6 ThseChamtpiotn, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, May 24, 192 Bid rninister farevvell, About the town ei with Dolores Melonson Phne 928-31 A tua tiliet evnng tos in Tise C.G.I.T. held their store ton ail wio attendedet lienarulsent rerernony cnet tise ltalian-Cauaian Gluis uppar Explurees isele tiseir atar andt ansdsdanceron Satuetiayeneoning ct graduation cerernony. Mary Fay Holy Ronccy Hall. tuelcontedet veryone lu tisa Tse ladies ufthlie cois sarvet c isanqau cet adSanan iSheridan deliciuus supper tollowed isy acleetascobaul ntistreee. dtanctug lu Use manic ufthUe Beverly Jettersna propoaed a Roes, toast lu tha C.G.I.T. moUsare anet Lotus Nadalin tuas aster ot ut tocs -respande t luiy Bonis cerenusu andt bis great Aibaehetd. entusan cuntrîbutee t luhUe Lara Atlcenisece propoaed a sarcesalul eveniog. toast lu the Exploret asoUsars Presset Fred Renia brougst cnet Mes. Shteridan respondeet. greetiogs lu Use cruwd fron thUe Kit Kerr exprrnaed Usanis lu ttaliao-Canadian Gais. everane. Reene Ren Harris remiadodd lise Itebian angranto UsaI Usey Hast Wtises go to tierry Arpa, cao apply tor citbaernshp papars 191 West Mary SL. wba cetebratet oJane 9 and alternate, Fridayn ton tortseay on Tissrsday, May Useralen. Appiscationsn bcll 18. received tu a special office wiO sntl be officsally openeet on Jane t Jount> cnet Pisyllin Lynis ot as Use ntunicipal bulding. Newo Glasgow, Nova Scotia, npent The stour peine wnt toon isy InezthUe wenkrnd in Milton an route lu Dorante andethUere toare prises onalingtan D.C. TIsey aloee tU tor drants and opt dances during Jin Wcldie, 24 Jantes S. cnet Use evrnusg. vissînet tU Pisyls titter Helen Lacieno and Maria Augustinu Wctson ut Court SL c net ber were isosored during Use evening >oUser Art Melarnon, Gamnet St. as tisey tuere Use eldest coupla at Use stance. Hcrntonv Court acartesent tu'tl tonlu Jark Par- isasan tu.bn a proloeeta Seegecnl.tajur cnet teansteeret te Perths. Jacks wan Sargeant lu chsarge ot Milton Detocisrnnt ot lise Ontario Provincial Police about tive years ugo anet antl reently bas beau Stf Seeant anet Deputy Registear ut Secunity investigations os Toronto. A very bappy irtisdcy la wisised for Cindy Rechse, Rit. 3 Milton tuis celeiseateet iser biti- day un Monday, May 22. Ciady, niso secs onven yeres olet, isadl a irUsdcy part> aI iser homne sUsîl guesto prescrit. Mr. andMrs. B. Henderson wil te ntuvsog ta 111 Victoria SL, Mr. Henderuan will isa cocsated esUs tise tienit ut Hutelrnson and Thounpsan cnet un seelcume Usent te Milton Mr. and Mys. Mike MçCn 115 Rbisat St., sr âr6ý seti Mr nàco Mrs Ernest Deedge. Mes. MeConnellos cousins, lturnterly ut Nassagaseeyaî. Me. andt Mrs. Mante Grutto ut Guelphs visîld Milton on Sataretay evenrng to te Italien- Canadsen Gais dance at Hlol Rosany Hall. The Caradian Giels lu Traiaing and te Explurees isele a joint mtUer atd daugister banquet an Thornday eveasag aSt St. Pcils' United Cisurnis OSD grad lis ait Galaudel Muss Dsasne E. Hudgn of Guelph,. a 1969 graduate ut Ontariu Scisasl lue Use Deat in Milton, oas renenl> isunuredet a Gallaudel Cullege os Wasutona, tise unuid's unI> accrrdiled literis arts nullege toe Use dent. Ste bau teen sostiateet osto Pi Alpisa Pi b unur uoesety at Gallaudes alung seiUs 22 uUser juniuru and seniors. Pli Alpisa Pi was esteisibee tol enourage Use pursut ut bigis snisulcotin Warns climbers senior citizens play Saturdcy May 13 Miltun Senor Cilsunnu urchestra atleudeet SI. Davidus Preusylursan Cisureli, Campteilvitle, lu participalu in a taeewelt examine tue tiseir initten Han. D. R. Nicisalsan. Ornar VanSickne acteet an rnaoten oftcemmesnirntrtheevenng cnet colleet an Use orchisntra tar a tato sallertians. Roert Lakiag intenetacee thUe merso uth Usaetrta. Taesetay May 16, 18 peuple fennt Milton comrnpeting coreers ufthUe urcetra, Uter isianets anet seiven cnet gussat artinto rnotoeed lu Durisam lu nsoaery cltnospsene tu pst an a peogrant tue tise senior citizeus tiane front 2 te 4 p.rn. lu Use Legian Hall. fluren isaneree wee in attendance mtade ap ut tisee cluto, Durbamt, Mount Purent and Hoiltin. Me. MccCuaig ut Duerhant ntendeet c wan welcnte andUshanks lu Use Milton geup. 'font Bradtley inteoduce thUe ntere ufthUe orcetta anet T. A. Haucinaun, Q.C., wisu carriet an asaM.C. lue tte peugraloseisics Senior citizens -essetente iseld liseir May mteeting f inutte cuommun grusa on Theudcy ~ If l f f enening, May 16, wiUs RanUsl i g n a Gentents lu Use chsair cnet 25 cundacteet and Use ntn iiw Usen turneet uver te Hazl Wilson fllQhlight wba lu lun inteuduceet Milre e Armastrung, Juan Bal, Leanaret By Dolaires Melan Berry, il Hiarrison cnet Bill The Milton Sendue Cilizns Claub Brus. tele thUeir May mteeting lu Kan These Young peuple Cisarcs ball on Wednesday enleelaiaad tue the next lur wiUs evrning, May 17. salusacnet dune toton toare Peident Ellen Harbotle wo enînynet iy att. ts bock t tUsUs Clsub aller a A luncis tocs sreet isy Usa lengisy sllnets, upenad tise uris Baner ladies anet Mes. Leila meetng cnet Mes. Jamnes LeettoU Bruown moveet a vote ofthk bonul played Usa piano toiile evaeyona au. sang 0 Canadac. Seccelaey Mes. Albert Peddeti Belaled ieistay gcreetings go reaet thsa mntes ut the tantt lu Mcrslyn Huensng, 217 Parisway meigadtets xctv De. to celeisealeet or nweat 16 mteeting.ce ieli nctv irliseay un Scturday, May 13. 'The'club metis snee reatdedthIal the sent mneeting Me cnet MiOs James Neti anet ncbeclued tue Jane 21 toan Usese to daugistero isave rnuved rescoduldee lue Jane 14 isacausa lu tteir set ome ataa R.R. 6 nt the zone 13 Picoir aI Hideten Stiglon cet tei col Valmley Park anet tisa te Miltun Ai.res. elone sa t icullorat Suciatyns Flunter Shsow, boUs toking pince an Jane '.8gietd Mei .eauesgae 21. daugisteru Katleen cnet JudiUs Restgc speut Use isoliday wenkand wmUs Aster lise Gluis oflicers isae Meu. Geueneweg's parente, Me. ginan lhisas mntily reparle and Meo. Franks Tiosun 137 Ruaeetl Clamento opotte on beaaI fTuntas st. ut iüsiolf anet BiS Woods, astong tisa riislubt accapt lisair Huppy istisday aishae gu te: rasiguation ae dalagalan lu Usa LuOri-Ann Baaasy, sUst Lina tois Milton Comsaunity Sarvica toilI te rune yars nId tomrrun, Gotos. Mday 25' Rnplacusg Usan snlll te Tant Paul Beeney toto calebratet Bradley and FeeHusa. fse sent bo irtisday un Saturday, May ito rapraseal Use club aS Usa 20; meeting ut cuncarneet citizans Paisa Marse Beeney tuis trei tuba ara upeet ta te peaposeet oeyear olet un Priday, May 19;n cbaaindizatian ufthUs 16 mile 'faml Lyane Reeney to i li Creais Ibroagli Milton, Tise te Sures yers uld un Sanda>, mtng setS be fisl aI J. M. May 2 ' DaeS Scbaul, un Westoesday enenusg, May 30. Retert Laisg rapartet ise iet hionored easnrgrigtechf CaUsa Restoraliunt hacveacgrend Com legs lu tarunard an estate lu Usa Parbo Board lue resortacisg Usa clhicaetel court acseeet iy Gladt Mesr dnUsnaatUs ses students and et tnbersip la dey san tue Usos claiealtengt extended ualy lu juniurs oreUs a Ma. linfr halle lterat die grude point aveacge ut 90 or yn DrtC. K. Altesio toarae lugher cne toS seniors wiUs a OPA boUs DaratingK iSteiesosn Ue ut 88 ur icier. ay t e meeting. Metas. Buish Muss Hndgoss hcu also isenn l.alu is tIhe mesrting a o elected recording senelue utlkn aasoclbtn Delta Epsilun sueueily aI Gallaudel fnr lise 1872 73 arademnin year. Ste sa a niena'ot Tour hall Mes. Lilîsun Strauss, 2 Pipa SI., Guelphs. Need equipment experience to scale bluffs at Kelso toi> esperiesceet iâbers wtosU Use peupar eqluspmnt sbaisd atleosps tu sale Sue cîiff sei loo out anar Kelua Cunservation Anea, suggests Fiee Chsel A. E. Clouent. The Fine Gsîet us cünreronet uner Usa possible chances ut injuries cnet deaUs lu noice clucobees anet tenis signa sbaale te tategicafly pluceet waeosug amateurs SuaI mounlulu rlinting os estrirte to peutfesasuuais. On Manday, Milton tirefigisters guerre caiee ul lu rescue a ToronloyuSu Atlcn Luiiatoh as cougbl on Usa moantuin. By Use tinte Sue cen hall arriveiet uthe Park Luietlato ise boan iselpet dasen by tnuenet.. Thene hane iseen seseral clinhig accidente aI Kelsu ccd Hatltauake Point pcebks durlug Sua lant lest yeas. Dogs kili sheep in Nossagaweya Appaeently instances ai sap respanesibn, diams Jesan. LeSt kdhagecare notcoatlnaedtu Nur tucnk toegsnswoopaetUsrugh Barboglan. Poraging dage mc> ins Ilarit, ced bdtaet Pro steep. bava moneet nelis t Jeansen scyn Nassagatoaa Nascgatoaya, cccoedtng te asro spseta o teeye tuear Kmn Jensen nf Cant-l seaiugi asenIta bellivtill. iseogs a algca Weil lad dags, tos aonars lamrorsucm itutt lane coune tront Usa cil> are a lunimtnise Ibreal Officiels ufthUe Miluon Pire Deparîment secasa part lite tour guides lest Weslnesday, May 17. Aboutl 30 chsîdren Innar Casopheilnsle Pubslie Srbuul vietues thea departmntn's liretsgting eqtupntnt lu Usa ntuening. Fireligisters uvare buste lu ntemters ufthlie Second Milton Culi Pack Usait enening. - SVERTISEMEAT- Mi..... New N.aling Subotanoe: hrnke Piles Exusivethsling subtstance arasas te turink tsesnrsads and repgaie dasn.eed tisses. Aire ae unitsesitsstaaitu t te ability te turing haeaoretutas poisnInl. il retîntes, tacne e dis~' In msiautes anti cased taseiae nf tue itturei, ietsascs In ucm fn casa, aSsis, gastIl raiteuin ane actuel reduntian sesseinkalet teo Ins otn. e.ect ate umot i-comaits bore s tuaru et a thin itonnt assitcned icdi arlis of suny ITtis ines .nacopi~se 5wi a e toasta0 $Urutanu iBWeDrste entas asickse Ist gli Inecoli 5055 s simoutes growtt of rim ectie. NewBëaDyla offre In ientt and sappeeitarr Curas case Ps'ctscata Ht. dAs t ferit et&Il drue steme. saiactisonC se eaulssa ewcaet cuntuued wisUsa muw umters mous the unceetru, recsteliuns by Mes. Gurdun MueNuis, viulin solus b> Mes. Edgar Fostee an- cuntpcniad b> Mes. Leunceet MeNeil, to Sentis salu isy Hais Laing and voncal etas y Mrs. Tunt Beadley and iser ninlor bina Caiserine Beysan Irom, Tarante alsu accuntpautied isy Mes. Me- Neet. Paul joues Tisen pcrtners were caileetfor a Paul Jones and square dance. Il was antcning Use nurnter ut seniurs wbo guI up anet danceet- tiseir dancing sure viae nut indicative ufthUeir age. At Use cunclusion ufthUe square dacng Andy Frank istosa l cietol plcy Widsa's Clog. Mes. Pollen seaus at Sue plana, wisile a yung telluw ut 92 years ut cge tep danceet. Ha perturente seS. ABler a taernmore salentians isy the urchsestea lancs tuas seeved. Tise Milton geoap leit tor isune after an anjoyasla day. Friday May 19thlie orcisestra agalu jouroneyd, tis tinte lu Wellingtun Square Unitet Ctorcs, Burlingtun lu put an a veogru or 1ue sWeuniors ufthUe CusIL)Othn church. The finstypart oftIhe prugrno was isnld su Use teautitul nisupel ufthUe nisseci. Mes. Hewsîl, pesidrnt ut the club onîcuntethUe Milton grnup cnet aller turne itemts of isusinesande a denioual seevice Men. Tont Bradley anet Roiseet Laising clused Use sevice witis a duel. Tuom Brcdley intreucet tise setuters ufthUe orcestra anet culled un Met. . W. Hcrbottle, pretident ut the Milton Club. Sisa enpesed grentings on boisaIt ut the Miltun club, tisen Mes. Bradley acleet an M.C. tue Use balance ut the peugearn. Tise prugeant cunsitteet ut tise urchsnra teading off seitis a tew untees followed isy rentilnu by Mes. Guretun MarNas, a duet isy Mes. Bradley anet Roet LAking. Tise guant artiste Mes. Edgar Poster viuliaist wits Mes. Lennard McNeil accorpanlng on Use psanu renderet onveral dueto. Reob Lctoag anet Tomt Bradley gave a ntU negan duel. ABter nnlfrtishntnl the peident ufthUe Buringtun nIaub touis Use Milton gnuup on a tour ufthUeir nisurcs. meeting lurtisday as May. Me. cnet Mrs. Elmar Ziuasemcn sere lu chsarge ut Usa eneninge aentertaimoine cuis lu te inteodaced tuas Barbsara Faîkaneteas seis pluyed a plana sulu, flloued by tee tinter Jeanette whis reited mamtory ves s. oattr Barbsara, Jeanalte ced Sandrea Paîkeentein lisan sang tseo nmntliers, whiicis deligistesl tose seatching. Jeannie cnet Anette Cantpbell pleasee t leir audience unsUs a piano daet. KaUsy Arnulet, s dreuseet in bslacb cand whiite coosguel ulito, canspiete tU guzls, danceet a top dance. Darlene Zimmeentan complatet te cilleenes part lu Use evenssg's enteetainiment isy singosg a sain. Eluta Boucher tuba tuas visiting Use club frunt Mueristot gava a eeadiag un "Huse Use Village Gusssp geto ber toantong dune". faita ot Muaic Mary ElliatI front Muerislua sang to saios arcompaiet hy tiee truand Margaret MrLean un Use pica. Marie Henry Usen played c guster soIn tullusee hy Leslie Paîkenstein un tise saxcphone andt bus tuile Madeline un the pianu. Maurice Raadseaet completeet Use enletelugmenl ittPo solus. Alexander Watsun spuke un bbalf ufthUe Glus cnenpeesset thauku lu uai Ihusa tuhu anterlaingeet He teit UsaI cil] Use nlus matoteers denivet mucs enjnyment ced pleusura due Sn Useir efforts. Presudeit Mes. Harlutlle aito Usansee te artistn and Me. csd Mes. Zitmeeuan tue teluging Use Yung peuple out lu enlertain Use seniurs. Mes. Leetli picynedthUe piann for Guet save Use Queen andthUe meetsng' conrhiod siUs a lunch tesug evet. "Hutulong have y nu eneket tor Sue cuntpcn" saiet ana empluyee lu caSuter. . .Evar sina te basa Sureatene to lu ire me". A padestrian tocs tokan lu Msltou District Hospital tue Inealuient ut a cruset ftan Frnday atter teing innulvad lu a single car accident. The inluret person in Antoniu Suainisu of Turonto. Accueding ta polmce he tocs seaSciag in Usa pasulug lanae un Hlgisway 401 lu front ut the Star Steel plant aboat 5 u.os. Driver ufthUe veticla tnulvet nos Brsce Watsuon ut Turuntu. Pulice say Watsan swilted truns Use dnsnosg lcnge ut the sigisway Su avusd sluitong anuter pesletrian and strucs Suninisu. Pnice are lrysng Su delercoina wisy Suzinisu lu is te arec aI the tite. Id.ntlfy nin. 1930 studont Seeu oba thoto as)era lialee os "ankanon" lu the Bruce SI. elasa graup ut 1930 in lait seels Cisampiun have haetn ideltite. Mrso Eit Sisarpe nt Milton icdroîsîscd Johin Turner, secnde front the right in the frunt ruse; Ken Cuse, tourUs fron thUs rigi and Walter Raid, saconet front lise rigsl lu Sua second ruas; Jean ^hlisu touU front Usa lait RusaI Madetuc sixis front lise tat, cnet a Stewtart ur Gnalrais girl second front, Usa right in the tle rusei te saer ruas lise Ire tuemerly unkeuown ara bottaneet lu te Gîcyda sCeallan, Anne Csunrie anet Barbara Relian. OSD student recovering Ni-year-lt Tlnty HSth lu rapuetl in ir condtion eI Stisk Goiletrents Hospitl lu Tornto. The yugnter tocs elstruc by s onlrcyrle luit Tuetcay lto ie s cruuaing Ontcrio SL. lu trust ut Ontario Sebaul tor tse Delt The boy te denriset as bantng oisy partial isaarlug. Ha seau Irnving OSD lu go te Bruce SL. Sebaut tohere ha attends classes ari day. The ungeler toas lu intensiva cca anet anisae criliccl tint ton 28 aours cIter te sec adiiteta isuspilal tU hecet injuriec, tuarclione and a fracturait lag. Scbaul officiais nase beisase lise boy ilnon Usa raeta rucovery. He uniS, soruaver, ha lu baspllal tor sanaral seaaba. Suma toIs ouldet avau boreutu truble ifet Sual cd luta ap, Use coSlateral. ALCOHOLIC.S ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUEBOAY t pa. DARI>)' lAL ISMILE AWHILE6SIPAUL RUTLE06El WHILE THET LAST ELECTROHOME 26 T.V.R 26 C MAIN ST. EAST- MILTON, ONIARIO -#,»eeg87-4633. USED CARSI MAIN ST. MILTON PuLl 1969 DELUXE VOLKSWAGEN 1600 sîtaton wagons Finishet In dans reet tit islacki vInyl Interlar this ana onar car cornes wM aulusectlc trcnsmeission. Verti dean andt excellent mechaniccl conditin. Lin. 70659t 7 , q 1967 GALAXIE 500 4 Doce Sedan Brnzeu ML-aai inish this une aeuner car tas V-8. autoain, powser steerins. paon' testes, radin. A top natntt car. Lin. 8M78 4 9 5 1966 FARGO FLEITSIDE Lonlg Boa cueomesci red. Oe onsr Slant t iku cyiner anuie, standard transmsissin. Hss heaun duty saspensin, ocorsica tires an eet sits Ideal handyman tarni ar nuntrucor uaiii. Lin. 39387V 12 5 1970 DART SWINGER Hardtop Briuht raimuw oith sharp blck ninyi sotensor. 340 V-S, toue spand synnea asesh transmssion, radi. Spurtp tor the roung us heurt. Ls. t4us9 5 1963 GALAXIE 500 4 Doar Sedan Finishad In Wimbleodon white unith red isrtertar. V-8 autoseatic, paner steer ng, esower brakes, radin. whte osasis. asieel 59 o dises. Exceptionalconditionafora 'i3. Lce pN1 599 1968 FORD CUSTOM 2 Door Finishet in presldent bnue lts snatnhing intersor. A one otunen nan with 6 cylinder, automatin, radit. Balatce ot Fored Warrante. Lic. 725003. 4 I1969 FORD '/2 TON PICK-UPi I Styleside Long Box Boswoot gre finish, t nylnder, autontetin, whiteI osIl tires. Thisnouener car la ready tuwork. odI a ndt sarnineet by Tratalgar. Lin. C9794I I__2095., Walkers foot nd music 'rshed by car AfterL Iyears, over -sem Uolman terrace1ý_ Our new 1972 Lawn-Boy models are bit just hIl our old unes. To last for yrars. And notu, yoo bave a choice of oew Super CD Serins solid state igoition Iodl No cnet on condenser problents. No breaker points to cause trouble. Witb biggec ossffos ... morne power. Sec thisen ood new Deluxe "MAG" Series-wt t neir fantous Lawn.Boy eolgine (only 3 ntoving parts -fewer ponts no wcrn), their clog-fnee gnasocatcisens, and wltisper.quset oper- ation-atyourndeale. Whch venntodel you buy-years front n0W yo0011 kaow li wa worth t A Id,' 11* n *,,» .laWfl-B@ .In. 0ON GARAGEoDM Durs o Monday. -Alis to checks serice. lent troi applinar leu diste saol thse ctsecket -Del further contrael reconstI lon, ni ut. Co adveri reurtion -Hei cnvent Village Renne 1 McGeai Pa re> executi -LMa recon sis-c s rnici iza11on, Mouici Aulisur: -De, recont -Api Use t lo bsorder ouug -AsI lus ne bas uop -Ag repes cofer Cuor yen pe repre5 -Nu lugged April. -Lt natsor lands nuprut lot Gît Hbghs aI a neuda -E prolbs polie lon a Halu, luslay -A prupe by Ju -c 12: a te o tee