The Chamvpion Milo, On. Wednesdsy, May 31, 1972 Ba7 Niagara Escarpment Taslk Force holding first meet in Milton A see of sxyoubli meigs pi ou(n Proc il Ec pnet, toiehos davc nal is e bedl ttssemoier by ane adaqist n deeome h firs tmeigs hdudproalwicwudrsu n Ontario Gvernment Task Foe i c i fo th Nier Usth MitnDsrc High Scho marcane Ln i t n d- Fresident Stewart Lochie taesided for Use May 15 meeting ot Milton and District Horiticultural Society. Alter tise correspondence wsea mmad, Mrs. Loctoin enptained Usat Use Horbicoltaral Slociety was happy ta have members place floral arrangements in tise varîous hanks, taen ball and hibrary, thus stsarmng tise heauty et outaide sesUs oUsero. Tise hightîght ofthUe evening wsea tise auction sale of hedding and potîrd planta, and hame made baiig. Ose ofthUe memisers Ala Iblenisacis of Ode Aactioneeriog condurted tise sale. With a large crowd and brisk iddmng, good pîices seero reaized. Tise aoc- ioneer nias assîsted by Borise MeNeil. Tisere seere tour lochy drases, toc Usree potted roses donatrd hy Mc. McNeîl and one banghtg hasket donated isy Mc. Odenharis. Tbes ewere weon isy Mcs. Mary Wrîgg esseorUs, Mrs. Violet Slcott, Tom Mctean and Mrs. Vers Rai Winoecs wn tbe 1f classes efthUe monUsly ileseer stase sere as toiloss ARTISTIC DIVISION Glass 1, 'ilprotg Glory", Mrs. Isabelle Dosens, Mrs. Allen Glements, Mms. Grame May. Glass 2, 'Qseen's BirUsday". Mcs. Grace May, Mcs. Lottie Tasiser, Mrs. Rommrery. Glass 3, -Turne Ot", W. J. Ttsompso, Mrs. Runmery. Mrs. Margaret Thompson. Glass t, 'Sprmng Trio," Mrs. Grace May, Mrs. Isabelle Dossns, Mcs. Elaine Brittas. Cdass 5, "Thins Pinks", Mrs. taabeile DOsses, Mcs. Grace May, Mrs. Elamne Britan. Glass t, "Os Use Racks", Mcs. Orace May, W. J. Thompnon, Mrs. Margaret Tbompson. HORTICULTURAL DIVISION Glasas7, ( 1) Parrot Tuip, Mrs. Raobert Brosen, Mcs. Grace May, Oonîa May. Glass t. r1) ouble Tuip, Mrs. Rabert Browen, Mrs. P. Gos and Mcs. L. Tasker. Glass 9, I1l Lily itoseered toip any color, Mcs. Elamne Brillas, Mcs. Rabert Brosen. Glass 1f, (1) Slingle ta-lana tulip, Mcs. Roisert Brown,'W. J. Thompsen, Mrs. Rush Luekie, Glass 11, (5) Single tedipio any ose color, Mcs. Ruamery, Mec, IT WAS EDUCATION, but fun ton, wften yaungsters oltending Milton Ca-Operofive Nursery Schoot toured Milton district Hospital on Thm'sday maramng, occnmpanmed by teocisers and samne parenta. TOP LEP1T, isospitat baker Mirs. Hazet Givefi distributes cootties as Use cildren toor tise kitchens and Suson Kostoseski looks mare interested in the phsotograpier thon in thse free treat. TOP RIGHT, X-Ray tectunician Mrs. toise Fareman explains haw sfte takes picisores ef hoosds, feet and horles in thse hody. LOWER LEPI, students Steven Rowetl and Nadine Bokes presenteti two gift ta patienta in tise paediatrirs departiment and Grant Fincis accepteti tisem. Tise two scraphnoks were mode by chitdren ut tise Co-op sehoot. LOWER RIGHT, freckte-facgd Roisiie Rutietige grnn at han stocker tise nurses in Use emergency departusent handed out. Assistant Directar Nursing Mm,. P. Walker and adi- ministratar's secretary Mrs. P. Cryderman canductei the tour tisraagh tatmdry, kitchen, X-ray, emergency, and paediotric sections ofthse hnspitat. (PhontosisyR. Dosens) -Remnder, Use deadline fur suhmitting wcdding photon and stories for poubtication in Tise Champion os ONE MONTH abter Use weddmng. iR. Lacisie, Mrs. W. StasIl. Glass 12, Trompot Narcimsu (dattoditai, Mrs. A. Clementa, George Clement, Mms. W. iltautt. Glass 13, 5 Poetirs lFhmasant'sceye) narcissas, Mrs. Grace May, ilonia May. e JUNIOR DIVISION Glass 14, For Mom, arrangement of seitd tlowers, Brent Lachie, Wayne Lacisie, Mary Stoott. Glass 15, Wild Laie, onaghsary animal made of vegetaistes or otiser asateriata, Mary iltasît, ent Lorkie, Ronnie Lcieo Glass 16, Containerostrd scedlisgs, Rancie Locktc, Senja May, Wayne Lackie. on Weneuy, Jone 14, begioning at 7:30 p.m OUsce meetings are bemg arrangedmi Hamilton, St. Catharines, Orangeville, Collîngwood and Oween iloond. Tbe Tank Force, anonced jomltly by Provincial ilecretary for Resources Development Bert Lawerence and Provincial Treanurer Daccy McKeoogb, seill report le Use Cabmnet isy Octoiser Serti briefs Tbc nine-memiser groop, n under Use cbao'mamship et Slam Clansky, Diceclor et Ontarions Regienal Developunent Braocb. lea aoosrîtîes, ergaoioations aod individoals are mnvîted te submit verbal presentations, laiets and letters te the Task Force. Mr. McKeougb saîd tbe Gevernment -waofs to proceed an q unekly as possible te onplement torUser poticies for Use conservaion and public ose efthUe Niagara Escarpment. -We bave asised Use Tass Force lu develop priorities ta be mced inUte acquisition et lands by Use Province and te advise on preposed land acquisitions. -We bave also asked for land- uoe and development standards, recommendations on land-use uepatterns. Att have a say Thse Provincial Treasurer added that the Government wants te ensare tbat ail groopo and organmzations interested in lise future efthUe Escarpment have an opportunity te advise tse Task Force on what tliey tihihk sisoald be dose le achieve tisese goals. -The Niagara Escarpmnet s a unique lanctiars tisaI attracta a wide cross-sectien et the populatien-fremn naturaliss 10 spertsmen, froun hilsers and campers te ecelognts aiid people sebo 1001 waiil a quiet place lotsit and admire tbe heauty et sature," Mc. McKeoiigb saîd. -Il is Important Usat Useir cicins be imcluded in Use fhnal Polîcy recemmendations. Tise Public meetings are desîgned te provide Usemn seîU an opportity tu do Usis." Grous or individuals mnteresed in making a verbal or serîttee presentatien sbould contact Mr. J. O. Spender, Secrctary et the Niagara Escarpmenl Tank Force, Regional Development Branch, Mhsstry of Treasory, Eceonomcs and lolergovernmental Affairs, 880 Blay iltreet, Toronte. At the Berkshire Nursery it's 34 genuine originals to 5. No, that' ifotil leache' score. 34 out of 39 le reaiy the number of nurery kids in Mies Dorothy's Berkshire Village Nureery who corne tram warrn cosy homes healed by nalural gas And Ihat's fot far tram the aeerage for al the rosI of Lonidon, toc. Where 77%e of iii homes and apariments haee clean ett icient natura gas for heot, or hot weter or appliances. And cohen you'e been morking wýh a paint bruilh il moming.. that's importent UniL-dCxas. NELW TORO RIDER Here's o Whfrtwlnde ridlng mower with feaures yo'd eopect tu puy o lot more for. Une il new, ot yeer veorent 25" cul Toro deoler AVAILABLE AT BOTHI GARAGE 25 Hughwap & Britannia Rd. 878-3912 AINCIRNO NEW HOURS for our PARTS and SERVICE d.parhenfm et RICHARDSON OHEV-OLDS For tis coneenience of our costonners, and to gîve oor staff t he beniefi if e longer weekends, hoth service and parfs departmirents mutl be Open Teesdap and Thersday Eseenmngs nnfîf5p.m. and Closed Ail Day Safarday EFFECTIVE JUNE i, 1972. The baies deatetwl eanOeen Stray d susu V ýL d i; .1 ý,lur