w 1- 12 The Champion, Milton, Ont.. Wednesday, Jue 28, 1972 47 POUNDS 0F PULL TABS froso soIt dink rew are Charmaine Essery euS Elles Hunsen cons mire collectesi hy stedents et tise tien represeotîog Casophelîvilie Scisool -ansi Nassageweya Scisools, Brobville ansi Donlne Zimmerman, individuel top cellecton Carnpbellvslle, in a competition orgenizesi hy et Breekesille with 16 posonss et laboi. lu tise the ice Women's Institutes ef tise township. second rose are nepresentalives Michael Wioners receivesi their cash pnizes lest week Mayes, Randy Bell and Madeline Austen lrom fromi Mns. Ornar Venbicisie, ieft, president et Brookeille's top riens, Reeso 9. The chilsiren Campiselîville W. 1. ensi Mrs. Glen Pearce, have been collecting pol lobs ton six months. presîdent of Nassaganseya WlI lu tise front (Photohy R. Dowsern Omnagh From Omagh Ireland to Omnagh Ontario Oy Mes. Ceeil Pailersos James Seese M.P.P. andi Mis. So sere isosts on Sueday, Jane 25 tu lise members of lise Destin laiiclieslfor lseic annual esnien. Eîgisiy peesees sîgnesi the regieler .Ai are diescendants et thselae Mr. and Min. Ervine Deelie cise lvii ibeir horne in tieceh , leelansl ansi seillesi ai Oiagh . Ontario in 181. Tisey bcd 10e nons. oie cas William vise rnared Jase Arn ituenside. Tiss ceuple eesisied on tise land eew eceesi iy William H. Devlie, Oceois. Tises bcd 00e daugisiers, Mes. Annie Gaie, Guelpisandi Mes Vera Jefiessof Oroe Station, BoUs altendei lise Jasiies Deeles osceriesi Ellen MeKeleey aend selîlesi on lise lis o te e asi coener ai tirnatis. Tisey oere isiessesi cils 14 eteldee lice sens andi nulne daagislees. Four of lisee are deceanesi, Jane Mes. Beeseneidge. Racisel Mes. Claeeîde, Mary i Mes. Murray) aed Edish Mes. Maisces. Allendine cii liseir famulles weeMev. Maegie Snec, Milton, Ms Violet Feeeslee, Freeperi, Baisamas, Mie, Halîse Haris et Dayissa Beci, Fleesia, Mes. Minne Wacd of SouthCarelirn, Mie Ll.lîcî Rounds, Toerono Wiltîans H. Devise, Ornagis, Edwaed of Stecitvstle, Jeisn et Trentc, Sin cf Weslen aed Jîrn ci Nyenscree selo present. Oldeol person Tise cidees peesen allending cas W.H. Delin ani lise ycengest cas bis gcanssn Jason, scsofMe. and Mes. Henry Destis of Miltcn Jan Destin ci Toronto ws MC foe lise pero.n He wielcciiied tise geeni ansi asesi tee a miisnutes silence le reere thieiieinoryvof Harvey Freser ci Feere aosi Grant Deelin, Oi.isagb vise bcd passesi acay dursnglthe pasl yeae. Lunch sc esjcyed, Iclincei isygariscscnd ssisiening in the pool Yiag ansi nid mesebers isas a grand lice re'ricecis Gcesie were preenn tense Wasagd Beacb, Butfalo ansi inicny clsee points. ridai shoesee Miss Myena Campisell ci lise Fciirb Lise wsea benes ce Mcnday cvessng Jane 19 ai Boyicn Cestre ivien nesisisees, Irienssi and relatives galiseeed for a iseidal siscer. Mrs Robsert ltiesnidge welcnrned lise guenon aed ceasi an asderese wiising Myrna ced bec isiansit leise, Bill Guide et Sleelville iaris isappuess andsi ucees in lise yean duit lie aiseasi. Tise yesg couple cece ansininsi n pening lhises guifs iy lise bieis ceusn Miss Valeree Gren, ansi a lesensi Mes. Bill Spcciing made attcactive bats ecîîs lise prell eiision becs. Bill and Myena espeessei Isoer appreesalien toc lise many loeuisil gis cet pleasne evening Biland Myenacwill ay lhises neesdine secs on Fcday evenîng. Jce2 in Streelsville. iLaneis brengisl a pleasani eeýnng le a eci.. Allsenling Ose car19 cece Myrna's an Mes. Lesy Waiisee, aise, Mes. Lilian Woodvek, bot of Torntoe,and thse ern's parentsnMr. ansi Mes. Gnnde ni Slreesviile. My' rna n lise enly dasgislee ni Naeey Campbell ced lise tirte Mes. Camopbell Go le Alberta Raneh A lareceli pacly cas iselsi ait lise homre ni Me. ansi Mes. Teom Bonceielsi. Fist lne tee Me. cet Mes. Arthur Dealisandtfarily, o lise eve nf liseir departure le Ibeie secihoern Pecce Risereeof Aliserta. Mr. ced Mes. Dealis, formseeceea reeidensiscd a pleasani esensne cils lhisel lesende ansi ce a leben et censeiniseane ansi ged oises, lisey ceee presenlesi seili a viseene houres ansi acrencecien. Tis icnily ciii ise missesi. Mes. Deats lise forer Linsia Wilson cas a pcnnsnesl player se tlle Nonniy Girls Bail Tearn. We esish Aehur ansi inda, cith iscis Deelene ans ios Li.rie, Kesny ansi Jsimmy, mecs isappinese ansi succens as lisey lake ap c new lite on lhise rancs sece Gcediaee, Aliserta. Congratlaions le lise flloinssforeeceiesng peizenifor lise enisis ai lise Milles Ncclîccilaral Faie on Wnd- nesdcy, Jane 21. Mes. Williarn Siccil ceceivei lise grand peine as achampion eniiior. Mes. Lellie Tcsbec, Mrs. Ada McCann ced Mes. Haley Rfobiertson wece cisc wîrneen, ansi Mary Sisaîl cas lufibin lise cisildeen's section. Tise shows was a rncel neccesetul evenl and drew gnd ecds dcscsg lise cileescen ansi nvevisg. lireetags Beiisday greenngn go o Mes. Corne f0 your new dealer for Ibrand flOw 1972 Madel V@LKSWAOINS (Nodo pay e i f vo qulf Guaranteed fwice as long as any other economy car 2 years or 24,000 milns marranty. Also sos fne o l ecnuditined ioo pos ent fliarantese sd sais. Voiksmagen Service and Warranty Repair Service Dept. open Thurs. to 9 p.n Free coscinoy cri byvappo infirent Robert Benwnridte, Maetin Gpnleen. Louise Winchs cet Allas ltnceiield. Me. ced Mes. Gorge Jacksn ansi lamîly et Bedton nsee linnday eisîlen cils liseir grand. moclier Mes. George Pecnei andi iaciy. Tise sacrarnenit ofComnioen ws e biai Ornags Presisyterian CsucisonnSsssay, June25 wilisa large congregation alleedisg. Rem. R. Lecis celcoeere is lise flsip ni tise cisurch tarif nec mnembrs, Me. ansi Mrs. Baery Coin, by ecldirale. Tise cisuri pîrnîr cas pvnlpnned lense Jane 25 le Sanday, Jnly 1 . Ornagis cuogregalsos i hase vacation tee tise ceeus et JUiy. Mes. Mae Gilinp et Georgetown cas a Snday visitor iilthe Jin Watson tarnsly, Tid Lise, cet cliendei c surprise isirlbday dinner fer ber siagiser Mrs. Marie Kiernan Tis cas bidaI lise Watson homre. Expecting 2,300 at Sheridan Orer 1,400 nlodeno hsarve csnfirmei liseir regîiration aI Shberidans Clss1vev e fr l1 progris ,svsI applicctionsar esil .vcsn g in at lise rate et 15 lc 17 a day , einar Jb Bese es o hgision Oes ni Geserneen Wedneuduay nigso. hi a brînt srninaey of encel- rnent pactterns, Me. Brsrnley oaisi lucre eolsi ise heom 1,700 ns 1,00 eniernei registrants isy Seplernier, ansi tisaI total slodesi population esulsi prnisakly reci 2,300 lis year. Welding shop is violation Esqesine Coneil bau enlei usai eperalion of a ceiding nsop isy Cisaeles Speris et his isore, Lai b, Cen. 3 near Milles ennraveses lise tocnsip's holding by-lae. A iseigisisc, Desno Srnitis insigesi a enmplaisl abnsutlise sisnp in tise nprine. Ceanesîrnade ils deelsion ivllncing a coninillee rneeting ailendesi by iseli Mc. Speris ansi Mc. Smiis. SAFETY TALES Conni. Jim Resipats, accident preesin ofier ai Miltn OF, han speben on saiely le 1,085 sindenîs ai Pineviese, Brookville M. Z, Bennett, Robertcittl11e andi Flain ce Cente puie nchnnln ced ai Sinsine Sibiel us rcen or kv. ERIK HANSEN, forerty et Milton, gradeatei froso tise University ef Waterloo receniiy. He receivei a B.A.S drgree lu mechasical engineering. He is lthe non et Mr. ansi Mrs. Gregors Hansen, 112 CeunI St. Milton. ILS TOWN 0F SURLINGTON Public Works Department Sanitary Landfii Site Sohedule of Charges Effective, Monday, July 3rd, 1972 the Town of Burlington wiii be charging for the disposai of mante materiais af the Sanifary Lansili Site. The Schednie of Charges is as shome beiow. Type ofVehicie Net Weighs Charge Astounhîle, oith soCharge or ithout trader. Pickus & Van type 0 .30OIho. 'hCharge trucks 301- 2000 n2 ce 2001-2500 2.50 2501 23000 300 FEc Ail othnr Vnhicles 1.-2000 Ibi $2,00 2001-2500 2.50 2001 -3000 3,00 lEc Ali monetary arrangements by indi v ideai or confractors for use of tise Landfîill Site wi Il be done fhrough t he perchase of tickets at the Tan Oftice on thse ground floor of the Town Hall, 426 Brant Street, Bariingtor, Ontario. Tihe tickets wiii be purchased in units of $1.110 and 0.501 je isookletsof tee (10) and twenty (20) respect iveiy. No monetary transactions witi be aiiowed af fhe Landfiii Site--tickets must be obtainei ait the Town Hall prior to the disposai of any wasfe material. G. W. Harrington, R. R. Baille, P. Eeg. Mayor Director af Public Works. 'I T t TA T AT THE SHOE DEPARTMENT. Bob Newman continues SALE his 3rd anniversary REST 0F STOCK TO GO For exam i A Selection of Famnous DACKS these are in broken Unes ON SALE Regulcsrly priCed ta 31.00 $ 8 0 Hurry on this one . For the Girls ...n A group of white DRESS SHOES Regular Prîce to '5.99 NOW ONLY $2'919 For her ... LADIES' WHITE DUTY SHOES ONgla SALE.5 60 1 R Ogl N fA LE.9 LADIES' SANDALS Regular fa 110.95 $ ï ON SALE 599 MENIS WORK BOOTS 20% OFF Steel Toes, High Culs, Low Culs and in Ail Sizes Another Anniversary Special i I MIEN'S HUSI PUPPIES Regular ta '13.95 NOW ON SALE $10*77 Ideal for Summer Wea r MEN'S 20% OFF Ail Men's and Ladies' SUMMER CANVAS SHOES Plenty of Parking on Mary St. at riear of Store& LUCKY DRAW WINNERS... Mrs. N. Brown - 36.010 Mrs Phylio Learmount - 13.95 Robert Thoson - 5.05 Ted Figg - 210 10 Caroline Chuchrnach - j0 95 Rau Featherslone - 5.00 Sienen Copley - 5.001 G. H. Willoughby - 5 oo Our thanks to Mr. Knigtof IKnîght's Men's Wear for drawîng tickets *UIIthe mii II (EP1rTMIENTSTORE M l6N +MHOURS 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-926 open daily to p.n. and Thers. Fr! to9 p.m. -1 Tht conctu for elt tirne il friend nemei achoal We cairais generl been aubjec gener edoca liso Br end si or P refen and e or ad and Centi rnay very eog Ci Conti threà disait lisa point tlaD rigst G isro inter prail imgi junt inle af te way ocisi irne larol frol C Orso boc (Bro gavea 0av Ou sose1 tise bove, oher] Tis lise Finel hiisto Il's i News Pari begi fros the 1