U iThe Champion, lton, Ont., Wededay, May 24, 1973 People say service là; handy Riding the town bus isy Dan O'Reilly "Tebus usautaisnanti an anruroielime urleduie I rus took oui usy hart huchen vîudou and tl vhuî tie il lu," steles Mes. J. J. MeCarron af 384 Mouti- viea Or. Milto. The lady's staleusent i susevt ofla irisat la Multent seiy tevn itus ternira, The han ise, tnugurted in Fttiruaey. is operaedisy the Lewis fusily of 9 Hesiop Rd. Tova ieausporolioo is provided viith a 10 posuanger Ford van of 1961 nintege. Bus ternýeira provîded ta Mitaoins trous Wtdoetday te Saiarday betveen the hours of 9a.s. and 5 pus "Seneral usernisants tld as thal Mseday and Thesdays vert doack days feribusisess se use decided not la sporule thse vn on lisn dayt," esplis Mes. Irene lewis, visa vus her isushand Daond Levisand pari lune driver Jon Srtdt. operaies lte bus. Seedu drives tht isus frous Wtdoesdoy ta Feidoy, ecepl dsning taon hour visen Mes. Lewis relienes hue. On Soiurday Me. and Mes. Levis uplil thse day's drivnl dattes halvean litusseines. Muin sp Tht "Grand Central Station" oI lise hos tint is te Milieu Post Ottice. Seeda pis uop lise lieut passeogers of lise day titere. Fesse tise pool office, lise bus buran lett ai Miii Si. aid follovn a a'inding route tiseouns lise western portion oI lava vn lte aras ai John, Parise, Huslop and Meadovitrouit Ste. During lte alteenseis hurt, lte vais usahs tlate tips la Misisn District Houspitl, t1a ltlle aller2, 3Sand 4 pus. Aller sernirag lise ventera isalf of lie commuaiy, lie vn moites a trip hart lalte urus af tise pont affine. Frous isero il leontis nonsh up la Muctin SI., nattîng theougis severul side streets la Steries Sve. aid Ihen dova Ontario St. Ai lise jonction af Mals aod O)ntario St., lie bus laites a rigit jauni, dovo lthrougs lise nonstorinai sectisn af lava. Il lisen proneedu suat hy vay of Chartes St. aid pictu up passeugers in lte sultaeru arcu id lava. An abmst omplele, uveep af Miltons, eust ond vest, surt and solth is rut isy lie vai. Titte of use roultous round Orip lu ona hier. Ois a lypîcat aficrisusu aiétéi titrer or four pasucogers ai aci* ime usay ba niding lte veiie for purposet of shopping expadilions, scial ooliugs aid *a seethod af toarnisclu la vont. A papulur destination for aima aI thseleavellero isMilais Distielî Hospitl. Utitizmng ltae itus laid Wedisuty aflemuon, May 17, vere tva part laine nurses, Mes. Anise Twist and Meu. Lersa Keres. Titey vere voraisg aI. terosifs tl ailthe insîttuion. A A fait lie nurse, Mes. Eifrieda Brynhus, vlasa sit cudcd ai 3 pus. caugit an aflersuai lus borne. Uses ber blhe Att titrer vomus have la devisa sitar usltods of transuportation vIsai lie Levis bus deeselt operale. "I aimellusas ride a bicycle lavnt u l itae uig ailes Mes. isrynus, vi:e g vont aI 6:30 au. Peines fer a one vay trip se ltae bus are 25 cents for adulis, 15 ceis for slodeulu and clderly rinient, and 10 cents for cildres. A unique situatios of pauseugeru vauting te pay more ltai reuard itou devcloped tarce lie service vas hure, repara Mrs. Lewis. Olusideula of lis Senior Cîlluens Building ulleioiy Canrti on Ontario Si. are enlllled la te 15 cmlt jure calher tan te regutar 25 cent charge. vorth quarter 'flic ieu t va derive frous te bus is vnrt a quarter,' lallovu a Hariossy Court ciizn, Mes. Oaisy MeLeau. Lest Wednesday Mes. MeLeas and seolter Hartosy Court rusideul, Mes. Nele Meclisos laut ad- maltaga of te bus in ardue lis visit a oint friand ai te huspilal. Asoîher friand, Mes. Edilth Poileras, vha vas an a btusiness oug, accompaiied teus for part allihe trip. isefora te bus service wsea put altoaffant, teladies vary seldous taSt tele apartuseote, lhey sy. Besides bisaig o malhod of Irumsparalion tebus rouibe used for social porposas. "We're hapisg ve'i find aimne gsed imitang mes on te bus," tubes Mes. MeLean. A usanis oune comusodity te lady von't ibety arquire on te bun, staes driver Serds. "Nisly nine par cnt of te pausesugers ae vousen," ha laimis. Waulisopens Windovu iteeds has deneiped aime af te insîde obsernations of people, tol lie puie armasses taxl drivers and han drivers posess. MlS. IRENE LEWIS Hesyumoul of lthe vomus 1111e lu asmohe aid la lseu la lte radio aid very rarely musn lu varus vealther, aill ltcy open lthe viudows, lt may have soeehiug lu do vils hairdrusuîug appolulucute," ha The Laiui van, colered white aid hiae, may have itacome suseahai of a famsilier Milieu sigit. One of lthe wayfarers ou lust Wcdisday'u beus wau a N1ew Canadien. The lady, paritapu Iteain, rouidisi seait Eisjlah, lut site as utll ale la mate ose af tise bus. Anolter Wediscsday pasueuger vus parlially crippled usais, vito Zsigt have hadlremedu dffirolly vihial lthe iservices of lte isus. Opcraliug a ows hais lune laselt eisaclly haeis a payisg venture for lte [cvis fausiy. Besidauthe lavis busihe [avises drive a itus hatvcus Milieu and iscamalea for lte beeitaifa fanlary worters. Pays foribtli The Brausalea rais, allthougit il tisait put the Levusus an eusy sireel, itrings ln enougt dividendes la puy hir ltae camuses ai halls bus services. "Tie lavis btssio a large esluslhigeson lthe sueus of lthe isramaiea rus," mishes Mes. Levas. Mes. L.ewis viteels lthe Bramaiea hus out of Milieu ai 6:i10cvery moriig frous Moisday te Friday. The vehiele lu a durit greens, 2f.'t affale aod loits nousevitiket a cmsinaiot tehlti bus and a charter vehiele. Tlht lady driver teket te Orausaica huA and icavus Milton agaus about 2:40 pus. in order la deiver afleernus shtift yankees ai ibeir jobt aid lu picit up peuple visa hune finished lte day shtift. lThe utu service lu maisly geared busuiness jui lime. for iudustrial worberu vituse day -isslt L auO té' lasajrum 7.m. la 3:30 pis. she Whe th luwssb MAftruoun vurbers, if lthey oaerate er asû oteiod té tient have lu vont overlitue, eau jauge interasi of Mllunaus anud catch lthe bas out of Bramalea lo obhiua experieuoed vewpli around trip s $i. The [avises ai lte inaurial ralities of lthe aiternate igit drivng trips. On pragraus. More tan haif of lthe the average aboaut 35 people a day six mot triai pansd is pusi, but use the Brasea bus. The balit Mes. Lewis refuses la make auy ai tiseu wark at lthe Norlseru commtuu au the hilare. lWe'd Electrir csmpauy. reparla Mes, hale la Iei aur preseat patruna Lewis. duvu." site says slncerely. Hoeafer fuhady Al af lte bus rideru, if la" Meanvhile, lie fulare of lthe Weduesday'a pasajager RU vu lava bus uervice lu aurerlau au au idicatio, wuuld lu greally, espeudilarea are mare ltau dislappuinlcd if lte baus service reluruu, uaya Mes. Lewis. Thse ceased aperaliaus. Fur mon, il t avuera are hspiug lthe lewis maytiar uy metd mue trmugh ith soaime farin of lrau sai. Be -e hctao saidy. Lewis juuithe procesfs î aIo Weeday's &rve~ applylug forua charter bus licence sjd us aulusu. "Ilsa a greal way4$ frais lie province aid if ha vis la view armas of Milton we'viv il, ha plans le ga iste the lais neveruseenhefore"St Notice te Proprty Owners DESTRGY WEEDS Notice is hereby glacis lu ail perseus lu possession of land ln accordauce with the Ontario Weed Cuntrul Acf, 1965, Sec. 3, 13 und 19, tai antans soxisos useeds grswiug su Iheir lands wilitIha Monicipalily of Borîlungon are desîropel by date of Jue 129h 1972, and ltrughoul lthe seassu, thc Muicipulily muay enfer apon said lands, and hune the meedu daslroyed, citurgiug t ha costs uguinst lte luud je lunes, us sel olt in lte acf. The ce nperaliou of ai cilizans is aruasl solicited. 1~ Br MEMOII squsa ce lianddil. tiru. Fa ruw lai Morley Frd, Jus MEMOR ineluded isday. R nlgit Ke Cross, R lmiers, Shirley Tilms, Mi MeCouse hatiday v -ters te te use ville Huer nieller on The 0113 district v MAI EX( Ci K Hih t LIMI liTAi MORN., Lovas Ph. P l'o -Tan De -Goseen i SEL Fi