86 Thte Champion, Milton. Ont.. Wednesday, May 24, 1972 Hornby Couples celebrate golden and silver anniversaries EnpoA Difficuit f0 control mushrooms in Iawns By Mms. fim Hamrilton The North Trafalgar Comunty Club iseld tiseir aoontly meeting at tise home of Mrs . Alfred McCracken on Wednestay evenief, May 1l, wait 21 memisers and 1010 fueutu treseet. Tihe meeting mas upeued mill lise Club Odie by lte pi-cuident Mrs. Gurdon Lesbie. Thte treasurer's report was presested by Mrs. Joe Samuat. Mrs. John tiasnah and Mos. Martin Godt cenducted lise annual plCtures, plants and auclioe sale. The cancer lkits voie isauded in by several otlthe wurers. A bus of frait was sent te Hugbi Bates ot lise Eigisti tiue,vhe iseun thse tînt telt. Thseauction sale raised M2.85 for lise Club Treasury. Au ad- ditienal $11. vas raised by tise sale ut rafle ticksets ou a beaublful sisawl crecheted by Mrs. Muytelle May mhist a very inlusirieus persan. Tise birlisday sauf vas song for tvo et lte ruembers, Mr. Anderson May and Mos. Rellie Salome. Tbe nent meeting yul be beld ai tise berne et Mrs. Juhn Cordiugley eu Wedoesda y evenitg, Jute 14, mth Mis. Je liameol ani Mrs. Jeu Saliba lu chsarge of the pregrain. Congratulatios te Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snelling inee Hamilton)i on tbe birto ethIeir daugister, Nicole Constance, 7 11e. 8 ounces, aI the Gabvile- TCrafalgar Memorîal Hospitl 12. A wee noster for Tommy Leigs and a wee grauddaugbtertfor Mr. and Mrs. Floyd HarmIten and Mr. and Mos. Onellîng. Golden weddlog Mc. and Mrs. Albsert Hanler et Norval, Mr. and Mm.' Deibert Dovus, Mr. and Mrt. Franks Peaceris of Milton and Gerald Carten ut R. R. 3, Milten, atlended Ohe golden wedig anîrversary ot tiseir cousins, Mr. and Mm. Harold Burisholder et Burbungton recenty. Get welwisises are extended to Oteve Tiencs Sr. mite s a patient itise Miltet District Hospital. uts mauy triendn wisb bon a tpeedy reconery. Anniversary greetings are exlended te Mr. and Mrs. Deug Conservation brie Groufing AI an esecative meeting et Haiton Regîon Conservation Auiberity Thursday, memburs -Learned tromn engineering consultant M. A. MacKrell tisaI construction et Hdlten Falls dam sbsdd be tiniubed isy October. A greuti pregrans, te seal leabo iu lte reservoir will bu compleled ia couple et weebo. said Mac- Kcell. -Decided te ansk Oie Public Relations Information Cenuttee and lise Personnel Cemnuttet te conduct a study on Oie need for a feil lime public relations oflîcer. The Authority ussally oires a public relations monter durîng tbe somme, muonths. 1 [.culîe, 1550 wil celebeate Oieir silcer anuîrersary May 28. Thte test ot visis are entesded te Deug and Adete on Oieir speciai occasion. tlet wellmisses are etended to Ebser Carton, mbu lu a patient in Oie local bospital. Mr. and Mrs.LiieRldg efthOe Mi01 Lis pn i veeisend aI RoietrNe Yerk, misere Oie Grand Olam Muartel trem Brampten were imvîted te visit mith Oiees. Desertiancheua Tise Eden United Cisorcs Wemen iteld a desert lascseon May 10 at 1.10 pin., mises 70 Ladhes mere mnvited domusiairs for a buffet luncis prier te Oie singing efthOe grace. Fuilowlng Oie luncb Oie ladies mere invited up steirs tu isear a very interesting program. il tealured Oie singîng ofthlie "Grand Siain Quartet- mici includes foar vomen trom tbe Brampton, Bramalea cisapter et Sweet Adelines. Mrs. Bill Hill mltroduced Mes. Helen Piaigist ot 1481 BarsisamOiorpe Rd. E., Oabille, miso is Oie pubicationa lady for tise Haiten Presbytery as voll as an elocutionist. Mes. Haîgist pal on tee monologues wtecb vere very amnsmng bo al. Mis. Edua Waite intreduced Oie guent speakser, Misa Nancy Brown, wbu is 20 years old, ut Grand Valley, tise nov Ontario Dairy Peincesa. Oie morte in Toronto ter Oie MiOi Markseting Board. Misa Brown visite cemmuities Oirougboul Gntario as part ut ber doues as tise Ontario Princesu. Nancy vas quite aI toerneat Eden United Cisarcs as tisere mere ocrerai ot ber relatives lu Oie crovd, inclsdîng Mis. Martin Treanor and Mrs. Mdlten Brown wbu are Nancy's 1010 grand- Followîng Nancyls taitl a second niser isy Oie Grand Slam quartet vas enjeyed and Mrs. %iib put on a shori sisit. Me.Ju .Crdîngley on beisaff the Eden ladies Oianised aI Ibuse wo teeS part in maiig tbe day such a uccess. Thanks s as estended te Mrs. Lena Hamilten new dam t.earned Oie Gien Eden Ski Arcu ut Kelso bad made 024,043.17 inceme over expendîtures dueing the sii -Heard General Manager Murray Itepsen say tise e concension operaters eit Kebsa Conservationî Pars. Canteen ut Canada bave paîd a rentel lee ut six per cent or $2,043.15 for Oie past season. Tiss vas $1,000 oe last scasan's figure, eemarbed Stephen. -Apprered Oie increase of ssrimng lesson tees at Kelso Conservution Area. Most of Oie new rates are only 75 rente more Oian last year's prices. MARet - End-OS TO SERVE TOU SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK Mapte Leaf S-P COTTAGE RGLLS 69Lb WIENERS 49Lb. Mapte Leal FRESH SPARERIBS 19Lb. LET US FILL TOUR FREEZER GNLY RED BRAND BEEF FRONT BEEF ..... .... 1b SIDE BEEF .............73,c, MIRO BEEF Rc and Mes. leusie Marshsall loi eeving Oie gue510 at the door. Eaehre Party The North Trafalgar Eace Gluis eld 01eir meekly ambre party on aturday nigist, May 20, aI tise NorOi Trafalgar Comaunity Contre. Tisere were mue tailsba of euctee lu play miOi Oie priaes gomng ta Oie tolluving wsunees tor the ladies, Mes. Olive Ramne, Mes. Gba Robin and Mes. Loua Reid. he gents jsrizms sere won0 by Cterie Trimisie, Gerald Teneycte and Wibeer Maon. Thse babky droms more mua by Tom Bromnridge and Mrs. Uivingsto. Scott Geerge Treaser mas teptiaed ity Oie Rav. M. Flint aI St. Poicr's Anglican Cisarcs, Ermdale, an liday May 14, aI 2.30 pin. Scottîla Oie son ot Me. and Mrs. George H. Treanor ut Clarteon. Me. and Mes. Garry Hamidton of Horaisy are Oie gedparents. Attending tise service and tamily dineer mas Oie grand- muohr Mes. Harold Cimzier et Derry Raad, Meadomoale, Me. and Mes. Garry Hamilten, Ken, Kendra and Kimmny. Newtansiy Tise May tarin on iln" Chuarcsill Bîrd. tes a tansly of foar 0001 is miu belong te Oie tamily guet Daisy. Tbey are tept marin iy isat lamps lu the barn mten Oiey are net eut lu Oie marin sant. Tise May tandly bure 15 goata and Dlusy lu tise family pet. Last year Daisy isad byve goals but tisey ail died but eue. [bey cali the gsate Liz, Loa, Kate and Bill. Misa Jean Goodteilom efthOe 1001 Uine tes iseen bonored receully by Imu sisomers priur lu ber cming veddiug. A tamlly sbumer mas bold recentiy and Sasan Lewis beid a miscelianeous sisomer at isor home ou Steeles Ave, on Manday eemg, May 15 for bloends and neigisters. The bride bo bu mas neated in ber chsair ot tenor visic van demorated miOli Plik, mauve and white paper carnations and pinS and visite streamers issng frein Oie cedling. A teautiaul but mas mode ut a rariety of colored ribtens and beys ity Ousan Lewis. Ttee înteresting cntesta more mondacted and mnjoyed isy ail. Pellommng Oie upening ufthOe gifta. Jean exteaded bier sluoere Oianbu-tealitforOieovey gite. A debicîus buffet lunchs mas served by Oie stes and ber daugister Sanan. Birlisday greetiaf s are mxtenddte lise toliomng miso are celeisralîng tiseir birtbdays, Brenda Lecisie on May 23, Lori- Ann Beeuey on May 25, Patay Rae on May 29, Mes. Jacks Milier an May 31 and absa Ricisy Tailyn. 27 YEAISS 0F TEACHING lin Nasangaweya Township mlt end in Jtene ieen Mms. Florence Parsons of Canspisetlle retires. Broolcvle Scisool principal Robert McCaw (leit) presented tise popular tenciser wits a puise on tesalf of Oie staff, aI a staff dinnor lant weeit, Her hnsbund Ed Indes oie at righL Mis, Pansons taugist masnly et S.. No. 6 (Kebe) Motorcycles may race Preridlug neressary approvate Otcksets are on Bait are furlbcomîng, Milton lu Mdlto. Cominanity Service Clubs mlii Iair grunds Aug. 13. lO A Streetevîlle club tnomn as Ville Rîdiers In erporated mode repeesentelîen at 11e mieeting aiof Oie service cluits May 17 and_ enPlained Oiey bad iseid races bin T Belleville, Tîllsenburg and M Peterburugh. The club aiso dîscausced progresa of plans for Oie Jane lu CAMPUJ Tommy Hanter shov and dance 8 4. aI Mdlten Acens. About i,5eou By Burke MeNel puesonceofu variu aizos and sapes et maumuso bn poar Yard? Moist and maol manOier candiians anei bo bcbng Oies, Plants an lise Oie pbague. Muabrooma grue in sal onbinbng hegs ansoania ot or- ganie malter. Tise destructian ut Oie enu trees isy bains obus diseaso ban contrisated te Oie JI pirosonlproblion. Remnsoof t-ee atanpu and mots in Oie bmwn comlicate tise muabran iiem. Au il durayo Oie mand, urgantc malter turnes and Oie in0srouma beln b repredure Moobranins ao plante mono front Place bu placo isy means ot spores. Many ofthOioe apures land lu areau Oiat are net mat fur 01eir gruets. Bat once Oiey fzd! an ideal anvironent, opaws or mycelitm le prodsced. Tise buat abuso spent monne lime ait Mlo Hiaghts0 spamn cvcntaally prodaes P.S. and for tise past oeven years hai n on~ musirsana, ebîcs in turn Oie staff at BrooicvMle, ding Grade g and Prudace spores. speclal education mort, Fuilewlag Oie staff TieDie evesially duinr a ope hose as hldThe mashrooms secrete dinnr a epn ioun 018 Cill vieil iany nzymessmiics breakth Oiergai frein Oie commsnlty came to puy inlisiate te elemnt nta baIsaan. Oure Oie her senris (Phsotoisy R. Downs> erganic malter ba broises domu an Oiat iare are ao nabrionis lft, lai 32 location, »ORE LVIII 2years or 24,000 miles warranty. BRAND NEWWITH 1600 ccengine V@LKSWAOIENS (Nodownpavelifysqualify Volkswagen Service and Warranty Repair Ser ,iceDept.g > Thtr to9'pM. Fecuts7aî%iso apporielment Hqhrs 1rdý m 0 alo.ne any used cr Oie musonns die. Tise preseaceof ut er foma of organite malter saris as isigbly organie sal, bsriedmanod or aOier forers et plant materlal cen lead bo a msteoni prablans. Mthougs Oie muabreoi look very aadeslrable, Oiey wi10 001 buri the ben. fliere arc nu cisemical contrais for mntaninsr. Certain crnidat miii barn Oie mustrosa off, but nov plants miii sprlng op overniajt. ila besi te continaily nom the inoons off bo itean Odm ander cantrol. As Oie enviruamont chsangen (mod compioteiy derayseor Oie 010001er iseconses dry and marin> Oie maubrans 01111 disappear. Complote eliination of Oie mnlsors cant bu accomplsbod by reoarng Oie souarce et erganir malter bn yanr sal, bn mont coses, 011, peonedare lu inac ta laburilan and bnvoiees a onpetc renavalian of Oie yard. itl b adelisase Oiat one latte a "Patience Phll and malt fer Oie cniisg cnitios bu change and Oian climnate Oie msaieoin's groiog envirunasit. ORDER TOUR '12 B -ALER MWINE REQUIREMENTSINOW!I FRON MASTER FEEDS (STEWAITTIWN) MASTER Ni oo SAFe"o"BLER TWINE MASER a. SALER TWINE QUANTITY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE We have good supplies on hanai and feel that aur price ls rlght. Give us a cail - we wlt isold your needs. Check our prlces befor. you buyl MR. FARMER Now is the turne ta be thinkîng about spraying the weeds in your fields. Contact Master Feeds for your requirements today. Amine "S8I" 2,4-6 1 gai. - $530 Embutox (2,441.1.) 1 gai. - '1290 (Trafoil & Attalfas) &mine "980" 2,4-0 5 gai. - 024111'i killex Turf Hlerbicide 1 gai. 2102' Ir.shkil "84"1 1 gai. - $S10 NOP.FA. Amine 1180", 1 gai. - $640 5 gal. Il3025 ê Master Feeds, Stewarttown have a complete lune of Green Cross house & gardon weed and pest coeotrol chemicals. 40 per cent Chlordane Emulsion a oz. ilt (Pest Coetvol - ants, spiders earnifs, etc.; Deriton - 1lb. US' S Dog & Caf Repellent Granules -21b. $2"@ Fruit Treills Gardon Spray -lib. 82"9 Gardai Rose spray -Io,. 826# Kiliex Weed Killer -16o2. '238 Rose Dust (Squeeze Duster) -Oua. II Vegetation Kilier Liquid -fln'. '2"@ (Pence lUnes & dilsewaysi Weed-No-More (2-4-D) -éas. qe" COs. in ani isous yeur lawn & gardon prehéiem with the friendly staff ai MASTER FEEuS, We have moisi mers items. MASTER FEEDS ARE Rentai Services OFFERING AU. IN STOC WE HAVE AVAILABLE PRESSURE SPRATERS FENCE STRETCHER LAW . eER Fertili Milto a StulI an d lertdiied ts week, and tl a foot on tise Tiiey bloc Fari is fi whi do by < FARMIN aseiane- tracter. prosasy Canada t aeriai sp pubse an I OPT Au2 Wedne Nws the tne rto paint your swimn>jg Pool And StClair has the Ilgh paint .at the right pijce -White $ Lae..yU InSt. Ca ir' S t.Po Lake Blue ~ Paint Apleswt 7 9 %5 r orbush.Cooers -Aqua0f ta 200 sq. foot n 'Aqua GAL 000 hsurfaces (1f n 7 GAL.rougsi oles In 4-6 St. Clair X>hI 19 stores to selve your Decoratiog Problemrs and save Yeu Money FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING AND DECORATING NEEDS. .. MILTON PLAZA 1416) 878-2629 WEST END MIEAT MARKET M n ii NM T 81M 6VI 1