Mton ouncil briefs During a regular meeting Monday, memisars ot Milteu Coueil: -Ashel the cache departisent turcheck into a home outolide town chiais asked ter tao coter service. The home most ho 250 tout from o watermain and the applieant flaoe tald the home nos Sou distant, but iteeve Ron Harris saod aie meesurementa shoutdi ho cheekeil. -Decided ta isotd hock eny turtiser paymentn tai tise contracter an tho Highwey 25 reconstrtlctioo eit tihe oorth enodai tome, uinit more work lu cerrieil out. Counicittors ni thae aign adnertioîng tise Steois-Era reunion4 heu disoppeared and aaied theocontractor ta reptoce it, -Heerd a repurt on tise conention ofthae Tome and Village Section, Aosociation ut Municipalities ot Ontario, tram iteeve Hareis. He and alork Joais MeGeisie attendoil tho evnt in Ferry Sotod and Mr. Mettucisie viau re-apposetedl ta tise PMO executine. -Leocned Courncittor Gardon Kuento isas hoco appointed ta a cuis-cammitter ntudying municipal police tarce ce-arien- imat, tar aie Association of Municipal Police Gonecning Autisocîtîcu. -Denided ta rail tendera tor recontruction oi Hacrop Dr. -Applied toc on extension ai aie flood plais zouing an tands hocdecing aie remis. Tise correct contng expires Jane 30. -Aahed aie cocha depectisent ta eraut namne siges on Montgomery Lana. ise street hou na stgne and e cew basiness bas apeoed tisera. -Agreed te oed six rapreseetaines tram Milton tuao conteceace ot thse Canadien Counreit ut Ciscistionsanoei Jeans le tandon aina tait, ot o at t f825 per parsan. ttviasasoggestad a rupresantotîuu ot tise Milton Yoaai Counicîl mîght attend. -Notod aie police deportisent logged 104 houpa ut onectîma in Apeit. -Leaceed tise consernlion aeaiarîty ta tattsg o nurg f lanila nics nitl houe ta ho enpropriatod, toc aie cisannet- moation ofthe creek airougstn. HaRacisrd o patitian trois homowsnera te the orea ofthae 17- lut Gîtta asbivisionat Ridge anil bogisside Dr., prateatigat o p roais aie decelopisent. Cauncit decideil aie patition sould ha ilealt wiaiis epannainghboard at a pouli oueeting neat Wail- naadlay, May 24. -Eegaged Patriek Wood aa prohetiouery constablte nitis aie police terce, tu atart Juty t. learned provision ot aenior cîtîzena isaaaîng nîli ha iliscaased on a couony-ndn hoa filthae laitue Cooaty Councîl meeting Soday îWadneadayl. -Agreeil tu uotîty commercial pcaparty occas on aie dontan acea thoet att ocurisauging aigna mut ho Soat agaîst aie bsuilding hy Jan. i, 1974, to comptynitisth cen zoaaîg hy-law. Lattera anîlI go Mo oit iems niai ovrrianging ligna. -Choogeil tiesa chedate et meetings ta allen couanrît meetings on May 22, Jatte 5 anil 12; anil a meeting ufthae tno cemmitteea on Moy 29. Tisera nuiS be no coriil meet oniane 19tas seuara llthoonway. eastructuil lise biliding imspactar tu adrartîse ftbss and trucks ucur tbrua-quarter ton cie ay eut bu pochant ou reoidential propertîpa in tome. Memhoca Il loigeated aie Prig Auaiorîty pronide a pla esee nons vetocis cao ho Porhad in camptiance niai aie soning hy-lan. Tisaiae section ufthae hy-lan moas il stiegal ta purs deceliet, nun-operetine netocîco se tome. Fines ni ap te $200 ara hustad. -Noted o permit tor on epartouent building on Miltaide Dr. s elSh grantod aie ameer, Mes. Marie Martin, nisen meaieat dranings ana stbi mittail anil oppraned isy tise building înnpectloir anil tire deportiseet. Tise hiuderis elso ta subist e design and routa tac aie snaitaey auner oeil gine the tome a poermanent enfiement anar aie -Appraned e relocation ai 2,300 teet ot gen mais in aie Wimpey subivision east ot Olntario St., et aie deneloperas enpanse. A tome natarmein, yet Sohoe laid, nul aIso have too c e- -Agreed ta engage Locisnoud Soreys ta do neioa mapping oS aie tn et a cos1 ai $2,245. Tise tonds nill ho tahon frais capital tenues. The ton nopal; ta atat aie nagatînco o it miy aistain reprints tatar. -Hffrd Maor Brion Bsat cen- gratalate tise Milton Yoath Coanril on ita progress ii tise paît ments on tise calice bouae proleet. -Lemneil Vince anil Marie Crisci have rceineil Committua ot Adjoalment permssion ta sepanoto a lot an Scante St. -Ashed aie clark ta prapare a hp-Ion daaignating tise tosen ceaponsilt fur mainteance ai aie pioleer cemetmry on crante St. Tisa tonn hou hoan heeping it in repaie tor many pears, isbut aie ruaponsîhîlity vns ocrer asusumail hp a hp-Ian. -Leorned tise tegion Zone Parade nilI ha haell in Milton Soniloy, Juna 10 at t.30 p.m. anil ogrouil senera ol ranillara niSl attend. a getie tuts 24 et t poui th ae sse1ter an Mapta Ara. in Oahnilla. --Recainail notice tisot Depantouent ut Transport anil Conmunications nilI schedute trottin conrts in Milton , ta renian aie signol taning and auisidy agreemaent an monneetiag Iis trottîr signaea. -Grontail aie Halton attira ot Adicion Researchs Faundakion permsosion ta use a rouse oeil phone ta aie ten hall tac a local ntaff mamisar nso nilt ha corhîug on Milton ahil omr Bruce St. photo 1894 That photo of aie tuilants at Srce St. Puiei Schoot anhiris appeoredin asbt neahas Champion casl iîhly tahen aounil 1894, not 1896-97 an tl nos aiougst. Mes. Williasn Scott reporta ase aise hon o copy ufthae photo andl ainhsîtcovis acand t89t. Mrs. P. W. Coohe, chu loonail tisa photo reprodocein aie popar, somdilt cootdn't possîhly hove iseen tohen i1804 (a guasîndtt Tisa Chasmpion pot on tisa phsoto) becouse vily aftis peopte ia aie photo iren't ecen tara aiea The Chmon M ion, Ont. Wednnsday, May 24, 1972 7 Separate School Board sets up resource centre r k.. bsÀL. ~t WILL THE REAL Tam Sacyce pleone stand Crack sear W upn (tee diseardail place ot styraoos, une yaungsiers ploî codes hex asnd a henken hourd andl presto - teisockgrasn a mintiature aneus liner. Claudia Manchosirk bthetitme of is lire aiâsg downthe 16 Mite Need farms rurcul-urban Farmers in alie Norts Halton espacteil ta tahe port ta aie lita ut ocea ara orgently needant ta bellp theatorm on eil it ciai tise choes ahis ycan'a provincîoîîy sport ift ais is chat tormer's childeen anreil Urisan-Rorat Eschsange do. Any taniser cising ta taise proseais get otf tise groonl. port se tisa pragrose ciii ha toity iaYrjse ufthae pengrom, niiais ocre bp aie provne. itssecondl peur, il tn gina Gu to city an Sou ad rral yautho tenm atms Farmn yoots cisa ist 12 to iloachance ta aosrve o cap urisamtes are alsa encoorogel ta ut lita aligitly dhtferent tramn participoae intisa pion andl t chet aiay boa iseen occontomel heome o isaiser ut a city ta. anily. teeti ni ty tara poots Ayoatromaihuanian arens inonenanti. Tise eccisnge pro- ufthae province nul stay tor a gramilastotrom thehogioninguof ceeh ai o taem. Tise yooai is July toaiheend of Agst. Grant for Rattlienake area Appruval ni a prorincial grant ut$855 pol thae Haitan Region CJonservation Authorîty, tnp Ratiiesuohe Pont Conservation Ares, cao ànnoaneil ibis cees isy aie Ministry ni Natoral Reseurrea. 1bis consernvationaresacomprises snme 316acresoftland in nortb Borlingion. Tise Aotisurity os peupaning tai undertase tarîber declpnnicuorkin the area by ostrctug a pini seer, proriding aditînnai pleine iocîitîe, iandsrapiug andl otiser generai development work. ii member monîrîpaitan ciii hear tise Aotisorityns nsare oi the Ilic ication foi, flir Hîltar Couity Supacaur Scisuni Board's reorecentra null be St. Josepis Saparota Scisool i Burlington. Tna ampty classrooms nitI hae asil tor tise rasurca rentra chics null serve aIl Halton Coonty Sepocote Saboula. A thirl ampty cIlsroom - ~ ~ ~ h h ces aie lltromathepropoel -centre may be atilized for groop intruction. bt. Josepiss Separota Scisuol was tacteil os aie locotion -:7_ heaose ut ita pronîîuity ta aie administration office anil ceourne carvice, along cdi tis aovoit- aisility ot spaca oeil aie minimal munt ofrenocations neraasory >lue its useaos a ramaurre centra. Roymond Delomocrie tram aie Fadera Otfice ot tisa Sacretary ut blta reeetly contarrad ints ,,~ P e - baemitenilent Clittoril Syrnas 111 nglqlq oeiln preseutei anrîtten goidatinea cinch, ittfollonel, coutl rasait in tadepol grauta tee mn-provncer anil out-ot-proa'înca ascisonge trps hotsecn stailauto in Francs tongaaga scisoots. Francs i>,, lagouga chililren nul hoe visitiag aie homes et Frenchs cbililren i o Qoahar neat tait. Requasto for the use ut scisoot tarîlîtias ilueîng ssenmar menais an fluorîila clînîrs onil tasting A sean as getting naît olont in Years whenoanol fame dopan't nue s hot. 20danaril St. Soarday. Daier . + . yed citha o aol plastic boat in Bpîdol rails shoulil aicoys ha dl isat perotail it frais shore sarail. Coter on tbey moa (photobyB ortt couderiol cosquatu nettîng ton to host iw.xwchange Iniaresteil tormars chu anisb t unoei chararten isy flic schooins bnlp out sisoulil contact Miss siiolaut uihoeitien anil iy Miss Janut Hunier in tise Mînîntry ut Hanter. There is nu pay or Agriculture andl Fond Building iu rriniuuerotiou iscuiceil, aîd tbe Milton, ai 878-3214. anly rosti s a $l transportation Applîrantstforaihe pogramoare 1c fr t iba inient. cacau i lv sceenail for ottîuiflu WiII return tombstones 'l'a niuneu wch turned ni n an industrial plant parking lo n Georgetonic nearly tano a ruks ago. are believel to have brun takua trocn a pioneer ceinetery in the area. Police urge anona knowing tha STAY ALIVE WITH i RED CROSS+ WATER SAFETT propar location ufthe stunen tu nutîiy tbem iminediotaiy. Onu sion. can nscrîbel Joseph Canaîngion, diail Nnv. 17, 1856iiait te ageof 22years andl ris cruibu., wite the second winamînîîry ofilbreeuyenrnld Huenv hE. Kiat ubo dicd in 1852, uti sonofGerge ard Ela Kiag. [iý1 ig andvisio ta Ilialýue ortche inal bain buur a1ipuavuiby thbonrd. iuîn,rupiariugithe ona rnrrentm A requustileuc the Officeofthein use. Parental opinion Provincial Sarretory oi regarding theformat oftienen Ciiiaacbip toe aie se ot tcn report crd is seiritoil. ampiy clansrnoms at St. James' Appra [rois che Mmîastry ot Separata Scbool a oindkial tor Eluratou anil tisa Ontario the puennua ut teocbmg Engliash Municipal Boardl han nnn isean topuertugoese-apaakng moaiars grontailotnr a diintu aie tvo alternan par nueis bas iseen Hnly Crosn Searoto Scisoni in approvel by tise board. The spaca Georgetocn. Construction cl wIll bue renteil thae Cîtîzensop comrmence aunneiiatey. Orancb ot tise Ontario Guvernment oeil tse tonguaga clseciii ha itectail by the Cîtîoesbp Seoncs. B A N Languageacasses cil i h l bailA Munday anil Thursiloy at- ternostrnm 1:3tua3 p.m. at Si. James' Searota Scisoni rFine *..ur trs beginaing in Saptomber. Savarai ainosanl Pnrtoguasa-speaking AT FACTORY TO famîlîns liaein thse Oaviiteaxres, YOU PRICES. wtb a large nomisar living te tise ares surroanilîing St. James' MILTON lAboul. A sec report carl drottel hu PA tbe rounty's kînilergarten L Z Ride a Uhi.aIginwL This lithoe WHIRLWIND' Mîuî Rider bas S big hontes unider ils iflip-npen' cloam- shaîl engine camer. That s pleuty enougli ho pnwer ins 25" WINO-TUNNELt, cntter Seck. Fo rwacd, rentra oend reverse gears separate clatch and broke poilais an ailluntable steecîng auhool andl an uptional ueal baggîug utturaneuet arn o tean ut the teatuces that anake tibî parhaps the tînest vulue in rîiuqn rrners ouywhenc. AnS il ynu ant yn u cor boue il inn. LISGAR TWIN SEASONS Wîsou ChurchtBidadt Wins( 826 r- h36019ld a 011 Open 9.00 -7.30 P.M Saturdap 6 Pto. CALLING AIL STUDENTS FREE ; WANT ABS e Get A Job Through The Champion Classified Ads j TO AIL STUDENTS I FREE Elementary thiaugi High col 1 who lice in this area. NO PHONE CALLS, please IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FULL OR PART TIME JOB M4ER E'S ALI YOU DO-Place pour Ad in the Office, 191 Main St., Milton 1. One Ad ta each studeut, may lie repeated up ici 3 times if pou contact The Champion by each Manday befare 5 p.m. 2. Yau must use your came je the Ad. 3. Yau may use up ta 20 words of capy. *II DEADLINE ioryourFreeAdisMonday,5p.m. ig Box k-kup foo. dtop ý95. Sedan wit c 95. When you know it's for the resi of your Iife ... Pla ns have Ia bu made. Tan peuple shae n file lugether. Wr ut the Credit gnion aiouid liua tu be port ot yoac plans for the futurc Te he u beennulate a plan apun antiio te suild uudneuamn u. aplanuthataull nake those dnuunn cone lrue. ru nînîplibu monr lînanniai onli, vite fe *Persnseo Lons (file iesured) e har: a v ngs accounts (lite iesuredi * Nencehequne Savlce accaunts *Money Onders *Teaveller's Chaque " Fuei cce d ric eîtc " Caoceet cifice huns OFFICE IIOURS Thusayat c ria 41 . Sthusile am Fnide1 .45 MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED SERVING MILTON AND VICINITY 44 Main St. E. MILTON 878-4168 tS-AWS - TILLERSIÀ B MOWERS IREELS & ROTARIlES' RVEPAIRED V *Homnelite Chain Saws * Kendal Duls *Hahn Eclipse Tillers * Sunbeamn Mowers *Toro Equipment * Moto-Ski Snawmobilies and Billes Available at... Lisgcar Twin Seasons Sales & Service Winston Churchill Bled. & 401 826-3609 i.