12 The Champin, Miluo., Ont., Wadnesduy, leay 2d, 1972 Leadership questlon.d OSSTF chief re-elected after severe critlclsm Tom Ramaalarsingh man ce- clcclîd aspresîdenl cf Haicon Ctiapîoflthe Ontaric Secodacy Schoci Teachers' Fedoratn at Oic Grcup*s aeeuaf meeting Wedooudap. His viclurp came ouiy aller fruid and sonore cîîiclun luth frues use ut bis opponesîs for Oie pceuideocy sud senerai spokesmen trun the lonc. Ramutarsingh deteuled a Wtoke Ouku loucher Dan McLean and a Geserai Wolfe leachor Tues Patiencetu retainfils seul. Asa boue foc lts campoico Patience attacked Oie prenîdent as c poor Feade lede Heort aideh and cthers noe tired and frostraled milb presenit leadorship. Ho elcimef bis only rsser for rsuisg moultu replace isept leadership miOi a unified force. MeLean madeono rofeconce lu a lack of leadership but tit preuuing need for Oie fedoeration le becomo more roprosenlatine of Oie leachers and achieve greater biaison mîlh Oie comunily. Ho argef grealer innulnement hp teachecu cn fedcralicn mork. -Laiî.iuiarsiîioh revînord his yea ti office and espiaioed whai tic frit noce prînrîlies toc Oic cnmiog peur. He fef t the federabuon shnuld lie fmoig ct mse ot para-protesuisssis, dame umue, andnOiher nnssoltisss luig place ut Oie Balon Coulp Board cf Edurulion. -If ync efeel a pour leader pou miil have a sinbng sbip sud have a uonling huard ut education, fihe nacned. Art Waiker cbarged the Municipal cosurdl in Hallon ioanly miii bacc Oie opporlant lu dincouss osutysuide housiof for senior cîlizens. Mapocu ut Milton, Georgetcown, Acton andf Oarlingtnn met nîth Couulp Ccunicii and Ontario Housing Corporation officiais Wedneuday. County-wide housing for seniors discussed Aller Inn bues cf discussion Oubsulle Reene Allant Masson uggmsted the idru ho ceferced lu Oie municipal cuurdoil prior 10 any furîher investigatioe, in erder le gouge inlorest. The idca cf prunidiog cosulp- wîde housng for senior cilisees waoiitialed at Milton Coueil. Mayor Brian Bout bold Ibose prscset tore noce a eumhor of casesunhere senior cilizenshlve in Oabvîlie. Barbogluon or oneof thOe Inn tonships but asuciale cinueiy miOi Millun. Agreements Uuder Oie carrent spstom ail senior citizen housnog in the courtp iu arrauged tleougb an agreemnot niOi Oie tuo or lunnship and CHC. Au a ressît onip Milton resîdeets cuuld use accomodition ie Milton and uimiarip in the other sie mufficipatities. Undor Oieoagreement discussed Wednenday, resîdeutu uftIhe canl cold live in the senior cilices hoasiof of Ohiîr choice, providing Oiop have lived in Oie coanty foc one pear. Warden Jîn Smanborough utreused that nhito boudarien noaid hoe abolîshed, toro nouid nt hoe a central senior cîtisons projevi. They noofd continae to hoe scaltered aboat the coanty. Mayor iteut suggeuled carrymng uuc a projecltotu ruiouuould show the provincethe county can co-opocaîr amnng ils manicifalitiru and oleif il nould hlefîpnOiherîghl drection. Ho predicted a navîng for the coonlp hocaîne somne peuple nbo couid lice in OHC bouiof are liimg ut Oie Manar. Eupenno at the Manor is conuîderahly higher thon at senior citizen aportinentu. Rent foc Oie senior citizen apartiminta ns geared le income and Oir iodlerai. frovincial and mnicipal guveumnenlu pick up pari of theouporutmng ltm. 0jU1~ Tract or-Tough LAWN and GARDEN TRACTORS from Massey MF.O OL e Federation handbook studied by At the Nausagamepa Wnmen's loutituto May meeting, heid ut theohomeof Mrs. F. Audrem,Oihe kandbcck cf the Federaled Wcmcn's Institutes cf Ontario mati stadîed. Thc President, Mrs. G. Fourre, ti1 skilff i question. slonulaîrd Oie discassion cf the content of Oic handkmk.ý tiesrai memnbors spokeof facswtich e ncoem tc thon. Furîhor studp mii ie mode ai 1f1tre meetings. Secenteco menhors and four guestu mccc Prescrit. Flan anessi 'lic District Annual meeting, tu hot hrd in Camphofiniiie on May 24, was dîscasucd durîng thle busciness fart cf Oie meeting and plans forthe forger meeting more fmalîod. Nauuagaweyo W.1 Ini nult tOc annuaf meeting. Mes fI. Doigte, mhn represented Nassagaweya Wl a Oic Fedecaucd,.W.l. cf Ontario conference aiGuelph onMay2, 3 and 4, reportof %bal fOU maintient mccc prescrit. Oie aise bruughl bacficsuggestions for aking Oie locai leancti more citali n Oic community. 'Tid Bits" cf Institute information tocr nencomers lu Nanuagawcpa coul ieoprepoced, surir as shopping accus. churches. mail service, garbage disposai, recreatîceai lacîlliois, Bakleg miecers Baked gonds, conuiutîng cf loaves and squares made fruon ceci peu wkîch înciuded Ontarîl fruitsi, dcnaled hy menhers noce jadgod tip Mrs. Black ac Mes ' tnley. Thoy agreed Ohi ail ocre very gmod and choice o the kest non dîflîcul; bu docîded 1ha1 the cherry square- ci Mes. Norrîsh and the aprîco tufi of Mru. Andren noce Ouý wnmers. These Inn tadhen wii repreet the Nasuagameyi hooncb ut tOc District Annuai or May 24. flic nenheco Oien judged Oi morîls of tOc coaves and square foc tbemueiceu-wîth te0 o coficee Mrs. C. Mcfucen Ihunko the boulelu and Oie judgeu. The meeting on Jane 21 mi latin a17:30 p.n.ultthe Broo vlle Hall nhcce nembecu cf Oi .1-H club mii preseol a taukîc sow. Farm safety topic at Hornby WAI. meet Hccnby Wcmenus lesttule met ai the home cf Mrs. H. Reed on Mayl17nîth 12members preen. Ail enoyed o dessert ucheon tiofore the cpenîng oi tOc meeting. Mrs. H. O'Connor, president repeaed a poem Just buda botter yconu Rol ail nos anomeredîitb -A Satety Oint foc Oie home«* Thc minutes cf tOc foot meeting mccc ccad by Mrs. I_ Sampson. -Mcv J. McCacccn 004 presccîed Oie Hoenky W. t. troPtiri atheo Musical Festival. Thrce cesolaitions 10 ho fcesented at istict Annuai acre dîscussed. Delegates lu District Arnul are Mro. William Mac. Phnerson. Mcv. H. Bradley and Mes. C. Wnîgglesncrîh. Miss L, Goiciardand Mev. R Wilson are alternates A bulletin fccm Save The Children Fund was rad.Old Pholts are luoked fo cm ioco Oie Halion acea Lo be îisplayed ai Oie museuro n tcJiior 24 and 25 ut cpen hose. Mrs. William Mac Phecsov ciii tako lukîng toc jtufifin to itrict Anual. Wurfluflpn Mes. M. J Bron gave a report un Ciîcensbîp and Wor fd.qirs0 O.P.P. report seven crashes During the mock of May 14 10. Ma1 2f Ibere noce notion possenger oehscle colisins in Oic Noit Halton Acea patcdiled bY tOc Milton OP P, report police. Tso people mccc înîured au a cesuit cf Oieue accidents. Thc svncollisions învcicod 12 ceisicies and cauaod a total eolonnutcd damage cf $4,700. STAT ALIVE WITH RED CROSS WATER SAFETY Wccksbop, Oeld Aprîl 24. Mrs. P. W. Merep one on Oie citizenship and educatîn o kshop Oeld on May f. A progran planning meeting miii Oce Oeuf ai Mcv. H. O'Ccnnor's nMay 30. HrnbyW. 1. viii caler ai a bonlk aI M. Beatty's suie Jonc 3rd. Mrs. C. Patterson, saftt cov nuws in cargeocf tOc progra. tibe Oad attended a mceeting Ocid Op Oic tiafety Coanicîf. Members noce bold aboul a probe fi' long au affable lu tout boy or grain lu sec if il ns hoatîng - aiso gau masOs are avaîlable, nîi nhîrb tu f0 loto silos. timaif caiendars toc 1972 noce gîvon 10 ecc membors. on tOc back cf micO dcîving cf- fonces noce fîsîrd, nîtO the oumbe oidenerit points for ecc ofience. Mes. Patteruon Irait heen 10 Oic T.B and Rcupicatnry Dîseaur Association dînner se gave a short report on il. Memhocu noe tld Ibere noce 143 cases cf T.B. on medîcalion. Thore arc 524 T.B. canesorcgîstccmîîhone deaOi. 'Two Icue or faine conteutu, une on r. . the other on Bespîralury Dîseases noce field sAI PEIGCOME AND OIT ACQUAINTED 1IGHT SAT. MAY 277.45 P.M. Coach Jack Elîfotf assisfod bp Ernie Milfuon, ArcOe Cairns, Harrp Ridduifs and Russell Ciomeof s miii prunide FREE INSTRUCTION for beginners. A noumber ut ur f971 beginners cumpefed succes- stffl pin fournaments fhruughuut the area. Redsced memersflip rata for beginners. for tarther information contact: Edgar Foster 878-9295 Billi Marshall 878-9333 Guy Busseli 878-3551 Condominiums debated Ratepayers stili opposed president spokr fromia position of weaCissraier~ thon strcngth .n rticizd hini for having treasurer Henry Raprewicz sprak for hon as part ot bis speech. Ho saut he mac stackioe the dock. -Ihe mure 1 bear pou spa h Oe more coueeaied I hocome.- Walker was lihe first ut several who openly showed duubt abut Oie presîdent's cuparily as a leader Principul Ken Fnstor engagd in a verbal betite wiOi Oie presîdeut. Fouler asked if Oie presidoot ftothOe enecativo badt opersted au a umified hody. Ramaatariugh "aid for Oie hotter part pes but added Fouler couidn't ho mnciuded in Oiut yeti. Better reli Askod hy Fouler what would hoe doute lu make, Oie body mure unifîrd Oie preuident ssid hoe hoped the principals muId muid a beller represoulativo and euted Fouler had mîssrd moren ufthOe 16 ' meetmngu. Fouler coulered, "Ive am a__ anlîrd enocotîvo aud strong fedierahion hout flot; bore. Irea feen mnvotved in fodoration worfi for Il peurs and bom whal tederatin TO RAJp TARSoGH os aUl about." In a report circulated lu Oie 300 leachoru aI the meeting Fuster Wflbdrew cuugratulaled ualarp cbairusao Kim Thetford witbdrom frum Otan Hall for tbo profeusisusai Oie prosiduel's race citing Oie manuor in wbich safary iack uftilue le buth leacb anid negotiatînu noce carried un. head the fedoration. A motion uni Atiack, iscuende have the prosident withdoaw "On the other band, ne offern fromn leacbuug for the yoar and found il ddt jouittlu sapport Oic set au ful itm pronîdeut for Oie foulure auuumed hîkth peur nau deteated. ruecolive. Attack and iousueusdo A polilsbowed thal ut the four Iee ont offten eugaged in h polential candidates unfy Oie peruonu nho prnved Ibomuelven preuidout man amure tkat Oiat illiiond aod unprepared for motion mouid la put Lut Oie Oic position tabou. nemboruhîp. Of Oie tleee mbo Aller a bot etection sluod oly the presîdeut favoreif vole mor cosled Sesion thOe fuit lune positin. 1cr lue presîdoot, 82 for Motean and 22 for Patience. Both Moean and Patioencr mero vice presîdenlu tout peur. For Patience il nus bils second crack ai île prosîdontos lob. Bout Mct.oao and Patiene deciined nominations for vice preuidents and Harold Fipplypof Onclinglon Contrai and Peter Oonfieid and Noîl Turnbul» of Oakvitie Trafalgar Higb Oclani non postu as VP's. Amore hp McLean lu have Hainaoururingh uoanioumiy ciecled prosîdeot failed. Alan Eautnood of Acton District Higti lechoni mas named socrelary nkiie Graine Barrait ut M. M. on your car in just Milton3 minutes without Ieaving your car Equipment DRIVE-IN TODAY Coa Ltd. Ill50R E S IHYU GASOLINE PURCHASE. 3163 Steefes Ave. GET A Milton RAIN CHECK Lserguso Wilen yu gas up er us nIn badmueafier Op n 7 Racei 17 Horerpee Muedaz Iu Friday ou' the MF lcw-pc 9o oes Saiecdae der a ave oen oo sl non lio Suday ce! OfysOI BELL BROS. o prioad lur cai-f. e, 12MITO 14 hp modea cith eloctie ------____________ rt eusuy daluelialucs! BUY NOWf 'NVENIENT CREDIT! Datsun Three ced a fiat t bers of dis- cussion didelt relfene Chacugate Developeeel Ltd. ut opposition le toni plans for 25i4 fumukouse condominium units on Brnnlet. Rcpconcntatives ni Ckaiogate. Faliegbruok Ratepapors Association and fawe esuriti sîtened wbst appears to bave been a futile attempt bo rafle ta se agreement Oie courcu cbaiobers Tusmay eveehcg et faut meefi. Chaingale represteelatives bad laped tbey ongbl; ho able ta redine se elimieste the cembar cf objections voiced by seigb- bore. Semne 52 objections lu Oie bomiog plan Oece tifed aI Oie 0MB hearisg Oial bcd beaui ufaled for Marcb 17. Asuociatin spoeamee made il apparent Oiey wuuld be happy nufth otOimg feuts thaon cingle famdly dmollhsg suifa fer Oie prnposod devefupeet cra- lands nurlb snd seOuto Heslup Rd. aed Anne BIrd. .Sicaldeoppase Assciation member Gleorge Keodrick ssid cusncl uld lune made contact wiOi Oie neighboru heoro Oiey remed tat pruporlp lu medisum deecily. Heossid the majsritp ut seigifis noce agaimlt il sud Oie ceuecil ubouid hi o it. Mayor Boul euggeeled lie developer had bosgbt Oie land su Oie streegOi ufthOe ufficiai plan and hadt puid s poire commeosuralo mitb mediumr dousity devefopmoet. FRA chairusso Ed Loeprf ci complaed Ibat nul one cosucîffur had contacted! hlm about the develupent. . .....'TIS THE SEASON TO BE FREEZI N Pack awoey eff the goodness of summar fresh produca for tastetul viinter misais and savings! Give pour famif y nutrlf fous fresh- frozen fruits and vegatables aff year round. Save by buying meat at l0w prices and haoleg If convenlent y ready for your menus. MANY FREEZER MOIELS TO OMISSE FlOU NOW PRICEI AS LOW AS $ 1 5995S Buy Now on Easy Budget Ternis or Use Your Charg.x RICHARDSON 201 Main St. Milton 878-6949 Ciaiegate bam worked sne i ai fer Marc 17 baut mIsen 0 davefepee foternio aci a baff lame aed davalapar ccciilaI poaru. flueir origisal sebesiCis fges lge or lthecehl- lu Milton Flanning Board raflaiae l i eborer smer, the lamei for 345 anîlu. miOidrow lus applicatin for tise Lanyer George Ness hoarmng. represouling Cha=iefae Oeo ut s thiegs ccc hape explinedmcit rantluffa ss.1Oeace ars ii toas in Oie plan. He aiid ftce caltei n cei lae masie= pefijecl had beu ovei ltetta mlin 1w coiffi, or a hebaa g 11 ulfuce faeiacapiegi balmeca the liegcck frc rateicih and& Uea ccedmboliss aed single f aelY in lice craeis w hastifla. lames. Ha fidcatrouas wactd Uaaalimm la usef a attuer acd terrain Mr Lepih wh ive on wsuld la atiticla i ide ce Mdadwbrso Dr., uuisucMd~ mari peircf s posile fer lice lice azersiive sf thce associatai curreel residents. fue u iu i lat oIla th Wce't iavaaafe ta lice ievespmecl. 0gly Nems suggested du1w seucucu ereuliva menterr aeuciaigie msaldlelpltalaep the prceaof lice toceetlag. singl e faeilly homces sp, ratber A ra 0seaie tPtip thus ievafcetiag lice profitet Carpration ta.tlecded e lames. Ha ssid the1wnhmeba meelleg ce ce servet, but ed recfideelu msuld prenida a cepplY motîspeai. Mayor Briqui Besl Ifid of bcyerc fer Oie single fsuliy merfci l aeb OsaI Pelyer umludifandmlaentheYmwereup for and tie davetoier hod sale. ccderlakee prelIiminal» Yss feel a1f Ismaiseea m eegsliaîlosu cencerele» thie laed. Bat me wanl ta maître cicr fauiigoflice erec. Polymes Iroiect as geaI ce passible aed cocucrete h=co maducles are c me null listec le yssr staindard "is ced ceder lisse lie suggestisss," fie laid lice grep Oreaeterey cendoselalss sellas Loeiriefi cfafaced coceciz fld 2aingate =prsce, meanlatif 1een remisa le their maral Polymer , thOe projeci lic obbigatios la Oie peupla fa the developer wsecli esd up miff mec fer col ifatrseag thein of alaout 201 per osai lamer unit, la Oie devefapens rigfll frnn Oie ssid. begiming. Doue everyiuls Mapor Beut argced cesucl c dose evarplbicg Oiep mere requiredta do, aidlthe peuple bcdâtif a Kneclu f ait fuin ce upporlseity la ebjeciu an c ca.f fe HAN» ecrier dsa. "Ignsorance fa ns ON l.e a uil excuse for brecbfag thew bm," fie balp arrivas. An 0MB bearlsg bcd bers ... join the MILTON AWN BOWLING lIR 10 wveff-fept greens and a comfortabfa Club Messe fecaîrd oan Commercial St. If's ail you really need Sos the compl et. lime up ut DASUN N@RTH END Bpe 235 Steeles Avenue Milton 878-2471 PRODUOT Haurs: Weafldays 7-9 peu. Sunday 9-9 pe.OFNM ]