__- 1- 4 Tise Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, Jane 21, 1972 -UM - 1111% VICrORIA SONG oe tise tt2ts s-unmng of1 tise Qizeen's PIste Seitz. Tis icure shows Victoria Son.g minsning is fis-st rauce. Bates-day afternon at Woodbine. The hose is froin tise Grecs (Phioto by Michael Bures). R-iIte Stables ut R.R. 3 Miton ami oted by Mn-s Mas-guset Victoria Song, a homse otened by Ms-s. W. J. Seitz ef Grecs RUs Partes. R. R. 3. Mdlton. won te muet prestigînus race i Canada Satarday misen jockey Raisin Platts breuglit the herse aseso telfinsh Une at Wondhîee te min te Queen's Plate. A cash prise of ff0,143 gors mîti te min. Mes. Seitz is te daugister ni te iste onter and lireeder tas-ton Matosey. Mes. Bete liad carsid on te fanuty tradition afiter lie- lather's death tiespîte masy iseartteeahs. Victoria Song mes clecheti Satorday et 2.03 t-5 and mas Victora Pas-lis tird succeonive oifspring te min tise Plate. Kenedy Rond mon it lest yens- and Almoser in 1970. Tnsgh beak Mrs. Seltz also bil Cool Receptios and te horse mas peggeit as as pre-plate favorite in 1966 lut te horse mas injareti before te race and dids't enter- Mes. Seitz s-eceived tce gold A WROPPER ef n Breown Trout measurssg 23 onchos on lesgts anti tipping tise orales at 51/4 peuists mus pulleti froon tise mates-s ef Milttn's miSl pond Fs-iduy by a happy azsgle-, 21- year-otti Lawerence Whitney of 22 MW SL. Me mas using a spinne- aithtisUe anti mises tise fisis grsalbeti hon ltse ho thougit, lie mas snaggeti. ise "snag' tum-ed mut te, ho the turgest fisis pulleti fremn thse pend in neyes-at yeors. (PhotoebyR. Dotens) Elsley's unbeaten in T-Bail loop fast mee in ate T-bal league U.'S.W. tiefeateti U.A.W. 25-22 and Riches-tson's deleateti Marin's 24-19, ami the stroeg Elsey teaso 37-13. Hitters for U.S.W. tere (donubles) Bruce Lîis, Bois Ncetil, Anthony Eigc. A triple mas alse, bltted hy Michael Ctae- anit a home non teallopeit hy Brias Bell. For U.A.W. lutte-s mes-e (triples) Jolis Pesrmtt, Giso tickemin, ami Desey Ford. A home s-us mes alan hit liy Lyle Thibent. la tise game egeinsi Elsey i5liemacy, hillers for U.A.W. mers doubiles Danny Ford ami Davidi Reard. Dames sent mccli mi ho Wetieestiay Juse 22 as Bichas-tson's play U.A.W., Friday Jonc23 mbes U.S.W. play Elsey Ptormacy, and Monday Juse Siens U.A.W. lita te fieldi agaistst Marions. T-BALL STANDINGS TEAM DP W L T Ptu Elsey's 5 3 0 2 8 Ricisartison's 4 3 i 0 7 U.S.W. 3 2 0 0 5 U.A.W. 5 t 4 O 2 Manio's 5 ti 5 0 ti cup aisen infîeld ces-nmosy frsm Canadas 'eteef justice J. R. Geralti Fanteun. Vidas-la Sng was fitted it i a llnhet ni ycllom and pus-pie onums. Victoria Song ras mrm te hacs uf tise packin tise toclatec te son te race hy so lengts in iront ni Bas-admis teto hinsisd mi a lisolicn leg. Tise champagne celibratios tat telloeei the victory put jockey Platt i te spital. Tise jockey is alles-gic tu cetehs-ation and needed needtes te nio te rashs ho came tin mt. Victoria Song mas iscolen in at te Miton fans and fram thore ment tu the tracli for training. It mas the tt2St s-niang ni te Qiiees Plate. Dmser Margaret Seita mas o tredt mit te cictory alle hlu fast te tce tropiiy mises a tracli empinyte asîctoi tie il ami get it egraveti. 'Lteas pcs-haps. Toniglit it goes home mith me on my lamtiy and my fs-tends con fsnoy it."l Oe hsomlcdgcahtc racisg tenter tesote, "Anti sot liefore it mon tiesorveti, von noglit add .- Hornby gais nover let Up Rorsliy Ladies got off te a liard tthsgstart andonvertlet op ontti tey lied handeit Adtos a 24-0 tiecision i softisai actin last mmhk. Rorshy bombaid Actes tes- Jour s-ans on te tinat, Bhroc rani in te secomJ.ten intetirdît10int: (titis ami five as te sint. Wlselag pîleber Shirley McMulles mas tise ssng chuer tS ber third min of the seasos. Bic mas rehevd i te tird hy Psitt Rarlilolder. Carnl Ans Rearos mas te catcher. ReIen Ritidell anti Putt Burk- hottier bit five for si anti Carol Ans Rearss lut four fer lice. Rorsisy inoke te game up in te lieut însîng mises Putt Burisholder singleti, Shirley Gervis singleti asdti as uoreti i Jase Borismolies doulte. Nora Reares sigleti scorig Jana anti scerei heronli os Date Lbuchinach's sasgted. HRunhy huuts Missîssauga Tltorsday. Milton challenges Cobourg Eteven Eastern Ontas-io tenons froin points between Carleton Place anti Hamilton mil lie playiog to unorat thse Cobourg Legion Pirates miso try for their tird straight titie in tise Kool-Aid Pee Wee Basebail Tournament scheduteti for July 1 at Cobonurg. Io addition tu Cohourg and prevtous linalisis Oshsawa ani Kingston, Peterborough, Ranmilton anti Agincourt retors titis year te do battie, mitit nete entrants fente Bowmnvitie, Betteville, Thurlow, Lindisay: Miton and Carleten Place. Sixteen games are acheduled in tise knocks-out competition, wehs te sposored by (teneral Fonds, Lisoiteti. The tounnment is orgnnined by tise Cobourg Miner Baseisail Association. The grand champions wttl min on espense-paid trip te Montrent tuematch tise Expos play an Aog. 5 gaine against the morld champion Pittaborg Pirates. Moffat Atoms tough to beat The undeleated Moliat Atoons mon thite fîfth and sixth games oi tise season hy beating Rîishorg 12-ti on Thursday ond Ponsonhy 23-g on tiatsrday. Dace Bron homernd thre time againot Ponsonby tehite Rics Smnuith ond ltandy Sthi Isomerei once each. Tise Atoins play a srong defensîve gaine. Teace oneoners inclode Dace Birowon, Bon Wonder, Ries Siths llandy Smoitih, Larry timati, Don Buchanan, Rusty Eltioti, Ruon Bnitton, Gary McLeod, Steve Davies, Todd Smnitit, Richard Stanley, Ken Day, Andy Bascisotshi asti Richard Norwond. Loads in girls Peggy's ni Milten npened te ilpteiit girs-l' jnis- hall season wiha 6-1 cîctucy une- Plaza Sinuke ant ift. FIJoey Besett undi Peggy Lee ries camhmned to pitris Peggyls min. Karen Vichery pitched strnngly in a loaing came for Plaza Smohc and Ddft. Foorteen difierent players collected hite, tetote Karen Vlckery, Brestia Ryan, Katherine Dilîs, Patti LitIle, Katy Trente, Joane Bruih anti Deisca Keaniz coonectnd fon Plaza Stohe anti Jep Bennett, Julia Ras-risse, Pfggy.Lec Fiin, Cindy Rend, Kim Des-nais, Sastira Tuselti asti Bs-idget Pelanti replieti for Pnggy's. fie teghligst ni te game mas as on- asuisteti triple play esecotei liy Kathy Trente ni Pluza Sooe ami (tilt. Second min On June 14 Peggy'n adtied tiseir seondi min tehen thoy edged St. Claie Paint S-8. Dams Jubli paced Peggy's mîth a pair ni tets misile Terri Creteson, Diane Dervain, Cindy Rend, Peggy-Lee Finn,. ami Joey Bennett atideti singles. Cheryl Ezearti, Kathy Blair, Liane Whistler, Suon Blair, Patti Kean, Judy Bell, Bannie Bacenstecs anti Lyone Runter wehi garnerei ne lut fon St. Clair Peist. Peggy-Lce Fion sicet te mis for Peggy's mhtic Patti Keane tond te Ines for St. Clair. SealerGirls De Juse 22 Milton Fillies sconcti tmice in the lest iming te etige Roonds Ctechen Queens liy e 15-44 score. Bein Dndtrey, Caty Jefferson and Kelly Cons led tce Fillies ait teplate mith o hits each. Kelly Cous asti Mariuone Cosuhich cosehineti on te noont ion te mis. Katy Rutsk, mith two huas inctutiing a home non, anti Janice Lee aise mîth a pair ni lite mes-e Rootis teading tetters. Mas-lene lltultz ant im ueDsffiths stos-e te pîtrising for te "Queens", Wth Patti Souths leatisg te may mîth a hoe rn anti double, the Yelinte Balleen Belles tiefeateti tise Trafalgar Fend Torinon 17-15. Anse Wiate atmo atitei a soiner lfs- te minners, with Kathy Eakins ami Kelly Vichery pitchig te min. Cocie Des-vais anti Ellen Gnig eachhbangetiout a pair of action Tennis sofibaildemoflstrate Canadien Devin Cau eml ofhisfotheorios.Etinlaa Onlotieles ch amp ion ami Don Whan o la o bisfrte Cros l C hnia SeirSeis po aitie Bay'view Tennis Clubs homerun.Crysai Cuchmch itt put on a deonetration and and Gail Careol absorhed the W L TPts fre citic. at Milton Tennis tutchung (on. Yetiot Ratisse 2 0 Courts Saturday alteronoon. Second min 1rfta 1 2 Bielinrcsicmdtda ThseYeiow Ballon addnd tinte F=h ar t i I 2fie oa niolrlp a secnmivietory ofithe early Manan Rend's 1 1 f 2 WaoenUlesi iteHl hy defeating Knight's D..y KolgitsînCI. 0 2 0 0 tedi et Knuh Cleaners 2-20i. Kelly Vlehery and JuW« aine Uienl n a lni KatsY Ekeins egnin enldnnd toi On Jane t9 Karen Vicseen nsnlarshlp Hall langsi senior pitch lise min, mliii Diaea Ryse, pitched herPiaza Smke and tit lesmie bers lent sessan. LYdia Seelen andt Sosen Me- tenon te its firg vletoey hy A senior rounit robin Callam lisrnîg for tise louers. itefentint St. clIr peint andit lurneent miii gel unitormay et Ste different inayam colleetet peper isy a 1ti.t neure. 1.20 and immeitiatoly fWlmli so hits nars for th is e ssrs, Leaiig tise minins et the d'isethe deinnstreticn aetnd= Marie Rorsing, Kims Riddell, plate mers Jenal Naitelin, Jane mini fotinte. Denise McCenin.(incleiting e Brush Deishie Sheridan anit Homer) Anse WiIlats and Patti of itto miie Karen Vichery, osotm Souts ail lt. Cindy Lewis pae Julia Biedeman, Jae Brs-sI, Z tise Clenners eit the pinte mlth e Cathsy Trmsto aIleided singles. esosn nddnd a hsome ron. s sey Eeri, arii yttei wHA YG R Despite etioming foar home Katsy Blair, Patti Keane, Lor-i cons te Marianne Couh()Cler, Kim Wisler ami Joanne 6 0 E L N Cathy Jefferonnd Caety Carr Foxech picknd up a singleisitBGDHAT ofte afi sCat h for St. Clair. Pett Keasie tonS tise 0fts uia ie Trafalgar Ford lie on tise Mnod. BEA* BLO)D DONOR Torinon rollnd teea 24-tii min once thseMilton Fusles. Dans Coredetti ----- isad thee hts and Debbie Leggo, ----- Margaret MeNeti, Gtil Carrl anti Ellen Gooding li Imo hito each, tu tead Bic Tons et tise JA 'QSD bat. Dehiîs so ftI mers bisthl Dn Jane 15 Rods Citichen Queens jamped into tse min colon mits a 28-13 lroenecing nifi Kiogits Dry Cleaners bhisii the pitchng ni Dormee ond Date R P I Man Siui a mi son fcii -10 MATERIAL froni Wendy McMurray, Kelly Creson ,Kathy Rusk (Ihumer), Date Starki, Cheryt Fitipatrics, c ch /C vrSr.g .n Janice Lee and Unite Smith. th slo e ,Srn to s Lydia Seten ami Diana Ryan M ud n .d sharei tise toso for Knlgiit'n. M ud n e d Betty Baverstock, Kim Shepherd, Cindy Leweis (a humer) ami HoSly Wisetham le Repair boais, aonnings, car biies, sunt docks, the Cleaners mits so lin endt. chair-s, fs-aile-. Carot Coutter ao isomereti for the loners. Kisand maeasinsock for cer epai STANDINGS projec Pibernans Oennned Plasti vs ohme dose hbed as lthe miacle mateiai nf the ItIcdsdes games ni Jane t9, '72.) twnneh cm o vy Tr vt Junior Seres Avaîlable nomi ai Weg' WL T PsMILTON MARINE & SPORTS Pgys 2 ti 0 4 Plaza t t i 2 25 Commercial Si. Milton 87"56l21 St.Claic O 2 il ti- - - -- - - - - -- - - - Local hors. wins Queents Plate race o mlic CRI[ Ray start q may ht out fil Baynt laersà malke Wat lan home Camp WrM in thse o<D.S by St. pares( M Mth trooncq niglit. Dants Pnpp a each. Wins eceine ber fiel Matiti irsen la ndge Weitnei Tenu pitchor cloutin& Big l: more La Dens going or so bat toi ment, J boys, a titissat and ui the Birs et 10ia.] the thi series e Horst attti a.] lagle champi 11.30 Ir action 1 p.m. Gtselp p.m. on go at 1 t seriesg p.m. la ti playaet being p Rsrni acion divieton Glas w the tri Milton Juvenile « HOCKE Y CLUB DANCE AT MILTON LEGION HALL Saturday, June 24th, '72 - 9 P.M. Disc Jockey-fa ba annoueced '3.00< Per Couple Tickets anallable f-rn; Juvnile placera