'A The Chuarn ionu Milton Ont Wedns une 2,,. 1972 - 1 --~--- - --~ niiruAim 1 U 17 EALITAE - 17NEAESTTE 7 EBL ESTATE -7 uILETAT 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE S VEHICLES FOR SALE ACCURATE Typlut for 2 or 3 1I BEoeOWd apsesosent, kaurs a day, Isoaday cbreaig frig. clave and bydro, bab=sca Fcsday. dlpply futoton Motor priaae entrance sand bath. 21,4 Sales Lld. 318 Main St. Martia St., 18-964M. 14951g inet et.Ct uýssssssl. Bc O- 125, Miltu-n Chaspion. su-urouced lu- de-alers uba ucade- 13a1920uff $125 a su-ruk par-u lime. Lareas coupccy cf ils kiad ln te NOW RENTINO - Olea Bd ocorld. 'Phcnc I 519-824-3541 Mr. en Court Apus., Brocle St., Mil- Martial . gb53-3087 uon. Yeu are icited ta view tbe fclly foraisked modal ssiI- WA TD s. Satordaya and Sucdays, 2 usTE t 5 p.m. or by appaistasenu. lumaediale possession. Renall SECRETAR agents, Bcdt Rcalty & Iacur- 1970 Pontiac Parisienne 2 Door Hardtop WITH GOGOs TYPING SKILLS acce lsd.. Miluon, phone 878- Finiabed in Hocdua -Macaca witk a beige viusyl top ccd lfu- Jov acd Acgcust 4118. 13cl 126-tf ac-ug icuercr. cqulpped ocilk I cyl. enguce, powcer cakitesaîls ad coucel dises. Lic. 781054. A. H. BRITTON 1969 Meteor Rideau 500 4 Dooir Sedan Flisted in Golf Green wclt dactu grea ceioeop ONTARIO SCHOOL FOR ped wuita 8 cyl. capice, power streruaf. p ecr rSs, c- THE DEAF 'tomal- transmisionaa radio. whbluroalîx ccd wkcel dics. LIa. L65212. 1968 InternationaF Haîf Ton Pick-up Wutk 8' Fîroucide body, ficicked in Turquoise caltk toc vicyl icterlar. eqaippcd wlub 8 cyl. ecgiae. 3 sperd stac- dard trasission, radia. whblucoalîs. ocbecl dises and 878-2851 rersuep tumper. Lic. 65250E. 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1968 Jeep with 4 Wheeî Drive Fiaicked la Bruowa, cqoippcd scltb V-6 cagico. spee COLORBO ccd wsbite polio & stadard tr-ansmission, reacble Kelly ail steel ucb â-du-us-lk slcbs isalîred. Reas- ccd occlliocy scous. Lic. X38903. aonble pu-uces. 878-9200 afler 6 1967 Voîkoccagen Delustep..9996 Eqoipped uritk stadard trasmissionancd radia. locuw O IG milcoge. Lic. 135302. O IG Fo- Cuorteu-s Service 1967 Pontiac Laurentian 4 Door Sedan ccd Reasoable Rates Fiauskod ia Viking Blue witb matu-biag icueriar, eqaipped CALL scuub 6 cv' u-agiao. actoatu- transoussaa radia, su-ite- BLAKELOCK CARTAGE ocotîs acd oubeol dises. Lic. 839191. PAO PCAT 1967 Chov. Impala Station Wagon 878-5222 Fuaishbud in Drk Green withbsaddle iyicunor rctip- ut p uw nécylruucuuuc, powcer stcif, puwcr braItes, au. tomnc ctr-nsmission, -adio, -acf rack and wuhitu-scoîl. Lic. X38614. 5c9 JARICHARDSON CHEV. OLDS. LTD. ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON 878-2393 HIGH OR LOW, WIDE OR SLIM OUR~ CARS FIT YOU RIGHT TO THE TRIM, AT GALLINGER MOTORS LTD. Our Thanks and $5.00 to Mr. C. J. McTrash Write ouf your ad linoSu foou and sond thom f0 'MW* Mde 1969 CADILLAC copc DeVille, 2 door borduop, laadcd witu lots cf cqcupcucou. Lic. 54"96. 1969 CHEVEOLET Impalaccustom, 2 domr bc-dlop, occîl appuoint. cd cau. Lus. 697436. 1960 GALAXIE 500, 2 doar kordtos, faut bock, utadard cqoippcd. Luc. N988. OcIy $1,486. AS IS - NO CERTIFICATE 1967 PLYMOUTH, 4 doua-. V-8, uomauic. Lic. N6121. Only $582. 10 STUDENT JOB 14 YR. OLD bu-y. oilling ta V, -rCuo fm. CaottFrank Humeu 878-4158. 10s4-1876 I4 VEAIR OLO studrat ocuctu os scumoer employuaent. Mou-k Thomson, Phone- 878-9906. 1099-976 FOR AIL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone. MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 1704 HALTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Fracs $130. ccd S145. mcaf- la i ACTON. Abave ludes al]u-Iluies. cîrd appliacces durapes ccd kclcaay. Acton 853-2197J; -ccnd- Acfon 853-0272 13c-tf BACHELOR ONE & TWO BEDR'M APARTMENTS Au-lac. losu 10 asiles cou-lb ci Milton. beoueifol viewv fra boluccy., large redevoraîrd raclas, suave. frig., drapes, keat, 1OLD COUNTRY COTTAGE bydro. parking. 1100, $135 and Ucoccot cps ccd dowsca deep ocundowsu kuglu cnlasngs acd lcw, a 100. scullhcuselok wiuukcccprcungucie, ttsese unique feal- 853--2043 (ACton) aircs cfoac aId cuntry home cao guve a cosy ocacast 13c7 whbu- ksgblugbucd wuub ucday's fakalous decrauve teck- niueos. 8 roams set onu alargeIast24S x133' wiltdlla uru-es acd csmaIt bora, coavrcuectly 'lccated on a paved mcad 2 metfracs 401. 123,000. Cali Mes. Joan Harcouart. 14 WANTED TO RENT ONE LEFT Abigb. mlluag'scre onscrfau-ed mridearsmall villageOnecf 3- BEDROOkibuseaorop- aokudadaxrd ta fiad,cakouselot ia Nassafaceya. crumu-cu. 878-6951 afuer 4. $5,900. Colt Mrs. Jaa Harcouru. l4u-9-977 ARTIST'S PARADISE 3 TO 5bedrccm bouse inEs- Thist100 acres isui aou-aofavorite batoftalretawned ladcape 823-2057 Gcep.peral 4o-17 arlist. The boouty cf te woad, the 7 ponds like jeocels 823-257 Gelph 14cO,172 ita c sckla-e the sorprictof bills ccd dales, traitea chome URGENTLY acedcd, 2 cu- 3 cisc t difficolu cbalse, sc macs attrau-tive secuinfu pro- bedroant bcuse, Multcn rircs. 4 vent tbeasels'cs. A cnique prapery ecea for becoliful umaîl cbildrm.i 2 pre - su-bcd, Nossogcssuyo. wbiab mst te croc la bc appreciaed. Cali au-ad mrffuaces. Hava ta maya, Gus outoosul 878.4191. tuse scld. 878039. 14u-9,1869 Looking for HeIp ? 1161 FINANCE *FASAI HEIJP *GRASS CUTTING *BABY SITTING * BASEMENT CLEANIN82 * CAR WASHING ,a..4]IY*IOB - ANY SITE For girls ansd boys. CA&LL Summer Student Employmont Milton Recreation 878-2442 199-ut Gallinger Motors Limited î OTO TAE MILTON PLAZA 878-2883 LADIES' Oucu-haîl Glu-vu-, an Tcu-cday, Jolie 20, bu-uou-r Mac- Sfreetsviîle 826-1434 Toronto 925-0887 sic Si. acd 2.50. Du-ayos Scl. 5b9 878-3119. 1ll-1948 7 WANTED l8 HELP WANTED -12 FOUND ROUND piano- stoal. 878-38M0. EXFERIENCED Tclu-u urqci- 7c9-1927 mu-d Bank aI Nu-vo Scu-lua MW SMALL bu-acc Tu-ru-uer puyp FIL ISousgHc 89- tu-s 878-2347 8c9-1999 lucd Mu-c as 25 Hwy. nau 9h43. of tadi Hv.87 Palu-u-o. 827-3314 Oakvillo. 9643 7c9194712c9-1966 STANDING boy Stuart M c- FAR TIME v inu u-~u a Fcddca 878-2639. 7c7-1622 Pu-usc pruîusEscaTMica FR EN YOUNlG gil-s bucyu-le ociîh Ontariso Sis. - 8s9_ 1978 1 tranin whel. 88-3%.7c9-1390 TOOL and die mallir, qalf- WILL cahlu-î 2-bcdmcmn apor- -RIDE lu-cm T. A. Blkulack iu in al, phasu-s of Ido and ments uvsc 675-5127 oumrSho1t ervR. i ukisu- and ru-pair capable- ------ 9 afe mrig rsin.5l sua i 55u-ukingu- O lu-u-ssu h Io lu -COTTAGE I au ru-tauo Wcs- 8fa oua-ss sc u- II O bauld acuam-tu- parus dis' au-a Bu-au-b. Phoneu 878.4959 afuor 875-970. 7c-1936 bu-spusul, ouudscal. Ice Issuresuo 6 pou 13c15-1982 RIDE ta vicscsuy oI Calleg- prumos cu-mycon pcid, cust-su aI 8-du-cao-a Blu-ar bu. ToEron- Of lsvisscalltsac-. Apply ta, ROCKWOOD. 2 -bu-dru-cm cp- . Hou-rc8 am. tcs3pm. MyBo585, Acu-Frs Frces. 'susmu-a. su-l -u-stosu-d $100. uemc cau-. Phoneu 953-1534 cf- Ob1 5114, Phonseu 856-1226._ 13b53-3128 1cr 5 pm. 7h53-3122 BED ~Sttsng Ru-cmn, suablo WANTED for- yaau-g bu-sinss lady. asci- S HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE ablu- JcIy 15. 67935. 39If NOTICE: The Womau'u Eqooî MAKE EASY $ $ $ ý-ELECTRIC HOT WATER Empaymnt ppotunty ct.HEATERS wstb lu-cc crv-ica. Empîoyscu-sst~ ~ Opauuoiu Ast suu-î- ol pacuybccr. Alsa, Phonu- Milton Hydra 679-2345. 1970, prohbiits, club cerlta sacks lur tho clira fanmily. 199165-tf eceptios, discrimination be- bu-tufs au- bikini paties, tlsgbts c auseofa ses oru marital stoîco. ec. Furee intictnsa asd calcu AVAILABLE JuIy vu., 2 bied- Sicce su-mo Ocucpations ara catualoue. Wu-suu tu-day. ru-cua .sau-simu-î cc lu- dacca- ccacid-r-d mu-reatetractive la sssu a, su- u-hildu-u-. Cali 970-3294. persu-s aI co ts au- the oabcr, Resion 13c9.1942 adu-cutsemocîs ta Ibis colama foa u-c- posliios wdît continue HOSIERY LTD. I & 2 BEDROOM aparumealu, ta stour chrîber for mec or Ops. W. 10383 Hcher Su u-s-u moudm uildng, al]srvi- wo .Sch listings am ual Mu-clurat Northb 459, Gutiebc. u-eusu--du-d in cccl. Pbone 878- iattradau to acude persaac cif 510 345t rither ses. 8cl6l4-ef ________ 8-14 1c93t _______________1 08-8-005 apartmcant. icrcus-- therumo-stat ccc rlu-alcul 1110H Su-hac boys or ma-c ta O KK E slove, lu-sf ansd halucny. 878- bclp sciIb bcy. 878-6486. BO K EPR 4569. 13c8-1830 &u-94965 FOR LOCAL OFFICE I BEDROOM aparumu-cu. Must be coupu-lu-s in luru-s-s 9-cal. bsdcu-. lsg. sîacu-, bru-- PART-TIME OR sablos, buîîiag, office- pu-u-u-du- lu-co ,ssd du-cpes issudud 878- FULL TIME au ccd hou-c plccscau uecphucu 6594. l5u19l5-t8 HOUSEVVIVES or MEN mnacar. Uscol fu-lago bueeuts. JULY-15, I_ - ba-dr.--m oparu- NEEDED Applystatiuy u-upuriu-acuaad asu-sI withl a doaserd voradab sclau-y cspc-Id, 10 anud garage, adîlts, ru-luru-ss Ta service custamers, ]u-cu-e 878e462. 13u-9-1980 3 tc4 hoursa week. BOX 135 SAUBLE Beau-b. 2 ccd 3 beul- Phone: Tom Sanderson CANADIAN CHAMPION ýmm cotutaesiusdau-cvea- 877-9151 or 877-1641 MILTON bec=d. 42241018 Hepwuorth. Sotf8 1 3a12c5856 NEW LOW RATES 1 sf and 2nd:. MORTGAGES Servic-e With faîegu-lty O.MBA Ma-mber 9¼/ % -Combine It ccd 2cd. -Pay aIl] yur bills. Comba-e dulbîs. -Baild c bose. - dd e oo 2ad Mu-raggs frant 12%6 CALLs J0E REYNOLDS INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 arn. - 5 p.m.) 161c--I BEAUTIFUL NASSAGAWEYA Nassacaccya, coiqce in Sothera Ontario, affers atoraI ocilde-. accula th llu b of urbo am-a. Hre i5 acres of pret- ty land, ccluded andprivate. just2 milesfrnt,401,bord- csscg ac-res cf Cocservation land. Colt Gus Guacki 181 MAI N ST. E. - SECOND FLOOR 878-4191 17c9 1900F -ACT'ON - $1,0 FOFFER - Large 7-incas 2-st arey semi-dralacueu, near coca centre, rcaorotioac, bright and rIrai condition, ccc tares. flcxible dlowcn payaseal. - and at - 11,8,70 - Boy tha adjoing home ou a nccase iavestment. $16.500 -Locca maccer ccd laigh oppliacce relsair ubap afflce, wuashcccua. accd lccatuon, eutras. 125,000 - Ocly $4,600 dcuca, s'oriety store building ccd 5-ina oparuaccu. 2 hediromc pics 3rd su- family racla, aIl lau-fa clou- 3-roosa stcra heocu. ducidel baisesment, gos hou scolcu brotiaf. OFFERS WA9JTFD - lO-inomas tackad duplex incamne kome, SJack HOLMES REAL ESTATE ACTON 853-1650 17b53 IW -IMPEYI NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 3 00 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesman in Attendance from 10.30 a.m.' Daily Cail 878-5364 Collect 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO N4ORTH BURLINGTON - Modern spIli-level 3-kerUoa bore oùi a lot larye encugs tc qualify for VLA.,Has a large La slsaped livig and dlieig 10oo seit fireptaes, kltlm saitu ample cupbcards, fbuiabed rearetIdon ront wiftb fireplace and bar plus family a-com, beautlfuly land. scaped. 3-STOREY SOLID BRICK HOME - Sltuated on a lovely treed loi, spaclous living room, waIls fireplace, sastarate dleing roumi woeh bay window, itche, 4 Iuedrooms on thse 2ad fluor and 3 rootas on the 3rd floor. Thtis lovely home is close to downtowa slsoPpicg and adjoins Centemnial Lake and park. 5-BviDROOM HOME - Coovenieslly 'located ia MElon, close ta public and separale salsool. Tis haose incorporaes a spacioas liring mom, witb uaIlto wusaui broadoom, hoge esombisaîlon kitcben and dbsaug area, 2 batitroomas plus a den acd surît finisurd recresuion incas, 2 car garage, paved dciveway. This buome is a pleasur ici so.o COMMERCIAL LOCATION NEAR MILTON - Large lot 150 e 150, complele cisth a 2-bedroorn buralose, living room 12 Ir21, dioing incas1 Irs 12, gond szed kitleea ballecoas, fll basa-ment, delacbed garage low taxes 127720. A BRICK DUPLEX - 5 rotios eacs. living inca 18 x 18, kildiai 12 s 18, bedroonus 14 n 12 aad 9 x 12 full basemmit, faxai $310. Cati Stan Tuoespson. GLEN EDEN COURT - 1-bedroces apartmentu froas $145; 2. bedecos apartients feues 1163. Modtel suites on ltse 6th fluor, Toocer "A", supra for inspection os Sauday fines 2 ce 5 p.m. or by appointmest. Poroiture for modal salles proided by Richsarsosn Pomiue and Appîlimees. FOR SERVICE and SATISFACTION Caîl BEST REALTY - 878-4118 Art Peacock 878-6447 Stan Thompson 878-2455 Bob Cross 878-4892 Jim BaiIey 878-6506 Low Salas 878-9136IBob McCuaig 878-2894 Mesebees cf ski OakvDIe Ral BI&te Board 17c9 @ethou.r COMBINING COMFORT & CONVENIENCE Is ubis 3-btru-cm brick bonalow, cituaîed in Mitoac, on a ocel andc-ped lo suhpacod driveoandsinglecarage icud irg a 4-pc. bctb. large me. incas calth bar and ccnveniect uo sebacîs ccd shoppinf. Cali: Fr-ank Kiu-keky for detail- ed infcrmation.. MILTON Attractive 3bdm obikbungakbowgcita cair grag, %al nut parteled iv-ing room vieb a clinstoe, firelacepar- elled diciag rau-m wlub a fraricos u-handelier acd abrigit family slae kitu-bea. The ficlsbrd roc. min comaes eq up ped ccd ccody ta a-00cu-scin wiub a piano and bar. WeR fa-ced. andcaped and priu-ed ta cr11 as 134.OO. Cali: ]Lac Bunker. CAMPBELLVILLE AREA New, cusoum bilt2staey ome wiianovsim 2 craacit rd forage, ludes 2.500 sq. ft. wilb 4 hedrmsms, 3 bat- mrars, 25' bu-la- mcm, sa-parcue diaucg rcomt plus a main fluor paacll-d fcmily zomt ceth a stone fireulce an a ouat, Icatedc Iocures wit a pond. Maireen appoicumeas ta ciaw a-bis unique pinperty with: Les Bun- ker.- FULL ASKING PRICE $43,900 8 ce,240s.f.lvn rs od a aaeadmn t taoctive frataros libe coaba-dral ccilicg flcor ta cellina u-atcred succa- fiepac-i lairisg ain, I bals, 4 be&l rcoins. Tr yaar cgfer wilcb Rap Bell. STILL DREAMING? If farmicg is ycarabuaasrbc hvre eplacuefoyuy0 acres o c Paved rad ocih a barn baping for a helpisg band and c succe bouse ukau rcoud be yaor drecas orne fasse. CaU. Irear Pries. THE FRONT IS FOR SHOW The back fcr psivacy. Acnru-epuianatly, brouulfot pinperty. Large 5-ha-daom bame- saib cadi cf extras, braîrd pool, cois- ara, firepîcce chah harc-ur and greaelsmae. CaIl: Irene Pries. MILTON 3-brdincm hame wieb au-mac the finl la-mag mcm, drap lat lends iu Ike uamst la pu-irouy, locateul ona quiet Street tog-lsoe witb eccellen iusaciag. Cols Oa Gotaau. A croc cou-tam boiit hcme, fiaiobed to ycur speciuEcations on s sacra lt. Cali: Doc oclcad. A valtey vircc fcom o lvinf s-ami crit lcrge firepîce, dialasg ina, kiurbec ciath breakfast croc 4 bedinots, on sec tuded lot wiîb masy shrabu asnd bedars, brick borne asils saparale garage. Calîs Dom Goanul Brethour Realty Services (1961) Ltd. R. altor Milton 878-4121 1 17c9 Champion Ad-s ReaIIy Pay by Getting Rosults DENZ 18 nt witaitu 113 FOR RENT 17 REALESTATE - 17 REAL UTAT 1 17 0l UF, Prec sic erected c tc, eh.&s sigrsed. O T. PanfoI Beaver tl inpDr.,I 4M23 ce for . boi D. REAL 3 - Isedru ualed c lot witil priue it $8.000d Antlette Cori Spoles s hums, s a-bic ea tuuldisil ben bu day aa, or dAM N To B, sellini no loi by di Fare Oc Ibis s ROC la tuc 3 Eajay yc t Mem An iront- This bact 1,150 sq. I 10 ocres,