1~ 10 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, July 12, 1972 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 10 STIJDEIT JOB 13 FOR RUNT TW16 13 year dld boys misi 000W RENTIOO - Glen Ed- part lime job. A2ytbing. 87$- en Court Apis., Broute St., Mil- 4242 Dcony Wilson, 870-4595 ton. Yas are invitied In view 'Michael Boordeao. lfoii'205l the fclly forniched model toit' - -- es~ . So'.crdyc 1aod Sutdayc, 2 ..'.'.. Iltoitcit Re'niai b.tiv b.ig ah ,11l 8784771. ogoents, Bcdt Realty & lever' ask toer Woody Wbet-ham. acce Lld. Milton, phono 070- 13 veork heilding op at yonr home?. We'll de, grave ootling. ha emenl cleatting car ndtit- 14 WANTED TO RENT de. ceashing. crrand rannalg, any joh ecnademed. Phone Marîtin Creoks, 878-3366. 3 BEDROOi borne in Milton loc.i1-2097 vieinity. immedialely. Cayoga 772-3204 clleel. 14cl1'2047 Looking for Help? 161 FINANCE *F4307 HELP *GRASS CUTTING *BABY SITTING *BAISEMENT CLEANI130 *CAR WASHING *ANY JOB - ANY SIZE l'or girls and hoys. CALL Sommer Studont Employment Milton ReCreation 878-2442 1et iLOST OR STRAYED KiLBRIDE ltOa. email le- mîale ponv.rch..-'itt oîlhhlond mtac an.d vtl I. aaî g green brtal. hotter ta Honey. Ciik', po.i. Rootard 87181964 or 634-952. llrll2039 13 FOR RENT ONE Bdr,.m Apt. Milton Court Arts., 151. Onarioît St., Ph. 87893844. 13,11 -263 ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATLRS ,îîth frco service. Phone Mdilton Hydre 878-2345. 13cl65-tf 1 OFISROO.M Ait.rîoîoat. elo,. n, .t.rlled, lrig. vtaoad h,îlroy. 8784569. 13cll'2061 ONE Bedr.totatapartment, Iute] .or.couple, Kilhci,el 878-2218 atvr 5. l3c 11-2077 1 BUl)ROOZj1, tl-goolanc cipatrttt PloOi r, ne rna 4al anîd pingîî. 878-925. 13ell-1453 ONE lt.di.ttttt apar-imoot, n Ita,îîîltd. 0t, 'doit, Stîree.Sut ahble l ouple. 87818. 13o 1666-i I FURNISI0ED t.,,, tcgo.'. .î.k.. Maina Si. 878-6666 -IL ~ ~ Sd '.383' , N" 878,,.te'O3294. 13,11-1491 ONE ltd...î.ptttmt tht.'l Ao',t-1 1, o13_5 in AcL tLt'.1 t t111- l.l 8784216.1 13c 112091 FI R\ISIILD, ln,, ui kt.pt t u m îtta'. It, te toinî. genle- mtan, cti,tlty lcatol. 878-b845. 13,11-2073 1- BELÎOOM apîrîmuct hua, hvdrt'. "g., sioco, hroad- foutu a'.d drape'. incladed. 878- 654. l3c19l5-tf 1 L R\ISIILD titin, -otkîtt 34 1. 131112'094 SAL OLE Br.,l. 2 altd 3 Lied- beh 2-0, 1 13,12 19 APIttî,SB t,c l' '..l tt hAF\[N lfat-t ttc.. an i o.pl'. Bc,, 125,24ilt t AND 2 BLIROOSI APARTMENTS AVAILABLE From S130. and $145. macl,- lv, in ACTON, Ahovett,ol,dov ail et , ltito, ,ol,,red apptaîtootý, drapes an.dhbaLron Aclon 853-2197 - and - Acton 853-0272 13ctf THE MAYFAIR APARTMENTS ONE AND TWO BLOROOM APARTMENTS AScAILABLE saona bth, reccation ,00r11. e tored opploar.cc. Ail, cerv- icec incladod in rool. Apple haporitetndoent 205 Ontaria Street N. or Phono 878-3180 NEW LOW RATES 1 sf and 2nd MORTGAGES Service Wilh lntegrity O.M.B.0, '3'.-n hnr 91/4% Combino lîl and 2nd. -Pay ail yor bills. -Combine dehîn. -Bcild a honte. Add a on Zed Morîgages from 125% CAtit: 20E REYNOLDS INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 arn. - 5 p.m.> 161e-tf 17 REAL ESTATE SAVINGS UP TO $3,000 Prercittnengiettered homes, ttortod ait yoar taandatiac. 40 o hooco fram or cuctom de- .tgnod. Gct ail the tactc. Frank T. Pinfoîd (homreconsaltant), Boacar Lcmhor Cc., 570 Har- 'op Or., Milton, Ont.. phone 878- 1123 or vicit Beaver Liier for a home catalogce, 01.00. 17e-if WEST MARY STREET lhoedraam brtck bun.galoin o.asnt o ene t ncLhbor-ý toad,oil doratdlatoddcil te x 3-l' lot wcth paud crtve las largecodiooog. and Livtgacil t ilSh t'. tdlta.t and dItrapes in Ladool Kvttrltot ttith piiN . ttttk 'trot, Lottt,. rac toitear thtttgh' u t-Dot lui-til Opetn tu ,Fier aît 94,400. C.tl BILL KELLY F. BERTAGNOLLI REAL ESTATE LTD. (Brakr) Toronto 247-9947 17,. Il Anoewu MILTON 3 Be.dromhbrickhbungalow with attached garage and pavd dive, hcatitttolyilaodc.pt 4 piurehath and modernkith enmilh hardmccd flcorc îhîoughaol, ecepl hath and kitchen. Fctiy divoded hacemoni 041k 24.7 n 16.10 flly tiniched leu.. rcuni ,vîh bar. Large tcmrk shop ares pion waler colitcor andc TV lamer ceith rotor color bcad and FM head. Licvtng roumi drapec ineiaded. For morein farmatian catît Frank Kirkehp. SOUTH 0F ACTON - REDUCED TO SELI l0oAcrelut iith pofevionathuiltthacemencltohbflor. 100 fi. drtltocl eoît 50011i frontago on majnr eoonty rond. Flanc and carvcy ai 0cr offiee. For more details calit Frank Kirkohy. INVESTMENT PROPERY On Highocav Nu. 25, ail cloar. god farma huildiagc, encellent ccii fora'. Ic'ponf ci-op. Ahomeofor omeand land for the fturae. Cal': Dot Gamland. 4 BEDROOM Hometoth acto,,w Sitoald forprivarymwilhnearlyîu/4of an acrr of land. A largo living mcom cvth fireplaco. dinisg room îith pictrlorotindt)ra and itîchon wilh largo eiaiing aoa, For forîhor ittarmnalien catît Doe Gomland. 15 ACRES I n scont Natcagttto'. Towntthiîp, appracimatoly 7 miles fronta No. 401 H,'. Beaaiall'.rod ith pin andcdarn - rotlicg heilding lot. Try var offrr cvith Kay Bell. CAM P BELL VILLE 100 Atres. -lie butlding'. at-one loi good. hat tho tond lncatin and ro'., arc. Fi,,. Lciail, cal: Loy Bunker. CAMPBELL VILLE Neo castomhotilo7'.tttrc Colonia.l home, loigocd for formal and oattal litag, t.. .'t.ga't oe. ltioig rt--m aod die- ing maom. lu tic' .tm latov soco itten aith hcolt-io applîao- aeel ardýphoar,'. L ottro plut. îi mata fleor panetled tal oîn tt tIlt a rltrod '.sto tîrplaco and maîkoot. Alco îeolclo'. 4 beoItacî and 3 hathoînc. Laaated u 10 acre'. A'.k for Lec Buthhor. $43,500. Fortibis.i'.el amtton igo.aeol'.tll plaîîod homc, '.craootddci hv'tooi ho.totant looog 4 ltodtontc,2hbii, vigl tatta,,iin io, hî'igltt ittohon, tanîtlv îttam vrith 1 lotoîolandtottl.tecuto,tioytoot anad ba.k pr.h Lot dole gatra.ge, att .t largo loi. Cal]: t lîcno Pries. PAN-ABODE Nt,lî k,'pt ta,-bd .ttti,, Itao.ootol B0too' Tî,lou-t,'. hîat, 3ltotlro m,> ..1.ltt,11 ltt.tlootto'tg.-diftin ogtat tth lt,l'c atnd. Utlott'l t Lit lrg 'oiln,'ng Lra 21tx 2tttl.îtth ttoLI rikiiplar'..atdhar. The hieus tu,ttomt"t,,tl C.tll' iono Pr'ie. Brethour Realty Services (1961) Ltd. R e alt or Milton 878-4121 17c1 i IWIMPEYI NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesman in Attendance frorn 10.30 arn. Daily Cail 878-5364 Collect NOl S\NIALI, NOl 1BIG -1.11 RIGiaTi'- Tht'. attractive stao e% td 1" .R. hiici khome wth paat diig and L.R.,4 p.bah,and fll aemen. Cooldhbcjct right for yoet. Try an effer mith Ross Ceneon. 878-9511 oe 878-2755. MAKE THAT CHANGE 00W! - Groecry store 'nill ample liv. ing qoarlcrs attached, locatedon sy Corner in Milton ae.This cs an opportonity for an invenment yoa jonC can't pachbv. For forther information please all Jckie Roeton 878-9511 or 878-4319, IN AREA 0F INCREASING VALUES - Along midi attractive financial arrangemesn this contry property gets yoa "a'nay from il ail." 12 acres mith partially renovated 'home ond pctcihility of lot toparation. For further in- formation pleaseeca Jo hie Beeton 878-9511 or 878-4319. 17cl1 A..EPAGE 57 YEARS' CONTINUOJS SERVICE Menuher cf the Toronto, Ontario ond Oakville - Trafalgar Real Rîtate Boards NOW IS THE TIME - WHY NOTI Pricale îcloded 'i, acres ith a matic'ely ncm 3 hedmoe home, plus a pintelddeoîn, iv,4 piŽochaths, large living mont cithlfield stonefireplicc.diningrcom.,a fanily ized kilohec, 2 car atltac.hent garage, heactifol home in o quiet cetling. Acktng 947,900. STAGGERING - BUT TRUE 3 Bedroom. large living talîto. tmds' 'tac kitchoo. large ficiohcd re.rcoin, pal od driv'e, oicely landscaped. Aon we 'home. cleao and m,.ll kept. Try $3,500. down. HORSE FARM 50 Acres, largo rtclîng arenzi moe lots cf hon stalls, training field ' mon fcr a mile' tra..k l,îctly hrick hoe with 4 bocat'., îîl tre,o clo ta Georgetow. Excellent apporlactîl to open' i lidtag schacl. Vondor tetît lahe hruk a latrge Ist moi-iga. aîi rea'tonahto rates. Licted lit $108.000. FOR COURTEOUS, PROMPT SERVICE Caîl DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 17el1 LaRealty ad InsuranceLtd. 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO ACTON - Tii lol'. hricrad ooluiicm ,m hach '.pliî homre ic a rua hcc it $28,900. -0 on!0 to arv aid. Camhioaoin lîtîng -diitg totot 20*6 v 145, kîtrhen 1435 c 8, four hodroamv. aIl r'.îîci sicoîl. dte 18'6 x911. Tho main on itoittoo hall t'. 14'8 x 5*5 liait hasocn. Loi vice 60 v 110. Dt,îîîiivit oly Sv 5,650. For ferihor ieformat- ro ail Jio Baiioy. 50 ACRE FARM IN ESg3UESING - WSith a iV tcy, hrick home. Lîîtîg tatîto, titingititotm kilrbon plcs pantry. 3Shod,,lttoi,,4 plu-rbah,tJIi.tlh.i.oniet. De btgage F/A it ittl. .Svktigi trc ISff .000 iO. ive Att Pc.ctoal .î rali fi liî r iniformiation. BRICK DUPLEX -01 oietral, tiaied a i î45 x 100 toat lti. EL'oi t .tî,.tîiîîît c.t)i -,l cil lago living roam, ktrhec 12 v 0 8. tuo. gtodilcia.1 lteroit.tî', b.tlîom Faîrod tir g-tv lictcîig Lîtull baonoîî t Taxev $30. Th. a'.kicg prito i, S35,000.o NORTH Bi.RLINGO.fiO - Sîllît :h lrce Itotir.,t homo vicar Fctlhltid.. ,,, .t i,.,otiî, Ili tt rpo 100' x 200' lai. Com- hintati liîîcg tatd tiîttît, tîtm 28' v 11'4 îîiih boy %vin- diio îîlt,> l Ittoit, '12 t, 12 î,iîh ampleoure noatd c ottîtht tzieoo liitO'lto't ltitt o t m il v 31. piu m'. ure-. tît.tont....tît4' xv24' .t%îîîî'iii bar anti iirapla.a. Four pti,- it FIS . o i iî Tivo' 3346. Liviod frira 038000. SEVILFO BUIL1DINt, LOT - Fi litit)n 65' Itreillage hy 166' -dtttolato.pLti.ttcclit.tcli furhbiding. Fiom prirot Siogit Tuoin iv r0,tIdiviol GLEN LEDIN C0101 APART9 31(51 - 122 Brntl Street S., Milit iloti. 1 - totm Ç145. - 2 hodrtom sie Ftut 56 tll, itîîtloittîit'.îto maI h li io il 2 ttttti.tî % -.t s bctlt ti avppîintint Fitrn 1,0 R'.,i'., Futititro and Appliacc tar tiite,. FOR SERVICE and SATISFACTION Cal! 878-4118 1 Ar' Peacock 878-6447IStan Thompson 878-2455 Jim BaiIey 878-6506IMîke Ledwuth 878-4873 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 Meethers of lte Oaknilie RosI Balaie Board NEED SPACE? 3'UST WHAT YOU ARE 'LOJOKING FOR This home bot 4 bedeoomt and den, 1 wo pc.eeaheom, 1 fall both, large kilehen with loto of cophoard epace, large broadloomed living mom, fin. ished ec rocnm alc broad- loomed, many other astras. Weil lrecd lot close tat dcon tome. Ovaner must seil, as-x cellent financion. Pried righl ai $32.900. Commercial building milo living qoartiers in dmenownar Excellent location. Could bu oned for melîling, etc. Asking ý$32.000. Encellent lermos con be arranged. Country living, 2 - etorey brick and frome home miihbarnon large lot vcieh nlreamt along- cide cf pmopery. Ail build- ings on excellent eondition. Ashîng $36,000. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 i17ctl Short Run to 401 tdeolly laocd in quiet amea. heanlilol 3 hodmom brick bongowve hilchen anv girl veold loveahasemenlo'ith paoeled mc eaim. plut a den and extre hodroem. charp patio, encelent fieenÀn. Caîl FLO MAATHESON GEORGETOWN 877-5261 TORONTO 364-1067 Johnson Carney Ltd. REALTOR - INSURANCE 17cl1 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ROCKWOOD ROCKERY Station St. Rochveocd. FRIDAY. JUET 14th .Commmnçicg 7.309.m. .Àîioe...', tL C. H. TUFFI 20h11 Aootioneer 17 MAL ITAI 4on BED11 bric ote a ubi 17di1-206 'PRIVATE SALE - Conlom hault 5 hcdroom home. Large kitchen. living & diningrocnn, 2 batis, douhie garage onlarge shoded lot. 920-3644 after 4 p.m. for appolntment. l7o144672 Privefe Sale $30,000. Ail brick bngalowc, atsaehnee screens and storms, 3 bcd- rooi, broadlocint tlbe out living and hll area, drapes included, fllB base ment, eorly ponsestion. 122 Meadowbrook Drive M4ilton, Phbone 634-6940, 633-040 17ell CHRISTIE&WOODS R1RAL MSATE LIM2TE BROKEIR lu9 Maie Si.ee MITMO Income Propertieý $46500. Lovely aIder type Itoon eoneerted int 3 apartmeet. Clone 10 domntown area. COU NTRY Campbellviîîe Rz-ch style bungalow sitsated on a beautifat 3/ acr lot mith faot flowing streoun. ma. ture tee. Large living enoom mith 2 pictOro Windoms, bri- ght kitchen, ample cuip- boards 3 bedreme 4 pc. hathroom,2 car garage, gond location for eonmauting 10 Hamiltonoand Torno. 50 Acres. roliing, pomds, scenin wood.s aod vîrcanu, big and dry 10 boild on. $1,00. per ac.reor try an offer. Due tarecenlcsales of our en- lirgrd sales staff WCe urgentty reqoire homes in the $24.000. ta 132,000. ronge for one cl- enots ith excellent cash equi- ty. Myrîte febClelloo. Ras Chappel Pat Stram Yvonne Christie CALI 878-2095 878-6057 l7cl 1 AUCTION SALES ON PAGE 11 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Roprosenling CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17o0t HALTON REAL ESTATE LTD. MOFFAT MANOR One. of iliu urtginzil hoames,,of Mtffat village. A troc Canadien -ona, ,a,,e.,odooindly. Traditioal centreball pla,alarge.lttt'.r',apictre idemcfront and rear iroplaro, '.op.rtr.. ramptys ized dioing com famly roir halod h% (.il] pies, 4 hrdrcoms, attaeloed garage, ati iilraa.ovï wth 2 large ltccezy derners. $34800. HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL P,,rtiallv ,omadllcd son lcrk stjîl to do. A comifortoble home te pî..-tt t l'o,,g loi. Panellrd living mom. large kiiolan ivtih dtiog arua, S hadroomc. coled 4 piece bath. Rean- ocahi.. paîctt. Avking $16,500. GOOD BUSINESS llld lathitnctidîillLtgr gvtî.'rl '.arcincar-a of immediate deveo. met. Larget lot 170' c 132' for fotore expansion, gas romps.a, ,,,r wlltFall mortgoge, acking $42.000. 60 ACRES PUSLINCH Ruggod ttlltag icira, talr'ring trcevs,3ponds ahouding inomgd Filprial ad ecdd and yt only 8miles to,401 Hy. 33 ACRES PUSLINCH Loraîrd- a lotad. 2 ponds, ovor 3600 ruadt frontage. ideal for hosrra '.,.owanling la de'.elop lais property 100 ACRES NASSAGAWEYA Exropti.al c,.attttî retroal property, seven ponds, nsady reetieg [rsoxcllent, evciticc huilding elevationt. HALTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED - BROKER 181 MAIN ST. F. - SECOND FLOOR 878-4191 1udt aUI Ad Or F7RN-ITI Hayes mal love oeot I round oak buiffet 'nu Wndow,c mirrorto carved peli bock capil open bat deenneet; (modern), 8' x 12'. mtric tc old ire bc IMISCRE clark; gie eral redl 'nicher ci Scotiand tranks; ni Gardas T ai This ils a TERMSC 20b2 0f Hoase Appliaece ait he G benmmn South Rt T 2 Pc.< lora roc 7 pec. kit beds mit esses, 2! 2 chest oi pole tam tile iniai pong toit npreadt. APPII matie c fleur pl midifier Singer e tle radie (M1501 and gari 1a., %h j ors, eeg eCmgicfg eqoipme 100 gale bial TERMS Nombei 20h11 3319 Ni SATU ANTI eaeh d Vietori gan tin large oi or; oal table; hall ter phone; Fremie tiqoc g me eotting spinde carved al eha chai r; et; 'n stand; imachi lord 3 large i GUN barrel Cima 1871 E8 ch loi ttreech Winch condit inet. se 4 b Singe] Victot brunh seef ets; 3 lng ei FIA3 Bedet Oea rERO htarg