ite a seinners. 5 Ontario st. af R.R. 3 ime were vlnners arm man1, niti le, muventit Rb, SA¶lh TheChampion, Milton, Ont., Wedsesday, June 21, 1972 Water safety poster contest offers prizes mate aaeiypatr citai, aiey a Flite subjeci of lte wll paesi li.aypaaeelalit pste-,Aing mitt lthe ponter, Miltan smatatooy Pool, is beinli ent-ato Mustsubmittbeit-oame, conducted by lthe Milton c t-ct ccoo ad lteir et-hon! Reclealcon Comoocît ne grde, Pt-cns ont-n doated by Milton Wi et-n wil ie oeleeled by a A (bomber of Comme-ce. npecia o mt talee and namnes oi muei iat s elndasng mie cet lite lies aenpaperOnceulie iner Miloa airea elemenlary et-heels are etet-ed, tey itetome lte oreetnor public scitool. Eatries propery af the Recrealin masl ha subitîled le lte Deparieent and wlill a e lletrealîoo Office, Milo Towe reluroe. Hall, hy Jone 28 ai 5 p.m. A wioner from ont-h grade wli Aay aspetof arumer maler bie choen. Sunshiners win prize for CNE arts, crafts Art mil c-aIl mort ity eladeele benot-artuo an a reward for lteir aih1F Norlth Hallee Sonehie s- ideeaeLtel Scitoni lor Tramnable Relarded lebrelon, Bruce Arronog aed mill be on display in lte Beller Frooncen Leben. [ocelle renoined LingZCetre tduri ra' to t-mbas prizen for Ian dii- Caada Naboa Exhiion turent enîrcon. l'in Woodman Cindy Leuin, Whzard Bt-tan The nebeol a8 lot-ate inm Hornity. Two otbe- stadenlsof Ilthe Hat-Adn, DorotAey played biy Mary Anne Palebengs, sulipture mort. and nebooi ret-eined honorable Bradley and Toto played hy Marie Mazzerale. ojoalter plecen ai at unit ention lo- ltel sabonissiono; sPoob o urt)wre absmtled le lbe Cainadian Brut-e Art-orongi aed Donna (ltoyiBal)National Exitibition scitool Cannon. Donna mon oneeboned t-anpeition - lent-e lort- Io dîllerent piecen af Tbe studonto rerceined a $5 ail ot-. j School News Water safety seminar DOROTHY SHIIIEKS us lte Witcb of tha West appt-suites. Dorelisy mas playeti by Mary-Anse Bradley and lte milit mas played by Patict-a Roche. Siadenis fromt Holy Ramary St-Fret presentad thsa play Weduesduy aveeng. (Photo hy B. But-lt) Museum festival on this weekend Tbe tIrd annuai Sommer Festinai aI Ilailon Counly Museum miSFr lieied os Salut-day mnd Smnday, June 24 md 25 lt-sm 2 ubil 6 t-at-b allemoon. Thte maueum is oituated ai Kelsa Conset-vation area jonl mont ai Millen and thse festival promises tole bean enjoyabie mne mth o munit-ai pragramn aI bonds, dabes mnd net-n lt-roogb lte alit-snon. CraDo wiii be o dipiy mth saine of the mort-s for sale and t-allers con wamdr Town gets big Joan M. P. Rud Wbilisg aonount-ed tisai a $41,424 Iion la asslel la lte construction of 15W leai ni 27-at-b dianeler saiaryt-ond semer on Mtain SI. E., Mit, bas bees graneldby Cesntral Motage and fibsaieg, a feederai agent-y. Thte leme is itorromieg lte aieomt lo- a oe yor lernm and iends u repay on compiebion aI lise projet-t, iesad ai npreadisg il river a long terni, Fine Furnituro AT t-AI 100e 7 Y0I.I POllCES MILTON PLAZA J. R. Corne 00 OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MAIL TELEPHONE M7788 teogithOe Mmreum. T-be peocerds [rom lasI yeat-'s t-vent oet-n tocards lthe t-ebaidiog ni a log cable, t-ltca 1&12, sic cas dismontird a0110 ot-iginal site aI lte Carrnýe Rolorestrion Tract me Nassagact-yo ond -asaemblid besidelthe MIuseum pond lasl laS. Aitteugi lite iang a ie t-ai10b doselte pî-ner ils a -ond idea 10 pacb o pinoît dloelieoe lmd lo-u day ai lte Mnuseum. Vînîlors cmn aisio go swinlininli or caooeisg on te Ioke and odi bemet 10 people m oldlovsiocd dt-iesms ind laoese-come. Procreds lt-sm ibis year's ou;t I wl go losards lte bling of o t-rract-r1 enitance te salut-ai beouly ni lthe Muse an Sebeolus nearly finMed ai Ft-îday. Tbe morksbep mil mat-m meaiher 15 epon us, melhodn ni idividual le rmahboing in lte nearmit bodieof ai + +. mater Frioi dmeiation palets for A ntaff paty mon ite at-boni ciddren -and mil it e 'lbarsday eîgbl le mort chaonce ai it-agedly. ni lte nnbonl year ai On Tbe Milton Reereaios Stadeels ni lit-de on a Committee ns caniiotieli a reeolly leoit potlie a bus nenear n mater saiety le lte Tornti Harbtor. leon sbols Ibis meeit. Filin, Neol Tuenday, Jone 27 talks, Paniers, and displays ai dole lort-hIe scitanin talo arîdficial respiration procedaron day. onlbensome olteieataresaofthte + + + pt-olit- . lit-ate SI. Seitool mon c . + + on filo by niadens a A pappel play titled Rosat-y Sebeol on Monda1 .Enologee" mdll be pat-iornsed ai tbt-y nidmotaped tbe enery J. M. Deeyes St-boni os Mooday ai lte st-boni onornulg. The Miit-y ai lise ltbe Holy Rosa-y oluden Ennironene, milb nome accompamred by Edgar assistace [rom llalioe Ragin lot-mer principal oi lte Conset-vation Aalborily, ia Mr. Fanler aino relaite nloling tbe play. -t-ologee" miii neb0oos isto-y lt-or bie sbome ai Bruce SI. St-boon et-sent at-boni popuation Monday olternon. Thteducts, f eese and oth Il meatiter pet-mile, 1Fr play le in tbe pond ai tbe onul be beld naldoors. Stuni lo- lte Oral met-e Staff member Mrs. lt-le lenen iy 1Fr pt-cmory classes las miS be alteodeg a moritsiop aI A field day lo- tbe lt-o Lord Elgin Higb Seboal, mnd lice siodenîn mon Barlinlilon, Tbarsday and HolUy Rosary v Ieé fifth in truck, fielId Aller neyerai moolts ai bard preport-aos, Haly Rosary Scbeol merged lilthin tahie Halles Seport-oe Scitoni field day on Muleday, Jone 12, reports vice- principal liin Fit-baud. Tmenly-one Houasn separale dtoln porticîpated an te main bield day t-venin ai Nelson 111gb SIhin Barieglen. Tise 440 aed Ion reiy t-at-en mere beld ai lte saint location on Jone 3. AI] try bard Monynof tbe siadenis lt-on Holy Rosat-y acquît-ed ui plat-e positinons and ail lte parltcipants pal up o gond effort, suggesla Coachbes lot- lte et-est mere RcadLaodt-ay, Fred Spiger, *lff riaFilaud, Mts. Anette C u ' Mot-ley, Mrs. Bernadette Set-a- se § Mis. Aonetle [ewiu. Theita idenia paraded on10 lite pioying field asder a large S baene-, creoied by lIt-. Pal fIlclaud. DROWNINGS Drowninn coin bie prevesled, bel oiy il youanmd yoar lamly respect tbe moler. Tis sarmmerA t-emember to stay aiemsitRed Ct-onu caler salety. Il stress at-iing. Id last tbe end îyee. t rip la id play apiured I Holy , ben day 111e le met-e Fonler, ncbooi. id tbe ,e St.n e- bird Onlaria vilied tlmeeb. de for heid oit ilruonquin Parb laul creit. W. I. Dit-b Scbao mSi bie holingi ils iabioid field day ont Tut-uday, Jone 27. J. M. Denyrs, Bt-are SI. ami Wl. fîil St-oni for thejunile Ste olîe day Art Ste oNiseh nibons ohe Ae as ht-no ait Nthe Hnaio Th vol mas thed aI ase Grade 8s honored Ayprosîmatlt-y 124 grade 8 siodeols of Matbn St. Scitool oet-eguesls ofibnot-a a gr-adea8 dtine- mnd vorieiy nigit beid Tbarsdoy ai lte st-boni btcioded an tbe aigitn et-es at-te a coid plate damner, a piaoo t-eciti by uludenl Nancy Hussard and sngîng by lte st-bonis chtoral Anlfide peesenlabion preparel ity saine ai lthe grade aigit aledenin ami a manie wbit-b mas ct-oed by notber setlofgrade elgit papils, caou inîciuded en lte pt-ot-au . lut ofI suuteSs SMILE AWHILEýYPAUL RULE06EI ,M 00 50 00 __r TA C IAI50 SEE OUR FIIRST A NNIVERSARY SALE AD, ELSEWHERE IN TODAY'S ISSUE RaWfiOAEFrLCBNMeOV AIL 8 MAIN UT1 26C MAIN ST.,SAIT MILION ONTARIO ?4.scS7S 4633 M ILTON CONGRATULATIONS are sn st-dat- lo- Holy met-e; front t-sm, Pui Van Dot-st-bol, Vtittorio ltosary Scboni aihilene. The st-boni plat-ad TrYento, Mat-k Trayesor and Marty Daumen; tiftin Ia field day lo- Hullon nepurate st-bonis, bat-b t-sm, Puai lItCam, Joanne Fax, Ivo Frld ut Lord Elgin HiginScitoo, BurllngtM nai Zulian and Mite Jebison. (Po i D Jane ns.,Seme of tbe-partieipants-e thse evetit Oliteigm . PalitD ___BuyDIV T eSECR N RO ______Pr NDIFAYTIN OEctonN ITSTH ANFCTRP' AlnI WL E I FM~ ALNCEET 1 Motors ~ ~ ~ PHNeRNI1T1 - I ADMIRINGO IL PAITINGS and artworks Seven of lte 11 painliegs exihiled mere sold. by Ment-y Feunlain, an O.S.D. graduate, are M. ond Mie. Manioc bave a daugitter, Mr. ansdMrs. Nelson ManienaofMounstForest Valet-le, mh la student aîO.S.D. (Photoby J. AUl pautingeaon display were for sale on a firt-n Jeeningol came ft-st uernedl basis ait lte price lisled, fou *ed 878-2471 e an ON.