Orangoville Raceway 1FIROT RACE-I ae -fUS 2 Areibr Merlu -J. Radcliffe iwi raskeo-5 Mesutt Snon ey-j Fus 2 ruigr les. Ooeý« aie. 4 Sienmr Orosp-C. Lousme 3 Me . Atonnrey-J. 5<eluee 5 Paulio' Tory- O es O Speing Chrirs-S. Hic OStreuRi k Sîr-Crcees 5 Parieîuorkî-M Mocisrk 7 M.ddrorî Bere-Kopies Oiantr MrO ACus 5y 9 OCrAs 7 Kiwi Oueyo-'L Mastic O riO Ar. ror- Arriur-W irriru 1 lio, 1 Secod Ooe-1 Mlile st-353 urolso Seiond tlsH double Quiserro Or Hrers .-O ie ý1Juis PerdeR risr 2 Cisybrosir Marss-A. Nickel OCerurit.uee Campbell 3 Oies Ses-C. ArebdekOr 3 Mereo'sirýd-Wer Trry 4 MosOeoro-B. sosiaa SOr Sdrsrd Pck-J. Robinson 5eOeMeOobb-R, Gines 5 Casa Le-r Somruîi l 6 Karen'. soesrrse-W cokme 6 0ryhsrudlrshbLor5Ufbec 88 - .errr te SPlrroG. LusO AS-Ose.ris Milk M.id-J. Le AS-Ouuriurýds AurB M. suo, will ASirfetie Isostiof a oÇ7 ode oas ICK iE -,4 ef'O M %t osOÂ 11 ý HOLDING TWO HORSES at boy us Mire Charges for horsebock rudmng ors $3 for on Cvj5ltkOvich part oweuer-operotor of tse new hauor, $0 for 20 nutes. (Phoftuiry D. O'Reilly) hors coneesso oit KeLso Conservaionu Areo. New operator atr Kelso horse riding concession Visutors to Ketss Conservation corral a1 tfe Rest ecorer of lire Woodbridge. sirere mosl of rire Ares Abs ire 10 maire lire Roy Parir. Charges for ridlsg wll ire anoomais corne front. Rogers wiH ire airte lu fulfit Ieir f3 as boue, $1Ilor 20 pniules. If reguofar patrons are airle lu wishes is sommer. Front ranch treao the borses rn a capable and Tire borsebanir ridisg Most of tire worir uf sarieuf for bond massner, tbes lirey nIl ha concessus s uieiogrLedib tiretersmnfwltir b e Mir.e abrleto rideuire anmato wilirery terses aud foor pa lil uie Cvjetenirho a aiuefinng lire availairle for riding. concession witirCol. Albert Gtrero The concession ho open svery Trie hoses ors ireiag irept in a of lire Circle M. Raser ho day uslil Lahar Doy. Bill Doole buys Erin w..kIy THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 'Sire sale ol tire Erin Adrocale, lousded ho 1800, ho arnouseed iry Atasosusd as Second C'irorles W. Hul., lirird geseralios ofthOe Hs0l family 10 poirisir lire close Mail sseekly nespaper.Tire purciraser isW.E.l(Bill)lOrIe of Terra Cola, Postal Registratios long-Oirne pobisirer of lire reebly Brampton Conservator sud its Norber --0913 successor, lire Brampton Doity Times. Tire advocale cirange of usuesrsirip la effective JoIy t. Mr. Holl, assocîaled nir lire Adrocalu ehore firis "prister's deuil" trapprenlicesiripl -days ho 1942, wil deole firis boIl tirne lu otirer buess oluerests. Ourisg lire years, Cirlrie iras teuuned fls irsud lu Iront oIlice or iracir sirop. lu sers. adverlfisg sud aurosuliot. iriserpesoieesae'oralsadoqalahmh D O M I. -Quel Friday" tes les iris ndfe Freda.22 ouls rslired uso years ails [rom lire Tiromon organrioalios, wlscir operated lire Brampton senspaper, furmerty a Cirartero pui- cation, asd iras sior tees riir thue facuutty of joursaison attre Qakr- ville campus of Shreridan cournrndty eollege. "tl 1000 couutdn'l stay yoUr O o igl away rom tire weely sewspaper irrnesi--my lirait lors," Bill said, sund, trn partîcutarly, fond of iuis part of Osnrio. t tepe lu denote ,h*0gjquorter fi sons spore lunre lu, conservation efforts and nul continue as cu- chiran of tire Terra Cots and District Preserrao Cumnuoitee." He lugas iris corser os a fg--oeei copy luou othue Toronto Star sud iras worbed ho rarioos editoriat capacities os thue Star dadly asd weekly, tire Vancouver Sus, asd on Canadiaeu frinter sud Puuirisirer. o One of a series The people who service what we sel GERRY SCHENK lires working oith cars and for 20 years that's suhaf he's becs doing. Gerry has f0 years service wlffu fhe Trafalgar feaco. Prior fo fhaf Gerry workeof in Blenhelm. Preparing your car for dellnery is part of is work. Gerry and hils onife and farnlly live in Kingsleigh Court. Lef us fuse-sp pour car flOW at àA M1A 11 l MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369 SIates Attorney ees i Cureoy 000e-O Ousies 2 HA.s Bel-R O brsett 3 SuAis Ouu5es-5R Wupee i Ogden Vulley_ N 000e 5 Caeu-D 1iredsae o Svioruru e aGrl-A. Shpelu 8i Rob O Erou. les 9 e P,,],rurO Bure StINH RACE-r silo parcSil $1 IwreuOoo oOeu Tire Ciramin, Mitn Ont Ov Wedneoday, M "y 2d, 1972 5j Five fire calis - none serlous BUY OR LEASE Fuse lire alarme; wers received by the Miton Fiee Departimeet durisgrthlrstolees, reports Fie C'iolA. C. Cleoresl A grruîtire o FrriaYorred1 on ùuLrri.rrrdlanr 1 >iu ifi lRai]mrrv rprorty rO 10 sidevvoad Conouesîvo. Tiress no darmage caused reports Ciemen. Os Sarorday lîrefigirrers er reqouired tu douse a lire ,shieh wa uo reisg a pile of fenus rails ali thejunelion of ronte 0Siad Souries Ave. EsOolrated darnage sud tire cause of the fire ore no0 bowoo. A propane gos lear or lire borne of Mike Souiri 2648 Louer Base LUne, Oubville wus the A VEGA origis of second olorm on Sdturduy. Tirere wus no0 darnuge. Firr in tek A ruobinh lire in ther' er uf a iri1 Oi,,1i k o Mý filo lie das rxtiguuiruruury ilon ire- Battire th oner unus nul acadairle ai press lune. Os Tuusday orniouo liremen weecalled ou0 ru lire Coravon Reustaurant sn Milton Plues on -Peuple iruy Tire Cirampion ro i uîd,' andrled Tire Cirampion lu boy. Fromn Richardson Chev-OIds Mt. 5100RD RACE-I ale lae $ieo0 a Jeannie Cose-L rrllsos O SneOl-C .MoSsighr O irle o-S Houstorn 6 Dae iosRie . rriss r Seyure JSnir-O Ceose O Tureour Ob5. ý.Lipsetr 9 Muaie-C haubrt OS-Ens noie-O. Ooene FOURSII RACE-511 ie pee-S500 Ouimel r Core Herber-L. Orsor 2 Snu Sione-A. Niekel 3 Mîusre Love Sur-O. Chantiee u Sigsee Mo-Wr Troe aoedorL C. Ceos. 8 Captain Sua-C. bossue FIFTR RACE-I slîe n-SIMO rbbo sue w MRoison 2 Mil rue . Core-.Oei 3 rmiroeeeet-C.Moesonii nose r ob ree SIXTH RACE-I sîle cs $1,00 States Attorney Selle0 Esape onac Kawskthswled KELLY'S MOTORCYCLES 3 RESEARCH ROAD BRAMPTON -o, 1 Hwy. Oeseoeha PHONE Aoc 459-1213 GOOD SELECTION AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW Leasing is Easy 1EXAMPLE, You can lease a Vega Economical Too lffle as- $8 0er ot Pre evoers a todoor equiped with atmarin dachonar6iotherm Althe endOf 6OIthS you cr, bo y the c n duplyu e suSp0a ts tire purohase price, We need used cars hîglr trade-10 alloeuaece foi foui pissent cal if fou boy, or oe'il boy four car outright if fou want lu lease a Vlega. JACK ~ * HV RICHARDSO OLD KAISER house sudung ... for lire ALUMINUM corefrcc ircoufy cf it. Enrircesony hme, c oid or nw srArro, wood frone or rici ONEVER NEEDS PAINTuNG .20 VER GUARANTEE a CHOICR 0F COIOUR'S ANS FINuSHES LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS a Aluminurn Door- * Combination Windows asu *car ports e Aiuminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 845-0318 OUT-OF-TfWN IOSTOMENSRION 188 LLERT yo Ask about our backyard aboya the ground pools only £995 and 119.95 Make Milton Dominion Hardware Vour Pool H.odquorters ,vif ------------------ Ontrio St. Cause of thre alurtn wm brrong gesuseon asoe, bol thrirunu o décnage. [.7. ureQ ~OPTOMETRISTj BU5RLfAGTON MAIL jELHNE 63277881,>