Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 May 1972, p. 23

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How to freeze fresh asparagusj By Burke MeNeal frosnmenn lesta. Prepare stalles Thne stases for fresh Ontario for freeznf in te samne manser asparagus mi short, geneeaSly as for frenh ose. Wash it meSl and lauue hou on meUsf rom ossve anti loose urln reak nt" Heather- -nu tub hWto e golf at noothly ojoyed homse of ay Bure ecNeIl Although itos ton loto le Otart pour ove tuherote btgooito Os yearu hoppers il have a nariety of colorn andsap.l dimoee froont at thter loI =gro centre or gretelnoot. Ote of Ose mont attractive flowerlog plante that geoma well inol"de, tuheros hegontai lIon a ricin, mtll-drained mdi. Thty cai diet ight suit hnt les . su mmer Ey Hugis ConS At a recent meeting of Ose Haîtmn4-H Club Leaders' Cooncîl, plans for Oie 4-H progrois, for the ourrmer moothu vert fioulizd. Tht coanty hiech jndging competitian miii le held on Wtdeesday, Aug. 2 le the Aclen area. Ibis competition innotvon nue 4-H onenhers, Junior Farinern, and any other young people vho are întereottd. Troplees are avarded for thetop soring competilers vho jndgtd uhbeep, svmne, leef mnd dairy catli or horsen. Tht Halton County Seed Judgleg Competitian vilI ho htld on Mondap, July 31. This competitian ils aino open 10 Ose saine aleve menlinedl group of peuple. Trophiti wil le avarded for Ose judgmg of varloon field copo, cash ceopn amI toragt. Tht invitation le nisit HIton sap where thse tender part beginol. Blanels ie boiliog Water, tires minutes for stalkm of noe- ho ainc or Iteu te diameter, and four minutes for fre tlu Cool undfer cold run w ater, dfrain, and frnesse lmmudtotely le carefully oalad nootoeproof packages. Asparagus lu an excellent frosn negetable. Thaw and uoe le a "ald, or place frozen loto a aanl amounit of helleg sited water aed conS conered f or three te fe mnuots. Thlua about une- lldrd tie tie reqolrtd le cok fresh asparagus, on care le needed net t0 overcook. Wtsen lhey are brougt home froos tht grethoaoe, pln thOesis aid and at, at tht sane depth lsey more le tht pot. Don't plant thon ton deep becaone tht ulat mo rftnheyaooldgttoomtt. MiSe one tht Ileanto nlays point le the front of tIse htd. Ths way yo witI le nor le have theC lnormo fading Ose front. Tuheroon begonian OSe Oie meil motot but nt soggy. They alao henefit fromt a montly fendfog of fertilizer. program Comnty les heon accepted hy Ose Rimanis Cluh of the Rmngomap These Rivanians vit le visiting faers te the coanty an Sunil-y. Jane 25. f0 le anticipatnd thore vii le approoimattîy 20 familles in Ose visihog groop. 4-H Club Leaders, memnbers aid parents ufthOe membeen are encoaraged to mont ont and mort the Kimanins. Tes 4-H Agricultoral Club mntnhes mii travel le Maryland en ad6H exchange frais July 22 te Jnly 29 of Ohis yoe. Ttsese memberuvilt ha acnmpaoitd by to ehaperones. They vitI le utaying le the homnes of 4-H momlers fromtthe Stateofu Mary- tand. The club leaders anticipate an active înmmer mith attendanen lei 4-H progiramt lelef togher titan il lias f or seme pears. There shonld le gond attendance at moot faictions. Board explains plans for Bruce St students Claùm by mnrried parents OsaI studentu presently attendieg classesaet Bruce St. Pulie Sehool viti laetle math le W. 1. Dicb Publie School in thet meUs part of toms seul pear are unfonndod, arcordîng t0 a leter Milton Couancit bus reenvtd fron Oie aiton Couoty Board of Edlucatin. Tht board vil bus mmrte stodents te Pinevinai School for opportanlty classes, assistant dîrector of educalion R. S. Lavender totd counicil, bnt oely aout sevn or nîght ofodenlu are ivolveit. Tlsere are prtseetly ruine le opportumity classes at Bruce St. and vhto Ose sctvol cloes le Jmne, onn or tmu miii gradonte ami attend Marin St. ScIsal mhdle Oie rest mii le tramspertei.te1 Pinevinv. Grdfitppsno at Brune St.mlaI iol ai St. le Oie fa. tesegrdsmcassen, be oted. Parente led visitod Oie May 1 meeting of Milton Comdlil to exprenssconceen for stodeel safnty. Young studonle vii nither have Meuse Oie Plot St. bridge or anuss a lmothridg n Parkvay Dr. 10 gel t0 classes aI J. M. Dnes Salent. Sleep dlopes lead tl estreamn ut Parkmap ami Oie Pine St. bridgt l narrov, Mes. G. Wdllougby tlid coanicil. Lavender admitted Ose Pin Si. bridge n snareom aid maid eithnr studenl patrols or traffie patroîn mould ht morked out for perîods vhto Oie utudenle art using Oie bridge. Tht ids of the Paehmay tmthbridgn are hting ncrttstd for thn safety of studens. THE JUNIOR AND) SENIOR groupa of the Stewart, Barbara LeRiche, Linda LeRiche, Hornby 4-H Homemaking Club joined forces Annette Reid, Judy Chose, Tracy Thorpe sud on Sattrday te do tlneir port le cteoning up Barbara Browssoidge. tostructors Mms. J. country roode. Participating le EnrIls Doy '72 MeKay and Mes. T. Bousfield ststed the were Donna Stewart on thse trudck cab, Lynne girls. (Phoohy J. Jenoings) Finalize staging agreement on Chaingate condominiums Final detailo le an agreement between Milton Coneil and Chninngate Donelopinents Lt., leelopers ni a proposedt 234-mnit 'ondominîum tnwnhnnsing project on Bronte St. S., vert hirestred olt Monday sight ot a meetinof onoeil. Chaingote han agreed le the tovos reqoented progeamt for stagmng the development.* Tht agreement colts Osat only tht lerst stage, 115 ilet senth of Ane Olnd., can peoceed this year aid no developmeol milI ho nllowed on tht remamning 139 asile north and soth of Heslop Rd. mliil alter June t, 1973. C;omeil is payief a share of the co515 for a large samleepy semer te dramn runoffte 1the Sinteen Mie CreeS, aid île comit vos losîtant le allov Cleinfate ta hoild n ils norîherîti lmnds until Ose sutherumnul properties are developed. The neveul agreement spîlle developisent in tmn stages and assures. couricil it milI hase capital levy fonds lrom Clemgat for tle tient mnile, lefore haviso to spend money on nievers for Oie second froue of tovohouses. Gives protection "'flin mîll fine the tov onme protetio hOe lieut stage mould leve 10 le -reasnahly socctssfll lotore thty cnuld go ahead on the second stage,' lon solicitor D. Youngsters visit farm The Kingfturmai LovVilis a hu place these days, vîth four sluent outinfs hrisfing hustoodu of younf uchooi childre to visit ted leur Oie farme operaled hp Jach mnd Stu Ring. A froue feom Steatheosa adentl recenlly visiled mnd Ohsn Fetdny anothee hosload fromn Lakeuhore school is plansisg a leur. Moretolurs are plamned ourly mn June hy utudenle trori Pauline Johestont and Wellmfgton Square Schomîs. AI] the ochooîs are le Ourlington'i fouît-up, seuthers area. The Ring famîly usssSly dropi Oie choires or field voek foe ur leur or tve ishes a yellois hu! lusded vîlh encîted ynungster! pulls ne in Oie farospard. Thie3 fine tours of Oie hors an othildîngu, demnonutrali milluog and leedief procedlures and uualy end up ith ahayid, uromnd the fields. stagiof progroos.) Oeveeal meishoru of FaSing- lanohe Oatepayees Association, vho are violently opposed le con- domnum tovohomes on Ose Oroot St . lots, st in on Moodaypu meeting. lnvittd 10 mahe commnenle hy Mayor Brise Oest, a opohesman ssid they vere attending "onty us ohevers." A. MeCosachietolld coaniculeors Monday. He suggested tht afreement should le registered agamnst the tille of the tand at the Haltos Regiutry Office, and Chaiogate solicitor George Ness agreed. Ness tld coauiioru there mas o vorey on fou part thot Ose prolect mould go ohead an quichly as possihîe. "I mould le happer if ut hadl no stagisf," he sid . " We arr jut lesieged mith peoposals for puechoses and deveiopmest." Theoumn could le leilt "an fast as the mes couId husld Iheis," hie added. -Potyner Corporation is very axous le come le and hleld theis loress," he annmuced. "We mould le happier tlogo ahead and fnl Ileis ail huilt in ose felI nmonp." Antler hearing Solicitor McConachie mas asked t0 prepaee un amending hy-lam, ineneeneahofg the sev agreement mith Oie developers, mnd hune it eeady for sent Mon- day's courtcîl meeting. Chain- fuIe's applicatin miSl hune to he recoceulated 10 aSl the ares rate- papeen mnd go to annther Ontario Mmnicipal Board heurmng, he notd, and "l don't lenis mhen thu mould le." ( The leut honrief os Maech Ilmon adjouroed mhen the tnmn wilhdrem the applicatbn, aîe Chaîngate refusrd te nîgo o sem agreement Reformatory herd sold Harold R. Pattersen of Mîllen purchased a Holstemn ut t dispersa i of tht Ontarin Relormulories herds, held Ma3 19 ut Beuleeher Sale Area 't Guelph. These herds, ai important source of breedio4 stoch Oirough Oie years, have se muny fine production records Tht 178 head ssld for $165,421 for as average of $929. -Use Cnampion clasnifieds. -..People boy Tht Champion t read, mnd read Tht Champion t boy. Put youe advtetisin messnage ishere il viii gel th tmosiresoîle. s~COI~yy0gW H.wtoFiiSh Ask for Or Hows 10 OOiçiet on inter- or pa nting ..tps on the easy ay tn fnishupm ih a beauif r0m0 Open diy n. 6 P.M.' IThursday and Fridayl Tht Champion, Milton, ont. Wednesday, May 31, 1972 811 Travelog filmis shown Evteing A. C. W. 01 St. George's diorch met at tie home of Mrs. Van Asdrew for tlseir May meeting. Thse meeting opened witlsthne progroonfroon th1e Livng message, 'CaOl to Worshp." Dsring the business session plans wece mode for catering le two fooctins te the near future. Mes. Von Aisdrew showed travelog fltn on Rome aod Milan wîth cnnnmeetary. The meeting ciosed mnd lunch mas served hy tse esmonittet, le charge. ons Tuesday May 23 a tochre van hald le St. George's Church Hall mndc mhe auspices of tse ofteroon hranch of tht A.C.W. Priot vioners were Joyce Foller, Frank Peacock, Anisa Thompon andHarry Richardson. The luckY drams vere wson hy Mes. Beaty, Mes. Peacock and Mes. Newman See us for ail electrical supplies and ideas for improvinq pour home and place of business .7'electrically. * Wc'ing Supplies an ishoinsale pricns, ~* LighP5n firshaitpesfon nd and o utdoor applicantonss * Poower distribution sonohgeae. et Elutric ineoting OViiipmeint * Applnoos (intted npnntities) a Moto, conl e qipmnt If the job is beyond yoor capabilities we can suppiy electricians at resoniable rates. Engineering services are available also. Corosuit us for ideas and material rectoirements. Air Conditioning and Madalin - NaYior Dvso Engineered For Residential & Commercial For Fr.. Estimates Cati 878-4111 See the Display 0f Fiotures Now ln Our Showroom Our $12*pant costs aibout $7.0 Cther mfrs, list price same quality »he fint 1oraitRau o h.. ecaose of itssuper hidng power ..fonecoalecan do lit tbis s tht paithatll dn it l.. ecause it is easy and sutistp ng to ape y l.. ecause it bas a monep ack tniaranten ...and hecause it naou ner p est quali p paini and me sei it ut an entnyday price helov noter iasufaclure' sncalled sales price. Color%«pur Worldz our$o2omd eUs abe". $7 §Z,4 Asaoclate Dealer *Other mifss. unis prlce noise qasllty . W. Tielemans and Sons 878-3435 34f Main St. E. Interior and Enfarine Decorators Milton Find shady spot for your begonicas 4-Hf leaders Finalize plans mid-May le mid-June, o-y fond apilfo at the Ontacio Food Cooi, Mlitry otAgicuer and Fond. Enjoy ifls mhile il isstu Mnd frett somne for lober Select only top qualtty asparagus for freeztog. For tendernena, Io* for freoh fi-n uta itti close comepact tIpS Ilsat .re deep green or bloloh erun. Open tipis indicutif ttugh utoar Iîtalks htld tue long after gsr otal ýLnemrentender than hIo aegular otalko or utatho uttIs a lage anmairt of vIsite .0 the Use asparagus qulckly, while fhonpu sid . o h *NEVER NEDS PAINTING .20 VEANR GUARANTIE a CHI40CE OF COLOURS AND FINISHES 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTI4ER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS 0 Aluminum Doors 111G1 Comrbination Windows oAVo.tt a car ports * Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 84S-0318 OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE fOuLLti -À-, protect your equipment againat loss, damage, fire and ail hazords conveniently, economically modern insurance 208 MAIN ST. E. 878-2894 ARE YOU or Vour Group Planning an Event f0 Mark CANADA WEEK And Commemorate Our Hoitae ? If so pieseS advise the Clerk's Office, Town of Milton, s0 the ovent con b. publiclzod ....

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