Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1972, p. 3

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,Aecess road stili favored over Ioop Second petition complicates decision Jant ahes Milton Planning fleurd ielt the Controversiat bop cudi at Hîgbside Drive mnd Ridge Rd. bil boco setgled, a voire of the people net yet beard tram 4ppoared ai he meetin&Wed- emlcating the dedumnon efth1e laard. Teimsue waa wheher or ntta r t an aceas raid mn Ontario wtan Ahhaywond t5evetnp nsa pot la iheir 174t t- division. The derelope a ugd aalopread atd ne develepaient ms well as thome la tise sucroondieg neighhorhmod. Ovec 100 cesîdeots vn thv Dercydown subdivision, Meubaiviese, Riverpiace Cees., Woodward s1. and Eli St. arean =hjetla 18e propoadloop and huseian aes laOtri. St. 8e put i. They felt they weuld 8e suhjecied la greater amomntu et tratiic mnd that tboy mouid 8e easily trapped la case et tire or other emergeecy. WIlIeIraws reqanat While at least mome efth1e ruled on the motter. Adilcipating a tengtby batrde and sol wîshing ivo aniugooibc tbe vvîghbocs in the aoeu, the drocloper witisdcew bis roquent foc tise loup. At that peli the decisien aJpe ce tl ent clesrly la laver ehjecig la 18e loup. But il oment dinar as it ssighi have seemed. Brmndisblag a petities Wednesday with 69 snnmes taverlag the tmup road, Jin lnighi argued the board hadt o right la agree la an access roadt oithaot tiret consultlag ail the neighbrs. trom, planning board secretary Ross Pearro indica tieg tbey sosd be advised ifiadeision other thas the lop coud wus droidrl uous He argued they had sot bees coûsultd. Negalas letter Tise bourd sugented the developer's withdrawat ofth1e reqemt for the tmup negaled -the eartier letter. Atter mach consîderation and discussion, the bard agreed the access rend woutd be buidt. "I iavor the loup peronatly. but wecre stucs technically," appeared to nom ep tbe concessus ot tise bourd aimisers' feleingsv or: the' îo.lter. rivoier suggrstevt Mc. Knvght approacs tise devetoper to ce- sobsot las application tor o tmup mnd ai that lane the board could recomîider. But la viese ofth1e devetoper's mmlt reclent position, the board bl la mahe o deis mnd Oelt 18ey couldl delay the project mny longer. Bign a th peiiboas la lau presntaion Me. Knight moted tlat mmre peuple aho had siged the petition luron the alcs rod is:: sigved lthe seivvd ogoîvot il. "Moy wece sot iully avare oi the onpbication, be mîid. Kmùgbt atmo argued many et those sigsmng tanst position seere bisante mnd boorders and mome weeremoved tramn the area. Ne ctonned ait efthIlse nigeing hie pebition tîved on the launediale aras and oere hons tide lammowners and tus payer-. An effort la toise a trattie coul day ;ust dlnnr mnd dance la the vlae The mutuels area et Mà=st Raceway was the seltlasg aa taresideni Clifte Bill md the clubus 32 charter Lis gat iheir maw club off la a gond atari., 8018 mmlailly and tlaslly. Vlaltlng Luins camse froes miles armsnd la aBfer hest ainlies 101the newheen club and 14 efth1e clsh preaidenla came bearlag gilla whieh helpod the oea club gel off the groued. "«Newhaby' District Governar Pred Zorge oftGeorgetowns pmnnenled the cluh charter la "ose nea hahy" as he called IL Hea*Wln d letters of cosgnratulatioes trom lateriatieol President Robert J. Uphinger mnd District Gererner. elect Doug Waler. Presideel Bill aha receired the charter on bohalt efth1e cluh, said maid tI lape we mabo a stronger mnd mare mmitd commssity ami nloner and more mmitd world." He exprenued appreciaia la the Milton Lions Club fer their assistamce as sprs te Ernie Crosslasd ahe isus npecial Bands, folk i1bgets at -,. coffee house Mbilton Youth Council presîdeni Dave Lloyd reports 18cme sec- ceoutul mocial tmnctiom during the peet oeeh. Ron Break ami Company, Ron Rond and Mamnie Hure, mnd Hot Suscaer Nigl ait periormed during the oeeh. ueadog oîll put on a dance' concert Tbucsday ereeieg at the coitee bausenon Niing Rd. ami Joby i Greasebaît Bougie Basd ouI uppeur tbere. -Holiday oeehetei comlag np drive carefally. "'Throngs pair lalamesl ami boIp we teel double terltied le l aon the ohligations, and te carry on the tine traditions, ethirs asd gond woris et Uànlac," the presidesl told the gahrn.Bearlag gita Zorge aIse presenied ssemborship certificates la the charter membern, ami amlaistd Lios Mnrray Heod ailh the preses latin et gifts. Gift lacbsded the Intenational flue sel treas Oahriiie Liens, spoaher's stand trem Streeluvilie, honnir. stamd ami pole trnm, Bramplan, gosg ami gorel trem Milton, tine las trem North Peel, Canodios tlag trnm Burlington.Reisos, Americas fiaig trem Walerdoses, picture ot tise Queen tram Aclan, rade ot e18ics troas Bramalea, dinner badges tram Caledon, secretoryns pin tram Chinguaroany, president's pin tram Rachaeod and memborslap pis tram Hamnilton EanI. Nassogaweya Toanship's Rasmagaweya Township Council. "This wii 8e the fineni cluh la Canada," she tld the audience, -tisee mes have ben lalaresbid la service seori aUl tboir brven." Houesn WestIMPP George Kerr oas omable la attend as 8e la on o trip *lo Flnaad. Campbellrdlle Police Village chairmon Alf Boystoe, Mladi Lios President Chris Scboabin, Rer. R. P. E. Jeftares of St. John's and St. George's Anglican Cburchen and Zone Cbarmae Rod McDonald oere among the ismd bible gnmsts. George Goldetrae wsea chsarter sîgist cbairmae and monter of ceremosien for the ollar-dinser speechem, and was igbly praised for the orgmaan 8e pot inla 18e evesing. Wisllaeor TV Albir the isuffet diener and brief program, membors and gumstu enjoyed a social ereelag mnd dancing te0the music ot J. C. mnd t8e Slquires. Sereral tuctsy droos seere mode, with primes donnbid by locat merbonto, and Waisety and Bill Elheot, secrelary Gnomles Bayelan, treanurer Je Faulissor, Lion tomer Dirh Bnnmnhoever, laul tainlar Rams Mitchell, mnd directors Murray Inglis, Tom Boyce, George Goldntrawanmd Glenn Andersmn. Charter members aiso lactude: Vurlis Boiser, James Bayslanf, Rams Brohaciser, Ruedy Brown, John Carnie, Bill Demnie, Ed Evansa, Sta Heedernen, Bull Howard, James Kropf, Greg Langhton, Bilt Mathies, Garmet MIibell, Tom Mitchell, Charlen Porcbem, Lurry Phllps, Pern Ranger,' Lloyd Stohes, Jac Van Gameren. '4 FAST-COURTEOUS-PROMPT For your convenience a waiting i mom at 5 Montgomery Lane-Mlten CALL878-4003- The Champion, Miltor, Ont., Wednesdsy, June 28, 1972 S for ose week at each of three situated in the proper spot the strategic locations tailed la 8e et coant wsea diatorteed because it mvy hein tu the plasmais la recorded bicycles goiag over the nsahlng a decislon. The Ina, counter. Apparently chlldres worns deportment was delayed in oiced tise cnnmter and amused putting the counler out and once theselves by goiog oser and tbey got it out, found ilto be in bock nver thecountor. lt recnred need of repair. Once repaired mnd 200 clics in ose May. OAKVILLE PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT At ils meeting Thursday, Jane 29tft, 1972, at 8:00 p.m. ut tise Municipal Offices, the Planning Board wiii consider additions ta the Ofticial Plan. Only those most likely to be ot interest are listed below: tor complete details THE AMENDMENT SHOULD BE EXAMINED. Copies may be sen at the Planning Board otfice and thse Woodside and the Central Libraries, Oakville. 1 . Provision tor consolting Milton authorities on proposais in the Milton area. 2. Possible locations for -"Highway Commercial", sucis as the intersection ameas of: The QEW mifis: Bronte Road, Dorval Way, Tratalgar Road and Ford Drive. Highway No. 5 with: Bronte Road lHwy. 251, and with Trafalgar Road. Higaway 403 witis Highway 25 Highway 401 wifh Trafalgar Road and suggesting further restrictions as to the numiser, groupivg and access for sucis 3. lntrodocing new major roads plan, inclvding a future road pattern tor the area north of Upper Middle Road and a major arterial road east of Milton covnecting mit h Highway 401 in a location te be decided in future but in the vicinity of the 3rd - 4th Lines. 0. W. Vicisery, Secretary-Treosurer P.O. Box 318 Oakville, Ontario. 0 bWVIAIIKS There"s plenty of 0PANTS ___ SKIRTS PARKRING in Downtown Milton whileIdlfo Beufu Main St. reconstruction is casual for progressing summr e' wea r a group lde S!\ of ladies' ldis PARK ON THE FREE MUNICIPAL LOTS P IEO ON MARY ST. teW. Wil be Closed Saturday, July 1isf Many Downtown stores have Mary St. entrances DEP TMVENTST R -OR for your convenlence OpenILIUN STORE HOURS Enter the lot from Charles or Brown Streets pndaiyoip 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261 Thurs. Frî to9p.m. 9-MM lineret of8te tairay mnd sac- they lsed te the opposition Ne maid 8e and isa nighhern Couneior Dr. Fra Embier tld luinftee peoplein tise oea tramn the residenla betore 18ey lad receive Arm i 28 aPm lee the board. In 18o1 staement 8e A New 2A Noir service Over 400 help Iaunch Maxwell Taxi new -Campbellv*ille Lions_ Camphellrille and Diabli represeelal ve et Lions Depuly Reere Dos McMilSm Dmn Richmond of Streelar Dle a Lions Cltub, tersed eartier this International and la Zone brought greelsngs trom the was the wiomer ot a color TV set. eur, wsea ottsmlally taunched i3tairssan-elect Murray Bond et Halton Comiy Concdl mnd Reeve Charter officors efth1e club are Pbiday evenlng when a mrod ot Millan, ahhelpod la gel t8e club Mms. A. MacArthur ottered president Clitte Bil, rice- e an 75C qmi 2 F. 9 pe. Itýpft flULINGTON CITIZENS FORUM Invites ai residents of the epper Burlinigton area to attend a speciai meeting when the resuits et a telephone sorvey be BELL CANADA miii lieý anneonced. Area manager W. C. Barnes and staff wiii be present te expiain their proposais. PLACE. Klbride Public Schael TIME: 8 p.m. sharp DATE: Wednesdap evenisa, JaIy 5.

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