Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 May 1972, p. 13

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cer, the topo rcasas far the ga cos kmjt a lemting ait t ast ail llooe etc livs :m 7'i Slia oppeattn umensl. O0~ w lnd c tri.0 Bal t0ic lma Petyste ecoer hod reimlna>,y seerning thc gel. Pc*'aI mcdules ara a eIder dmn t end sp , ft lemer snllq, Ne bt, HANS iac catit for and cash- s att ccdy TO mrgebx NISSAN Wtat do pou thiot stonti te isce Mi the Brace St. Soot mtcn i etoces in Jase as asochoot? That's the tint Mf question monoe astei a fom people sont aottiag secoos ho have emorgei tat 5surprise ttey stonti te astet. mhe scoi Mf course cosetuica is service as a ctosl at the cnof Jase. Haltos Coastp Board Mf Edacation tas decideit it isa't acorai tccping opens a actasat, soi the 1t-pear-oti buoildiatg iso't mot fixing. Loot mosai Bruce St. principat Stan Stepteri astot tais stadens tuh jot dama their ttaaghto os mht s oal happese hte actool sni thc land mten the istitution closes. Ttscir asmers proi thc question, "mht s outi te danc" la a aioogtt-pronokiag ose. Some mouli lite ta, sec s recreation camplos, same staicots atresci the reed for more sports for girls, and as orena, part, tennis ecsartsan o asehall ficlda-mtcre ahso saggcalci tp the stnts stteoiog Brucel St. hodoy. Seneral monti lte ho secsa memnorial roirn or satue stte site, if aie achoot la oser tors doms. Milton Commsoaitp Service Clabs organizatias tas iho oye os the Bruce St. praperty for o site for ttcfr civie romples--aresa, smimmisg poot soi rommoaity rostre tuiling. Hato toms streamn as mcll. Otiectors to, Oie plan sec aie atmaam teisg conserted tho as unapacaliag cemeat ditet, vsii of asttetie qualities. Ttcp maishtoi thre choanet tas tees deaitoci ho carry as asrcaliscalp tcavp flow Mf mater actiet tas neeositatei aie ceosent linint. tnan5 attempt ho, hrisg togetter the divergenat vioms, miai ievetopmcsnt avertooco, a groap Mf citieos is trpiag ho tather hogotter ail aie iccisios- matera iovolvei ho coplais thc prujeet soi asmer Oie questios setiet tare desetopet. At atate is aie kid of atrcamn m mill tare for geacratiana ho lise sear or te tout ai. tt stouti te as opportsnitp to otot asmmera ho uaserci qucstios if people acto tare, get tovotved ooougt ho, attend soi conecraci csostt ho express opinions. Est MPP Jios Som came ast Mi a suggestion it wonti mate asi ideol site for s large comptes Mf senior citiocos tcusing, tecasse Mf its close prasimity ho shopping facilitica. Weid bite to, toos out sootter suggestion for the aId actant. We foot it souMit te more spaciaus, more central orai ciacatios centre for Oie tanMf education. tta preacot facitties at the aid Miton Hcigtsho ool are rmpcd soi the Milton site mouli offor mare sivntages soi space. No matter mtat happeses ho Bruce St., whtacaer it continucs ta or sot, it is lime Milton Couneil toat a tact tard tout at the site soi came ap Mi sm suggestions for ils future. Disposat Mf tire achool came ap Mi mme suggestions for ia future. Disposal Mf tire actool and Oie tand are aie teard of education's respassitilitp tut a suggestios froam thecltao coSoscit may carry corse mcight If aie actout ener doca came doms over s ccotury Mf memarica MiIl came dams Mi il. Hapcfatly Oie board il erect s saihttbe cairo os Oie site ho cammemorate aie part the actool tas ptsycd in the lifestyle Mf Miton for these 115 peara. me aid tel] mhoch siho stop the octoat acauli maie as idoal What do pou aiol? Commevntlng brie fiy Ttero are 300 farni operahora in the Township Mf Esqaostog, tut tom msoy Mf ttemt are "truc" farmera? A surey soiorhtose darisg the pat Moatcr ty Maltas Fedoeratias of Agriculture shows ttat aMly 159 (a little more thos taIt) more fuîltlime formera Mi no ottor rogalar occupation. Anattor t1-t more port tise formera mha tave mnotter soarce of iscame tesiios fsrmi mara; soi 37 more tacsn oonrs mte ooty lise ttcro and base the tandtuh samoso ote. VouSI note thot aie part time farmors and sas-fsrmisg i'esiiosts formna granp alcast eqal 'in ourater to Oie foit lime formera. It stoms a pressilisg tr-coi in Oie soth Haîhos ares. Ttc sitatios is morse in Oatvuile soi Sarlisghon - capocts dlaim, ttore sre mare farnas omosci hp spocalahors ani part lime formera thon faI timers. Miltos Post Office emplayoca almapa complais actes mc cite slow postal service in ttcso colamns. "Wtay dont o tollthae people actes pou otico somo fast service," thcp alaap ssp. Otap, mo'l tolt pou. Mapor Scias Seat sapa tais parens got aicir Choampios delinorci ho Eoglasdinh ateut la dap ost Mf the lime, tut recostlp it tas heco srring ho atout 0000 isys. Ttc neseapers geingtho United Kingoo go nia ses mail bti ais poar thc Post Office decided tho ftp ouca mail if thero lsans spare cargo spore bn as avorsas plame. Ohviouslp mome Mf Ttc Ctampions tane tees gottisg aicre tap air, some of the lime. SMitctiosg office tours from aie Mid 9-5 routine ho 8.3 - 4.30 for Oie oummor montho soumda lite s go-est ides for tise omplopeca, tt Mil give aicos a toager cvcnisg dacing ttc gooi-wathcr mootta, Bota ttc Departmeot of Agriculture soi Font office and the Haîhos Caastp administraion staff are ctasgig tsars aui sammoer. Asiottor assignoi lotter arrinoi st moot. If "Cascorsei' acta is apset ateat iota casstog Incise, MiI visit Ttc Champion ant sigo hos or toc nasme, the tettor Mil te putaliataci. Lottora ho Oie editor cas te priato it Ma a nom-do- plame, tut ttc odihor mast tnaac the idonlitp af Oie moiter. Wo thinkth aienestmosnt posot people mraite in lime soi effort ho proitaco s pIay or attor stage tarosestalian la ose Mf the mast Wosrtha- otite ttoy'ltrmaite. i dues smotaiog foc poise and confidence aoi il atmo gises ttomi an opportamty ho tcsr the ring af approning appauso. The presentalion last moot b thOe Grade 12 atudons at Milthos District High Sctaosl Mf 'oisnight tirs. Puffin" iosore largor croacis tas it gat tut me doo't Ohint ttat detracte in l asy map tramt Oie tunan soiatisfaction Oie paasg pople gainet. Acoslica ihoae large gpmsasium aron't idoal 6t me aioraugalp onjopei thOe perfçormance. Samolimesa sfem mords anccossfullp omtodp s basic phitasopap Midolp aharci tut seldoos nertauzoit. Goraid LeDaos, chairmas Mf the LeDaho Commission Mf inquip inoa the sas- medical use Mf irugo tiait a feac monta aart'x repcating. "Itaitot if cap mort os aie commission tas dose snptatog ho me PoraonoItp, it tas tees ho roinoarco mp telief ho thc tamas spirit. ttcamne airsugt agatnanmd again, ho the tcarins, tas tecologp is chids plap teaide the humasn apirit. Voa couii teel as aspiration homard gooinoos, a groping for it, Tho experiosce defioitclp reinfore cap f sitht" TRILLJUMS ARE IN BLOOM ttn-onghoat Maltas and tis flomer protected hy law, soi must ot he pockei or patch mas pictured heside H-ighway 25 ocar Spepside. The trassptaotod. <Photo tv J. Jossiot) Trilltara, flomer of Ontario, bs a hesnttfnl whtite throe-lested VOL. 113 -No. 4 MILTON, ONTARIO, WODNESOAY, MAY 24, 1972 Scoosd Sectios Weil, y as can atop toldleg paar reath. The tîggest ttmng aince toe tuilieg of thie pyranoda, ite opimion af mmcn people la arrospiated. Ose dasghter le marred. tatt fose honda Mien 21 graclliag poes. hl saps tons. i tape Ibero's mome asciesi sspiag liter -Stornp medîog day, omopy marriago.' Not that ttere mas anpttleg atoemp about Oic mediig itosel. Il mas peaitivoip oeraptir, soi smc peuple acre omiiog Mi aier deigtt boraihe tirat tlmc e p esos. Sot Oic oeatter mas smcttleg cise. The day tetore ma sunan soi a. The day alter mas aie samne. The meding day mas Oie oorat routes day ot a long, cottensapoleg. Drirbog nain soit tooo-cbdllisgli. 1 knsw. I wa there. Ot on ut, doing ail the loi-soinate rtorcsr ire rsbea, rocas n rthe csf toc, siotos, mois, irpricasora, oic. I havr oeiber a t soac s croat ant t roolist ti my nito's ombrella, sot m as moakte, th ibtî Iras Oie navcl toit mapo. Homever, I mooto't compli, oves thoogt I have my terst bai raid for throe poes, lb mas KIM'S DAY, as overpune tept ireiliog 'su for aboot a masai, send waa mabon if ber doe aid Dai tas doutle pnemosîs. Soi.sts, as il o attes tappeos, overyttîsg IcUl mbt pface, Hon ohd lady ta Ited tee may sut aI the bospitol, Oies mosi ttreo soliuisays and oigbta aittoot ose matk of iccep. She mc' oonrvoos and cahassicit ste mas pesitiN e oheit have 10 tokto h bo toit tolore Oie creony. Sut fromt ta sabtrneas dopt atiot mosi af us dasit paosos, stne sot odly maie it, bot case The Polaraîd people are aogry miai me, teraoel1oaidointisralasjrinApral1 ltit films oraps are harsfi L.h deer snd aiNer assals. 1 toil qaatei a Brace Trail pulicîation obrth ssii Oie National Parts Service sn Oie Uited States reperts mitilite daatho raosed ty eahang disearici maicriol tram aelf-dovclopisg films. Sot Oie people ai Palaroid cdaim il imi, true. Thoy tave asiortatra extemive test and uscertainci tteir ontact domnsot conao tasaris subtces. Neittor She Parts Service socr Oie U.S. Forest Service r and Spi ce bZbillsmlev throsgh with tlyoog rolors. The rog-cleaig mas hiadt heeo here and ererythiog mas spottess. This mas had, terause everytoty moali have maddy foot. Sot it mas gant, teeoose overytody mipet ahis toet or botk ott their hos. A gang ot toys liad arrivod Oie day heore to rate op the lama. This mas gant, Sot il oas had horoose everyhody mas tsa met toi notîre. Foost arrivai mas Stethy, as itiaeraol yooag ortor, ose at thc mes Kim todi shared tocr aparîmeot wiai aIl year. Na, he mas sot aie hridegraom. This mas had, heraose Kim mas stIIl taltisg anid laoghmng ali hlm, ini jeasaad T-shirt, miai ose hoor 10 ta hetare aie reremooy. Sol Ihos mas gant, heramse Siclhy is a great mixer, and loter os, acten me ras out ot mnx, ho meot out and gat some. Neot gocats more two dreorhod orchios aho tod latrh-titcd thraogh Oie torrent mome 65bmiles. Soatd right troogh. I dido't ho what la do milh item. Soo Hsgh, ail aie may front Mastreal tac the day, pravided o olulion aiat no middle-agod square woold havo thoagt aI. Ho t ttcm domostairo, tod ttem taoto at Iir jeaos and thes thecm, (te jeas. sol the hidol, ie dryer. Thes hoth tront and tort dmorhells stortcd bo ring lite a tive-alarmn tire, and poors troly, Oie oOly 00e drcssod, sprisled tort and tart, aroeptiog git-mrapiped parrels tram lle topo and dotivory mos, taogmng op drippiog raats, aod trpleg bo olntorue porteet sirsogers 10, eart ater. Chaas. Thte bride and groom, mîtt toir typiral aromes, tad sot oves docîded sotte acier ofthae roremosy, and more - meS, sot aqoahbslig, bt argosng - mliil the moment of troth. Kim bissed ai me, "Dci paus ap ose prayer ater Marteso. Thatosal pas hase bo remeacter." Ani tasaboot al] t id remomter. There as as aid rlirhe: Thle bride mas frootf ina ..."Weil, Vin bore to tellpas that the tride mas hoastioli, le a long, ovelte, horcaod dresa duat lsstoi as thoagt ste bal stepped ast ofa Satticeli painting, losg autorn taie, toge trams epes ani ifnt yoatt. The groom laatod protty gont, hoo, bt tas later ras wiho tis oms raloiso about tat. Most modiag are lite laserais. Ibis maso't. Thoro more rayera, short. Mise, perhato sobronsriaosly, mas a DoseraI 'ltaitgaiaig frais ttc Boota aI Caimaon Frayer. Chapons mazurtas rippîci qaictlp sn Oie torckgroond. Brotter Hogt ssng a tosotmg sang as Frenrt and Eugtish. Thos rame aie mosl dramatir ani poignant part Maite roremasy. Tapera more llgtd, mittool ose emter drappmng os the rag. A sngle rasile mas lit tram ttcm. Ttc bide soi groom tared eaot ater, oye ho oye, ani maie thear tersal satho snot repeatisg smcttng aftcr a masister). Thcy ti topt serret trame ot ater wat ttcp sere gosnghoay. Stelty bissei the rngs, pot ttomn onithe apprapriale liogors. The coope tissed. Four tesohdoul sieros oart traogtt ose wite rosetto tride. Anil aovr. I ttnt tl mas simple, spiritual and jayoos. Il loever got mcrriei agais, Ot oruid, tmn goîsg ta have a Bata'i roi eoay. 1th1105 my dcogtcr sait! gssitpe. t remeacter a tisa os the cheet c deft hani estrat-iagfrtra my piotait île tieomiseil rteque, and my sn-lam gaiog dams ho the tosemeot to piot op the dautie slocplegtag I'd hoogtt is rase satntp cIse dii. Sot rhaos ottes morto tetter thos lagostirs. Thos mss te tie a Satoli reremosp. Nom, tom ahout mome grandirtidres. rfolà partage is temg redesigsod bo scia ao ier tog toc ail Oie ottor litIe piores psu j sJ in this Corner oyi foreli atcegvyuth I roog impression. It mas potlici as a sctth roy clowns I aroisgto iîers andpart visitaralen as ettort la rc Iitterisg s ot ta ro ttc salesaof thc popalar insat pirtoro spotema. Oneofinalsote -animasrcasdie ifteir have asp data mbrth soggesia ttc titlm digostive Iract os tbated hp eatleg mpy diorard 10 peisosoos, sac do aioy hove asy hatky huter - this lerlades Poaroi kosloige aI mîlîlîte deatto rosuîtisg frant disrarda, paper ruts, semopapora, rasdp sstmngauct jutter. Casadias Wîldhte Service arappers asd tasireis aI otter paper apparestly rascara. firadarto. The Polaroid firmn s cranooi ahout isiiarrimisae Iittorîsg dose tp their rasera aoonrsan sobas Litensatepa bo encourage ttcm ta propecty dispose or tte dicri maîcrial. This lorlodes sotmort TV esosacras ileorporatmng as anti-ltSer measage anditehave polneo a marsisg 38 tiomeneaet pack (38 -raot'em).And the The motto la, doo't huter. mt asything. Philosobits SyEdilhsnacpc To tave taiai" is ta telievo e ilehiga me rossaI sec. To have tbelief" le bo hase faith ithe tgs me rans me. ûtuumpton Editorà/ Page Pubie meetings arc sot ssuatlp motablc toc Oie nmher Mf citizcca tisep attract. It's the age Mf non- tovotvomcent. It' castor ho lt someoSe etac carry the rcspoosihititp soi confin toe' mcaompaiaang hoi nb-cet corsera or sociat eosversattos. Ifs ao mach casier ho have an opinion if ose's misai 1n't ctoadei aciti aUthela facho. We hopc thc publie meetinag that tas tees calcid toc Tacsiay Map 30 at thc Despes sctool hy a group of eltizens, soceroi actai the fate Mf thc Sixtees Mie Creete as it passes ttarmagt Mitton, acilt ras contrsrp ta the non- tovolvement pattera. Ptans have tees floaltoci for the imptemenhotios Mf a fleod eootrot report whce mud sec the strcsm ltosc miai coment ho augment iho capacitp ho speci flood matera airougt toma, An nttimcto diversion s ho so ptascd ho toto the mater froos the Ontario St as-cc doms aie cotre-of- fPagesof 20 years ago Taken feun the issue of The Canaien Champion, May lb, 15. Moast stores i ow ahave esdorsod the pics bo stop open foc buainss os Frîdap evenotg astil 10 p.m. asd close os Saburday May 24. Piai tho doivory aI 000 fire figttiog eqoipmosi soi a truct, thc Mtons Firo District No. 2 milit le nagae. Follamleg imo poara of aresngemenst and plansing, mosi aI aie protiemrs av ooees agreed uoe ty the rommiitee seb op bp Oie foar towshbips sorosndog Mibton. Loted oporabios of tte assembp plant willstart bpeariysomrscxt ycarand if it is foîathei on ortodole, 3,0t0 permons shooli te as the paproil bp Octoter or Nocemtor, Gardas Carboti, iircbr of publîr relations ofthOe Fard Mober Company oftCanada said Toadaymngbtai ameetig oftte Soth Centra Trafalgar Property Omners' Asociaion. Miltes curosriiappraoed as espeodiioro ot $3,265 fac repairs bo Multon's Toms Hall at aicir reroot meeting. Sot Roed ani ordon Gosmani more preet ai tte meeting roprcseohang Oic Rotarp Clubat si mformed cosrîcl the clot mas bopong Martiais Fiais as a pisygroosi. It rosiîsta of a smaomiag pool, tidis aadisg poot, tennis rourts, tandotando, bail dîsmonda and a csmmasatp toit. Thos ares miSl te land- =cap ds strtpiaste. Ttc mort mii te dae rgresafirep. Ttecldot topes the toms miii forma parts board s Oie projert ras qoalitp for gransto 50 years ago Taken tra the issue of Thse Cacadica Champioa, Tharsac, May 25,159M Ostrilie bas organioci a larroase rtot. Thc Honorable Dr. Tolmie, Moîister ot Agrirultore sn ttc laie Dominion Govoroment, miii aidress a mass meeting in the ow hm all, Miltos. on Mosday, JoncS5 A proposai goarasteoing to trng Wectern Casaa iîthan ibrec peaca 450,000 mitionrs pîrtet tram among ttc agriroitorai peoplc of Estcrn Dolaisa soi Soia, in Cestrai Europe bas tees sobmitted bo the ttosooratie Charles Stewart, Mooiter of the isterior. Sux million silver ratios tove tees stampet out of tbo treasorers rooborcatoit Irom Rossias rbsectea, sodilt is experted tas 30 mîllîon mare mill te rolei. A searchrb ci oin the Hay Niver district oftAlbertaatI ie rarricd onati ua ec by a500 ayndîrale. mie mil ie tom as the Wbitc Seacer Dil go. 'tce oea compaop tas 20,DM crcs staitacii thOe diatrîit Mirs.inar A. L. MarNcbsoand r. and Mes. A. D. tirDuffe lefi ttos marlmg an a maber trip b Reutreo. L.asi meet Sreiepe Brown lot tan the mest,mbheretom ill domnssioarpmnocfo the somsmer. At thencent eatrmsatiomsa Tcisiiy Callogo, Toronto, le divinity, Mr. Brown rarriod off the bonors tan bus pear. Heostoodifirt ithe aority altois aotjcta 100 years aga, Tatea tesn thc lssue of The Canadica Champio, Thusdap, Map 23, 1872. Enugrants are arrisig us largo soisters in Mamitoba. Horare Dreeiop tas reaîgsei tbe ediborial management of Oie Tribune ontîl Isethce sciure. A aperîi ftnom Landos bo tte New dort tiorai sapa ibai Mn. Stanlep, Oie aperial rorresposdeni of tbat papor, tas îotervieoed Dr. Iivîsgstose sn Ujîji. Parbicoisrs are sot yot gises. Ostirilfe bas maie lîtole or n proparabias Ion Oie Map 24 holiday. Tenders are issuteit toc a 000 bridgc ai Mr. Cestor's factory. Theolong lotet Ion and acr seedet coin rame os Satoniap eveomng, and tas teesromisg cver snco. Nom all ature is analîsg midr itsetîrîcon ifluenro We osicrobasi ibat as eoing spedilios trom Hamîlton, ablo aearchang for Late Medai, bouni ttey bai otrapoit op bo Namsagamepa. Ttop bomever roarbe Ohis destination ail conrct. Cale's Cirrox estibtit in Oatviol st Thsesdap. se sadenstosdi t mas natter a paon altosr The Hamibton Times ismsahos ttat tf sout of the parties rooserto it O Oie roacrr mooli drnk oesa mtatkep il wooidbe an împrvemcst, The Caliat rcsg on Spainis lemple crostet. CANADIAN CHAMPION 5 ILL Ois, ,IN.T55,,.e'INADULSINGCO Wliel's'hMd be done?

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