The Champion Miltn, Ont. Wednesday May 17, 1972 UN THE - - GEORGETOWN MRARKET CENTRE PRE HOLIDA Y -SA TURDA Y, MA Y 20Oth ONU DA SALEBRIQUETS re U AOO IESOUTOMERS 10 lb. a S Speciat Purchase PICIIC SUPPLIES Reg. $.84 G EIERGREENS Georgetown store closlng by-îawsdo not aîîow us STYROFOAM C<J(LER pc oLANDSCAPINGL to remain open Monday as do aur competitors in 40Qurt Theretare we are brlngmng the savungs ta, you Spec. '2.27 Saturday' 1 Pini Serviete -ThisWOOksttIIudfî CHECK THE VALUES! e.a4e OsTmt etEwrn HECK THE PRICES! SpeC. 2/77o OS jtFANTASTIC SAVINGS ON ALL ITEMS IN THIS CORDUROY PANTS ONEAYA AEMuu'î Long Sulua Choice ot Styles es100% polyester Doublekflit nd Colors Imported Crimpknit BUT 10W! CHARGE Ml DRESS and SPORTst$79 3 Conuenient Credit Plans te, Suit Your Budget SHIRTS 1/2 Pria. Reg. 3.97Clearance Va lues ta 06.99i Spec. $2@67 yd. 1/2 Prias I LBR D O D 1 "BRADFORD 12" 10 SPEED COLORT.V.RACER BIKE BLACK & WHITE T.VI. Reg. $88 Autumualis i tnear Rg 190 p Ree..$4$11900pcSp68,8 Spec. . $ss0019s81& RCOLONIAL CHESTERFIELD "Percy the Price Siashee' uNu Puleet SE in oaur store again..he's been at wark gett ng , Ptern teih NTSTHuge Va1Les ready tor the Great Sale and w i be Chieao36.46 Tru alu ighmtresg Reg. $209.00in the store ALL DAY..slashing even more Reg. s6a0almnu rae prices tor your benietit Ail these wilI be e $69 ~ ~1s8o0unadvertised. . Faatastic Values throughaut the Spec.533 each JUST WATCH FOR PERCY'S RED LIGHT! STEEL STORAGE SHED a' . 7' 1CMlt ako D ~~LADIES' KNIT SHIRTS Suggested List Price $114.99 Our Price '88.18 1Cmt$ aku 0CU1 uoitt ackhRKHS DRESSES EDN iOU ongd Shrt Sieeveu Slightly Imperteci ai 77' eo styles BPLANS aStles Val targ to SedohîMî Voua ChimlFUSAV ebr Reg, Spec. Vaues te $0.00lreasi acos Vausu o$00 LSAYSNwon $2.46 '2.17 ReduceMîo Clear tram Med. 2.56 2.27 1.02bxs7 2 Price ~ Reg. 2.66 2.37 0, xs7 MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE Rg 37 Lde'SPORT SHIRTS S M L Rpeg. $1* 2.96 LADIES' SLIMS HOT PANT LOUNGER BABY STROLLERS Sizese-16 Maxi Lengtti 4 Position Play Rings Reg. $34.88 Crîm.aph COF'resu E RE Paiutud Jersey tlîtîl Shopping Basket Spec. '26.88 Jeans A R R E ERA Red, puaple, Broul SCOlTIE FACIAL TISSUE Values up ta $1.0 7 -7-7 FERTILIZER 07Reg. $16.99 Free 7 ft. seed tape 200,sS 3/11.00 Reduced to clear 40 lb. bag 1/ risLADIES' BRIEFS S M L Reg. $38 310Prias Onîy Assorted Colors Sp1c 3/330 Reg. 2 / .88 Oe'Quld me, odONE SIZE PANTY HOSE Se 3/'11.O NYLON HOUSECOATS CASUAL SLACKS LADIES' STRETCH SLACKS e la Wtî EbiMd.Jy Zip Up Sides Reg. $.9and Lace Tri. New Dawa2 TE cttoiceof tyles1 and Clers Large Ass't. of Colors Spec . $3.88 Ocîtar Laet, SHAMPOO-IN 4 Valuas ta $10-99 CTAENDS- FLANNELETTE SHEETS Reg. 6.58 Reg. 9.58 HAR OLOU Blend 70" o 90" Reg. $2.43 Spec. 1.97 AR OL U 1/2 Prias FACE CLOTHS TOWELS 1/2 Prias Reg. $2.57 Reg. $.39 Spec. 28< Reg. $1.19 Sp.78 Spec. LIMITED QUANTITIES' SHOP EARLY FOR BEST ASSORTMNTI Ï-à 1e%88h I NO. 7 HIGHWA Y EAST - GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE -I aur 1884 was s whîch year lents? ail house igh Seheul w41 bouse May 1t. Aui Oakville ocational higtt nly. ared te truie est uriented and science a fine yeur Mont courses carmern in the industrias. ouse neyerai s, a choir, a rcantation au a lucilien utif r 84171-2