Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 1972, p. 25

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Drumquln School Fun Fair is great success Ny MesCeci! Pafleason lelicisos luncb wao oerved by th0e lIes James Kiebsoood was bosieso aod a social bal boor guesi opeaker at Betbel Cborcb eojoyed by ail. on Sonday May 14, for Motbar's Me. and Mrs. Ralpb Day. Thare was a god Featberslon attendedt the anissl attendonce wilh floral mseeting and banquet of Halfan arrangementa an the altar. Bey. Coaoly Tuberculosis and Klrhwssd was bars and raised ai Reopirafory Disease Asociation Balinafad, attesded Georgetowo aI lise Pins Rossa, Oabville os igh~ Scbool and for tie pool fem Wednesday May 10. years siBo is mile and fassoiy loleresig reportsooed 1hftai have basa ulosionaries la Imo filons and sauond caosette Zaubie, Africa. bave been prepared and Ima The Kiebseonds are hoone as Irofectars porcbased. Thlle are furcoogi. He displayed scores of uoefd i explaioiog pulmonaey Boingo ssch as carved articles, tests and are avadlable foanone duits, a cacoonuf obreider, a ioferesled in saeisg Ibeas. R. D. neoplaper, Bible and a bysso Eqoipaseal lad heem donfed lai book ss the Zoohia laogssge. Georgetown and Burliagloo Me. Klehwond rond aod sang in Hospitls. loverai R. D. paftlento the oative loagon. Rev. Lyso are provided wilh boue Ados and Relv. Kirkwond belld eqaiposeol, olaslboaedo, oxygea, an informai bof ioforuative aie dlessers, baissidiflero, etc' discussio on is mark. Lofer BMlette. quest ions f rom, toa coogragaflon Tbe Druasquin Slimneffes beldi more Enaslaradi Me. Kirkwssd Ibeir monal keep fil classas os wm be warisg iBhaeChristian Moiidsy, May Boli Perey Merry Urbas Traioiog Cool or in lebeai. Basf meighf laser of Ibi Torooto, batl h bpeofao colora fa weeb wss Mro Jon Bisonnette. th0e mission field.- Bcasse aif bhe bhday Ibere mill Fuaeral service ha o meting os May 22 and th0e Fonoral servira mas held fros final one for th0e sesso will ha Lises Fssaral Houe, Strealaville May 29. Awards will ie givea fihat son uday foroahlfae Miss Rut1h oignit. Taylor, sebo reslded os the Thse Assoal Fun Fair si Perey EgBoLina. Miss Taylor bas W. Merry was a greaf socceso. bosapoiant la Milton Hospital liere as a large aflendasca for several weaks. Symspaoy is miBo pleslyaof f ood, babeftables, a extendad ha Bhoue sebo muse ber contry store and a asagicion, passang. Scott Long oI Hamsilton wbo The Druasqain Womes's mnade a greaf bit wiBo Boa Insfifafe ueeting for the monBo yoongofors. was beldi aI the basse aI Mes. A. Congraulatios fa Baise la Hlfeef rafalgar Rd. os Taesday charge os the isferesfiog eveaf May 9 miBo soyas onosbars convesed by Mes. Williau HiB aflosdiog. Mes. R. Featbarso a nd Mes. Gordas Rayser. presided and walcomed tbe Bielhday greefisgs go fa Mrs. Iodles. Mons G. Featbarsfon wiBi Hanry Nowab, Mes, W. Alderon, roprasasl Boe fultitofe af District Mes, W. Simpso, Miss Hadi Annal on May 24 0f camp. Nomab, Patricia Drawbrook, ballvilae, site relud Boa lbeee Doris GodI, Allan Wassoss, Jase resofufions wbicb mîlI be Lowe, Geef Boebaserf and Dean prosesled aI Ibaf fisse for Homba. eansidaralioa. Mes. Feaîarafan Congratulations fa, Lorraine lais charge oi progroon and gave Caaper, Coonie Corse, Jant iferastiaf readings frouo De. lebeaihar, of Horshy North Jr. 4- Efbai Chapuan's book, H clubs os reroivisg Boaer eoonfy -Hoonanîfies and Hoonsps", bosor cerifieafa and pis aise fteus front the Halfos Foras peeseoled iy Mes. George News eofiled "The foraser uigbl Headeron, presîdeof of Hallan on mail puf op mitb bis'. A Distriet Wosseo's Institutes. Bp Mes. Jlu Hamiltoa Thse NorBo Trafalgar Eochre Club beldi thair weekly euclore paefy os laloday aigbf, May 13, aI 1the North Trafalgar Reereaf ian Centra. Thare were 10 tables of eucbre is play miBo Boa bigb scores beiog mon by Boa lolomufg ladies: Mes. Gba Robis wiBo a score of 101 asd Mes. V. Siclair aod Mes. Wilbarl Ris with a score of 96. The goals prises were mon by Charlia lYasble, Eva Presswond labo pisyed on a gent) H.larold Raad ond Ralpb FaIerstos miso mare lied for Boîrd place. The lscby droms mare mos by Mes. Gerald Tesayeke and Joe Ellis. Me. aod Mes. BiBl Cronier of Severn Bridge violîrd os Saforday miBo Me. and Mes. Wilaser Maisoo of Irecefaville Greeflags Mes. Jas Hasilton of Horsby Cracks and oneves surface of cakesumay hi aused by Ion asaci fIse, las bal a oves and onuelasas froos cold oves siarf. To crisp a ssggig veil, press if ontop oflapiece ofwaxed paper. Wax front paper wiBl give il body. CREEKS FLOWING froas Kelso have treafed Nocas Corbott af 45 Flost Lise mail Bois seauon. He casgbf a 15½, isnch Raisisos Monday weighilg twa and a bal pooinos. Cochoîf bas caught several asco sîso flsb near Kelso inBohe psst wook. Lowville Kerr conducts officiai art display Ny Mrs. Richard Soverelgn Arls Buebanglos Cbairuao Koy Cardiff describad the licol exhbitionansd sale called Kalaidoscople as haisg a "terrifie sacces". The exhibils and deasos- ofrolions wore sel sp by Boe Fise Arts Association, Waavers' Guild, Rug Hookîsg Guild, l'offrs' Gsild ond The Gsîld of Arls. Ovar 250lasbibited worb and anaestimaite3,0f0people iemed the show. Thesetisîs and eraftsasen froas Botis seras mare Marie Tmiss. Myrna Twîss, Val Irmia, Kaîberîne Langton, Lorraioe lmallom. Clora Auckland, Nancy opening Ramsbaw, Helen lavereign and Broca Mtar. Garni eshiblito Lomsitle orfînt Robert Bateaon mas a guesl enkibitor. Tbe Honorable George Kerr Opesed lise skom. Gardas Roan 'If the Otaris CrafI Foundation and Joba Watson a free lane l.eacbee [roms Toronto nelerla oseral outstandrng piaces oI art. Cosgroalations la amidon ilcias Flocis miss partbcipaîed for two days on tbe Kimonîs Fenlivai balA racesfly aI McMaster Umiersit y. Brion mas amordeil birst prise mîtb las accerdisa bases solo and Boa accordise wlacb bie is a aseashr ai ondai Boa leadersbip of E. J. Nisiol. mal amarded f test prise. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coverdale Me. and Mrs. Eugene Coaltar arnd Me. James Aytas alîesded Bt seddig aI Ebesezer Unii Cburcb ai Valarîr Steet daogbter ai Me. and Mes. Harcr Sieste of FuIst lîde Rd. Me. Jobs Molfal, Jack, Auadrey and Blarne Cooller 'and Mai- Coman anjoyad Boeîr sisil mît Henry and Jean Bomsisam o Clear Lake sear Parry Sound. Gars Pcer. Jobnaond Jase Millor mare tbe leaders foc th youtb camp aI Cadar Glen thi past weekesd. Cauped nut GOordon Wîlay. AI Sargent as Ray Powell mare Coi and Scou readars frontibois aires mis carnped out with boys atCams Manitou os Tmiss Bd. 'Tbe evesisg unit of Boa U.C. was enligbteoed on Boa pnificî and social ife ai South Alric aibas Jean Millar read an aclici meitte by sovelint Joas A Mîchener. Tbe ladies mac remioded of the Genacal U.C.9 meeting aI f pas. aI I.smvill Umited Cboc on May 30. A fiS strip wilbe sownonthe Wor iitorcb Mimsions. Th1e commnsily sends gel me mîsbes la Arthur Jobmson os Jack Baron. allaoded Boa bs'fbday parly bahl Mes. Jolan Cordmngley visiled i basse of ISsas Jepsooflibar parents os Moîbar's Day and Georgetown, wbo celabradber trealad Ibemout otlalunch. laelbday os Tsasday, May 9, Mes. Boy Break of Derry Road wlaeb mos bier sisBo birBoday. meicoaied tbe Edes United Assîvarsary, grealiagi are Cbsecb Woaieno la er hoase os exlaoded la Mr. and Mes. Arthur Mosday evesiog. May f. 'M0e Plast of the eighBo âne, Hornby, presideal for the eveig mas mis mil celebrafe their maddisg Mes. Edea Waîte, wbo melcoased annicersary os Tbussdy, May Boa ladies la the aseeting, mbieb 18. won oPesed miBo the Ode and Mes. Ros Craseford of Prayer. Mes. Violet Nio mosn Casspbal's Cross mas the bontes charge of tbe devofios. The for a iaasîly asiscellaneoos maueswre read and approved. sbawee ait bar boue os Wed- barrsleol feuil mas read and a nesday evemaf., April 26 miBo HbIasd f r lans osn la Bill Mes. B. Marsball af Fort Credif. Hl ndt i McFaddes. on cmisosle.s mbirh mss beld la Planl Isseas basse af a iscide-la-isa Jean A collection mas lakas froas, Boa Goodfelam of R. R. 1, Narval. %ishbiae and Glosas. Final pIons Maoy beoufîful gifla mare marei dîsrussed for Boa dessert ceceived for mhicis site elifesded loneisma. I9 was derided Boal a b er sîneere lisanka ta ail g911 ha gîves 10 Jas Hall prise la affesdrng. Gosses mare played lier meddîog day os May 27. Tbe ond a delisisas lunch mon served. Juna aseetig wl hisi cisarge oi Aooiversary graetins are Ms. Harry Lowden wkicbmill be extnde toMr.andMrs Mevin a donner ast asd back to Mrs. aladed l c and Mes Meis Anderson May's foc lise mceting. Cragig mkovrsr m on ce a 15.i Mes. Jobs Haasilaon, msndacled a m ddi tîerisoMa1. sale 0f plants and shrobs. A Tr'an rpl Paig oyelf delicîsus lunch mas served asd a Me s es rî RyelI social baîf boor esjsyed. byplane front 110e Torosto Bîrlbday greefiago ara Internatiosal Airpocl on eslended ta Hugs G'Connor and lalsrday, May , foc Pario. Bill Moecbaseof mbo milI France. Tbey mîlI attend a celafrale thaîr ba'Bodays os May meaeingcoscersnf Ikirsale 18, Dos Sitsand Paul May on Snoomobiles. Moy ta. 11ev. Jas Masmell os Mr. asd Mes. Russell Gond- May 20, Gercge Treasse os May felsmw oI Boa teaBo line ceebrafed 21 ond Brando Lochie oa May 23, lhiai 2219 meddisg aanivecsary and alsil Mes. Ted Walter on May os Wednesday. May 3. maeis 23. masy friands entend Ibair Mr. and Mes. Larry Rofledge af sincce isiese.On May 6 Clnvisited onoSudyMi iasoily diser and pacly mas Me. and Mrs. Joba Dcoaasod'ai bell. the Nith is îe. Hornby. Daisun 1600 *the more-for- fl l *your-moiUy car * ~ Omagh Halton T.B. grou~ holds annual me RY Ms.Ceil Piîaesoii'0i5lMilton tin e pupls ofwee9 i o Icsl'gtî'i . Klivs I Il1U, :l o 50ysars agooill eeebee ber letici u l.ofaks m're red Iiil.0.ihil Il[ d% OL'lli 'oalu-u Tbe loyae Racrealîoo loodly wayO. leose Mes. E. Galbeaith for Mes Rlutherford exysessed Commitlea bald Ibaîr osoal Eslertained Easter flowero and Iron Boa ayyeecîatioo Si the ladies for tbe esebea aI Boa Boyar CeaIre os Mes. H1. Rutherford estertaisedl Burns laaily t0 exlcodosrprise gi on Boce receal 4919 Friday eveniaf May 12 aiitb 15 the membuers of Gasagb apyreciatioo 0 oa heihabrs for weddig aosiversary. tables in play. Wissers mîBo bigsevn ersmnt le h r.H MCn eotdta si5coe Oece Mes. George Presbylerion W.A. and W.MS MlaIeit geeael alle B a ns.H Mso rmeporîd gent1 Beoworidge, Mes. Ed Fostr, Bill baer borne on Ôotarjo Sî. on fumerai of tbe tala E. A. Buras.oeadMs Asebdgo Slooli Jr. and Roy Elleolos. Thursday May Il. Mes. R *Reportson thIe receof bawling ibroogb tbe cborcb coybaards Lucby drawo Iroas the talles Beowoeîdfe presided for the baoquet aicre lovent ond s- ond maoy dîsbes bad t0 Sie mace won by Mes. T. Homdao, afleroon. leriplare and prayer cePted, alsoa reirtos -i boviof icuo.fsoe ,, pap. e'îîse Meo. R. Ceosier, Gordon 'llosspsoo and Roy Wilson.---- lYoipaîby is esteoded lu Ibose Wba ouorut tbe paooiog oI Mrs Robert Borefield. aiho pasod' amay in Ballon Cenleonial MasorD i t ct P g on Friday May 12. Mes. Bornfield lise former Lîllion Mais iangbl for aonYy ears aI tbe Bruca Sf. o~J~L~ O * HOME & COTTAGE ~ ~UMDERIMPROVEMENT UDEAS ~es. Si, '~tL ~ Upolaies, Dowsooairs- c~ jlBide Pipes mnd Joista, S o.q, ,s Laver 019gb Ceilingo, neas ou A Stee ileora GId Ceîlmngs. oafE a~l f~ Thi Ž f is teeasy, last GARDENflSHED - w ay t-do" a ceilog IC.o, rh -a osshaaoos "do is lay in et $ '-* panels os h 74 9 t ormeork -19e job i oh, md-I nlokad l f . binetc. by just i. liftng a paeloot. Gr9id Sysle 9 (jd oseup of extra"lroOg SFire Rated" stee 1 compousCoa Compîcte ceiliogs SARE E rMins înclodîog pre-painted KR E mis j) o 25Sq.FI. Apon 2ol2$ 099 an lrs ees, wire aod ideal for the I Frsiosu2osofs x oc4' lay on panels. Sssdyva heseversmaleed To005 Mahogan "0IT YSUISELF" Ais 0 o$2.9 4 5 hi has$q 0 19' PRE-FINISMED PANELLINS 4a 7 e ehaveathe selection ta realesay90ffo leas (J 0999 Easyfovistalandeasy tocarlfor. Just railor c gl e e lace. oo e 0,00 PaieS Grain PLYWOOO PANELLING j S Smmer prei 4'a'435I Hoeey Pecan a'XSo' 5.95 ecvFalisCvosc , l utch EIm Klnoly Cedar 4'x7' 5.20 a a Iose C e t elassed Roseoood ~-0seveaa styles. Canaa9aBirch 4'X ' 7.75 Antique EIs 4' x B' 8.85 Rusic Walnut 4' x ' 9.95 RusticRoseoo9dao 4'xB195 Canada's No. RE flOUSE PAINT E he CIL Oolored 95 Reolar 11 40 Saye Wood finish Boteso for ln99 6 ouarclr $1 0.55 B 7.7 m 1q0 2.50 Gal. Re. 09 eg 295 CAMPBELL Mis Grade Menoris Memorial EnaaaaO l **l ** fil ail you really notaid * NORTH END BP * 235 Bas. Lino Roud Milton 878-2471 WRGUGMT IRON RA1LINCS AdO beaole value andl nalels ta sous homef7 w,8v maeso eass to ensîsîl wouohl ira rasli csgs No seiai fooais os weid.e0 equipmeet veedaîl Pateelednsystemd 9ives toua saeasdsottdtinstallation. Binq inliur mesrmet or a tfr estimale. "Emc"ain afets frnt ais7 o îSZ" IBOack & Dechor Regular Lino Qaalîfy N North~ 0 POWER TOULS W F s sdocForh aIt aq e o a inl ong For cuiv n g ea c os ts Betor Qoalily DOohble Lesta 2 q t SANDER ai ofvs askesr !f ait 7/ IJ Lslo S F orPa slraîht Pofu drl Wiht pers U a"Thick eiid or scroi basnou proeaid Orbialacqonocs FIBRECLAS PANELS or plasi. eaîs s on nsh. eado«to.F E Fasorspaticrotas or 19.95 '14.95 119.95 DELIVERY Jgaee aad ighlgacev DRIVEWAY BLACKTOP SEALER Oeq. oitsa 20"x8 OZs $44 Ea a napey jutpsouri onvandspead.Beao ifesoand 5 gal $ D~ * , asss protects mai surface. pi 6 m 5 OF *ISA 0 peng 2172 Main St. E. fl Monday fa Friday ffo~- MILTON Saudy Olpen iaaaawo Suy8am lo pm l~-uiw 878-2351 "i. The Champion, Milton, Get., Wednesdsay, May 17, 1972 5S13 lofts for a May bride Miss Cynthia Clark. and la Gordon Rayner for bis kiodoaso in oiaking mincir iprovemeola on the cburcb baemeol. An invitabionfrontBoston W.A wsread tu tbe affluai gel e tin g bsccteer of the tw Wme' ASO, lotion, ii, lx is'ld in Boston 'I t VER 09980 IRE Hornby Discuss snowmobiles in Paris, France 0 p e e le n Id il d

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