'Ps ay 27, Zampleg. Camping anas Co.; tg, lente, J camper e U.S.A., 1 Susan llnwling s Man - Stripe 2augs - E CED Ics .2 Samne memisers ut Huttan Regian Conservation Aulisarity teel tise Auisorly's t'rogram la chsage lise Sistrea Mile Creais, as il wmnds theaugis Muilatai a monerete Iued cisanel lacis la aesisebe values. Oakivlla memuisr Kelly Newa naid ha teudad lu agree mils lise ounseasusuaf mant' la Miluon misa shewed lise chanssel p.-egeam un attarde. "ln Mare ast' mat ta fiat aeaiasd Mhia, parhapn nlraigisten oul the ornais and miaorce ita hanta?' ha ansed. Ask engtaeer Ha mas dieecting hla questaon nsaisly at M. A. Macreli, tha AuI.tys. ensginering monsul- tneia aneauiv al ai MeAth il nfouna' hiacKel gave Little support la Nawaspraposais. 'Iliela Math aeslhis Lue, and vie have enamusad tha ides of asing rocs lillad hahians." MacKrall said Mhe crues ueclluaal ares ai Mhe creeiss foued plain wasn'l mide maougs la permit Mae use ai gahions. Tise angusne saldt grammeg HRCA to le channel 0F urbisain waaid maha misis os Mhe creis taugher if naMlangf a dose ut lise preseat. Duriag tise course of tise meeting, esecutîve memisees uppeavedi tisa aupanditura ai $46.500 lue design plans tue Mae channaiaatian prugrana. $68.50 cai A Buetasgtas lIeal, PhifiOpa Planning and Ensgaseering LîtI. Lu prepaeing tisa danignn. Tisa $40 5W figure la split ansongMth Menaý sectlins ai the Sixtn Mlle Ceanisas il flao Ilseaugis Milton. Can af design plana lue Mae arma lesua Martin St. ta Mhe MilI Pand lalat ara $12,00. Design aupeadituras far tisa W. D. brancs i a ofh rnais f ram Mhe Cassadian Pacifie Railmat' tracis ta tise Cunadian Natianal Rasîma t lacks amnat ta $98110. $,9,050. Plams lue Mhe area fram Main St. suuM ta teMnilItun tannage Plant milI mai $250010. Thse AuMorltt' mill maise an applicatioa luhe province for a grust oi 75 par cent of Mne tatal muti. Tsehbalanewlllhamadn up isy Mhe AuMaorit' 'ngage praiser A Toranta mas, Haret' ]Bustier Maougist il mas a goued idea culn mat' ha doing apprainal maris for autaîdeisalpaon Mhe clsannalizaton Mhe Haltua Raîlas Cansuervation prajeet. He salit il had hemn Authaait"s design plus ta diflicult isavlag general managea teansfarua Mae Sixteas Mile Canais Murt' Stepise du Mae aris as iota a cancee cisannal mhaaa il Mhe peagram, 'as fue as Dr. flows Merougis Miltas. Martin la imvalsed." At an asecutive meetingof aihM AuMaority Thuandat', menahars De. Carl Marlin is an AuMaarity asised gesaral manager Muerat' mamhr miss amnu land n Mae Staphas ta mette Hutlar ta see if harst phase ai tise cisansalizatin ha mue avaîluiste for Mhe tas. pragcum, bsut han aenistad Huatler bas marisai for tisa campesation altars made te hl AuMaelt' la tise pat. is the conservation body. L Outaldaisalp Tise AuMaritt' aluela tesifs ta Vîce-chia. of tise oanduct a searcis fue nalicitorsufor AM ilAlas Wright, said ha Mhe paateum. Ask chance to explain creek channelization Haitos Regon Conseration Eecutise menahars ai Mhe Auhor it' dams sot maI ta gct AuMaori It Mugit it mue a gaad sisal" uit durisg a prapased idnp tauattendMte meetingaonMth meeting luIoen memisers ai tisa coadition tisa autharity's AuMaritt' and a Milton Cittaena a- gaas.aaaun .M, A. Coummittee. a - MalKcp%,11 tpepgiiaSojpe AlanWrIgb Mhe acans bale r = igi Vice-chuirmue aftMe AuMaorlt' Mettait. Alun Wrightl used tise tara Geseral Managar Murrat' sisat' ut an esecatve meeting af Stephan mus ausaed lu montact Mae Mae Authoritt' as Tiusuaut, aflter cammîtlee ta sie if Mb condition a Ieter ws rad tram Mas. Anse eus acceptablte. Aulhist' Ptllcat asiîg Autisaaitt' mehru aise mant.tha Tueudat', repasetatives ta attend a pubic Mat' 30 date changed ta 000f- meeting os Mhe chanseliaatias nsdat', Mut' 31. peagras lar Mhe SLxtees Mile Tise paapased meeting miSl ha Canais in Miltas. hald wn J. M. Dmt'es Scisnal. Chaumas of Mhe Authist', Besîdes auitisaitt' mamisrs, Haret' Humptets seemed pua- repeesestativea tram the uled ho Mhe contens ai Mhe latter. province are anpected ta hae as *We'e anît' doisg misaI Miltan 0usd. Caailmwasts usta do," hae said. Tise tanst phase ai Mhe canais "But it'a ose design," inter- cisasseliautios pragrami la jected Gakvdle memiser Kelly usetluled te hegin Mhis srne New. an Mhe ares, tram Main St. saaMh FRUEHLINGSTANZ COME TO OUR DANCE, ENJOY G'EMUETLICH KIT AND FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS. SATURDAT. MAY 27th '72 8.30 p.m. NICK OSBELT'S TRIO val singing star Cael Schrapp. s Milton, Union Hall on Pine-S A & W FOOD SERVICES 0F CANADA LIMITED 011ers yau a profifable drioe-in restaurant franchise. Opportunily an MILTON If o are an aggressîoe businessman with a desire lo be je business for yoursell and willing fa inoast s40,000 la $50,000, A & W will prooide meal esfale and markset survet' assistance, as weli as prooes successful methads of aperalion. Phane or write todat' for an informative information package la FRANCHISE DEPARTMENT, 2810 VICTORIA PARK, SUITE 113, WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO, TELEPHONE 416-493-5770 Authorît member asks if 'ceek can be saved F MILTO DRU * s MILTON YOUTH COUNCIL expressed ils uppraciation lu Mhe Oplimist Club of Miltan last weak, for tise Imant' man-haurs oi warl tha Opimmsts have givan ta Mhe YauMh Cauneil's cailea isonse projeet. David Iapif, lait, and Boy on bike injured OSD bus in collision A naves-yeaa-ald hat' mas isjuied Satuadat' mn lise bsict'cle hae mus alding mas lavalved ina collis mîM a car n MiII St., repart Milton Police. AnMant' Oldesisal af Taronte ma luises ta Milton District Hospital far treatmeat and eleae. river ofMte carwas G. Bradfard Clamants of RHR. 2, Milton. Thsa Oldessots were visitisg relatives an Mill1 St., Mhe scese ut Mae accident. Damage ta Mhe bict'cla mus $10. Tisera mus no eepaated damage ta tise Clamants' sahlicle. Stadantaihurt Tma studeats of tise Ontario Scisool far the Deut receiveil miaulr ijuries, mises Mhe scissol bsus as ehicis tiset were passengeasmuasa.Lvlved la a twu veisicle accident an tise grounds ofthMe sehuel, as Ontario St. Operatar af tise schuel isus was Eiln WesMhaver af Campisell- ville. Tise mnjuaed pasuengean, more John DoyLeand Robeart Welch. Drivera Math car isvotved Mhe CPR andiftram Man St. mest ta Martin St. au tise wst isacui ufthMe creeis. Milton Cousicît han gises tise authist' Mhe go-aisead an the pralect. LooI Thin Brian Green presenteal a plaque to Optimist vica-president Marvin Sine ut Thuesday's Oplintsnt Cluis meeting, on bhali ai te Yaats Couancil. (Photousy J. Di11sf seisuel bas mus $100; lu Mae 00114180 veiîla $W. Police aise repart a mincir accident an Tisat. Estimual damage wus $100. was Douglas Wilding of Oakvilte, a memiser of thse G.SI. staff. -Use Champion classifieds ta Estimated damage ta tise by and sell. HOMEOWNERS TON 00 -Z '50,00I Obtain~~~~~Fs aitiscshyu e a reuc ou.55 ensbya muhahi 2881 Wa d dor 3 De,gaon -s esetras. Cait 0pm t oay o eptl Aorteose vie .omts 878-4521 "SERVING THE COMMUNITY"' Us NOW OPEN IN MILTON PLAZA SHOP CONVENIENTLY FOR YOUR EVERYDAY DRUGSTORE NEEDS OPEN EVIRY EVENINO MN."- FRi. UNTIL 9 P.M. Watch for our officiai opening MAKEVOUR - UmuuC3 I~ ~ iCHOICE EARLV Y TDP MENTr STORIE ***IIen Day ta0 Thar sy and Friduo ta 9 P 20n MAIN ST. MILTON 878-9261 obituorv The Chsampion, Miltos, Ont., Wednosday, Muay 24, 1972 3 Mrs. Jean Louise Vello aedr Joanne Louise Vella, 19, died planned ta relues lu Cansada Adanaislnq 5P*ciathits suddenly ut saisiraI cuses la saortlt'. Me. Veaa ie as living la Business GifNs Sydaey, Austruhua an Mat' 15, Caaa Pnns, pencls, isalos keyy 1972. the was ia ber 200h t'eue. Mrs. Vella rested ut tise cases thersameters, ls iShe Issocivcisbyhlerehussusd McKeroîc Fuserai Home on narea shtays John of Agîscoort, also her locaîiay and requiem muass a 5 r ,00 itemocncs acoIabn ail paretc so .ad Aphonsineat Hol, llou.cy ChurchWeil- Lccoîoood Coh cii' Tielemuons, sistero l,oreuîne, oesday ooraîog. Intermeat was massage. Lo uisu, Luretta, Yvnee aad wn Evergreecn Cemeteet'. Dominion-Ad Francine asd braIsera JaseptsPouh aad iLunes, aS, fram MUtas. Po u Tise Vellas haif maneil ta -Gruaus i geamiag qumcily Mbi RO DWNS 878.4163 Australia wn Augus hut had sprig. Dandeis, tua. NTr _______________tA