T he Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, Jane 21, 1972I THE PIISBYTERIAN CHURCN IN CANADA KNOX CNURCN MILTON Minister Rev. Jothn M. Miurray OrEmlat: Mui. L. Vlaânîoin SUNDAY, JÎUNE 251h. 1972 11.00 a.rn.-fioining Woi-ship. Guest pi-nacher, Ev. D3. J. Hertison of Oui-ns' Fi-i-h ytno-an Cteavh, E-m.' 9.40 arn.-Senior Chrc Schoot. t10A3 arn-Junior Churcli Nai-iciy facilitis avaitalte. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ont-ario Si. N. 87S2 Chrintiarn gathnrnd in lmIa nos of thm Lord Jeana Chrw. Lard% Day SUINOAY, NUNE 25i-h. 1972 t0.30 arn.-Oi-cakieg of Bi-ead. 12IS Pin.-cSuidny ScIrnl. 7»0 pin.-Gope Service. Wednciday, 8 p.r. - Praye- and Bile irnading. AIl Amc Wetcoinc To Thcse Sereine WeO pi-ay Yoo, in Ch-its il-ad hi- ye i-vooncited 10 God. 2 Cor. 5: 20. NIONWAY GOSPEL CNURCN A loal at somby of fTic Fantecostat Asseinliies of Canada Wskield Rd. and Hoy. 25 Milton -Panior: Rev. M. Ohistensmn Tel. 8792064 The Laidýs Day SLS4DAY, TUNE 251h, 1972 9.45 aou.-Sonday Si-ln. 1100 nrn.-Alorning Woi-ihip. 6.00 p.rn.-Farniy Frayni-. 700 prn -Evceldng Evrngntas tic Service. Wedninday, 8 i-rn - Bible Siudy. Fvidoy, 8 pan. - Young These things -have I writtcn ano yrns thai lieveili on ther narne of tie Son ut God; that ye rnay lino-o i-la ye have i-trnit 1ile. t Jo-hi 5: 13. CNURCN 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sidei-oad and 4th Lie SUNDAY, JUNE 251h, t972 10.00 ain-Bilte Si-l-. Claines for atl ages. 11.00 amn.-MorrÀng woi-slip, 0.00 pin.-PFi-ai-hing Mf te A0ned the lto-i-h of yosa- i-ho-ce thms Sumday. Ae Etbii-oke good hoaialiepig hi-tam mai- ha She guidctine for Nasnogameya Townahip 10, renliol aiiightty peopcihes in Oie rnani-îpait- Ni-n. E. N. Roinson of 15.R10 , Cainpleltvitte p-eîent-d Naaiagami-ya Coani-il miih a rnpi- of She hy-lam on Mondai- niglit, aller rernptoang about the condition oh soin- propertins ating Oie Gui-lphlini- frorn Carnphettvtlle norSh to Si- ltit Sidera. "I hope i-ai mm' lie offendi-d mitl an Etbiteoke hi--tam," qaippcd the speakier, mho said ander present Nasiagaweya hi- lama there main't rnaeh euth-r the rnitinaltv ne rateavers i-ntld do about anaitraeiivc Night operotion Hold up Milton Quarree Ltd. has again faled in ils hId 10 reci-eve a 1972 licenecreneal frn Nanaagamcya Counii. Th- anipan- mn rclaied Sihniec liy Cornii narlier in Mai- on the graunds fi anas minantaining ait niglit aperatiani. A tai-h of tlelinite rchabiltlation prograrn maa alan iteld. A plan ofI plaeiog asilc-s an tie canipany's inaihincr- mai11 elirinale She naise, stated a cmipan- letter, wMi-h mas rend at Ialwinha imeeting ni Cerneil. Becaaac the ennupani- iî en the hail ofhe e narpinln hn been galng an thaagh, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH of THE UNITED CNURCN OF CANADA Main Si. ai James Si. Ministe- Rer. C. A. Rainer,. B.A.. Mie. OrganAi and Choir Leader: Mms. Hfarold Magne SUNDAY. JUNE 251h. 1972 Goudoor i-lionh service andi chu-oh picale ai Otan Si-rings cimi- Corm i-ove i-hon-h i1 tom. traono- l01100 avoitable. For infor- mation and/or tr-ansport- atocol 'Mr. D. Arnold, 878-4718 or Mr. W. Mahon 854-22Z7. AN are invited. GRACE ANGLICAN CNURCH Milton. Ontario. Ri-i-o-. Rer. R. W. Fbtei SI2NDAY, JUNýE 251h. 1972 Trinity IV 8.00 o rn.-0oty Communnion, 1000 a.rn.-Holy Eclarist & Serim on. Thon- w-ili bo no Thursday Comrnonion ibis o-i-vi. Fleaso note change of lime of Services. You Are Ato-ays Wetnoine Ai Gi-ai-n Ohureli BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESSYTERIAN CHURCHES Rer. W. R. Leis,cs BA., B2. 878-4428 SITNEAY, JlUNE 251h. 1972 OSTON 10.00 a.m.-Wo-ohip Service & Chon-li Si-hool. OMAGH 10.15 ,t rn-Choch Si-lt. 11.30 a.m.-Worstjp Sereine. (Nursi-y praided.I A Cordiol Invitation la Entend-I To At EMMANUEL SAPTIST CNURCN Cromerciol St-i-et, Milt-n. 878-9606 878-3542 SUNDAY, JUNE ZSth, 1972 The Loi-On Day Seake-r. Rev. Tereoce Aid- di-. Isl. Yi-rkchi, En- 945 a.rn.-Oihle Sthllo t 1100 a.rn -Moing Worifitp. 6.50 p.a.--Song Sereine. 7.00 pmr.-Eoening Woi-ilip. Wi-doi-day, 7.30 p.rn.-Praye- aed Bible Stoly. Thui--dav, .230 P.m., Jon 22 Re, T,.reo,. Aldridge. T.,p,,, Th, SPi-îîc',i No,- oire of Childrn." "Lei os enter int the Harne ai- Oic Lard til tionkigivleg and toto His Coorts ith i-aise.', EARL G. BLACK B. Cio, EIA. C.A. Clioit-i-id Aocoaninnl 143 Mnin SI., Milln Ph one 878-6342 ALUMINUM 9.LUMINIJM Windows & Doors GLASS and REPAIRS MOOIL -FAINTS W. J. KOSKI LIMITED Il Falton Si. 878-9432 Onhied Orian oeil Romilly. 21v-if KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Safii - Facia, Windosa and Doon,. Assoings, Cai-pori and Foin-l Encos-ures Raitings. Eovestraagling FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 0F CANADA Font of Fornyllin Si. OARVILLE 845-0318 z1i-I MILTON CARPET and UIPHOLSTERY CLEANING FO0 FREE FSTIiATES Please Cali 878-3074 (9 A.M. TO 6 Fi.. 21-If -REC, EOOMS aKITCHEN CABINETS aVANITIES aAROORITE COUNTERS CLIFF BARNES 878-9135 21 ,lgf CARPEI CONTRA"CTioRS FARM SERVICES Supplying and Installing THE BEA I-N Floor Coverings si OROADLO)OM " CORLON & CIISHION FLOORS " INDGOR-OUTDGOR CARtPET K. W. CLEMENT & SON 123 Thornas Sireet MILTON 878-2194 - 878-2194 2lc-lf COMFLETE ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS "Yoar Jameswa- Dealer" Fao-i-r Choring Eqaipinn for foultu- - Hog - Oced - Dainy Excellant Vcoiilains Si-alents CALL 853-2168 Rural Maintenance Service Free Rîlirnaîni No Obiligation 21v-ff FARM BUILDING Stent Roof aod Repairs PHONE EVENINGS PLEASE Waterdown 689-1086 21v-If SA NDB LAS t tNG- Greenwood Monuments On ýHvy. 7, Non-a. Prier Pei Josi-pi Thomas 4 1&877-9505 519493-3719 MOTOR REWINOINO PHONE 878-4111l or 826-1223 N ADA LI1N Eîectric Co. Ltd. 3153 Base- Line Rond, lton. 210«0 MUNICIPAL TOWN 0F MILTON TELEPHONE NUmiSeER Towen Clarkt mW Tnasurer Inpentor oft Building, Plarne, Ti-endie Planning Board Cornnitien of Adjimernent Tomi Superinotndent 878-4151-2 & 3 Siri-rtsvittc 826-3902 Sevoage Plant & War-ka Yard 878-6171 Fine Chiefi GOffi-e 870-9251 Ernergency Fine 878-6922 Police Ocenarireni 878-361 878-6969 9 arn. f0 5 p.m. OnIy OPTICIANS H. CLERK MATHER Dispensing Opticians 6M9 TRAFALGAR ROMI Oriliania Rond ai Druanqain Wevkdayn. 6 p.rn. Io 10 Pmn. Wenlieds, 10a.n. to 6p.n. or by nppainirnene Ocutiotis Rais peonpity, fitted 21q-il Brownio's Sport Shop 150 Mitl Street Bicyi-lo Repoirs - Flats Spolies - Wheets Traed 3, 5 & 10 spiel holi repoirs 878-460 BANKING Bank of Montreal The Firsî Canadian Bank Lioans foi-ici-s. boat. hiomne reers c-ciin and allier. Contoct DON KYLE 077-5141 Georgetaown TED PRAT-T 853-1,100 Acion JOHN SEMPLE 873-9911 Miltan 23v-if BONDS & STOCKS INVESTMENT DEALER George E. C. Jackson Ri-g. Represontative MILTON DIRECT LIME 639-5916 EVENINGS 878-.2580 21. if Good housekeepin BUIDIN pg ______________ pi-opi-rii-. Ran plan " The nterli for Eloi-oii Olfoirned me Shai Sus type of li- la oui-oally bimplemntedin rnaipotliti-s mitli on officiai plan, oh-ch I aaderstaod hSu township lins havi-," sid Ni-i. Mi-oliirs of Coani-ti agrnnd miS Ni-s. Nolitîo-n'î dlamn Sat 'shimoi- p-opi-riies " isi-ai-t lrorn ni-ai appearaic- of She townsip aid decrease propert- Countil agreed 10 s101- She Eiohîolie plan ai ai aporing hi--lami-ornanlice meeting andlla loi-marI a i-opy of She hp-tam 10 tle Nasoagamepa Planning oard. licence otpaoi- officiais etaint. Building inspertor S. W. itavage ieemed 1n hidi tâp She coolpani-'s staterneni. "The i-orpani- liasi aseyeraI hld- tipis for She peri ni-edcd for -onstrucion, lin reetarind. Oni-ent c-hanges in She mhate artghi si-ahi- lo- Irai-ha mai aha affecting the farm, said Savage. Rnevi- Aine NacArthur and CoanidIor Jiii Watson did not si-i-r inpri-sîed mîit the ernPanY"s ai-lions. 'Evrt if Sey have sttenrers on Sceie vehtictan, Shey're eai allnmed hi morit at uoght," observed Walaan. Ni-s. MacArithur ii i mai botter to oatt and nec if She province- grants Si- fi-m a licence. "If Se province gi-ns Scirnthe go-ahad, Sme alright," shc safgestcd. CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. -Additions Oh Alti-ralians - c Roorns & Kichls - Geocrol Home Si-pains CAL Ken BaiIey, 878-6853 Afbci- Hoons 878-4625 CARPETSD& DRAPERIES' DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Reldnil " Indoitt.ll "*Comnmercial Rnaly - made DrapesiIn stockl. For Custom Service CALL 878-2067 FOR HOME APPOIN1TsIMNT 228 Main Si. 878-2067 21c-tf RESPECT UT Wai-i yoar chitd-n to 10 tay out of hrem ni-ar Oie watei-'i edgc, 10 foi-p off pi-n, dai-king faeiitiir and bridgesi. Tech Shein ta respect thie mater, and hi atay ahi-c miSh Ri-d Ci-oss matin safcly att saolrnr long. BEA BODDNR NEW CONCRETE WORK Wallis, Sti-pn, Oaserno Floors. RESURFACING ftoors. i-ai-hi patios, verandahi. Gooi'anieed hond. Freie rîtirnaie f-oni anireine ipecialtii CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL HEARD 250 Mari-n Street 878-6853 21-if ACTON PRECAST CONC ýETE & SUPPLIES " Sepi Tanhs a Weil Tilnî n Gher Con-rein Peoducin Plastic Si-unr Pipe Pompiog Sereice 853-1529 2lc19-t HORNBY GREENHOUSES LTD. A. Trisclier S. TveIa06 Jr. Coul 878-6438 Anytime Lainai floral ai-rarigemnn. -Phaieri fee freti ou- ongreenbaose. Fi-en Doiver- Lo-oîed, on Dcrvy Rd. aI 6ili Lise, Hmsiby. 21v-lt FUNERAL DIRECTORS McKERSIE Faneral Haine Lid. 114 Main St. A P ilton Gar 101h i-iar of llfal noartano aezn8ne. 878-4632 2Ic-if DEAD STOCK REMOVAL GENERAL PACONI I CONTRACTORS Dead Stock Remnoval LIMITED Of dnad or dlîalild Cairde nd Ho-ae. Phone (416) 692-4421 Bln8irook Lii,. Nn. 299C71 DRAPERIES & FABRICS LET US CUSTOM TAILOIR YOUR Gar ep-ris rni crate Draperies to penlfec-l- casipn- men-t yoor horne. Fo- free- in - your - liom- decorator iervine Coul 878-2513 Today JUNE DRAPERIES 'Milton Plane ELECTRICAL SERVICE MCPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITRO e INDUSTRIAL si COMMERCIAL e FARMS & HOMES e ELECTR1C HEATING INSTALLATIONS h6 Chiarles St. Milton 878-9513 - 877-5795 21c-tf FENCING NORTH HALTON FENCE LIMITED Comrricial, Resideottot and Industriot âîso Troe Service Ti.rnog & loargo tri-e i-i-ovaI Fully Insai-ed Phone ACTON 853-1010 HAMILTON 527-7976 Speciottned in hoase o-ietdsing. Pcople liai The Chiampion to rnad. and rvod Charnpion claa- îifieds ta hay. lh yoar salei mnniae on tibm page? phone 876-231 la ptaco a want ad. GBNERAL BUILDING CONT8ACI1OR " Alternutons " New conatruciona Fi-ne Nai-prinîs 'oit contri-. GESRY DE WILDT 878-3534 21v-if MASONRY CONSTRUCrION LiSOIEI R.R. 1. Canopli-nitville, Ont. e Residerstial 0 Commnercial a Indasivia TEL. 854-2672 or 854-2532 21c-lt LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS MILTON LAWN and GARDEN SERVICE Lamds-oping - Sodding Seeding -Lavin Mainteinonce Tep Soit aod Comnpost Pi-up. JOE WILSON 3348 Main St. W. 878-9070 21c«tf LIBRARY HOURS Monda7i tF-ay 12 Nann to 5:30 Evenings Tuesday - Thai-sdny - Friday 6:30 to 9:00 p.rn. Salai-day If0.50 arn. 10 5:00 pi.. 21v-if KENNELS ROCKYRIDGE Boardinq. Kennels Regtd. New iltding, quiet ooded sniting, individual penn, enclos nd oatide rani, claniric limai, picki-up and deliveni. D. JAMES R.R. 2, Cainphelville (Base Lice O inile West aof GiuelphLiUni) Phono 878-6816 SIc-if ACCOUNTANTS CARPET CLEANERS FINISH CARPENTIRY MONUMENTS OPTOMETRISTS SEWING MACHINES Arthur A. Johnson, 0.0. MILTON - 218 Main St. 878-3673 Appointmeaol Toesdoy, Thorsdcy & Fi-rday 54 Milt St. E., Acioo. 853-2520 Wrdoeîday &h Satarda- PIANOS - Tuning anI Repairlng PIANOS TUNED aid REPAIRED M. WINSLOW 334 Fin- Street 878-6572 21c-tf PLASTERING & STUCCO Plastering & StUCCO AIl Types of Stacco New- Ptaster, lt.cpai-i, Cave Ceitings Aîdershot Pîastering Co. 878-2016 aller 6 p4n., 689-6211 cut Cotlect PRINTINO * BROCHURES * PUBLICATIONS e BUSINESS FORMS * WEDDING STATIONER1Y Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE R ENTAI PHONR 878-466 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Marin Sirect Services aid -Repaira on ail rnnles of ico-Iig machilnes 21v-if SMALL MOTORS Service and Repoir Let Us Service Vour Sncwon-nail Chain Sarn Gathoard Motor flotorcycle La-on Mon-er Si-o- Btoo-ni MotoiiedGaides Equipinnt Winterizing & Sforing MILTON MARINE & SPORTS 25 Commrercial St., Miltoan 878-6521 21v-tf TAILORINO - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Street PHONE 878-4472 21v-if Production Service TRUCKING - 8782341 LIFT TRUCK SERVICES Dilîs Printing -Propanve Gos. Eleclnic andI & &Pubîishing CAILL ODMHK Co. Ltd. aI 854-2122 t91 Nais St., lton. 21c20 TO PLACE VOUR ADFO IN THIS SECTION RATES AND 0F THE FOR THIS SECTION CANADIAN CHAMPION DIAL 878-2341 DIAL 878-2341 CANADIAN CHAMPION BICYCLE REPAIRS CONCRETE FLORISTS by-Iaw is is studied PAINTING and DECORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor INDUSTRIAL - RESIDMNIAL 3-NTERIOR.- EXTEROO Catit New faor i-ne Ralimattes 878-6137 Box 114, Miton. 210-41 PAVING Asphalt Driveways Parking Lots Milton Paving Co. JL2. Miton, Ont. Fo- Fine Entimaies WALTER .HAYWARD 878-9234 HAROLD AGNEW 878.(A43 21v-if ASPHAIT PAVING DRIVEWVAYS PARKING LOTS and TENNIS COURTS For F-i- 'Estirnaes 634-1321 RUDDOCK PAVING CO. LTD. 2238 Ha-old Rosit BURLINGTON 21v-tf REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS -RECREATION ROOMS -CUSTOM KITHEINS -BATUROOMS -GARAGES F-ee Euiimates ROGER UNWIN 878-3804 STORAGE ACTON Terminal Warehouse LIAI-T'81 Industelai & Domeanlc Storage Private Fuarniture [misonn Boudadt Storag Pick-up & Delivay - Moyinga BROKRAGE SERVICE phone 853-2320 Acton 364-.21141 Torno TRANSPORTATION BUS SCHEDULE MILTON and TORONTO Lv. Milton *7.05 ain., *10.15 arn., o-8.15 arn., a-835 pan., b-6.30 pou. Ar. Milton *10.00 arn., -6»3 Foi., t>-730 pan. MILTON & KITCHENER Lv. *6.30 pi. Ar. Milton *75 arn., 0-.5 MILTON & HAMILTON Lv. o-.655 arn., o.-5.30 pan. MILTON and GUELPH L. c,-10 ar.. Ar. Milton c-230 pin. *-Dell6iy excopt Saai-day, Sun- day, Holiday. a-Satrday only. a-Saday ai- Holiday. b.-sFriday. c-Tues., Thons., Sait. only. TRIE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE Dirnoani Winter Priei Trimngi nd Large Trne Removel Fay Iuaed PHONF ACTION 834010 HAJoILTON 327-7976 UPHOLSTERY MitnUphoîstering "Cuistm buit fao-ali-cr "Contrant uiohotitering "A coptete antlection of vanS- oui fabotici at reasonal colt " Fi-ne estirnates iFine pick-up nd dntlvery 878-9094 RR. 3, MILTON. Lo-ne A-i-iai, Pi-up. Wi-itten 3 year guaranten an workannilip. 21c-tf WEED CONTROL RYDER'S Woed Control & Fertilizer 854-2135 878-6968 2tc-tO WELDING SPEYSIDE Portablo Weîding Service F-ne Eainatei Commenrcial - Induacrial W. KAMMINGA RA. No 1, ACTON Phoon 833-2438 21c4t SAM JONES WELDING FORTABE WELDING SERVICE 26 Norton Ci-nicent GEORGETOWN, Ont. 877-5953 210-If T WI1N W EL DIN G (Msobile Service) 878-4676 Milton ,DAVE DENNISON 21c-tf CHARLIE'S WELDING Wetdiag - Reipairs - Fortabe tih Line GlUAS. SPECC 878-5365 21c17 WROUGHT IRON * Roilingi--indoor & Ouldoor * Gatos " Rloin Divides CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL HILMI) 250 Martin St. 878-6853 2I4>1t BAILEY Zolo., Milton, o i-e Oic h ton Eh- 8 coi., a grani-hi- ZrMr an grand-ha Edwsin E are pi-a& hi-Olh of Maegarei ai Peel -Brainpto COLIJINt lin Si. ai thc hi-Il net, -ocia ton Dise 19. 1972. FAGAIN - Jeffane! pleaned t of a ita heOi Ane the Josne Hospital, KING - King (i Datchhav are pli-ai hiri of on Jane Mi-. and Milt1on ai Ring, 01 shire, En RAMSAY eId Rai 2101 Rilli aepli-ai birli Mf 4 is., 15 iri Hai READ - Fergason Miton, o ce the hi n-y Witli oas., ai 1 ORMONT Mes. Tý ion. wsi thvorning ghe-, Go Gi-mod. Rý C. 01 Si., Miii- place Jal Anglican SEI2rI Ni-s. A epp- SeM ,Mes. Ige Weddîing 8 ci t No. COLGAN and -M of -Mitto daoghe- Mes. Ear and lhe icelding 192, ait liREEMA marriai nyo Viit( gliter of and AMi-n, o-t Mr. a mlan, Rât 1972 ai ion Ch-i rny fi-rn Chai-ch, GRISWO and M Oell Si. olarriage dith Alai Griswold 'H. B. G- The wedt chapelo Chan-li 6 p.rn., mi ficiaing. ELLI)S NI Generol olother o Arizona o orson tif ' Fanera Ireom F. June 17, Haine, oi-gr'n ce- SIM. Har tri-t H Juan 19, lein hi-r tai e Char AIex MIE the lte neratHaot nrl ervi pin. Inle eeryi.