ïhk eEaiîa ei MaILTON, ONTARIO, WtDNtSDAY, MAY 31, 1972 bIam-pilon Twe ity-Four Pages- Fitt Caentsd Want Milton# Nassagaweya together i» Iower trier TECO shuff les Halton boundaries Halton's TECO (Techoical Co-Ordinating) Csmmýittee Report, uveileit on thse weekend after about 20 met .-sad llsree, montis of study, proposes to revamp isoitis iera and external boundaries of tise prescritHBallon Costy if Halton isecomes a tsotier region of grovernmrent in thse future. Basing tiseir tisnsg on watershed isoondaries, tise T committee, released a report tisat colts for incloding part01f) West Flamisorougs ansd aUl of East Flamborsugh and Waterdosen--presenly in Wentwsrts Couaty-in thse new Halton region. Tise addition 0f lands along Halton's west border includes a triassgutar-shaped piece 0f Pasics Townshsip tond front tise souts corner 0f Wellington County, t00. tntersally, tise report recommenda eutting Haltons seven present towns and townaships to f ive lower-tier muinicipalities or boroags. Milton, a amail portion 0f forth Oakville and most 0f Nassagaweya would boe lumped linonsae borsugis; Action, Georgetown and almoat ail 0f Esquesisg loto anottar; Oakville woutd remain virtssatty untosoched; Bssrllngton would luose its nortls-westerni corner; and a new mussicipaity wosald boe csiaed containing the north 0f Burlington pius Waterdown, East Flamborougs and part 0f West Flamboro and Puslincs. Discoas Saturday provincial gaversent an a Halton Coonty Council is recoossendat ion ta tise sponsoring se aIl-day seesinar provioce's municipal affaira tis Saitarday ait Halton advisors. Tise TECO report was Centrnoîal Manor in Mîltos, drawn on the advice ofMunicipal nisere att 60 municipal Affaire Minister Darcy coanicillors ta Ohe coanty will McEeough and local MPP's, Who gatber ta iscusu and dehale tise said tise province wants soute TECO report. Il tis TECO report input front Hallon ta, help il lares is adopted il wilI be sent on ta tise policies on future eeg ions. If a region la recsmmended, there are indications il can't posaisly hie invoised for 1973 and would have ta naît until 1974. Under TECO's recommended tino-lier systees. many responsiiiies9 presentiy held hy local mesîcîpalities would tae lurned over 10 tise regional coincîl . Tno areas of Ballon would he lest onder Oie TECO plan. A sin portion aloog Qakville's mol taoundary nisics lies on Oie Gredil Valley watershed adjacent ta tise large Erin Milîs developmneot should hecome port of tise Peel region, says TECO. Go to Wellngton Lands in northern Nasoaganeya Townshsip, norta of 25 Sideroad, lieraulside the Italton walershed and shisesd hecomte port of Wellington Coesty, Oie report inulicatas. Thiset taesdary esap sos lands in Oie fiest concession of Esquesing, norts ut 25 Sideroad, goiof Oie Wellington route as weil. New' tasedaries ofthOe Miltan- Nausagaweya taoaogs would hie Oie gas pipeline south of tlerry Rld. on Oie souOi; Oie present Nauuagaweya Town Line on Oie west 25 Sideroad on the north; ondOihe Esquesing-Nassaganeya Town Luna and Higisway 401 on lise east. MltIon's eastern taesdary is sciseduled ta stretlu Fue coocession eastward, to Foilae Qaisoille. The report dirm set attempogt to naine tise proposed muincipaities but refera ta thens au blocks A ta E. Tise report oullines wisat Oie reoponsihllities of Oie regon and Oie constituent rommesities would ta. Feactors cnnsldeeed Five fartora were considerel isy TECO ine Oiey devised local inundaries. Those factars are ioternai drainage, reducties of Oie nomiser of local, unila, and escs maripobty shtnld isave se urhan rare as nuggeuted isy Oie Miaulster af Municipal Aff airs in tas proposai in laninry 1969. Oier factors were Oie Toronto Centred Itegion Plan wils particalar attention ta Oie Park- nay Oeil and tise Niagara Escarpanent plan as Watt as Oie ettect of Oie MacDonald Carnier Hisghway. Tise report indicatas a ponisway bell Oiat would caver a wide sinats of Eaqoening and Nassaganeya and lasser portions of Burlingtan and Oabville. Give bulk of work to region in two-tier plan Division of responsibdity as nature atthe local level," says praposeul hy Halton Cointy's Oie report. TECO aTecissical Cnnordtaating) To fucther strenglisen and ta Comooller would see a stronf mnure respomîible goveromnent, regionil rooncil wsi livre second lise responsiisility for tise lier oroicils. If adopted, Oie provision of aIl municipal TECO report would cati for Oie services absoutid reot entirely in abolition of most coaesottaee. Oie electaul ceuicita. To achieve boards and commurislsio nain Oaa tl a recommandadt Oiat ail operatîng en tise varioon Iboards, commnissies and sperial iniripalities. bodien be disolveul, exrapt for -Your cominottee us strongly of Oie Haltan Conly actant Boards, the opinion thaI tise local Oie haspital boards and Oie gaversimna cas ta steengOiened coessmltaees of adjuintaent. in Oie Haiton region by Irans- terring suris isasic services as planing, taxation 'and finance, production and distribution of naler, collection and treatesent Less str< ai seinîge and Oie parcinse and sale oi rîreirir power 10 Oie North Hilton's representation regon, nile rrtaioesg tinse ai a repontai ceureIl woild tae STEE--E-RIKE ONE! Basebail season in hera at taut, mueisto the tseltgit 0f the younger set wta isimg up their hockey skates at teint trea neeta ago. And Oie local diamonds in and aroesd Mitton are bestiof wtth octtvtY eacis and evera nigist 0f Oie neai, Iis Mitton for cou nty TECO indicates tise coinmercial, reoidentia and preparalian, adoption and recreational purposas tai tiat amtendiog of officiai plans stauld serve ai of Oie inhabitanof thOe ta a regiomi fonction. "Tise regies nust rent aits lin region. rmsponsîisdîty for determioing This nould ocelude Oie approval thetaest use of aitel andseilths of subsdivisioniandOthe igningaof Oie region mst resu niOi Oie suisdiavision agreementa." naine autisorîty niir is Rlghltiappeal reuposIhe for Oie mupplY Of TEM2 says municipatitles inir ries, ef. noter, sener slioaid tae cenautel conrernlog and hydra. " Oie officiaI plan ind have Oie "Tise establistament of isroad rigist ta appeat jost as a private developinent potinies, thse aires ta citizen would. ise daveloped for industriel, 'Coouunard on Pagre 2) angth for north in a coonty systen if Oie Techisacat Co-ordunating C-oisttansr remit on rpeuomi battlerila keeping a close on thebhall as ise taises a cul, during Sunday'e Mowbray Fuetera game againat Brampton in Oie lyke division. Milton non 5-2. For complete sports coverage 00fe today'a sports section starting on Page 4. (Phsoto sy J.enatsgs> goveromnent is accepted. Tise repart raconesenus lise regiooal counicîl nolde 23 representalîves pion tise chisarian. Burtingtan noild taise iland nai n osan an Pesiacs, Waterdosvo, East Flaninrogs and pari of West Flîntarogl and tino commnuitiais inoald ise tormai, one ails Burtington as tas artan rare Ind a second nîi Witerdon as ita arian rare. Burlingon aould h ave en representatves for a population of 80,000 wite tise oea ares nould have tisree represenî. aimes. Milton and Nassagasveya usould isa camisined for a population af l4,00 and epresentad isy tiseee en, one of wtacis snold ise lin nayar. Ac- tas, Georgetown and Esquesiog aauld hie comined for a population of 31,500 and cepresenled isy foie persons saine Oaisviile, iniicis remainu insîcally the saine as it ia, inoilo tave six representatives for a popilation of 60,000. Cieaan appointedl Tise cisairnan would ise appoio ted isy tise ragional roonrul. Couscillors noold serve a toyear teriand according to Oie report, Oie tares ssoutd nolise coincîdental ali Oie tares of Oie chisarman. Councilaors would ise elecîrd direrty ta Oie repornai counicil. Mentars sisould sot ie elerted isy nards, tin report says. Il is flt Oie atecion aI large aeould ilion tise nemers 10 taise i isoader scopie aftie dealîngs ai Oie regionil coustcil. Mayors of eacs of th isvlie c oinmsuoniti ens oould auoaiatically bsronne toit emisers of tise regiooal goceeninent. Il null taupoOthe nayors to provide litaiso" isetssaan local and ragional esunicils in Oie tino lier systees. Tise chiarnan coutl ise ippointed aitier traint among Oie ineunees oreas a citizen at large. Il he nas appoioted front tise sonrcît iss vacancy coutl ta filledl accoring tai provisions in Oie mesîcipal art. Each esonîeîpatîty aoild tare aI teint tisrce reprasentatives, ana of nitics woild ta lin mayor. For Oie fient 15,000 of population each minicipality woild tave tisee representatlves and for eaeh additional 15,000 se ad'- ditionat counfcillor woold ie added. THE TECO REPORT on HalIon's foture os on independenl region of goveromeot, relesd Ibis weais, proposes Halion's internai and externat isoondaries 10 ise jaggled aonoc as sisoan in tis map. Tise prenant Burliogioo esoilo renain in Haltan but woild tae spit eilis tise huil'up ares "A" as one unit or borougs ond tisa remoinder jnisiog wils portins of West Flomisoroogs and Posions and ail of Waterdown and East Flamborougs 10 fores onit "B'. Unit "C" woild inciode esosi of abat is scia Nassagaaeya, pies Milon ood o sinall pirce of REACTION-Milton Council IV S R I 1 norlis-wesi Oaiseille Area "D" aoild inclode Acion. George- townn and esosl of Esqocsing, ile area "E- is isasieally tise prerit Oalavlle. Exlernally, HalIon's proposied nain baonuaries woild jol nul ino Weotworto and Wellington (otuntirs on the nest andl dp un aeound Oie large Erio Mills aleveispeeo on Oie ast; bot Nassagaweya, norts nI 25 Sîdea'oad, wilot bcta o ont and given te, Wellington Coooty. lilans muoniripal roosicillors aill ait doan in iscoss tise 't'EC( report lis Satordav. Don't want ail of Nosscigaweya Sourie parti ofthOe TECO report ona ftureeortigovrmeoi furltaliontfoundllocorisutnaony paots nere net nîts oisjectins aisen Hilton Counral spenote Oieee isoors aI thaîr Monday meeting risopping opari the TECO eeconneodatoos. Milton null hae a noce eviable comniay il ils isoundîries exlend West 10 Applehy tisa, souOi 10 Ocatanna Rd., osi 10 FilOi Uine and norlis 10 10 Sidaroad, counicîlloro deraded. The nargng ni Milton and Naosagawea nos dosceaised as 'loanmucs". "Possisly aa asoald go 10 Saturday'a discusaion meetiing snaOian opennmind,- Mayor Oria Best sosn'ed up aller lise cosnril amIt throags Oie 25-page TECO droit. Ha antinîtet sona "isoese- traing" nay go on Satoedoy andt iitn sisouldo't go nis datanùte ideaa-oly suggesions. No conta Saine rouncullors noce upool teaase lise TECO conasoatea dîd 001 gave aoy fananriat iomplications ta sisow ison tise propasad region nould sort oui Oie easln ofrevarsping unicipat isoîndaries. Clank Jacks MeGearisie, nhis a smenter ni TECO, auplaîned tise staff inociing on TECO relusedino doit wiOi linanciat inplicationsounti Oiry reeivad semae indications front alected couneittors of wheOier or not Ohir proposaIs for cresi nuli ta accepted. Milles Coonicillors decided 10 dasage wath serael pointa an Anda thev tiongsi lace dopait- ugo, slaol lac antroduard os a tise lFCO report iSaturdai'a taienia, dog ranleol and tise aenasiisisa hnalisaae vear. disusin aneet. Tlaey iit isydro, opetan ofn tisa Galion County ihey igereat. plnanin, aubdivision appeorala. Moaaooar shaoid. a oeooesely, hoe C'oonralloea dad agrea, oaîer and srare aeaaa'es--e- eegararseponsiliaoauoataad haoeer, on nianofiTEC's a'oriaaesed toise egona ofltangorlandid aiiri th oa eouomendatianooaltisnugisno nanaci ateapnsiislitao s intise leea ail , i-r alecsios nero un- 111.1) report-sisnuid isîoadlot Fure, reguosal anmers. Oegaonai hanudlang ni t tse loc.alteeaaintead. t'arslaghii, liso policeacoaee r rra ir Pri,ar",ae) $7 million residential complex Garden homes \liasie Bildialng Coreporain loanaitai has aaquied tand as Mltlon lor the atrantnpruacsi of a lge eeesiîtal rouuaptoo Plans ai fr a unique concerpt ni alesagnaagasniea 00 unito s intise loiiooang isaoseer:10 tnstoise alesagneot lor restai, bot 10 lac gardaen hoe nsa sta'istyperof lannoang dea.elinaes, 240 ton baooss ill tir paeîaiaoned ito ilaee ea raiete condoinium a'neporattuns,and inlersperaed in ihis anoapîo naît bae ,tppenaanatey 50 aoaemiealard taises un lae bisuli for sale. Il a, aur feeling tisai lo i euse deosiynutleaisle u oonar a insc needed sites mareht an thc $20,000 bo $25,000 range. Tlae ttal rosI of Ibis anmespr nlao anuoplird oîth ie ipprooiesaey $7,ogo,iog," Attianea peesadent Daiud Salais sidý Aliance, rldiîlng Corporatios lnteiioni o Gntaieo's taret avdaatraal atcm inrai dai rtopners t n ais inaiaaas ia nletropian Toronto, laka ille, Maltin, GOsawa, Kati livrer, Brastford asd îîî'aîîaa'on 'rhe lient ons lise formear ar iTp inn snorts ni Sietia SAv'., btialoes Mantas and Onaioa Sia. anît as pesntly atnaa'ipngsasdotrial iaion the site. lAter a santal asd commeaaarcial attire aoiples are lilas ne lAîaîeîaven as teaisai ni Alliane ai Milton Planning Board Wa-dsesday, iiîaey Gotiar ishaul frapoalian prîneipte for lise tarai phase ofthe5 proteel. The bardgav'e ifitt appovalhbut indiraird site plan agreements ant id u d c 's agreements oildal svoe fi e. entered ito ri'th aue ow nov tri îe iicis othpln ecdrali oth. Gelrs ni o tise lîrsi phiasesaioald lar a restl peoleri uaid alpeaaalag os tise demnîno, roser saections inlal te rentai unisas nil BuI ho asced the board aiot ail of the devolopent nould lar' rantni Recreîinî He ispliaieat a i arreitin coio- pIes ancluaiig taiiaisounrts, sOiuig pool. rili baos anid amet-ing iioii as oell as i play au oa wonli serve- the entira pro jeru. Tse project ani ho sutuaird on lans rasi ni Malin Piaa and filton i.estrooia Monor and seuls ni Nîpisng Rd. il is ustuaîpaiod tise prolect il ui thie largesi condominium or tasan bouse prnleet an Ionia i Mme= -I VOL. 113 -No. 5