No one ies lit yet every communltY encouniters l occasbonally. It!s calted vandaUian but we think its waateful destruction and those meut etten paying the price are the innoicent taxpayers who inittaily offered the facilily or service. Recently someone climbed the fenoe around te Communlty Pool in Rotary Park anti toppled one of thse guard towers loto lte empty pool area. It amashiet and hi to be replaced at $12Z. Lust week sopeeme teok tue length of rope tisat waa indicating parking space on tue Mary St. parking lot. Prnbablylthe coat of thse rope waa about $10 but the installation requireti coosiderable time ani effort by one aho had dome tue job vnlunlasily. In tisis case it wasn't tue cost, il was tue waute in tue required duplicaion of Perhapa wit Fatuer's Day in tue background we might tur nur * attention te tboee boys seho didolt have a fatuer tu honnor. Iftoi ebis grmsp tuat tue local Big Brothsers organrization ters lin attention regolarly ami in which il cen alan use somne help. Being a Big Brother is a nery peramnal thlsg, we disconered as we liateneti recently te 110v. Bob Foster diacuas the role at a Rotary meeting. The ahole objective te te provide boys bota'een seven ami 15 yearo wit an edult male image s tiret in some saen way tue absence 0f e fatuor te tovercome. The relationship la snnthing tuai needs attention. It may boe sharing outinga, bobies or interet bot il te giving the "lilîle brother" as Oppnrtunrity te relate te a mas. Yen, there te a local need for Big Slogano-scrswlteg teurtetas ami tue ravages 0f liane are endangerteg ancient petroglyphs (rock ceevinga> datiog bock te 600 A.D. te thse Isho district forth et Annapois, Nova Sentie, eccnrdisg te a news refease we receivedti he other duy. These mtroglypin are on cannte routes once mmid by tue aboriginal peoples 0f Nove Sentis and aitter the Idilans vanishet, thse fishormen ami lumbermen using tise seaS setermays 10f t their n legecy 0f sefing shipu ami lumbor camps etched on tise rocky ledges. Non tise ferlerai goveromnent has engageti scx usinversily anthropnlogy studenta (et a colt 0f $7,200) te taire stepa te record tue potroglyps witt maps anti phntographs--before the tourists enmpletely defaco tuent. Il's e sed contnsentsry on Cenadian life, tuat touriste ami tiseir sliy slogans like "John loves Mary" cen romn scl a unique port 0f Canadien httry. St. Joha Ambulance wmicers te By Jim Dote Accept.the cail of the see, te quiet rual cauntryside, and te rhytenlc 11dms. Vieil aitme te cherm tet la Nea Brunswick - in historie lentoserhs, ins contrasta, ins tsegue-lnietmng pince namnes, caverai bridiges, gasti moais, astit lin lvigorating chimate. in a scant four days I traveSled 600 miles te New Brunsaick, a gus of the province ît 15 s,.ie Otario aeekly aesomen, heieg exposei te attractises oea anti aid tat have cervei or tie province a greaing nolo accaasoodeling a moseting lide nf teurint. This hre e ues ahI ignore the vagaies of leavel, time-tahles ant rootlog la stare imstethe tin oerenlteg pote I encauntered utd my anderieg ohservations on mucl Siogs as fishlog os the Bay af Fundy lo tte ratejyo t delicately preparai ses -utsa speeîos dolie4rntres, the camping eppeal af familier nd thli eaer Mactaqese parhs, chingo aiSi a lasg'ltiae employee nI lin Roosevelt lamlly al CampohelloIlndn, alfew briel minutes aI Fort Beausejsur anti Keilor House anthS "magnellom" ni .Magsellc Mil andtihOe wSeoan aho mede il wnrîti-lamas. City o elitOutI lhey caSi tihe province Canata "Pic' hire-hol pravnce" asti I really maultn't effort. There are probably otuer examplea toe, and if you inchude the litteringt resulling froin lazineas anti carelessneas, many are gullty. It dititurba ua to se drivera turow their cigarette boxes out the window of a car, or a êhid unwrap a chsocolate bar ami drop tue wrapper tiespile well-placeti litter containers. Vaxsdalismn takres many forma and each resulte in tIse unneceaaary ose of tait dollara ami voluntary effort. The anlution, of course, in for residenta tr ail heome more aware of titoee tuey may see causlag damage and reportlng the Incident to the police. Ifs not the polar route but il bas a way of belng effective. No mne likea vamialismi ami we hope il dooso't become prenaIent, bot il teke ainme vigilance fron ail of us to do-ter it. Brnoters butit's not tue kend of thing in ahce "arco besstilg" shoulti have te ho epplieti te get "nolsasteers".. We tulek: itsa personal tuteg in whlch you went tu participate or you don't..It's sharing 0f experlenees ami interesta as you muid with a son 0f your own. And it has ino ne 0f tue meut constructive undertaldngs you mlght ever umier- telce because, as tue orgsnizatin Poite il, "o man stands su stralght as when lie stoopo te helpi a boy". If you're mnved tu auitl don't prejudge your ebllty anti get dis- rouraged. Give Bob Foster a ceni et 808- OU0 and let hlm telk te you about il. Perfection lan't a requirement becase, 0f course, it's an lmperfect Maire tue mono te find out more. lThe help you, may hoe able tu offer coulti ho repli te thse mouldlng 0f a boy hoyomi your wildest dreas. Mcitn earoed s trophy for commuai- rationi attse amnual meeting 0f tue St Jobs, and Il is an hono tuey have duly earnet, lTse Miltndivtein te an active force 0f contnuity servante whlch contributos countioss hmem 0f service over tise space 0f a year. Acrees tue province lt year,733 notanteers tels8 communities supplied first aid envorage ut public evente ami gaee 351,000 houru 0f their spare tinte p-nviding titis free service. Tlsey alan teught 36,170 people moutu-te-mouth and matinai renuscitation techniques. Recuntmentied reading: "ýA Parent's Guide te Grog Abuse", a nea teolet tenueti by the National Health and Welfare Departanent lu help Parente undeestami tue causes and implications 0f deug use among yong People. Tlse book is available free 0f charge front tue Non-Medical Use 0f D.h'gs [tirecterate, Place Vanier, 333 River Rd., Ottawa. A WATERY REFLECFSONof natures hansworkglstes photo aaataken beside a ectionnf the ruce frail nearliton a pool, whieh la shallose in depth but deep in imagery. The Falts in Nassagaweya Town.ship. (Photo by D. ORolillyl VOL. 113 - No. 8 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1972 Second Section r Sua.adSpc About ose more birlhtiay party and tey çee lochele me out. Lust Fritieyau y litriay, sti I arrivat! homne esut=it diaconer tat friense of our ail enlvlled the aboIe gang te tioser, te celehrate. My hiethdey. I wes overalielmeti. I ditiot thinli asyhody cared eny more. Even thougli Rien geve Me e hies andi e hig hua and tao golf balSa aten t g ot home. Yen, te aboIe gang loctutiet Kimn and tier hashasd, Don, te ertiet. Bat meyhe ['Il get eroasd te tem inter. My eccosete of teir aeddlog lias tripler! my fan mail te tree tetinro a neei. The peety aae roerisg nucceso. A rarmng soccess la ain everyhedy te roering et eneryhoiy eise over smen ides tet, exaesioed thensent morniog,. seema aboot as enriltena a e iography of Mer- hennie Kiog. A goodtâme aeshdba il ad ntep, teir massive Labrador retriever aho, ahen hie te happycas hooch you rigit off yooe feet ali mne ag of his tait. 1 ao ale and dieed and pasche in e rite loto the smaeS hours. I didot mnd the alelog and dining, hot got e lite sicli of the pohes n tte rilis. My adoe hept omashlog me aith tiee eltea and inaslog, "Gel op and maire a speech. Express your appeecietion." Every tunse site did it, t Shke one of Pavion's dogs, got op and made a speech. flsey were ail one-sentence shti, ssci as, -I balte go te the hethroom," or 'i d ire ta malre e tast te me." ovations, hutmy wile wastteg meBu hard teard the mnd tint ste tialocatte itee e01mw. Il au lsst as Wei, bcSose by Sio liim I nasnt even gettang up te matre my spes . Three nlghts latee,instslight, te tie enact, e frienti andihis aile asheti usitn came don and calebrate bis hirthtiey. I stuld have inown hoUter. At toast, aller the lient bleth- tiey paety, I au eable ta sleep, in e bit se Satirdey morslog. Bat Site mne au os e Mondey ight. We got teme et 3.t5 and tte elarm aient off et 7.15. My old ladiy, aho la dan se the voters' boteas "houneadfe", didnetotûr. 1Istieeed, and stieeed, and stirred ose mare magnilirent time, andmade it. twesnot ose of my mont imspirieg days on the 1oh. l'as afreld I dide't maihe muny yoseg mindo floner. But I puieti trougi os sheér dedicetion. Honever, it wes e dendy party. Ose hast a eceptao i tse Geeman army. lEs aile te e Scottish Belgian. AnoSier couple dropped te. lu lent, it au the perOidoas coupleawhotbad heldSthe lerst hlrihtiey pariy. Hie aile isan Englist ae bride. Anti as. My aile os e ast. And of course, Courvoisier au tinre. In large quautities. No, te's notea Frenchman ait a hig leedly. He's a liqueur tat lotes Shke aater and tristes lihe haring ceels. But we badl e great lime, anti ang ongs te Germasn, renchi, icottiai, and e lea old Engili music-hall namters dihe, "My Gît Mas Seyu Foloa the Van, and Don't Dlilly- Dalli os the aay." and aIe ainsI four posotis of highly acometic cheese, ami woulti protebly stili tie Ihere helting out "1,11 Marlese" asd "II Belosg Tee Glagle"l, tedt sot our hast, ali Ihet Gerseas dash tint maeso tmaisi hattles but lose nars, sprang te lts fot and annoLinced tint hoe au going te tied. *Thet's ahat tie thought. My aie couldisI liedt ose cr beys. He had 10 drive as homne, alter which ste teasd tem. S0, emaugl of irthdays, larea fea days. t woued op with two golfhaUsand two hesti- actes. My Germes frieod nus lockier. Hie inviteao was ratier a sar ot tin moment lhiog, a ehbatilno chance te boy hlm a gifI, est oves a tell for golf, whist tie tins teea isygarne, whechilila hen you playas I do. My aile insght hima e three-qoart jsg of miir and a ie ste inoht et the mllk stop, l wes e reel heaaty, as yool cas imagine), and e hambhurger, whirh ste ete herseSf. I was reter eoeplosoed, bt diveti lin my teol tee iie's a greet cerpester, for a doctor of philosophyl end came sp alth e teatifu, rasty hey-inle saw wtech I ted ieherited froas my leter. As I hatiet saedeanyhey-hoes rerestly, I didet figure I'd miso it. And il reelly teea teauliul little tieg. A f amy teirloso, yoo might sey. It tes this blede ahich, retracts and sudieely pops out. A sort of 1ts century stchlade. I cas teâ yoe tinre were tears le Karloa eyen as tie ras teis fisger over the teeth 0f tet bIttle rusty, doit heeuty andl msrmsred sometieg like, "Lieher Goil tes Himmel." I tIoobtint, inoEngsh, meuns somethlng Shke -Deer Gel,. its hesvesly." Nover tIid I stiuitt I'd se e ceptete front sommel's tiesert troopa hreah domn She tet over a sismple litte sentimental tieg. te tari, lie au a teucheti tet lie offerei te come op and lie my picole tabile. Asti I suppose we'il have te have a hirthtiey perty for the hlested piei tahle, which ie trse yeers old stus weeli. My speechest seemed lt go over pretty Oh, weal, mayin I eau hart it for ose neil, though draaing no thunderous We put a terrihle dent te dit Freuchman more hlrthdey perty. apply e more suiable tae. Vaut ureas le te norîli are setouchei holour route teoli as msore as te seutere area, inurblog dowm aI te hisorie capital of Fredricten. That City mîtrotiocet me testhe caelr,_,ts Sial are evîdent. Wtha asquare block in front of lin Lord Beaverhrooh Hotel te nea and oIt are in ce-id relief. A omooSi spire testhe modern utyle cootrasin ailli as omote cest Sion moulaid on aimost Opposite camnera. The inany steee hlocks of lin Legielelure ecroas the road are a sharp contrent ali the sparleg non Beaverteseli Art Gallery or te searhy 'leylioose. Sletely elm still grace te streels and teésepresive leome homes adt te cherm of cachier loyeal asti Acadien innegn. lie Legislative Assemhly Building la lin pInde anti joy aI Sgt. et Aris Lea F. Me- NulIy aho greeted us te tetroduce as lo the teuilding where lin geveromnent of lin province hea inen meeting atne 18C2. Corlotulun te architecture, il bnuses a mfauvspial steircase resrhteg 10 the top of thu do aupportet sely hy the nals it teuches. The Asombly chamber laof courue te main aiea of lin building aiSi muemines of the asembly gaSieret aimult ienraely os the flur, Ilankeil by large galieries ateve alog Inn aidms. flue chandeliers le Oie chemine are aigeal, baning beau manvertet frees lin gris instllatlion te electrlcty. Iafnrmel parliameal Our group oterei the opportoiy te sit on te floor of the Asoemhly ahle detete oas Ln progress and from tint nantage poiet tin gaSlerieo ligl atone nilli teir crdeoi Olankedt *opera-lioose-lihe" areas oeemed qoîte disant. Il did introduce os, liowener, la tlie more informal settteg in ehici memblers noce permilted 10 amobe. Their proucaîty toecr other remindei me of a large casret rinsier nit its nometooco laformal escnges. Ifyo vos it the Legilaaine building, talie a minute 10 ses te hhbrary asthle complote set of ropper engravngs of Surds of Aineriranseries liy John James Aoduon. There are ollier paints you'll at te disroner for yourseil anti yosr niait ras te qie informel. te georral yo'll lied the liuildiog radiales a nieeteent century charm. But Predricten la more tan the capital asthli legieltive buiding. Vusit thie Besverhresh Art Gallery nliere guerdu asti guides are equally asions te pot ouI ighliglite asti expilo in fleer pote te people Stre myself hic atem ail la est euscîly familar. Wlih auc an expnatise t nas impresseti hy Oie tiepts asti symholisin le the Salvade DeS aSantiago FA Grande ahich pnrtraya B. James mourotlng p from the sesen isahite horse. tenard beanen. There's a whole teolilel of eoplaoaîîoo and l 1 leane il for ohen you ite actal painting. Prlrmlog eat rentre flic Playliosse os asother glit of Lard Beacerirooi, te city's great infarter. Il was opened i 1964andit s now eome a major centre for the perforng arts ie the Maritasie Provinces. Plreirirten is aiso Oie home of lin Unersity of New Brunwck asti Christ Clisrli Cattietral. Il oas te pronitie lin reqireti selliog for lis Cathetral tet Fredricton nas made a City, altiiongl ait tes population of te day it nus nol terbairally large enoogli. Sare a rathetrat casîti only te locatei in a rity the Non Brseswirbers obliged, elenatîog Fretirirlon te City stalus. Modern Fredrirton dates frose lin arrinalofsthe Unitedi Empire Loatlsie inh su-mer of 1705 when some .6,000 disembareliei the moolli of the St. John Rover, Bomne te se-h home sites frIner lolant atang Oie valey. The fils grnup reacheti Fredricten te Dcoeer nf Oint yesr. ta l85S a MeSiotit Chorcli nes ererlei e ipleely, nI aart. ins f ast steeple la teppet hy an eighl asti a teSf font liast kinoan1, il's Oie sety church inl North Ployhouse Ainorîca îth a nonden upward-polohang hast insteati of the casinmary cruss seita steeple. But tere te more of tIs province in see asti neat neeb noSI taine a look eit Oiree nf the Camping spots you -y trntl te plan yosr trip aroasti. the Post 20 years ago Taeafra thebiumet Thiie Ceadl Cheaspies, Jane 1, lm.1 WhIle du yeai'a tas rate for Nelson Tonship nu se nt eimtely sed Maateyn f Uisuweek due le suas atiluataenla havlngina te matie, il le telievedt Oece aISl te as noroase nver l yeera gesteral rate ahch au 8.5 maid. Official npenieg of lin BaIln Ceteselo Muse tes scindulei July n ahes 10,000 peuple are espectei te peus Oirough the butilineg. Honorale W. A. Gootifellan, Mlnlater of Welf aie, aiSl offlelate. NorhiHlon g Scbsel District Bardt wDspl etbosfor grades nlne ani 1t in Oie treesachaos, IL au decitiet le Actas Masdey. fise tuets aIS payea $2 tiepesit ast if lin baos are renmainl gasti condition Oiey aill have Oie tieposlt retaiee. Athietes tram Georgeton asti Actas Pablie schaos gaSierein ethe egrlculliiral grounde te Miltes ali the Milton Patle schoot fo Oie anal loter-scssl fit mut se Msedey nI Ibis neek. Georgeton clate top basera for lin dey, ning lin Imnphy lai Oie grestest namine ni peote as Oie ovens. .Mus Jase Emerson recoivote $2II schoinrshp peesenlai bysthe GIMlesuy Co. of Hamilton as an awart le Oie clau for sperch, ente asti drame te Oie recent West- aestHamiten, Kiwnla Musicl Festival. 50 years ago Takea from *eeleof 'Ie Caedf Cheaplas, flamdey,Jaae 2, ISs. Lest Thuratay eltersoon Police Mlagistrate Bieldsed ra ilbride, mas as Oie charge af assealtog John Flesemare, aiOhinatesI te cammit maiter. Thn ecumet nu conilt I naull t iset $20, wli Mus Jean R. Pasten, B.A. left lust Pridey te taire a putgraiate sasaser caurse in cinmlatry te Oie University oI Chicago. .G. A, Wilson bas insght Pies Flemngas faim, fouets tene of Esquesing. Mrn. Pestas asti dengliteeshave gaseitu Broste te spesth e suresoor Siere. Jaser Park Latge, Jasper Alberta nux Capleas J. R. Peacock 1011 se Frlieay for camp aI Niagara aiSi Oie Milton contingent of tohe adn Rilen, 17 or 18 men of an extra geai type. The camp aisl break up as SLindey. fise maillaeaýn Oie postage samps of tise ttltt Stitgoco e oilseeleato anti la mme i n h sioet nf *me liareau nI Engrevog anti Peiting. Muny Otario tens have sel apaet camng grounde for mole teselete whist aISl aileact maoy viIons ahen tse lIaI of groundea pstlishai. Cassol Mitn provide uuch a groastit 100 years 090 Taten fronst teIsef TeCaede Cheampion, Thfursdy, Jane 2, 1171 'lIhe Tomn Coasicl mot se Masdey oveming. No busisess of importance nus transacled; e Ion eccouase re pelt. ne ame ploasot la learo Ihat tader Dr. Siggar's Ireelmont yaang Mr. Mais, Trafalgar, la receverog repidiy frointhea maSpea, est la sownseaily inOoer. Thse Tomn Coiutil bus teidei te sliicty enforce the by-lan relalieg ta tse aspeatiog nI piga, hiomes est gesse foutd runng aI large. fise carrespondts oI Oie MAIL et Niagara Camp, wrillog about Oie inspection of lin Queen'n Gmn asti Raliai Battalise, says dse one of tise test camputies tee ninatiess utd physique nea Oie Company front Miten. ite elerlion for Oie Meticat Couscil, Dr. Presmas nus defentet hy Dr. Mer- denaldof Hi0eltons. ne nierstastit Dr. FrYeemesn han protestai Oie election, est te ras show genas pactlaliy on Oie part nf lin relscning off icer. A muter temperesce picole te amnounocet for lOaItn Courdy sen Dominions Doy, et Georgetomn, et whist Borme 16 lotiges of Goat Tamptars are expectei ta in peemt. Patate groners inteOis neigliterinat sinal ite on tse boo-est for Oie Colorade Patate Bete. A diligent asti timely aeaech amaag lin plante may averl mlechief by prenenlief the propagation of tse usareudera te as entent heyset rntetiy. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION O1 M- SI OsnsE. .c..aa NtI.&P ,eeeeei., Sb«, - n.,t iviiie . teo 0nic a. Ce." am ino.exa -O e, 5 se s ia a, enii s . a SO o»iý Sin 55 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = I esn M .inens A picture-book" province of contrasts-