Advertise for full time paàrksy recreation director LOMIS OF BOTrLES were coilected by cnis Nadalin dig in with lise oork ai uoanding tise from tise Milton district Saturday. Don truck. Milton foir groonds servedi os iseod- Nadalan, Dsnane Stark, Steve Malier snd Brodt qoartars for tise drave. (Phsota by B. Burft) Pay increases of 38-47 cents awarded in Meter Co. contract Termu of mîttlemnt for a 100 year agreement rommeaning dpril 30, 1972, isave iseeo natified hy tise memnherssip cf Local 4574, United Staelorisert tf America at Canadien Meten Company Uaaotad, Maltas. Ontario St. crosswalk A cracsewalkis as eeded on Ontarac St. S. aic or near Ontario Scisool ftr tise Deaf, and tise oeed ha immediate" Coancallor Colis Sniflie tald Miltat Ccamril ibis week. Courtcallors ccnconned and aset l inm and Conerllnn Gordon Itrantz ta iseestagate tise besi position for one. aOne cf a hand-operated stap- Hogt oas alto suggested and tise to couracllcns agrced 10 rcherk tise musta. Sone roatrallons feit a crasoalkin tise anea oould bilei ilaltan Mamor nesadecta, as oeil as OSD stodenti. Au accidett ai OStit front mUtanre Tuesday cf tact omis prompted roucil's isanny 10 gel tise croosseali nstalled. A sîoe- year-old bocy fnom, 050 oas niruris iy a motorryrle sehale cranamng tise rad. Mflton's only legal crossaalk bo date asonOtario St.N. nean the rase ni apantment buildings. Il oaa iostalledl lasI sommer. Tlie negctaataonm oererannaied on aitie plant At Miltan amd afler I0 meetatgs isetoen tise parties tise fnllcmiog changes mene crporatcd in tise nem to yean contract. Statoton> hntadays ocre aocreased fnm0 Ita Il. Vacation credats seofci saisk oere increasedfrom a maxiasmm 52 hocco 10 800 hocco. Siftl Pnnmioms werraornreased frnm 1to 14 and friom14 to 16centsper hour. Better pensian Pemno amprovemet ocre mncneased Iro a maximusm $120 per monta 10 $180 per moots. Au addîtacnal $11 per monts oas tegctaated for tise pnesestly retined employens. Sicis honefit ansunance isenefats wee aocreased from $80 to $15 per omis for employmes earnn in nxesiofl$125per oeek. BIse Cross Drog Plas and Bloc. Cross Sopplementany Hlospital Plan ocre rstended for a peracd of 31 dayc frcm dote of layait. Hoonlynrates ore ancneaned 20 renta per timr on Inacentioe oriers, cnd 25 cents per hoor Ion day ors on tae lanst ycar ni tac agreemnt. A lnrtaer 18 cents an hour for anceotive orniers and 22 cents an hour for day orlers mere gaimed on tae second yean oi tise agreement. Advertasiag for a full tlane parts and recreataoo director 0350 a ulhorized by tise Miltan i',rks aa' iittea3ion omnittee last we0 a niibcrs aiso fioalizcdhkey sommesrtaff. 0cr application had already iseco received ton tie full time position and il wsea referred ta tise commatter micis will ise necpoosihle foe ioterviewing applicants. Aune RouI Oas tamned sommer pool directonr and Ber Wiltan oas nmcd playgnouod sopenvisor. Bots girls had hect os tise Milton Recreation staff in previos yerns. Resigan Isle nesignation of Murray Clnke inom the Milton Parka and Reirreattos Comttottee oas receivrd osts regret. He cited a tacis of tine as tise reason for is ncsîgnatoo. Tise nesigoation wsea lonoa rded to Coonicit for ils considenation. A copy ci ao agreemeanat for thse escisange of lanilitien isetweeen Recreaio, Parsanod Board of Eduratiot was foroarded isy Cossentl for tise romments of tise Board. Memiesen ncled tise agreement neqoined tise establishment of to committees ta amplement and adamoister tise necîprocat agreement under sewic tise pianis board ooutd undertase maintenance .of certain srismt groondo and tise board old maise avaitaste amside scismi facilities. It oas agreed tise agreement proposed nequined burIser tinvestigation bruine reporling hans ta courdcl Giro, softiatt registrion33 days appniiaciîg fori gtils' ioltball oold idicatn popolarily bot eanly indications weethe nognam oidbsequite popolan. Au esecotîre isad iseen nntablished and woriswould be rqoîred on sonne scisool diamonds if registration met rspnctatisns. He mas autsorized tocarry out the rettoicedisase palb prepanation whien tise Aiamond nmeds mene estaslissed aod permission oistained for tisein Mrs R ats> Hodgr, a locally- based field seonken osts Addicrtion Researcb Foondation, oas asked ta on isîtt sncrtary Rose Harrison in studyîog last yean'c Yoolb rmpIoymeot servicn and soggest amprosemeots cf ad- tions 10 the prograse tant year Young people negistered in tise pnognam mmcnd aisout $2.000 ha oddjobsad fanaonsostaoed ihroogh thr Rerreatace Ther Board danectadl a Setter te, the to00 monta rommitten 10 dctermane if ptanned noad amprovemeota ta tise Rotary Pars Road rould be undertaises ho tise tases staff in conjoniction wnts tisear renunfacing prognam. tastalation of a hump in tise road sean lise mater foais ho tise oadmng pool mas nuggented 10 redore tise speediog isanand in tisaI area. Cosracl advised tise oard it seould ho pmsible 10 borate a hall daamond in tise partially compîrîrd lasdfall site off Commnercial St. sent yean. Art Melamson mac delegated ta meet town staff in considerng tise possible loration ccd taIt preporatcon of tise cita. Resiemiog aresa are time rates sohmatted from ousicat, The Champion, Milton, Ont.. Weclnesday, Many 17, 19723 teors n tis chrgdfr pie eh r ne c..w an hreta I whie tise charge for Junior hockey, on tht Friday enening / an26an iaur.Memisers o lanti, the anaiaol fireoss display on July 1 Acre alo made ,~ a,oîth board memiser Howell - 'tX..I Hoplon in change,s GERTRUDE sy -aomom >19 'LOOK A enycmrtaE i.c _ The0Ha-ton o Bor fEdcto FrQat atn opiendl Servubice WI nsdy MayTO 24P7LAZA3 PM MloDistt at eg SHOP 878-2881 -Weddica Desins na Anc venatis U-Hopitl Arrangementns -FaneaTribue \w{ttffI'Vtea94 continues ifs ... SIZZLING SPECIALS to marm op ycom Spricg . .. See os Ior hot deals, conneient GMAC licacieg and service pou'l appreciate. 1961 FORD GALAXIE 2 Onnn HardtaP Fcnshed in saigh green wiatc cstna iteriorn d oiai Eupied wicr va8 actomatic,raio,npowerand white aasocad miseal dics. 32,00toraaaeci miles. Lac a0945d 1966 ONEVROLET IMPALA 2 late Handtae Rndenteraaoaetntrcatiiaoblaciteror. Va8 otoonatac. poweer steering. poweer Orakes. chite ocall, ohcee daus Onr 47000 or iaicai mies. Lis. N13076 1966 111110NALF TON V-a actoonatsc o0tradio forneoatires and es racet UsC 640900 1965 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 Doue I4ardtap EFuone dotracomatsc power stcerccg powaer Orakes white wnans oaheel isc nod Va8 Two tore enferioe Onas 40,000origial rmiles Preccous caner inomtn soppicd. Las. N4553 1965 FORD FALCON t Date Haedtnp Tee pereet secend can taeashed in ahite wath sharp ced iceerace 6 syliader. notooceasc, radia, waaite waus and aheni $995. 1962 MERCURY ECONOLINE VAN Sia syliadee, seandardransmisinî Las. An an ecial 1205. ACTON PHONE 853-2869 STR EETSV ILLE PHONE 826-3950 388 Main St. Milton 878-2355 -F HOMEOWNERS CALL TO 10 P.M. $2.000 - *50,000 Oblaieal lithe cash yon ed andredace your payecnts byas 00043 as allaah a 2nd or 3ed mortOage on seesiblc terene Ceil to 10 pcr today for hesfosouteonservicee Prompt irsesararni Cors 330 Bay Si ,Toronto Coul Coilect 366 056, AUOTION SALE ROTARY CLUB 0F GEORGETOWN ANNUAL AUCTION SALE Monday Evening, May 29, 6.30 P.M. GEORGETOWN ARENA Arena Board and Rotary Cloub nol responsible tor accidents. Alfred Speace, Anctianeer. 5,ýi, 10 ý 7 9 rs, ký_ )ÉMOI el»») W