Io provt diebLwnning pitchers wliîoog th aicousin and brother of Sor's getting the credit. The MoftaI Squir "A" boys teat Rockwood aI Moffat by a score of 8to 5. Wayne Thompson cao the coouing pîleber. Campbeliville bantamn baseball tram Oral Brampton 4 te, 3 in Campbrllville in tir first encoointer. Danny Thompoon was the commen pitcher. Short of goal Salvation Army blitz continues ail month A MofldaysuighbllOafor fonds Audliaycas shnrt of bot nie toc theSalvatios Accy's 1972 lIed and canivassers. But the ladies Obield Approl tocsed in $M87, and theic belpecs cill continue 10 oceanizecs froc t0e Millon mahe catis montl every home Mas Ladies Auxidîacc ofth1e Royal been covered. Canadian Legion repnrt. The Fmnds are starting bo tcickle in total is $413 short of the $1.080 tcomn an indostrial-commecial goal but canvaslog cas sot tuail rampaign. Residents of coiopleted Mosday and cdli MitIon's apactment buildings cll c'ontinue outil the end of the br casvassed hy lettec. Blake month. Charlton aI Canadian bnperial Salcation Acmy Caplaîn don Bank of Commerce sa local Joboon reports sonce aceas of tceasurec and cul arccept ton cere misord hecamse the donatons from anyone thece. Ebenezer Death seems like end of an era trrods troc near and for gattirrd aI Oronhclre Hlîte hoîmor Catherior and Walter Frercao, who have moved to Millon.Their 10cm os the Guelph l ânehbasheen sold tuthe Zippes trocn Torosto. Mrs. B. Young read thr addrrss and Stas Robison preseoted the coopte nittîahboclofcmosey, aflerchinch dancing oas rnjoyed. Large f nneral 'l'O toserat of Janet Borth- nîck, widow of the late Robert McAlpior, cas targety attended at Ebroner. Mrs. MrAlpine cetehcrated hec Slnd ho'thday, on FerO 29. Rer hosband 9r. decroord irr on 1923; ohe cas also predeceaordby a daughter Mary. Bornsat Ancastershe vs the taon of a tamîly of nine, Aller hec carniage, she liced cn Rama- gaceya, ontd]coring toçhesey, 8 years ogo. Losg befoce hospitatînatioo cas o readily acaîlahîr, Mrs. McAtpine's services as a practîcat sorte cerecuchîindcmd. Maoy a sec lîttîr Nassaganryao cas heed loto the corld by hec mmcotratns. Rer passn seecs 00ke thr end of on era. Paît beacrr err lice nephens, dndrrn and Henry t.eachm, Georgr McAtpîoe, George Wright, Rellord Smith mnd a tcîend, Grorgr Locher. SOc nos a mendier of Geseva Preibyîrrian Chorch, Cbestey andan associatre mmbr of te W.M.S. Mcc. McAtpîse raves thrce daoughtri. AIena, uMrs. Georgr Scanstoni, Mrs. Isabel Wallace, hottt of Gurlph, and Elten ,Mrc tes tonru with cboc shrcmade her homeof R.R. 4, Chesley, aod tno sons, leslie, ot Toronto, and Chartes, of Hatoîlton' ;u6 gcondichitdren, 30 grat-graodchitdren andon grrat-greatgrads'ooo Chrisletlng Mr. and Mrc.M.Racard 10r inGrangecîtte, os Sonday, attesding the ct'icteningoftthrir granddaoghtrr tori !,%nn Oeil cishrî arc cotroded 10 srclv-woris. Me, aod Mci. Joho l)acid MottaIt, i torcery Vaterîr Carol Stcrtc, o! toctîtîr, t.ocely Iloor wece rît in Oie chrctinmecory ofthergrooc's laIe fther and groodmother. Del MottaIt aod Mcc. Reno Etslry. L.C.W. mreting Mcc. Word. the prrsîdrnt, opeord the May UC.W. meeting cith a crrse. To ladirs colonterred 101Lake charge of the Spin irrcyclingj c'olection ai the tocnship hall. on the tînst Sator- day on donc Mrs. Eacly rspcessed her thanhi foc the lusch iricu ai the golden cedding. Mcc. Gîaiond reporîrd onthe baiesenttoMArica. Mrs G. Monco droIt paricolarty Oith Zambia and Tanoînia in the Woman wins $725 jackpot 'Ihose ccehly Thursday cight Laons Chli bingos at Milton Gistrict High School continue to produre htg cîmers. Mos. Mary Stumr Of R. R. 2 Rocksnood nos the mnst rcernî jackpot cmnner, fatong home a $705 prire a csuple of ceebo ago. Mes. Stuart snid the money nure came in bandy - she bongili a casher and a dcyrr c110 ber wnng.An onecfloc croco fiOd 0eool cafetecia foc the iaciWpnînig l. îtody frocu 10e Africa pack. 00e qooted chat the littîr black boy said, "If t'c ignorant, t cmn edocate myseif; IffI'm pmr,tIcmn hetter mysetf; if anyone complaîms about the cotor of my skin, 1can refer h oom cho gare lb co e." Thrce baptlord Thrce bohîrs ere haptiord at Ehenener on Sonday: Pool Ed- oard. mon of Mc. mnd Mrs. R egioald Vernon Cocerdale; Walter, mon of Me. mnd Mcs. Robert Alexander Windeter and Kecîn Fredecîck, mon of Mc. and Mes. Stophen William Wmod. Ttie junior cboir sang, nith Jay Kîtchiniz as solotot. FINAL DETAILS cere tuken cure of before shocu maktng final checks. The crew.hMs driver- Tom Neill took Ibis nec stock car ta bren preporing the cor for the ficot rce since Vurney for the first roce of the season. Cloris early winter. <Photo by B. Burtt) Neill, Bruce PecIress andl Steve Scilte are Farmers wcant dogs '1printed1 Compulmory nose printn for dogs migh Or oner cay ti elimînale maraudîng canines cMo hace allackrd andl killed tteep on fucms in North Bucbing- ton, says Mrs. Rocs Harbotle of 'Iciss Rd. ter Kilbcide. "*A dog tag bs sol enongi idestification ami coUlacs cmn easîly be rcovrd," states Mcs. Harbotlr. Rrcently the Har- tiles lnst ther flocO of ohrrp foc the tfiird banc in 15 years hecamse ofcravagng dog. Mro. Harbotlr says Oirr is eery indication 1he dogs In question are cnll-fed pros and mIt cîld stcays. 00e advocotes the regîstermng of a dng's mcs print, ohmn the oo'nrr applort foc a dog licence. A note peint foc dogo isn't a novel idru, says Mcs. Rarbotle, cho clanno tt sa alcmady on mstoblised facl. Accocdîng 10 Cîr Simo, guidelines for compensation are set hy the Province. Bol aI a Borlîsoton finnce committre bost werh he saîd hr coutd Or contacting faccers inthe acea t0 tee whetter or not compensation cas enough. Orief te roaril The lady is preparcng a Octet contaîning suggestios for ceducmng dog attocho os live- stock, chîrh she is Oopisg 10 present to Eurlîsgton Tocs ClecO, Wliam Sons. 00e is also lmhmig foc id-as froc concerned cibizn cn the ra Meanchîle somne farceco in the North Bîrlmngsos acea, inctuding the RarhotOres, are nt oulinfird ci10 lin acoont of compensation the bown i paymng thec for the looftber' anonatsdue toi forays hy dogo. -Local fans catched the NHL finals cith g reat intecest. Referce Bruce Rcod of Milton corked sonneofthe games. Proclamation is too late Groops nantiog Milton Council tu proclaîct a special crek foc theon, ciii have 10 submil thir cequeutoi aI least tco crees i advamce, cechers of roundci decîded M4osday. TOry ceceîved a request aI ttrîr Monday mceting foc a Proclamation of Natiosal Werh toc the Mentolly Retocded, May 15 tu20, but t0e ceqoest cameLo loir. Cooscîllor Syd Childs pooîoted oit t0e proclamation nooldn't apprar in The Champion ostîl Wednesday and b9 then, t0e ceeh cms Mît over. *You'd jumI Or throîsing cosey aca." Or said. tritlon comrcîllors agrced il cao ton laIe mnd decidrd 10 cahe a cash donation 10 t0e North Raton Associtton toc thte Mcotolly Retacded, eqoîvalent 10 lthc cool of pnhlîshisg the proclamation. At the ortce tOmr they ouggested asy groopn wnotiof proclamations shoold .subvit thec cn plrsty of lice, cn the ftuoe. 'lTe NHAMR's letter cas dated May 2,' bot it c 0551 rceived uni ast Thursday, May il. Our usual BIG LOT STOCK of A-i Reconditjoned Cars has been "rustled" by smart buyers. We've got ta expand our selection and that makes it a perfect time for a "SUNSHINE DEAL" an a 1972 Pinta, Mustang, Maverick, Galaxie, Torna, LTD or Squire Wagon. If you want to make a dollars and sense deal talk ta the friendly man at Trafalgar. He listens better. 'Brand" your stock now. MOOS è t F D LIMITED 409 Main St. Milton 878-2309 6 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdnay, May .17, 1972 Moffat girls tops 44 ta O FEA TURING THE WHEEL HORSE TRACTOR Open 9.00 - 7.30 P.M. Saturdoy 6.00 P.M. LUSGAR TWIN SEASONS SALES & SERVICE Wmnston Churchill BIvd. and 401 826-3609 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALL EARLY BIRDS SAVE '-i MASTER FERDS FENCE SALE Ends May 2080. 12 Noon 1&' PER ROI)DISON on 842, 948 & Hog Fenco 10%OFFon AilOther FOR TOUR SPAI PLANTINS NEEDS PEAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH EARLY AND LATE CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES, BULK GARDEN M S PEAS, CORN, AND BEANS, PACKAGEO GARDEN M S SEEDS, MULTIPLIER AND DUTCH SET ONIONS. Atlantic Brandl FERTILIZERS 50 lb. MAPLE LEAF 7-71 LAWN & GARDEN Bag FERTILIZER 50 LB. BAG 2.70 MAPLE LEAF 10-6-4 LAWN FERTILIZER 50 LB. NOW BAG 2.95 10-10-10 POTATO FERTILIZER 50 LB. BAG 1.95 2 7 C.I.L. GOLFGREEN 12-4-8 FERTILIZER 27 50LB. BAG 5.75 NOW IS THE TIME TO CONTROL Horso THE WEEDS IN VOUR LAWN Master Feeds has a good supply of Iawn & garden Suppliels weed control mofertaîs. CJ.L WEED & FEED 12--8l -U/0 C.I.L LAWN DOCTOR 40l6ba NY 64Uosou 40 lb. bag ONLY 19.95 ON ILL NORSE GREEN CROSS WEED-NO-MORE-SPRAY 2.9 SUPPLIES toMi t oz. per ual. noter! 32 OZ. SALE ENDS GREEN CROSS KILLEX SPRAY 1349 May 208h (Mn t oz. Per gai. cater 32 oz.12No MASTER FEEDS ARE Rentai Services OFFERING AIL IN STOCK WE HAVE AVAILABLE PRESSURE SPRAYERS FONCE STRETCHER LAWN ROLLERS at 25% OFF LAWN SPREADER 'tii May 27, 1972 PaSr MOLE AUGERS BUT 10W and SAVE FOR RENT Store Hours Mon-Fr. 8:00 ar. laSo P.M. -Sat. 8-12 Noon aa 87 -31 - H N £8777 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LAWN AND GARDEN î*QUIPN%'f SALES &SERVICE FI'ir', bal 1,to' gane ofu scoc e ru-e pLît cd tu the (listrc Monday nught. Mottat onder 15gorls started off the season cîth a whoppingscore nf 41o 0, scothermeg Eden MOIs 1cam. 'Me game cas played at Eden Mîlis. but the home tram Mad no bits amd no cons. Sosan Thompsoo cos the ciisng pitcher. The 'fliompson clan contnued A HAPP' County 4- Saturday Schreihet ville CoU1 Otsteen PROJE the Caor comrte adocr Palern codelu1 Dogs Ont attacke second coîth larcer injared cs il