Taenty Saca Pages-Fiftee Cents, MII TCi54 5ttaTA5iCO WEONESOAY. MAT 24. 1972 $300#OOO post office 1 Jhere possible- -MP Tisere caald lie a nota Post Office in Miltn's fture... passîisty as early a sent pear. Hatos MP Rad Whiting annaaseed taday that a ieasibility stody la ise«af troder- taises riglit amay an Use ospnsve- muent af pastal accaommodatian in Miltos. "Tise study sltastdli compteted by tise ead ai Juty aad it il atI libe passible la praceed aitit praetding tihe cnsnmusity aithim sprasest past afice se- comsntodotiat daring the fiscal year 1973-74," lie Saud. Whether the stady wiii recasnsd a ramplelely nea tant it ffie, essiargemeal ai Use presntbltding ar renasatios a A CHEQUE FOR $1,5R.35 an presented ta Milton Purks and ian McCaan. MCSC hast lien aarnig ta raise rney for Recrootion Camnittee tant amis, eanmarised fon dovelapmosl celoapment af Unity Punis lia han ronentty starled of Milon's Unily Panrt triangle aI lise nantis estranco ta the campaigatagifor a nom anena, saimican pool and arnrmnt3 tean, Milton Cammunity Service Clubs gave Use maoy and centre, an tise lande gothoeei fan Umty Pais more tttrsod avec MCSC treasarer Art Metaans and chairias Dave Brunsi are ta the Parlis Boaard. fhe pars is pictarod ta lise backigrondc. pintînrof presenting tise rney ta Parha-Recreatian memisor (Photaisy R. Domoi) No reglon until 1973 TECO report ready on June 3 Warden predicts Halton unit A report deaoig muh Use fttae ai Use Baioni anea ta a negioai fovernaent setnp mt tae mode publia Jane 3 mises ail Use mnicipat consicittans in lise coanly miii tae invited tai attend a meeting ot Haltes Cesteniat Manar n aMiton tis eur metatars ai the nianty's Teciaicat Ca- r nalang Camassttee preset thise intmen i repart. Tlie oUserta la enpecled la tant att day. Tise repart deain mîUs liasically tliree aneon, îsatndisg tise divisaon ai respasiiiity, isounaoien and gavernment structane. A naissequnt repart mîtl deal wtasU finances, carrent capital isudgets, pnnjected bundget farecanto and miSl rates, Wandrs Jisn Saaannaogs ssld Weil- nesday. Tise Wanden otlesded a meeting ta Toronto Masdoy May 15, and met miUs gaversimest oficiais. Commenling an Usat meeting, iSmanliorongs said is nulisaissias mas atang the tanes ai o Hoites-asly nnit. BoUs Hottan and Peet hsave tees mantang tamarda nepacale cngîann ever rince manicipal aiiaîcn mînînler Oorcy MeKeaugit alinonaed ernien pans la liave Use Ima anantien merfed in ose caftan. Tise Waeden nalid ise mon eîsaaanofed nu gel on isrint repart tata Use province. He id taae aiipated na borplemeslatias at negîonat faerninent etectians tar a regiat coanacil Usis year an il mas sel espected negioaotîs- lias maatd taise eiiect ta 1973. lise mont ta lie inlly oanae ai Use fisaciolimaplicionsa tafane we gfaistoao regianainsetnp," lie addetl. rlie Waedes did indiaatf, isameser, tisaI Usere "la every indicatian UsaI o pacy deciain an regianai gacernent for Usat isa elaren Taronta and Hamiltan mai44 tae mode. We inily espeel taa nef tans and Usai Sunlinflas mon't fa mils Haimilasn-Wentwarts. Outsîde ofth licunceit cisamlernnspacalalias amasf caaluntciitlars mauid indicate tise Haltas refian miii likely cnist oi tise manialpallllea rallier lias seen as cnmnsty canstitoîrd. Lont meeli ose coaneialr prediated Enquesiaf and Nansagomeyo Tamnshlips ouald lie itl up amona Actes, Georgetomn and Miltas. Tise TECO repart ntated far presenatias ta Jane lias lien Usree manUisi tahUe moitaf TECI) is mode ap ai menitars tram muniaipal and coanty itouf. Tireir repart mas eaniser slated far tise foti buat mîlli encauragement trramt lite pravince, Use maris mas Oc- eierated. aonly a Witîsg t "St Hameve Public V $M00000 fa pasatsilt> lie suit. Wslng faciUitiesi snam. Fa Jeas-Euti tial any feasility Aased Custama hie dauli Trown Suit ies afice, liu threatened ntapmenit Miltons Conctilio a to si Use Miton, Ontario Municipal Board ian a building isearîng on Use Cliaisgate iacfilien Oevetopmmlas'prananat ior a 254- pnmer aif tant cosdaminîatnmdesetnpinentan il ai a Branle Sit. ta Use anaes as Anne$50.A Btvd. and Nentap Rd.-an a tam added as soitaotdiseinUtheaitinf. int1961. Coanicillors fat Use niessage Thisas TNesday mises a tlen te ram, tactsed Osaingate prenident NRin Lean Pont Offi asised ananaii ta ais iar anallier ifitllitoeg lieaetag. Lean and Clinfate lias liens awyen Gorage Ness attended a propenty meeting tant mmli miUs coancit tae called and cancenned catepayers mata, andermat tise area and Lean's tetten fiscal yes mndicaled lie mas dinapainted ta the natepayens' stand. tansteod i Cýoanciior Dr. t. Hanter aska Onalagate's solicitor, misa ma prnsent agatan os Tnenday, m i moutd liappen if Use toms deciden ta aitisli Use prajeat ninipletety. Ness saidbisnclientlias a contract mits tlie masicipalty asd tatinsaled Cliaingate aanld sue fan a lirmali ai cantract. "Tise' dassagen moutd tae nissta.stiat", lie naîd. Ratepayers are îsaîted ta anatiser meeting ot cauncit sent Tliesday misen seraicisg and n5ogis f aitise Chianigale tonds mtl tae dascnsied. Thse cucrent draft ai tlie ag reemient snn't meel Use lame's requinements Ride-a-cruiser plan will educate Public gaesa" ai Uhs paint, >14 Tise Csampian. rang pessilitty" r, -Tise Departsient ai tanlis lias attacaled r il, sa Oliere is a strang ai a sea Past Office," said lie liaslis far lietter pasa snMillan far sver a year terat warlia misister ns Dalie iniarmed lia seei Ilial anutarily lias sies gisen la do Use study. i a seta Past Ofiie ta nigltil eude Canada facilities, Wiiig said led il very mucli. ofiîciata met aith lacal tes a year aga, aller far a toaa custams il tatd liemth Ue tatas aidte esaugli costama tu taie an affice liere te. s present Post Office huses liall Use pastat and a Canada Mani- fice. i mss lriit ia tilt- cast ai appraniiatley l arge additian mas Use east and sanUs sides ,elis annaanicemesl alsa neas ni a nea usi,aaf ce ta lie canslracted ta li, sean Ern. Once a site decided nias and Use na acaiuiced, tenders ant and Use aanis sliand ie y durng theprens air, Witang reparted. Authority, councillors wiII explain channel project ..BUJLLETN -Tliedateaci nex aihis ai affct tise strani seelis meeting lias liesn ihroaghoat aimait ait tas entice cisanged ta Wedsesday, May 31. coureatsaugh Milton. She sad Anadseetlsemest ns Page B9f i ut haped ail thase aha are tnday's Cliampin corres lise iatceeiad in abtaissaf ail Use eanienpnapnsed date îTnesdayI. information and asaen ta Useir quetions ai tise prapasai, aantd 'tie engineer, eepresenlatii'es plan ta attend. ai Halas Regian Conservattas Aataanîty and Miltas Cauîcit aitl ltant tissyer attend a puie meeting ai Wed, Tise cltasseiizaltas prateat in eveningais estareis at iseJ. M. phiasa asic isatiai lise Streami Desyns Pieai Schot, ta espiain narth ai Mais St. ta tise CPR and thefloaad cotlapraieclpilaned tu a Artsn St. Tisa pliase is fac tise Sîsîcen Mite Creek piinsadifurthi yaand autil Useaagt Miltas. ad the cosearvation autliîy Mr.A. Ptaieniy, aisaiens ai a have ,auttiariaed ]asd Mes.p afatznscnend otepraopaiatias a accasaisdale thaapoe aiaizeaasceancedait thta part ai tise pealeat. Us prteat, phase aaaepaaae thae liesn receîved tram tlie griapi sata hss iiets invlve i th popoaifor taiî iauth ai Main St. ta cerniet lnn île ptapaa.fa aptaaîiniaîeîî'arisayDr. fon cct esi antleirean iîaaigiîiasisg, deeperisgn and Seekpasmdten ie cerneat tisisît. Tisa initias if Siteetaptasird tse egise rsats oi the CPR ta Waadward St. aisadesigaedthe praject. M.A. iaaid aiiaLe cesient-ised ad tMacKreitpl,saald isehreavietaisng tisat iRi'erpiae foCrasa. irritas UsWepianindetaiiasdesxpaiînisng oolad bagai-i ed. A estrai we'renals gang sernan , asarIIIas inisgaofUteiSeam aereaitanarseasde wicspasesiRatary Parli.A aant ta oain thse faileit passile divansiani a aiîa pianied frant expiasatianssieiare e decide o)niarriaSt. ircarryUshamatr wtaleler lartiser peateit t ias liwntae mais course ai Use juaildied,' tise chian orteil Sixtetaa.irasgislteaentralipart Mes. Ptlieniy reainsaed lisere ai Miltas. itad liesn cansîderaste isterrît Thesameatingtis callrd tac 8p.ni. and casiers aisoat Usa traîect ma> :it. Wants berms, not fences to problemns of police Maitheli pallie mare amone Certain restiîctions w nof patine proisiens la eprascîple ptaced an Use pragron. Pt in north-east subdivision iteid tise 1Milton Palice must tieaccman Nattas Lasd Gonap, one ai Use Uscen landomners ta Mtln' nnUsheasi quadrant, sa ireaising gnnand laday lWednendayl la instotl servien ion Use firnt 123 at Use 343 homms Use fiemra isnilding souUs ot Steetes Ave. siean Use Tisird Uine. Murray Goîdmnan at Toronto, iresident of Use linm, oppared iaiare Taendoyns meetng af Miltes Causcît pnepared la fanmailly sigs Use afficial suis- sisider's agreement mitli Use lame, miUs ose exception. Ne onsed caunant ta ianegn its requesi far a faur foat sigli, plastic coated chain finir lesce alacli Use lame masis enected ta nepanate Ushn reverse trastage ltaonag Stene Air. and Tiid Uine testa Use odaays. fie deeipan lald caanedi lita fint in biuildingf lienssl(fourfout isigi, tandncoped maasds oi earUt aiasf lise rean ai eacis lai, for prîîacy and on aesUselia eitrct. Ne flt lte 1ares mould nottaseecemsary. Pencen delaniarate quisklt and Use niglit ai itou a mile ot citoin inisiencinfm- ili ie ery baiafr aur salen," lie added. Pees mîli denlray part ai tise ieauly ai Use mourai., Gaidman salit. Causiiars argueil iniida liameamneri mîglil erecl a vonîely ai ienes micl mai44 anis jinni 'as lad. ntead ai btU lierons and ienes, Goadman reaamtaesded tata lie aed ta, musailthUe tartan niwaond past a isand as pramise la erent Use tesces at a loter dote if cauniail ieeln tisey are secesnany. Cauneil agreed ta ailam Use suisdivderns agreement tle ta ned, tacarpoana btU tarins i ena ea, bsut afreerd ta reviemUstirerpoliyaontfes and Construction project starts on Main St. Construco noa naMillan's parking and oeclune atratic- Maita Us elding pratect go ai osoand aniy Palie Cliiel undermay Tuesday mnnning Ray Andrens reparla. Paring misen mnnismen fr.ta RBC nul atn tae allamed alasf Use Consiruction Ltd., Oseitea, nUst nide ai tlie sineni in anes slanted aatenmoa and semer aisere Use cees are tOc mnritg. taas mark as Montgomery Lane. Asura-speraian Wnni cntsesIla tmiss Uey Aneas oliere no0 parni mitaI mantanus opi Use as idey aoind ai tae posted datiy Mata St., tatwen Martin St.and OniAde rplaNensi Usante SI. ior en-perolin frima matanista The irm xpe a tucompete daring lia recostnuctin pariod. Tsunmepctat nalt Thse project sa enpnclad la tant abont tati Sa 4i1 feet of mahai a ail nuamner. Tise miale ai Mata day. Wile Use nUst side ai Use St. btmen Martin and Branle stee l blýfripolut, Use Uta. ta tataf neconstrncted, tna s thaieagdi 9pen far $37709o pratent. give afimaI decîsîni t m meeli. Measaisile Milton Planning Bfoard iasote lie cansulted ion as apinion. Tise isaard liid parlîcipated in tise eanriier discussaos. CLOSE MILL ST. Miii St. ta Milton tas tatae claed laday îWednenday tu la rday an taarimen insteliaf nervices for Use Main St. reconstrnctian jais cas Lie itt moun aonsf Usat streel, tanlise aires, ai Mantgamery Lane. attaaing Use pnlii la ride miUs allîceen an patrat. -Were loiapta metatans ni Use paie misa go ont mIsh an aificer as potrot daly mîtt nen lina palice aeqaile atten conglit ta Use asddte," nayn Palice Clint RVay Andrena. Tise prafroni oi persnittinf individuels la ride ina olice rio a n i n t ettert ta aUser cosianainitien liot sa an innoaion i Miltan. . Oraand marli and discunsion as Use plan lias tanin Use warlin for aliaut a yean and a tati, salas Andrens. Proiesis matan Soulliorsi Oak-. aille tarante areat ralepayers Usas ther îalîng pawr as Oakiaîte Cousit il i t alance, niay taie fac.eeonhîng efircis on Use carrent stalus ai causiti cepresentatian n thUe sortis ad ai Use lame-ise lands anuUs andt easl of Miltas. Wand One Causcîlians onald Goruon anu Rictard Day arenit taar oornies ai Usîs point about lastaf one or boUs ai teir seuls as Use lt-me n caunaîl, liai Use cunreni peoteni cautu hiave sone iaarng on lise future patitical strengUs ai Wand Ose. Seeli "rp-isy-pap" tfnasie anea renîdenta, misa lise i Oaisvittens Wand Tan, ane inpset lierame Use rual nont ai Use lame mon enempted frata taxation ta suissidize Use lame ta service, Couneiliar Day tatd Tise Ch3ampion. An a resuttsey gai up a pelîlios hearafg 214 narmes, ansing lame caunicil tlo aliri raistlrisution ai îaiing strengtai ta tise lame andtr iy la aisiain nepresenlalion isy papulatian" liseougisout OaliîîUe. Rep-isy-pap eoaid meas ose ai 150 Livings, Day ami Gardon saîd. Il coaid mîpe nul ail nepresentahaon taamn Use rual norUsern taard, an convert Use il- tao caurneîl loa o uncil of 27. -Wr are cancersai. Tis caulsi tae Use isifen challenge Use cuaa area ai Oakvdtle lias esen uacai," Coascîttor Day tltd Tlie Chamspin. But iarnosa, aSl Use ruaa reaprenentatives cas do in malt andt me misat sapea np. Ooisviite Caascil tas mccli rereivnd Use patitias and agneed la same a cnmmittee ai couancUtans la looklitl lthe cep- liy-pap issue. The commitire tan mit yel iaen samed. Thcy and Warsf Ose cretaîit'y tasna vattaf auvantafe if ordy Use papulation ouf Oakiese four adns staken int cnsieraias. Racis osof isw lacuniil represenatlîes and tise mayor, nenve and îieputy ceaie are eleclad ait lanfe. Waed Ose itas 2,493 eligîiste vatera on f.58 par cent au lise votea ta Oakiîîie; Wand Twa 9,374 votera ar 32.27 per cent; Word Tliree 9,5U0 or 33 pen cent; and Word Pour tf9t or 36.13 pan cent, aecondisf lai 1970 figures. Bot lise vont ocreage oi Use nanUseca rsural ward--ataut 110 squane mules nu tond sarih ai Upper Middle Rcad-certaidy seeda tan coasaiars, la serve il. Ill lie by a frimd, anti partiaipans osaer 2t seed Usein panent's an gadian's signature. Peaple ander 1f are mit prmitted. Pansenfers may aino ise neqanied ta leace Use cor if Use patrat atficer in tanced ta mraline a tagi snpaed cisase. Rîdens are nil covered isy înnuanne in niant Applicaosfo tachle pragnata ane avalasie o tae Miltas Police Ofiie as Mois SI. lnterented partien con ride in iritîrlen darna mont ai île palice nshift. -'lt mili ie a canlinnaoun pragroa,- nngg enta Andreis. MILTON-S POST OFFICE, wlacs hua an- siproîameni ai pascal accommoadatian in capti a place ai prainence an the corser ai Miltoan aand tisaîr a a cisunce . nea $300i,000 Main and Matis Sîs. nince 191f, muy sat ta Paost offtai ma' ha isuili seat year. Tise future Usee mach langer. Hatas MP Rud Wliûing ai tisa pressant building dependa s tise sloîdy, aunoaned lis areis a teasiiily stndy is wicis t tis canipltîd iy tisa endat Jîiiy. being undertuises riglit away, on (PhoataisyJ. Jrnninfsl Gordanspainled ont. lIt'sa pneity i ioras la caver for rese ima If represntalian ai tise causantl Saisie w05 itasai an asnesumnent, yau auld enduop wiUsa dtirent pîctue lliey paitld oui. Wand Faur tiautheoni arroi lias Use Fond plant mite Wand Tmî titrante ares) liai tia reuineriri and neyerai larfe inddstries. Develapaieni san Tise sorUsern coaictitanrs also paint ouI large lianning deîeiopmrnta are nctaduled for Use lamer pantin ai Usein ad Use Home SmiUs and River Oolin deiriaptas miii tae tike sainl- Site cîlies. Apparlianssent of vnttag riglita oas entalohiinia iy lia Ontario Municipal Bard isackint 1962 mias Oaisvitle ami lise former Towensip ot Trafaiger mergai. Oronte protest may hurt rural north Word One eyes rep-by.-pop demand pot safuandi in thr sysseni su Use cual acea mount bas tarivr- paared aI tisa conuii teen, clisis Gardai. Osi a rulîngaof tise 0h10 ian change tise voaig spîtem as tuano stands. -Ntsc ta twoaarr stitl preltt gnid ois,' ite Day accotas tise rante eaepay aeaaoftgrri- snandarisg-Iryiagltoca-arranga Use poiiticai unstu laietter teir asas area.- Ne anides, tl tai il ta ait mucs ado about satsing. Nred 27 Day saîd tf Oakisîîie Omst ion trac repreenlalios ity papulaian, Use couriail aiauld haveltoishave 27caacselors and IL wouid tae Ini usseîidy, as weil as laa eupessive aI lia aurreni siof per amuni salâry parti ta ardcouaaitiiars. -Yauaaud an i) tits an imîpoasibile tia raii al aad aouid seed tan tarcilrsl serin lthe mîde- spread area tcenesIf ltheaUser uarnwe giaen rrpresentaio btaa as papulatian, on il ns rciaird ta ihanî Ose, Wand Pour isaatd hiaettohaenin couaaciiiaiî asnd Wards tma and 'iNria aiaad îaad eifhl apsece. .hdd ltt tise ltre tap afficioa tisa are aletitn ut larfe (buut aiaa camre front Use biat-ap aca ai sautiten Oakisilei and yas wioild end up asUs an unatildi. 27-member caunicil, lie Oakisute's papulation in 6ti,000 Uis year andi Usere are Ifilti acces nte Usehilelame. 0f tisne, 5000arr sn Word Ose. j