AiRIO tnt home, Oùi a large L stfoiy lanal- lomely treeti amite alloing i on the 2nal lossely home a Centensial Ion, close te sso5seratem a monta, linge liums plus car garage, showe. le lot 150 il livng ent ni, batnioo, 7720. K 18, hitOlsas ommnt, taires n $145; 2. ; on the 800 tur-day f rom fefr modal i Appllssîom, 878-2455 878-6506 878-2894 l7c9 DENZL LWRECE 88-943 st -éspcsite ac acidnts 11 kismmsr sdprviee The Charepion Milton, Ont. Wadneay, Jane 28,,1972 1 Seek lobs for students 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE WhechaIr. *E CH ISiE& OO S MARY STREET (Cmtinued froo Page 1 Swlms regularly M U rRAVU R I R~E A UTZ LUEM PeiT a casmenjeot nelgldior- eket-n sMaI prepe t aditionBos tase bogs hOOK f bond we deoratea ald .. let the occident curtail is t thse Steel City Wlieelers. lise 189O&on Sree large diniesg analiveing ares Place ontlea Hamilton utbicb offets owioaoiog SAVINGS cih broadlon and2 dalpes iu. la8it lait bie read a newspaper l l ebr.I a ihii Up TO $3,000 -cludd Kiiche c crh uîsnt clr articles sîtthe need for basket- rup0rouscbuilt up much ofhis Precision e mni d hoes TOWN stkare. Lts ffcost spce boit players on e Tont swasoicocability. ithe bedruams antd thrsagh- '11.hob Tnderbis a Toroot ,I Jaosary hoe swam 101 erecteal on your fosondatioo. 40 Storey & 110f., 3 bedroom brick ut. Dent miss il. 129,400 csh. offiileal sith th Natoa ngths51 of a outinutg pool ini tis chsose frot or contenu de. homne, broadloomn throghot . Cali BitIL KELLY Hheciir eNto al-iton in a mde-lOr.mOS -ind e i h tt.Fak nc rgtkthn ietWelhi Baokethail tp lroc ae h Toa. Get ld ome fott'ank ancco bardskîea. amette, F. BERTAGNOLLI Association. Ho re ont for the ptp nurac rc. h T.Pioale tLme Com570Hit) o aple quietoorset clhoe teos anal was occepedalamls atcpnswr suporei hy BeaerLîmiorCo, 70OSis on ncequetemcetclse REAL ESTATE LTD. iommdiateiy. spomors. rap De 00Mton, Ont. phono V&0 ta schools, churolsesi and Cnsseher) Paigshebarast- Brosse acituireal as0 au resait 4153 or rsîtaleaver Lss00.e oloi ai a ta Toronto 247-94 boit ta arsmiro...i 0the race andhle used hemortel, for a lonne ctalogu $10 tu,20 Po'y' 10 pay bi. portion of the tip la h7o-ti 17c9 regoior asetblafl. Most ofteCagr.Aoer00w pcd New Listing asole rules apply. If your choir Calg 15 tsary. Aohr$0wheepichir 3 brick hssngoaw, pae' hecartsafol Ae Association. However ta hie nice liatchen, large livsng utheelcarcueconsidereaitapartof prisperty eupe o h Mont aittacseil garage, pavaid yoor body," Bromse explains Cagary Games his chair 1041t0 drive. Clean as a Plnjie To play boskelhait Bromse osas ondergo sonne modificaiioms and maire rtght in analdtr z lihV1 ILME te have alieavy dsty icheeichair tito reuited ta aoother htiil forf ng. Walbsng dostanne te the REAL ESTA E it sei everai hulti $18 . isparents Carson anl sclools ad shoppisng. Call.i.. modiiicaioms. Sous o e-mra Aileen Brume pichel op the lobt. Rua asaptten M095. i include spca 10rng, I May Brosse utan picteal as haodgrips piacealo the nide of ose ai the athtetes of the Ontario COUN RY Vcan Posesson te weels an baloon teare cmpetng in the Camalion D. GODDARD TtirCOUes.RY Vaat oseso the n thiesooda typeon hcichair Games. bungaloiued con stleu isne 3 m-loitrs bsd ngalosn, <lorn the bosbeîhait court lie Asallier accidest REAL ESTATE LIMITED bonglo1/. ate on, f sutong b maiolae 't'on, new boids solo the chair wiih mne Athietes %vero, rhose oo the lito h crelotfos Itoein bradlom rgebedroms, band oald dribles the hait wtth boussf their performaooce ai the stream., mature tram. Fiisha- Camly gize cttheo, hMi fin- the o00er. Onlar o WsecorGmsa 0 ni c. oui wih br, ire ishal u. uas do~c Alout a month aller lie jited Uniuersity uf Goelph. Horeever Immaculatel liedom, 2 car garage. Close susdib paveal drive. Askîog theehasbethaitteam, lbecme Breustaelunervy 3- Itedro-uam brick bungalow t0 401 for cmmttng. Cali i member ai the OsIaris Wheei- many uftIhe May gaunes. He was wmth tinishel roc. momn, ut- Ron Chappeil 87.05 Commercial buildisg cilliinig chaic Association, a division of tacclucal ut another cor accident soated on o ioey landscapted Kl-qoarters ta downtawn a.e. the Cansadien Wheeichair sports wtacb cequicel the insertion af lot soith paveal drive and thse Kibride Escellent location. Cootal ha Association. uttlos ut bis fore. Becasse cf price is, riglitl Try 13000 to $32,000 Paît Price. Tutu stcmey useal foc weldisg etc. Asbhsp the stilubeS hie waso't ahle la $8,000 clown. Sme it t(aliywîoi 1fraise, 3 bedmoom home, lji 132,000. Escellent tarais. coin 20 AUICTION SALES enter the sutamutng eventa. Anoette M2a-051. bothrnooms, new aipisoards bie arcongel. Whal esoblel Brome la attendl in bitehes sitoateal on (4 acre Caonr liig000soybic h Western Gautes icai bis paît Commuter Special ou loal, barn anal garage. Por iylvtp tcTbik FrCm lt euatna naheeaa 0 CommuterSpecial ai appOintmen malMrte d fcome home cilli barn on Fo mpe rutinasnahleadte Spotimis 5 - badmaom ountey MuCallan eflot cai 8Myrcl large lot viril stceam* saos- Auction Srie rocomimenalatian of a coch mith hom, situoteal on 35 acres wo-i-î0 u0~5 sda0 rpry ad-th SeOienteaio Wheelchatr ebio easy cammuting ut Toc- ltclliOg. scanic 50 acres, very ilgs in ecelent condition.Cri A.S oue Thcatsaiettcal1 osto orHamilton. Extra large pondl bordering trcltec- Askicg $3,0.C rs A S o t he cachaltat Yo Womacenst buaidinsugintcîtiae greenhuse, ty. Opes t0 reamooable offer. AUCTIOSiBER thriton Asociagîcooere ben bouse andl drive shedl. Colt Pot Strao 878,M095. STLAPROCoos0hi yo rostia soat t ereCy tlesi forces sale. Sms it ta-STLAPROSaeofa y« Bru ndte telCy ayoandmalean fer. Cai Wbeelers proclise ibeir Dorothy 742-3038 in Toronto WANTED Milton 878-6705 Sales moaluctedal nsuhem. swimn. or Autnette 078-2051 in Milton. Esecotisa home, cootempsry '17c9 -che groop procîrees ai the 17c9 Style wi tb cathedral cailiogs, Tel. 878-2576 YWCA rallier thon the YMCA sittoatea os scoodeal lot citl 20 AUCTION SALES RA. 3, Msilton, ont. becoute the utomeo's builing op vies or, o lot to buill on. JOOd5 bas more accessibte entrance Client bas escellent cash eqit- ramps foc mbeelchao- athietes. M ove ~ity. ,Colt Myrtle MdCtellan AUCTION SALE Ward Brownig 07-50 orte L7v-2005. ROCKWOOD ROCKERY wàesdAcincrdg John Ronson To Seter Livng byCALL Station St., Rocbmuod. îa~ L selling articles y0u 878-2095 878-6057 PRIDAY, lUNE 5000 Ferra - Llw.atoek O r no longer use. Profit 1,7c9 Cornccitîg 7.30 p.nt. Phîmîttic Sales leate buîo r se by dialing Champion Othar aduertisers are liaving Anctiq~u Is , Phono 878-6730 John Homsos resîgmal fromt the Fml atAs ra ucsoittt Camps~ion C. H. TFI, Appomîsals - Ail Types Hallon Ccusty Board oi Famiy Wat Ad. g eat - yotn NO TUPPN lo-g Educatico a1 the board meeting 20osited Auctioneer. Thuocday. Aller 12 prars us a trus'e Mc. Rotison is qttitg baseof o job tromifer t0 A UÇCTI0N SA LE Toronto. He morts utlh the Steel Comtpany of Canada anal io - All For ýEQ, LOLA.~NC organzatosgi daueicpimect At the property an Nasogasceya ,Bs poesiig Town L10e, manager. WE RI .DE abot 3mils S.. o Acon.Mr. Rooson mas electeal sica- abus 3 iles5W.0f Aos.chairmon lsl yeoc. A oomber of 878-511 - FIDA EVNING JU E 3 at6 pm. lourd membero ackomedgel 878-511 FRIAY VENIG, JNE 0 ut6 p.. the contribuion bie hoal mode lu _______TRACTORS, CARS ETC. - qsautîîy uf tuails anal amatli . the board. A replacemsent retS be I HJC. B250 diesel tractai cuth es; SbieOao. sh OK; Rua. appoînleal t0 complete Mr. Wagnei- front endl loader, hyd_ 'tctn Cha case. I4' boat anal Roosonus termi on the board. STRETCH YOUR DOLLAR rasîtu basket. also a Wagner tratier; chiýli sac, Craftsuton. Os tbis celI carcd toc older home cilli ils tcoly large moins. Yeu bckhse tor A[M tracter, aIl inb6; Ocacur saudur; hydrsatic cas 10e a smart Oamily andal crhus bargolo. Cati right suc-bîng ardus-; Buavcr radial jack ilh scuigher; corepressar -Champion clossifieds will soIt nase!1 Rocs Cescan 878-9511 or878-2755. sase aith restai L.P., hcavy %îiih roitcr; ase reaup omaîl il toc yu. Cali 078-234110o place duty; cuti retal blide lac ah- isems. yu ad. ROOM TO BREATHE and HAVE A GARDEN ose; Wrcmuh hardîup bat, MISCELLANEOIIS -20 rah OF YOUR OWN lS tiîhishuston75 hpccmtor is ad cags; 50piccusaof In this3 BR.hbrick and tor, ranchstye home, sioatedot uis nlv 100 esureon isr;hboat clin lacks, coi fortahleutops, acr lo. S mae tip eeknd ortwhie ad cnt a ce alacfo aov; als unira 3" hidi. acc lo. o uabeth> seebcdseotbshic ad cmo ana hui railur; t H.C. Faccati 'H FURNITUSE -2 Easy crin. ifs sec it no ci-h Ross Cancon 878-9311 or 878-2755. Case traciur, OK; 196-t Ford Eu- ger icashers; bcd, sprogs anal NO MORE HUM-DRUMI colie pick-sp, cus bot no caticess; 2 drcsscrs cuith mirc Enjo you wor an rea therewads ith our wn esat crtificsie. 2 1968 Plymouath rurs. chcsicrticid; chroe table E nto y siss anl cape bu ra red simith o cerii icatu avallabile lac and chairs; Philips record play- thoroaghtoro. You cac't mtod auiss this greut huy. punch clcck; sutail baod saw: shape. E *S S Par turiber information, caîl Jaukie Beetos 870-9511 or 878-4319. 17c9 TERMS; CASH. wncer or asiticocur oui ruspucciblu tac occidents.L IIIIIIB1IflIiII1 MAX STOREY. SAciiotteer, rAE.LEA EAUCTION SALE 1970OBUICK RIVIER M t T ~ 11 h hld For JACK VARCOE 1969 GMC 1/ TonI Ta bch 5aite tai c, Lut 15, Con. 1. in chu Tcc. ut Nai- 17 MEILL 1sagaccyt. siicaite sisssibth fttlat. FoeMhawkhRacay, 17 MEILe 57 YEARS' CONTINUOUS SERVICE go cariS 3 mýiles ta Cenolph, curn luit tac 2 miles anal loft agaiu 1970 DAISUN Pick Messber of thei Toronto, Ontario anal Gakvlle - Trafalgar 1969 quartAC LAU.O Real EstataSonrds SATURDAY, JULY 1 ut 10 ar..16 OTA A TEACTOR andl IMýPLEM- vie Projectur cera aCid 1911 FIRENZA Sicd RENT WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE ENTS - Case 430 diesul trac- screuu - We.stinghousu TV. 21"; 1969 VIVA 4 dr. Si An imaclat 3ýcdrornbrik bngaowlare pneled ec.tac, in guail condition; Case 3- Segeni frigj- Acere electric Aa ionaolat 3-cdrom bickhssotoc tore psottal ee.urrase plusi, 12' hîttss 3 stase Frigiclaire ciecîrlu sîssc. 191 IR IR lu molrgeiig m , f.amily sie itchen, new hmad- p.h.. Casc trctoir mer 7fi. 40" ith dcpyrv; 2 ktchen ca. 17 IRB u son i iig msont anal halls, lais ut ciosets. paceal drive, cui, 3 ph.. Case tractuer estis- 'u;ccs; baby buggy; 3 rogu 99 M IT attractive gardeo. Ailoffers cosidered. stuc. simili collîcaicr, 3 p.h;16 G C1T dubhle disc; 2 sets ai harraci; DISHES ETC. - Aiuhur 16 HVOE COUNTRY HOME patate digguc. 2 wagcons sud picble crut, goad, cilver bot-. 98CHVOE This home wsea ctustom hoilt relatiCait nom. broadlouam slrosgli- acbs, lorl;twagoogrhels urdnaupdbccpiuond sA 1965 CADILLAC Coi out, taueipsettisg onltIV acces 3iarge bedoos, panai- suad baccy tchulsl 2sheets ci dcs, 2 ail l.tmps and laoterts, 95ITENTO 'ledl des suith double claset, ipacious liing csosm wicb plitiasal; 2 s 4s; 200 gaI. aîl1sieiarl gasa l ad boultes:psi 96 NERAI tiuar to iifisg tietalutoce firepioce. dioing room, beauti- tank. ter sa]t shaker; sut ai Maple 1966 CHRYSIER W bol kitches iuabing cuer quiet cutryside, 2 tati e-c. ILest pattern disSes; moustache battis, toit basemesi. double ottacheal garage. Pleasure ta 'PN - Shetlad puuy; 'cap smaI! glass ehora; 6evuerai 90BIC o showe. Aîtaog $47,500. Po cari. aId plates andl cetable dishus; 16 UC o FURNITiJOE andi ANTIQU- 3 plcc Suathasiesi; sîlver car- 1964 STUDEBAKER NET 11 % ON INVESTMENT ES - Captaju's chair; ssichec cl tard tarue iasue g d 16 ECR 1,150 sq. f1. store cith lois of parking, 3-hedrooam api. absue. large sesechaîr soit icru stand:. 3 alto- h/odn se;aitid d ins: 18d6962ERUR livng'Do, amly izd àtoen mhognyf iaiii scn xesonlhe n al, peous U.S.; 1917. 1918 1969 CORVETTE Co buiildig 2years old. oo rentai liessobth. Price elar;2 wickerlema stands:,large puotis lEnglacall; 1921 radtucasi on is to $38,ffl wu-teur caulis; ehrome table nicbul; se - ioc, pais. pans 1969 CIIEVELLE SS aod 4 chairs. gat sut seccral ce m ulal drussurs bd,,t udi; 3 huiais PARTLY WOODED WITH STREAM and chita caie. baiSd MISCELLANEOIJS - 2 goi 1969 FORD Cutstom 10 sces, os poCeal road. weli isstailld, footnsgs ara in fcr a cati anal hrss bc;pa w nl agon cheels; coudes lis; 16 HVOE hom, lvel bildng ite dy, lea wih oodd aasioo; Wosdsiciitear 20 bsii; lolts saillitems, 16 HVOE hne. lviy building rusie dry.S ca ofit proooed rea Ljt- oaay ail stase atnd taok; 3 1 taa numuccos ta mention. bath- 1969 OLDSMOBILE ehiaisCl st1,00 m rosart ol fpoet.L5 hestuceils anda chairs. biook- ohb, taîlci anal sinb anal tapi. ni12,; presscdhack rckrccand gcdstý abot 300hallsoa one othur; commode chair; 2 bu.y (1972 imili boys anal FOR COURTEOUS, PROMPT SERVICE typsewriters; Bell & Hnseii me- girls hicyces. Cali N reeu. TisrERMSi CASH. N eev.Onrmavng. ANTITTER WEEK in Miilton wound up with a special garbage pick-up by tona workmen on Saturday mormsng, and the packer and two damp trucks were kept busy mont of the roorning cotiecting oid junit, large appliances, tree limbs and stber refuse nlot normally picked op oni regular garbage days. Packer loaders Reg and Dean Gray and driver Ai Mouftain are picture lioading an aid stove into the van on one of tiseir rounds. (Photo byR. Doseos) KAI SER house siding ..for thie ALUMINUM corefree beauty ofit Enocs on ome olet b i, * NOVER NEIOS PAINTING * 20 CIAO GUARANTIE * CHOICI OF COLOURS AND FINISHES LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS * Aluminum Doors a Combination Windows *AALSEeCar Ports e Alumîinumn Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 845-0318B OaT-OF-Towg CUSTOMERS PHIONO COLLEI from lA GS, loaded, 34,000 original miles. Lie 828134 Pick-up, 6 cylinder, standard transmission. Lic. Y42167 Baron, Ioaded, Lic. N8661 -up truck, 36,700 original miles. Lic. 25355B RENTIAN 4 door sedan lully equipped. Lic. N4275 lemonstrator. ist look at the price. Lic. N10253 edan, 4 cyl. std. transmission . Lic. N7171 IV equipped, 19,600 miles. Lic. N7271 îpeed transmission, V-8. Lic. 39257V Stalion Wagon, as is. Lic. 96282X nvertible. Lic. N7083 NAL Y4 ton Pick-up, V-8, 4 speed, heavy duty. Lic. B57148 indsor, 4 deor hardtop. Loaded, really clean. Lic. L94254 r hardtop. As is. Lic. N8736 - As is. Lic. 910729 ontego MX St Wgn. loaded, low mileage. Lic. X38445 nvertible. Lic. L94298 2 door hardtop, 350 leur speed. Lic. 781455 2 door hardtop. Lic. N75917 lel Air 4 door. Lic. 712519 4 door hardtop, 36,000 original miles. Immaculate condition. Lic. L96175 Strs 3975 1915 6275 1lm 1811 1975 895 3275 2175 1375 1095 775 975 21.50 125 1985 49,5 1915 1915 1375 2575 eetivifle 826-3950 818-235 200 Main St. Milton, Ont. -I Maltas Recreatios Commission utîli bu ofterîng a siodent tiplaoent serce ibis saainir Cacasittceesecetay ose Harrison saidl regitrations miSl 10 acceptel next mmli. Mrs. Harrison suggasled psersont; mishing lobace paitinlg dam, larens cul, boes corel for, fort mork or ttler similor jobs execoloal shoulal contact the cormutae ait 878-2442. Deal direct LasI puar the commillee rac o POCO prof rom anal ait 0f the mages mere paid lhrosgb the oflfice and a $2 regitation tee mus chargel. This pear stadenta miii dm1l diractiymtb the employer anal no regitratioo tee mdi lie uborgel. Blodeota lookmng for sommer mccli, fou or part lime, con nohonît Ibeir nomen te the rerreation office. MURRAY 110O1 DRIVE-IN Slen A-ce. Wes t of Mgliay 25 Opent0oity te 11p.m. FridoAys natsrday t1012.30 ar. Cisicoien Snack PSc, Chiclien in a Box 11.25 Ecsnorny Palir 9 Places Cliches $2.25 Family PaIs ta Cci. Chtckm 13.95 Party PaIs 21 Cci. Chton 15.10 Prom tise Grill Hamliurgs, Cheeselisrgs Prom Deiclos Prasl Grossd Beef Regtîtoe Size ort12' Hot 0005 Dmep Frled Sibp, Paza, Plîh ondChipi Also A DOTO VOUR DINNERS OR PAK SPECIALS Pamily Boxsof Freocli Pries $1.00 Six Rous 30e Single Order Frenchi Pries 15e Six Packs of Ht5ey M8C SALAI TREATS Ittlutnenioentsites Reaular Colo Slow ' . 25c SIC Creamp Colo Slam 25C SOC Macaroni Saload 2S50C c Potato Salad 25c SIC Phone 878-6028 and we'ilhave yor ode ready Sndoc ty somins t 1p in ENCE i, on a well rage inclual- 1 convemnient v for aletati- rage, a mal- oepiace, pan- oadoabrigof omes eqwp- cibar WeR O. Catît Les car ottocli. nmi, 3 bath- Mn pIus a ne fit-qilace id. Maba an h: Les Bon- td al ny os- r te ceig ari 4 heal- 90 actes on ,g banal andl >t me. Cau: merty. Large I pual, cab- eP lot lenals cet togedier scions on a lace, ms, o sec- home midi Ltd. 17C9 Pay 'LESSOR