoNo2 istepnsgt heridt Gardes Taule. PoU and Pans seil tiret et 530 lioses, Glass. etc. seire gete; 2 nuail 'nire gales; Blderoud, Eurlingin, isus buis nunscipaity. elter 6, Pursitue will seli lst, 40 f5. extension ladder; snaw "udopted by a grosp ut smail Tise one pi ta escape This le o roui gond ottering of nid aricles in gond condition. tence; posasa difger; chain itarlings or chisuey si.ti. Thoruday's inspection unscaBuedy TERM CAS - o Reme. rs.McOm)l i hopita andlb tusco; 11 rust saed drill; Gne day tii nmbk tise Oates' nos Bue ladumin Qoarries, lots 7 TE1IMSCAH -NoResen. gru MuOcial laissista ani amperu; baskets; planes jun- son Rues and e viniting triend and t Bistis Lise, nt t Hlatesi r e y e Isouse is sortd. Net responsibie tor eccidents. ior planter; gardon touts, esc. brois tise cuty noticed e tiocis nI Heigisîs Country Club. 201,2 MAX STOREY, Ruckseood. Asadioneer 'Paris Sold Bue isirds in their cherry trem. "Voo are burdly anere Buere oa Ac U IO N I ryoe. wne or Aucuin- tien don and lunded on Bte servei. -1 bave n abjection ta l fl o A U C T IO N S A L E eernotresonsblefor uny ac- eads, sisoulders andi bande. The Bue operatios. It us neil bidden cidents. laps dsg thaus saine normu. andi aud Buey do try la hoep btauling The bout pratfectivo equip oI Houeisold Puroibiro, Antiques, Semae Gld Glasis ansd Cina, J'iM McICARTNRY, nw tIse iirds mut Buinh Buey oin iitsul." ocaevrwniaIad Apybanes, Gardes Tonîs, Misc., Etc. lu tise Village of Ginugu, Auctioneer bave a new moBuer or tseo-Buey Milton Quarrios mnd Dtdlerin yucoevrOunorad ui lise Gaseral Stoe, 1353 un Britannia Rd.. West, hait svuy Aboya items ara cdean and la keepuiuiing hech and laulang tor Maiecials and Construction gai yours-ane pair of eyea. Jusi isai-Inen Highwaey 23 and Tratalger Rd., eppenuimasaly 5 miles coud condition. 2ctt smore isandous. tise blacks opes in soparalo knowing ehat's gaing o a c South Eas of MiOton tor 'i1 ranit selieve il," Mns. Oaies reunliitiOis. yau holpa yau avojul job ace MR. and MRS. GEORGE WELLS AULCTION SALE told Tise Chsamspion. "Tbry don't laens for Bue Miltes QarrY Sa it makea ganul senun lui le sout oav un er nI bumonu. noee îunpocnd nis, upproaiug Tueda EenngJuy 8,ai ,3 pm. SAT1IIWAY, JULY 15, 5.30 pus. Wiseuever anyone goes nut in Bue c esonis býut cnnc quosbinad aftet' your ryra, wilh Tusdy vein, ul 1, t .3 pm. 2507 Qundou stigtmay W. yard n, Bue lardso tmoch don Bue ooncerity oI lise cnispeny, protectiar glavara if 2 Pc. cisesientietd nuile, pies- Tbenui space beater, capansry Jonctuon rit ý23 Higiissay ont nf Bue hrem anduait on us' "uusnce tdate (tisa anipanyl bau fari rocber, laey chair, elrireue nons hencis, 'natchuiera ai Palerno Bshe tish tise tloch may hure ni îndîcated tbey nnuld contoant 7 lie. hilcisassuite, 2 double scani benoît, steel ansd nooden Contents dl 2 homos hein Ieen deserted-in any case Buey lords nis bon upringu. matirn clams, auitiertilizer upreadar, soid et nre location ton caon-glo ie hyls aroand as oeses, 2 single continental lieds- gardon veheolisarens, berbecue, jecoa sala. e-longeas te norisy isnd-oais lusi. Ç% 2cesofndneuers,aedar cst, 2 uenings 3 and 4hf., Damo Ite. inldeGiscnvi umeli naisut table, umoresiend pressueo poaap, electrie, irais table 'nish 3 leaves. and 4 mat- -Tnp Chamispon aauitiedu. polo lauip, tnilisî, tabla lampu, set, consister sol, regolor dlais ebung chairs, nid Pine ehesi of silo (nlaid table (Isal)i, ping and china, Viking power luwn draveecu, 3 mirmc huais dreus'- ue nasa hup mots to pong table, rue 6 s 9, ucutiar mower, 'books. ers, 6 draner paunled hedrnm Junedy r a u nit fnd rugi. blauhetu, quilis, bed- chessa. 'nabotn ineroo Miste donud ipreadu. drspeey. - ANTIQUES - Oid record dc hets alnlade caele aind player semis qoantity ni oid 78 dîr l:ale, g slas a ndiui distrc.serrpiaetuy APLACS- Viking auto. records, (stnait) Duncan Pisyta 'nrbeqau, modern ehesleriid travelling on codod or matie daubas dcyar, electii drap irai table, Duocan Pisylo and nsaiehing chair, soleel style unlenubuar cofuds.cw (fbar putisher, dabumiditiar, ho- eiann cabines, al; iecreiory, hsari bcds. old sea trunis, pino ____________ seidilien. Undanunud typeunist- macisir laoted old clatis. qoara and nîbher nid blanisci boe or. vcuums cleaner, console (Ihrass) A. C. Hall Clonis, masi- nah nfitie deas, modern sociai 20 AUCTION SALES COMPLETE Siogerrioectrie sauing machine, lie dock. 6 pe. unt nI lsdmoui iiag cabinet, dinolle set veils - ELECTtIC bSERVICEt stiioleetrie oppliamces. mari- divses. braus dinnen gang, tras- 4seivai chairs, ainoit umu jyin FoCmp teNDSRA MISCELAINEU tane ds., aBuer id silver, qun- iil tinter, odd easy occasinnai Auction Service MAINTENANCE MSELM US - La.e îuîy ofsil and lange pieture and niber chairs. Eseecycle, EETIA and gordien fauts, laves ombraI- tranas. dlais enspartu, nsippon inirrors. radins, loimps, aid oah C rs A. Shu CONTRACTING la, 4 ip. matai. 2 V4sp. mot- cina, .ps'Ple cafrtialeirait siglepdestai deh. hi A.S oue ors, regular uizo girl's bicycle, boni, 2 sealu udstored Wamui hail tale or.'sy's hi' AUCTIOMEER EETI camiping teuis9s 12, camping chairs. solid 00-k cala isachcyele, oinls 'bicycle. bookss aai'AIN eqaipseens. 1 dozn lavas bavais,1rocher and nalcsing arn chair, csk.ladtcl.picdvn SuIes ut ail types5. WTR AE 11 alln tai tnk ad apra - dgeot's and ladies' pocsO t lv 2 pieee secionai chester- SuIes oouduciesi anynhero. RENTALSYo r rk in iuiateiy 50gelions id tari, Duren Iscies. field. set af lamys aad cofler b fl o k e TERMS are CASH. Na Reserve. Store iu uoid. Ownen moîisg tables. TV's, aid uponi bedure- T.88-56818-204 Oser or Auctioseer sot rasponsibie tor aceidents. Seliing î,y îigeratorv. sînses. dis sasis' e.87-27 Nmaisen. Retresisments Aaaiiabie cd' uaieir sasiser. bans. elc R.R. 3, Milton, Ont. F911 ESTîMATES and The Saffl tirvcîo i macine, gardent 21CMt 20h11 CHRIS SCHG1JTEN. Aactioneer, 878-2576 tuIs and issc alan. chairs. ntd scicher rocker,. goilar. plus Ward Brownridge AUCTION SALE many addtionitemstro ain- lanaAssoue t cr001 ta liii. Purin - Llvestaub For T. E. LYNCH Viuo tran 1l ais, cale day. Puenituce Sules Pay hy eavh or cheque. 3319 Na. 5 bidrad, Barlingion - bnisceon Walkacu Une and Auctinneer or mac crs nat roc- Phono 878-6730S O GuephLie,3 ils ort o N. Hghay ponsible fon occidei. Appresu1 1 lTpes LEpm# GEORGE E. FENTGNM li. sa A 20c-lf SATURDAY, JULY lSth, at i1 arn., tht fcllowing: locii Lie. Aac. 845-35411 ANTIQUES - '1 very artiute 4 dranor cheil. bui sia lised, Aoe ~ ~ I S L from j wainut,hsuteenasan.dpine c- spring asd natlress and 2bad- / U C I O N S A LE trer cupboardveith 10 pansuin sida tolubes; 239 , în bed 'niais aach daar an eceptional piece isscrou ales and fitled 0FHUEOD FURMITURE, APPLIANCES SOME eira 100;aa rIlto d sit chn I enn ouielib ANTIQUES, GLASS CHINA, GARDEN ansi CARPENTRY TOOLS. Victonian cingle kepisoard or- soserai bed upreads; orboarile MISC., ETC. ganuin aheauttulivutecase; cbina cahinet; I davenynri; in MILTONi luneauh idusoar nil uimr- earîorlao ale siagcor Loaaid on aise corner ni harah anod Thaomas Sircls. No. 207. 16 M / a iku,6clnesadr or; oaklave seat; pine dressing 2 csteeficid chairs; 'full 5ze Jususniblh teFair Grsods.16 M 1/To Piku,6clne sadrt table; oir washstand; 'nalni u'oiiauy iedi; drap icat kiieben- isell unse; aboice nId veelI scIe- table; inapte table; Duncan FOR THE 1970 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville, fully equipped, phsone; '19t0 -graviîp veaober; iviyîe contree taule; 2 -42 ious EstateofQ the Loto (Judge) GEORGE E. ELLIOTT 17 ASNPc-ptuk 670oiia i Premiuer moonîrd uningen; an- eaîlee tables; 3 strait cofIer 90DTU ikU ruk 670oiia i tique çpuis; aid unuden nafi' tables; magazine tables; lw iig nacbine; Pleary bond corn lubie; aubreila and 2 chis; SATURDAY, JULY 15 at 12 Noon 16 HVOE maa2do adolae rulting bas; pine ansi napbe sisail veainut tahle; toiephove Chesterfield and chair. eccci APPLIANCEh -Bndii doal 16 HVOE maa2do adolae spiosile hank rocker; oab baud table aitb lugisi; lea waton; 2 ln coodition; 9pli. sii seai t. s-1.cisher und clivei; bu' 1971 VEGA 2 door, 3 speed, 8,470 miles. Lic. N caraedi full sire bed; 2 occasion- opboisiered cbairs; 25 sdd ris- nuit dining suite; ipholstc'cad îssicii,c; larcgea cts Sladirsv. ai cbairs; eblds 'nieker anso airs 51ît dispiay case; 4drase' 'sm chi n ulscl u lectrc iconet, Mltai ibsîrn- 199VVA 4 dr. Sedan, 4 cyl. std. transmission ebair; 3 alti pine picisare tram- nu' eheci; ebuld's erib. lihc neso; tsPcr cal otabl. Dr-' si eC r.,t mussons ic tti 1971 VIREIDtlyeupe,1,0 ie.L es;veeinut andoaïcsoking 2 wainal smukcr stands;icso-ltcondition; striitmatc- Êem mxadlslcti 91FRBR ul euPe.1,0 ie.L stand; 3 singer troadlle uaming eiiecy display case; 4 Il. book sag tables; cord itcale; dtisait pas; drap Icyci; so isuacisines; I font stoal; Birant- case; seseral bail ramiers, lise chairs (saine nîdi; .a' I. ].up rînesîr vapurtoas; 2 1969 GMC 1 T, 5 speed transmission, V-8. Lic. ford 3gal. crack; 6gal croek; ne; sludrt desh;clep son; sela office chair. 2 caîsl tradias; a.CtA poabîla lange vmp e heal. baibroase scales; huardsbl c. -i'a ci pli.sr: houks aod 198 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, as is. Lic. 962 drousmakrrs 'forai 20 soilcaseoads soi a offc c.ice ladîsg e eol 9 GUINS - 2 Nonwses ingla and trunku a lange qunaity of abdî e officr chai; solaulg m,cîalîshnrccrlaai.iu' 198BIreSar gdo artpnLwml Isarrel mioule boeder soieus ressaueront eqoipymeot iîcloduing dale; er chs mapl 4 ful seivtofE,ýlpei Nth 16 BUC LeSbe2d rhatp. wme cima182; dubl barel uz-pot, pas, oli, gasse, pate1970werFORD; napeîsttign 1pick-up,70FORV1/8tonpieaup yV-, duty suspsus cie ea 12d oler hitnies1870;a poats, unis r e t.; ias lai- hacis choir; 3, sectionas S 1 %IhC -Cistaîn puIup.and 171 Eiol ingle cirel ca17;ae rs ftirs s; a ate t (sua iuicas. isaîssi singla p.,; îînsbsll.îa rîe ltîts- 1966 CHRYSIER Windsor, 4 door hardtop. Loadi 1B71Enfeldsuel ciase iracs'.8thl ping pogable; hed and bsoxsprn nyiot attes. tsafine;frpad]and satset'sctom ch loader ubutgsu; Wincisester 30 inhron -ir 2-ai lreeeh Iouler shotgun dindelff wîso 3 ni oo ir 2pi large nais iedr...i drasser; .t- 24 si. .tlumtnintetit ,isv 1960 BUICK 2 doot hardtop. As is. Lic. 148736 Wiehstr euteu ige ar uoden shoes; 6Johnsm Bras. larte nai wardruhassith 4uL..uldrt;18" tiv blalc'alcttrC Wicetr etr inl a-garne -plaques; alarge afferi; sirasers; soatous dotublea hcd lsvnst;latn chais,. lîsson 1964 STUDEBAKER. AS îs. Lic. 910729 cniin hiepnfioca-soudons, plates, glosons, sbec- wih aslrcvcsand dresser:' o mla'gcad tacts, quatt tui 16 ECR otg XS.Wn odd iuet. btias, ftruit bowls, vases, et.cile bdandosalrs'î'sbod titis, and lagitalu6sîcis;oneo XStWn.ladd etc siglebedandmitrcýsdrcsssilnul irsîch; 2 1 l tae AiPPItIAdIES - Wasiga-e ihsm soe en O~e and stuni; smalt sualeutlitînks 4 1 i (sud ceaitlest 1969 CORVETTE Contertible. Lic. L94298 se 4 arner eleciric sove; Suug- aId and camne modern wsahslod;, stadioscnet.h; stahc rmusss or eulomatie weasing machiane;stn;rcdad gze Singer eloshas drye; R-CA. GARDEN iEQIIPMENT - stnd record av61 AUTIia0.gaoi911.Ases Victor TV; Iteomore portable Jachribson 10 H.P. trcers 'nis rack; hassuusis Ituar asd tabla ANTIQUES -Pitr table ~ 16 UTN80.Lc 411 ss 36 ich lwn mwer nd s olnys; dess lamp; qunti,, ai di*ati, large pitrta truk al- 1969 FORD Custom 2 door hardtop. Lic. N47591 ueminig machina; Isuperiet 336nil 1m W a4~j~î'celsrnaiipicturcs and ts tituirtsii ii benîh Iloon pelucher; Royal fi- blaner; Rolatilier 'nish 4 Hie- readntsigmro:wce o aorpoiser 2Bitsal amai'Biniggu Bu Sîcattan engino; 40 trames. humie antique):; qui sin;id aid narsenr ckrî; 1969 OLDSMOBILE Tortnado, silter grey, black v onapoer; 2 uk sel ake bPohrtu oep r . anteoily aI glass and chioa, sains Pin, dresser; bass Tîh.îvs ris; 3 lange alecînie tenu' btech bar ticad .abhelbarrow; 6 ft vory aidi; qoastit o utihronv sade lamp; valsai Ica usagits; iog elctnic irapiee. - top ldec; gosibage dans; tu'n pilbass beddîing; qoaointi ctkcr aeoti.hic.' %iiahr rçI mmc, plu *ohs shcî,era vasino sas sui e Isd n'ait clans made by PI8RNITULEandG0SMA-hbec, shears ansi 'nunruvery nieeneo4 fî'stair rait p. Bedmmusnuit, uipl droserumaî tals.ner and rail sclru; lopuicl soalci. soorkivg oidar. Beromsittrpedrsersa uns aît ritmu nai hall racks; pine wardrnhc. Provien 10 am. cale moigTERMIS ARlE CASII. Nn reserves. House is soli. Estata 4 Gvnemeor Aeatienerflot rsponsilefor accidentssale day mustbaiestbed. Not respaasiise fraciudents day ofsale. rERMS CASH Retrasismessîs Available HOUSE SQLQ UTGER EAE Tsssncosnal WARD BRQWNRIDGE, Asciioneier, Phase 878-6730 gond NER' lasRK -I Thesciasandise.all isarg Biennnridge, Jack Lauson, Clerbu 2cli 2gond lotiner CHRf A.canie SCQTN _______________________ Agvn.w sere imspectel ciîriillii tut' %-assietgo itii ssc gel ae access raad îaay 401," Bue reeve tld garo. "The people oI elivilte have pst np nuBu Trncks nantd bave la go stBe village." tgnewsaid the quarnyuns eosI put in Bue tonship, peneduin 188ands2acents I unalerual ostreetei to-s "hully" Ian rehbiitation. anrul oppaurd Bue b3sanc rait for the pi, "mtl on ste tratti rouata anay tram lage of Campbefiaille ansi gisoay 401 auther isy rat or service rout! is doult wnt a repeat oI isotivullo Gruvol llupply Buraugs the village, sad tlnc Mrlatyro. "It tunh enru la gel a dovuetion ta tle ibat problem." mieut the juib c rherk-ui baluinipet ound ryrs, anî ideutc. turuiuglo .uk Compe yAssociai sç ~r first alls fan thern, and cegulnr to it anur eyesght'c rTake cao uiyour d thcy'll src pou notely the wsrkiug day. Th. sure way ta. sainBoard a ons, Onftano 46,700 miles, extra dlean, Lic. N44607 5575 es. Lic. 253558 l88 including new paint Lic. 856345 lm9 6954 2275 Lic. N7171 m9 c. N71271 3275 39257V 2175 '82X 1375 age. Lic. 782942 1895 ension. Lic. 63077B 2197 ed. really clean. Lic. L94254 915 21.50 125 low mileage. LIC. X38445 1965 4995 99 7 1915 inyl top. Wholesale price. Lic. 1420756 2450 j~ Streetsvîille 826-30 818-2358 388 Main lit. Milton, Ont. you'Illbaidiausiud ndnwe may a ore lerient," Comataer Jba Watson tld on officiai ufthBe eonpany. ucaempenying Mn. Agon, niso tld coontri earber ut emIt 1611610l dran plans Inn Bue Agien penperhy, sehidis ai nnes toc grari pis. Ho soisi Bue rsmpany nottid employ 25me acn apteansther 25 lutr Bau(t cv MacArethur laid Mr. eral it sas a rsmpirteiy sn bail gantr smrce Fehury, nisen tise provincial govomsment pamses non legisîation la proteat Bue Niagara Eocarpumrnt. "Gue-tiurd ut Nausagamepu lus hi-en declared a grees bell area Irais Con. 1, Lut 1Ite Con. 7, Lut 17. AB is unden tise protectio oI Bue Act. Non Bue Cosmittec of Adîuimant ranit hure sepamabions in Bue aea nuBhut tînst getting liserasnsent oI conservatien auBuorutues. 33 perm its A total aI 33 butilding parasite neei ssos i n Esquesung tonship daring the monts nf Jonc. Total autimalasi cout ofthBe buidings ta le ereclasite $486,592. rue Caadian r entre hall nt mnd er. rouom, family acisas garage, Intable home large blecheis ze Sais, S-eau- diate siavelnp- pnsion, gos 42,0. ding in nilsi s 10 401 Hsoy. rontage. ideul siady eting ROKER )OR