-I _________________________________ United Church Women'1s group celebrates i Oth birthday TheJatte generat meeting of St. Frut U.C.W. toikthlie forminola lOtis asnlersary psrty wilis gtsts sia apecial irsgrsm. Mnr. Hlarold Coulso melcamei ail Prescrit and lira. Chsarles A. lins li lte oegpry. lTe iacsrallng Gralat Hl s articocalty done hy osit 3 - Stleir tadter Mm. Joit Wrigglen worth. Tta alteoon unil i aiSt tiseir ladem, M. T. A. listehis- ton, melesasi aI tse doar soi dtoeedlthe people teteir tabtles. ?&MeinEseoaamimit ber uonil 2 pmsnie lte dlrcis dessert ok tay 24 in St. s. R. Ellial s catiarlci I, tinta W'V- t ta fture affism and onsaire nas mas asisyei Ire, ire caura ira. R. RuIo re I ILLE j use n town, Send id... NAN4CY FRENTICE anti Jamcs Rusell Dance echcangai medting soan in a reremon>' aI War licaorial Hall, Unisernity' of Gueclphs. Wedding Dance - Prentice A douisle-ring meîtisg Hatie> of Miltet an tant asan bo ceonn> mas perlormieti is> te grasom. Unhems mere itrotert lias. Jota Witaet nI Nrorfolkt Ufth9e bride anti grasom, Danvi Uited (arrit, Guelpht aI War PIenice anti Brent Dance. ltleos Hall aI tae Univertity' Orgue assie Ut Guelphs ta sstemoise lte Raips Kodi, M.A., Asialae asarriage of Jamen Rattell Prolessor aI lise University' of Diance,snUofMr.asndliMr. R. K. Guelpht, playei clasaicat orgas Dlanceeof Milton, lt Nlanc>' Eselyn telecttans of Bacht sni Hasiel Pretre, isogitter of Mr. and taitor 9toi aaler tae creson>'. Mes. A. W. Frentice, atmo of A rerepîton sapper follomei Milton. Jter aI tise Amiter Copola Tise brie mas gisen ama>' isy Resarant Ut Guelpht. Onente tam latser anti mao altendeti is> attetting tise seduing and hem hritiensaii, Mrs. Carol recoption rame 9-oas Milton anti Cheparnyj, nitter sf te bide. uelph arean anti frsnt Holisti Biss Klisemt>' Dance, tinter of Lanisg. Tise roapte bell for a te grooms, mas Ibower girl, and nhort hnneymsn trip bo Niagara BSti>' Ctapsrnyj, nepisea of te Falls asd are nom eesilang Ut laide man ring isearer. Robt Guelpht. isacheon. attife ost 4 sîts tisoîr later, Mn. Kelis Psy wst in chtarge of lte prsgrsmt for lte maaiag. Escrya was gisnas snome tag as lta>' enlerci soi helted saItlra. A. L. Mar- Nai Waiss b> lira. Rst Break R. Coalson, presient 1971-72; lion. Elles Haritattle, 2063- spreolicost 1969-70; am 5o. spreoitient 1967-68. (PInots ity lN TROUBLE Mlays taon aitit s boddy. 'Ibsi ay if yss gel intIrouble lot lte ater stme miS ta there bo hep. Remember, os>'y olive mils Red Cross ater safety ail tatne, losng Planning ce for 75th ani Jase 14 Homnby WlI. met Ut hImoniyCmmasotyark aith 12 tssmin'nstio ldy gsesla miss are rossslenrasg attse home nI Mes. Neaton. Mns. H. O'Connor, trtident rond a poem entitled A lalsy Prsyer. ~et rollco "A Place yooihase bees or moald Itce t ta for s holiday" mas asmereti by ail presenl. The sonates of te tant meeltg mere reati iy Mrs. L. Sampton, secretary. Corempsm l esreroisted of os sl tot Lgy Hsll Jsly 13 aI 2 .m.t hr opeaiter Met. Denitam and tee a film on Afrira. tispase mollo Id napsotofn 19-rns>' n asised o boas tisem bo MNt. treas Saostiers to bi setd for Museuma Opan Homse os Jane 24 anti 25. Exchanger Tisse mdl ta an urlan-rural enrisange tuiarng Jsty anti tAugasl. Faon hsomes are neetied for oe amis accommodation. Faqaeslng Women'o tettitate esrisre, celeitrating ils 601h sotoinernar>' mili ta held Jase 24 aI 8 p.m. ai Etqoesng Towsiop Hall. Speyside Srtaol chitor won te doated Hornisy Wl eps>. lýira.'R Rsy Wilson gave a report of District Annual heMd May 24. 'lieemoilltaeanIntttesooSt setl ait tree lait lairs. The &aodJ Lee Home han iseen C asaeti. Suggestions isave eoacsuitoted ans tot ilnue. tarit teancit isînodo smreltistg ta diog te rog, Aineo aiseastotti 3, 1is2 and lter tisaI moos the rase sas pmnned on te lise tanst rnecato'e wsanteiatei. attenin5 geserat pretideotn, Fonst prasiden lira. F. W. Mes. F. W. Hartattle, 1962-1963; Hartte rereived a UCW life Mes. K. O. Fascer, t1965, ommiertsip, pin and rerlilirale 1566;- Mes. T. A. Hslrhio, 1907- a te fonst general meeting, Ut 1968; loMis, a. R. Cairns, 1969-1970; rcognitotno item mors is te Mes. Hamold Coaloon, 1971 - 1972;.- Fteniyteriat for 32 yars. Oser As Met. F. W. Harbtîle, limaI ltse ymearis asuit tas met presodent cal lte lîls regalar>' anti te generst asninesary cake, lte olser foar meetingn isave prerlici diser- preadenta stssd haside her asnd stifeti progran, isoti tai them piclare takas. lmas. W. etiaratmtnat soi mligttening J. Bailler, aho mas presienl for Tise UCW lornihei te leltoa- paortof 1964,msas uasise te stendi. tnip roasas astipptoei amticles la msemoriam fur tae toitent asd aoditoriums Desserl lasciteon maes enjsyei atien tise Chitias Edacaoon asti an tati s piece of the Builtiing man rompleteti in asiserary cake. Aller the Desemiser nf 1962. Otiser projecta testes mere cleareti, lirs. E. Fs>' metatie vsiting anti tallai tae meeting bo nmder soi raeooitermng tise oiit anti sitot- Mes. Jota Fsmtiy coniobcted as ion, partotg iooens of hsies, "In Memoriamn" service 9-r taae rstering bo medtiings anti alto tai passai saay in tse 10 banqts, the sassmal iazaam Ut yeast. lMos. Fard>' resi s Ilovetmer, parlicîpsling Ut te soripttre, as ionpresaise poem, WorM Os>' oI Frayer, lte astant taisa misote's silence ahile ail UCW Saotisy in Jane, and anme standing, ant i lUisheti ail toesytery mors. The taoasrs Ut astis prsyem. tOyas tase maintd $8,650. UCW lMs.OGary Commian, mesntam of fSes isase ronlmiited Si. Fails chtoim lasometi milS tas 16,5039tiste Unifiai Budget soi solos, The Gos of Love MY donatios to tise Chrlatian litepheiti lanso A Song of Joy, itatcatlon Centre iUtlg fand acaspanli hy lias Jase FUth, have amoostet te more dieu asoter meastar of te choir. 98,500. barmans ompronements lmo. Edigar W. Fogoer, mito tat asti reasiostnal lthe mass and tat illons offices in U.C.W. lise criar hase tan liascei isy astii la ameatar of tise choir issi LW 970101. isees hasy ariling tae hlgislighta Oter sersices inctode of tae tant 10 yeast amUg il, presenllng a Oidisary of the Ten Yeas Ut Itatrospect - St. Bible te te Canaien Girls Ut Pool's United (barrit Women, Tfraining on Iheir 201h 1962- 1972. " annîsemtamy in 1965, a yesrty Tise olerger Ufthlie former trmaIt 9-mi trs trsaisemmim b 59-mass Associatias atecs teiel Maanor retiients, presenling astis local charcit afisirs and te programos aI te Manor, soi Wsmen's Missîonamy Society prenentalion of a cenlassial qUt saloir deail ait otmach of te tei Mrs. J. L. Grahsam Ioltomlng citarcs at home asd slrosi, lise tieticato of Grahsam Hall Ut nmtie aseiers easiy for te 1970. Higigita Utrlatie tise 1111h '*total mission" of tise charcin U anniversary las asd art thowe Ut 1962, Mrs. Footer reiemei. 1966, tise reemat tes soi art Untier the guiance of te tale tiunplay se 1967 soi tise Chiots lias. J. L. Grahsam tae St. Faal'n Fmesta Ut 1969, lira. Fasler UCW taMlb ots Ir meeing Jas. rev ieti. lira. Jamen Gilbt, liost sire- b. sitient, rateil tta roll of the leb ratio n mita asti tae gnsta, miot te srelary Mm. Clarence Cole rocortieti tem, b lthe natatar of 8.Tis parI of te gatering mas i ive rsa iy ctosetiy almepeatg te lard's seletrate tise 751is Asnisersary A isappy lime mat spenl 9-on yar. istmg one anoter. Soase of the gua fot 9 oasut of 9-mn mere MiltonaFair Mes. J. Hamilton, Bomman Miltes Fair taslilate iopta>' (barris, Ascanler; lirs. Lloyd ont tisocoaseti Mrs. J. Me. Sith, Dstlami Dms Ormeau, Calrron, Han. M. J. Brown anti Qaeisec; lira. Oroty Skinner, Han. C. Wigglesmsrtt meai 79-isteton; liro. Donald Grahamo, isamoroan articles Iroas Tise Carislte; Mrs. melons Werner, Ulster Coantrymoman - a W.1. Misitnnsaaga; anti Iran Milten, bUltsentlroas Irelani ity lirs. Han. Florence Jeasins, Baptiat Glrange. Han. Ro>' Wilson reoti a (baris; lira. >'elie Bchayler, paem ity Helen Btayner Frire. Presytemiss; Mrs. Belly Tise meeting clonri ails Cummigham soi Han. Margarel nongong O Canada. Oases Charron. fattometi, rontceti hy lirs. C. Seserai assages of regrets Paltersen. A pirnir lunchs mas notre receosei tenon oternansiste mjoyeti isy te 18 latias prenent. te rouas. The Champipn, Milton, Ont. Wetinesiay, June 21, 1972 8 Fiist annual 87 members attend MoDougail reunion me lirnt annuel lirDoagal menrton mas iteti on Jase 10 aI Hornsy Pars. Of tise 126 Blvig meastars oftefanity ofJohtnF. asti Mastic lirDoagall, 87 rame tue mjsy as aîlemmn of Ian, food asti aseaoroen. Hocaiy Park mas te logîral placete isola 9-la reution tase the lit Mirosagall of tise clos ttrirrldbi rnsei isere Iroas Argyttesisire, Srstlani anti Parcsased Croan LandinU 1819 aitere te Tracler Oreensen asm stand. mhe prime of the lasti Imiir mas rlasaed 9-en as mante land)t mas antier 3 poantio. Tis lactaiei te rast of sarreying. Arclatali anti is mile Mary are isarie i n lise Bloomfielti Ceonetery on lise 2lt bUte jast sst of te paris. Originoal rmon Wisen tise origisat reasion rommillee t lirgsrel Mc- Doagail, Joan Ceas soi Mariel Merongaît Ryderi mere aIl eiter isaspitaiaei taemelsas, or aseara of 9-eUt fsamlles mere, Atlberta lirboagaîl Hartattaask ably came te lthe menone. "Votasteers" for sent year't roasmitlee are Dick MrDsagall, Myrle lirDsuali Palter, asti Gotrge lirDoogal. The sin remsmlang asemtamt of the Iaaslly of Johsn F. and Minnie ail asagedti I attesd lise reamion: Doris bidule (Floridat, Ells Raassey of Willomiate, Myrtle Ponter of Toronto, Jota lirDoagall of ilton, Dick Mc- Doagail of Hamnilton, anti Bell>' Hyan of Scartarasgs. Amnouisse Mow Meuling Substance: Abrinka Piles EssiienhesliaqSsltance pasover tse mns senaseo,10s oand repaie tmundoaunqaelneonscsanmsets Pin mby. In rees itnnrlanod dscnst in minates and spenos up ncase afle case, Mle osro tnninkmge tas, ptase. ntbl ocmlttfall-ils rae M5soaloug ht tst improoeenm -I, nanedoer apesiod of ooco TrissWas osomlisred wls anes seiena ustancenîsononeîssorc stmuoln roethof,,oîartissue. oalaroryntsatasslsinsanten and saenositor toreo caled PePderatm n an. as' ori ai 441 cens stoes. satsctior oas mner a s'- a What is famio.lysize bot water? Inns enogs isot maîer..cnoag bot atr for att tise itatin, nitomee, dm5h maniisgs, Slone was5ingn anti taundrele titat it ltcs te, iep yoir fanlysnd yehbnsparslingtea.4 Cascade mitt give or 0 fsmitynie hot saler, itecaunc îns tigneti for tise toit. Titc eteetricat indunt>' pal yerae of rrearch int the Casadiso tamilys isot maIr train. Cancader mon the rcnltî-bot 5>' qaalliscd manaffactaren to rîgoid npeeiications 10 assue yoo of tiependaiiity anti campltt satinfactio. Geî thes Cancade motS tise tapat>' titat rigitt for ysa asti rnis>' hot matefamfyooor. Cascade, thte clean, nafe, esfcter etri nsa er hae. your IIy ro milton hydro L J 250 Main St. ta508W0 Plnea 878-2345 A tfl ANNIVERSARY CAKE mas rut tant 1964i-g; Mrs.t ritk dorong a destert tas itett tu marik tce first pmcsiicost ltit iirtisia> af tise United Clsarci Woancn af lirs. A. Calot St. Faills Unitedi Cisorri, Miltons. T.A. Hotchins Partlclpating ta tise rata cutting creassa> R. Damnnt acre, froas lef, Mon. Kl. O. Fontar, piresident nanit>'. i» N@W OPIN STRAWBERRIES PICK TOUR GWN Top qaity a ai o e-a contrai t 7 ..ta 12 noGa WEEK BATS 5 .M ta 8 p.m. BOA AM SAT. & SU,,. Al Dy RUrF0M Quart pick.o isooesny' Bring osassn or parooanse al the patois lihaa 25.4 Moiles noti ai Milton