Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 1972, p. 24

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812 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, May 17, 1972 MaOyo town North Burlingxon cesidenlu gol a quîch lesmon ini ecosomnics and Uieco mofn running Uieic toms 'i'lsasday, ohms the esayor ut Burlinglon George Harrioglus sous gueul speaker ut thc assonl meeting of Upper Bonlonglos Cilins Forum. Mayor Harriof- Ion chose lu refrain irnes commenting onthe controversial sco official plus for the sorUi of Uic bown, hecause il is still under sludy hy Uic planning hourd, but hoe outlned the bowns fioascial pîclure te the smull crowd aitending. 1lhelîevelthern are soure mi'S- ondnnotusdmngs amosg Uic peuple oho lioe n stUi rural area on w06cm Iheir lunes are spennl, hie opesed. Hn rnfused la refc te areas othetownsas "north" and -Sou"h-l bunaid the cooscîllors lry te Uhiishof thentuwn as une- *une lry t0 Uiinh colleclively caîher thas scparately." Where litgnes 'Ibis year il's a $2f million budlget, ut whîch fît millin cmsfr cnes Uitaspayers hy direct taxation, seid thc mayor. liranlo and other revenues make op the dîfferesce. Largesl share of thc las dollar gnes 10 educalios-4O per cent or $7 million. 0f thc balance, 28 per cent focs t0 puhlie eorhs 4 7,36i3,000ii ohîle 10 per cent looks aller deht charges, 1 1 ce cent police and lire service, il pcr cent recrealion and eues. mnîy servc, sxper cent t$1.5 million) is paid lu Uic Gouny ofHallon andone percent gues tu conservation. Mayor Hanringlon mîid Uial allhough the pub lic wonhs deparnsnnl is a big spender, manyof16e projecIs arcdose out ut currneofondn tusavenfinascing changes. Tis yeac 11.3 osillo are sel anîde irnes current revenue for capital porpuses. Thec"pay as you go" policy is workisg oeil, hcemsid. Ifia major crsis came up, the on coald neyent lu debesluring ssch orb and eal Ihose mills off the currn las rates. Poflinn, flan cool Police and fine cost close la $3 Msillios. Thene anc 71 mes sn thc police depanîment, 55 fall lune aI Ibren stations sn the fîre deparlesent. Recreation is "a hig liem" Uic mayor admitted, hon wilh 22 per cent of the lassos population attcodîog school, recceation for yomng peuple is a necessary espense. Adlts anc seelang more and more in recreatîusal tacîlîlîns ton, 6ie added. Rfleerriof lu industrial promotion sn Burlinglun, 6ie uuted indusb'y doensI gel any tan conccssions iroi thc toms hul Uic lamn dons prnvîdn serviced indusînial land for a set pnîce of $10,00 an acre plus a g ood industrial clîmale. Il tubes a lut of îndostry and commercial assessiment t0 balance off Uic residcntial assessmnnt, 6ie oed, and poîuled out thal Uic taxes on most residential properties don't coco cover t6e cunt ni education. 'lhis year itcosts $8t2laeducate an elemcnlary schonl cbîld for a Yean and $476 to educale a secondary schonl slodeol. The difcrenlial inthe voilà rate beten urban andrural areas i s 10.2 mîlîs this yean, the mayor noted. He emphasizcd rural rate- payens are sut payisg for services ithe urban area, excep on a ew items such as bus service whih is ruledhby provinciallasvs. Eight per cent 'Ibere is $16,803..121 assesset Ln the rural arca of Banlînglas Ibis yean. lusI cîght per cent of Uic tow's total. Revenuel Uicth laus. cscludîog cducaliun. i $694,.00 Ma)or ifarciogtos saîd hce codorscd thec dca of rolepoyers' associations lîhe t6e UBCF, idîhough hc didn'l lîbe spevial case bodies which have ooly ose pointlofview and are oly formed tlacanpaign ton ose thing. "I hiînh it oould bc gond if ts orgaioation lonh mure lune 10 mcn doonlomo. sit around Uic talanmd discuss things," 6ie said. Communication helon Uic elected rcprescolatîoes and Uic rural people han aloays bon a problees bat 5511cr communi- catin would reslt in a 5511cr understandmng, bie cidnd. In Uic questin perîid msîch tollowcd, ratepayers qunrîed assesseo dîffercntials snîth sieigbboring commonibiesn d a prîvala legîslatîoc bill la drop conts of anhas bas service te canal ratepayers was discusscd. But the Mayor wanned Forum members thcy should sot demasd esclusion fues Uic bas sabsidy cosîs, or Uic toms mîgbt miabe thees pay for ail Uic services Uiey reccive and it coald snt more in Uic end. "I onaldo't 5e sn a bocry la sudl dos ynur c'nsts," 6e mîid. suai drivers Cosoplantu were alse voiccd about the growmng traffic on norti end ruants and Uie "tunday driver" and "weebesd jatunter" were cited. "If me are goisg la r explains financing Lake ail your ilunday drivcrs soc complaîncd abut hcaoy wonh- shoidd 55 gclting mure con- end lnaitic in Uic rural nonUi. cessions, hocause thcy are o dan Mrs il. Pnrlch Uionked Uic nisance," Ben Hfitchcock of mayor for lahîng lune tu corne lu Gselph Lise tld Uic mayor. He Uic meeting. sad inthe past lion or six years Uiere have becs over 100 ac- Councillur Mns. Ella Fonte, cidents on t6e winding strctch who rcpresnb Ward flocon u orUi of 10 idcrad. The Mayor fionlinglon Couucîl, added bier sd il oas a coonly rond and nt Uanhs and nolad Uic Mayor polo Bunlîugtou's rcspunsibîlity. inl15huurs adayor moreuonlams 016ers on the audience bsness. Survoy callod aastupidc Poor turnout ut Foruisannual Atlandonce oas sparse but mîcerest oas lagb Thursday ohen Upper Burlinglos Cîtizeus Forumns assual meeting csUlcd wîth Uic final game of theNHL cbampionolap. lite NHI, fume ouldneo the Forum meeting as onîy 19 members and inlcrnsted ratepayers frues surUi urlinglun attcnded. Vîce-chaîrmas G. Bradford Clemenîs, oho chaircd t6e meetng, sadhoe as sorry the allaudasce ousu't larger. He sad Uicrn ocre 802 fansilies wo hone norUi of Hîghoay bobho arc elîgîble for mnmbershîp, but only 16 had paîd ducs last ycar. A memhcrshîp vampaigs is plannnd, "to mahe sure on arc a gond represenlation once.' Name dirertors The meeting clcled 11 diecters inho otîl guide Uic UBCF in 1972 and they oîll ment laler tu select a chainssas, vice- chaîrman, sccrctany and treasuner frues amung t6e dineclars. Namcd as direeturs are Broch Hfarris, G. B. Clemesîs, Ross ilcgsortb, Tues Balles, Hfarold Middlebronk, Mrs. il. Purlch, Mrs. L. Morris, Miss L. ilcolcheser, Mrs. Parent, Mrs. don Rudgn mnd Bruce Tomdinoo. Reoicoînil 16e pasl ycar, chainesan Clemenlu sulnd there ocre several publie meetings and nuire rno esonutîve meetings. lise gruup Belped the lams oiUi Uic sprisg clem-up in May and he14 a monl-Uie-candidalas nigbt fon provincial elechion candidates last fll. 'lMe Forum han becs action ini Uiecvampoîfs lu revîco mailing addrcsses and telephune ancas in the onrturfington area in the posl ycar. OfficiaIs ocre hupîng for a report frues Bell Canada us Uic possîbîlîty nf changisg serre Phone ameas, but il was leanned thc Beil report îill sot be avaîlable ustîl Jonc. A sanvcy oas varrîed out os mailing adt- dresses but Councîllur Mms. Etla Foula fears il mill 55 prety ascless.-Uic lams staff obich 50 register in softball About 50 girls regîstcred for solîbaîl Saturday morniog. Organtuens hope for a greater shown ofiînlnrcst tosîgbl and Satunday ohen registrations arc he1d agaîn. Glirls întcrestcd in playîng homse league soîthaîl thîs ycar should regiser belseen 7and 9 pin. tooîgbl Wedsesday or Salurday mornîng betocen 9.30 md 12 so. Bath sessions will 6ie 5514 at bbc Pisc St. i UilW, Union Hall. 'The future ufth 16e ague dcpends upon Uhi oerest showo hy t6e girls now. prcpared the sunvcy cards omitted a place for peuple la stfs Uneir mime and uddeess. 131lask change Dinector Roms iegooorth sald Uic sanocy was "slupîd" bonause if peuple wrute in myisg Uiey oasted a change in Uheo' mailing addncm, Uic toms oaldo't bom wh6cm Uiey lived. "Il oould have hoco hotter tu give the mooey lu Uic ilaloatios Acmy," bie oaid, "il's abmolulaly uselcon." To dole Ucere have becs 520 replies frumes Uicf2 sanocys maded, and 389 iodtcatcd Uicy don't ount a change in address white 131 indîcala Uicy do. Thic 3M0 oho didn't rcply anc prubahly satisficd oîi Uneir mail uddrems, chairmas Clemenlo feIt. Treasurer Tom Bates gaon a "cheerful" fînancial report shmig te Forum bas a $61.6 bobk balance. !ARh on your car in just 3 minutes without Ieaving your car DRIVE-IN TODAY 11.750R LESS WITH YOUR OASOLINE PURCcasE. GET A J ' RAIN CHECK 'Onynur car wash Wbco cou nus up In bad weather Mondan Io Frîday 9t su6 Saiurssuy 0ta aSandan BELL BROS. 405 Martin St. AWS - TILLERSS& B MOWERS IREELS & ROTARIESW *Homelfie Chain Saws * Kendal Ois *Hahn Eclîpse Tillers * Sunbeamn Mowers *Tara Equipment * Moto-Ski Snowmobiles and Billes Available at... Lisgar Twin Seasons Sales & Service Winstan Churchill Bled. & 401 826-3609 SALE STARIS THURSOAT, MAT 101h UNTIL SATURDAT, MAT 2Oth BEDDING GARDEN HEDGE PLANTS TOOL SET TRIMMER Large assorimeni la choose trom FORK - RAKE - TROWEL Reg. NOW 3 2 boues 96c 88C 2.76 $2 PEATGadnCAC L MOSS 6 Cu, Il WHEEL 3 cu fIl CBRCOALT 97 BARROW BRIQUETS. $497 $ Reg. 10.97 NOW Bag 77 77GARDEN Zelco Lancer FERILIER OSE50 fi LAWN MOWER FERTILI ER HO E31/ H.P. Briggs & Stration engine 4016 lb Reg. NO 27 20 inch blade NOM$14 2.99 $2ONLY $6488 Everain Instant Planting SPRNKER FLOWER BLOCKS FOLDING WIRE Covers 2,200 Sq. Il TOMATO BLOCKSFE E ONLY ~ '~ SGreeLn in color ONL $ 97 eg 10 x18" -Reg. 2.29 Special $ 76 Na 7 Hwy., Georgetown - nGogtown Market Centre - 877-5131 t Drum, S BYMo Rev. Je guest spea un Snnday Day Tii attendanc arrangerea Kirkwood i Balbnafad Hig S"lo years Witt base bat Zambia, A 'lTe Kir fnrloagh. 1 Ilsingo aoc lln, a i onwpapes book on fi Mr. Kirb flhc nativi Adam an an infor discuion qaestions Urban 1 Toronto , b thc mn Faerai lacs Font onflTu"d Taylor, EigsUi L beon a Pa foc neveri etended 1 passmng. Instiltt i won held Haller, IY May t alttnding preoided ladies. M represeot donnua o bellojille, cesofulin preonnte considera is chani interestin Ethel News enti on wefl Horn Bp flic Ni Club bel, party on. aI 1he Recreaîi( tables of higli Seo tollowing iti a S( Slinclair with a e prions v Tiioble, playe a, mnd Ralp lied for druos w Teneyci Mc. or Severn Saturday Wiliser Mes. J Cracks cakes mi fleur, t. Smelu To cris on top ni Wax troc

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