1~ bl The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, May 17. 1972 Morley, Dong Gowiaisd, Patsy Ausiis, Katisteen BrsS, BiBl Gould Helen Scott, Fiora Higgiss, Cathserinse MacNab. Fourts rose, Roy Gray, Raipis Black, Allais Marcellus, Rima Rmndail, Hon Galbraithn, Pcggy Rbinuson, Norma Hamilton, Berthsa Burton, Don McLean, Ernie Giddiisgs. Fiflis ruse, unkoown, Gloria Tickner, Wiisiie Lecocq, Sheila Denisison, unksosn, Merle Rosit Marion Ureill toucher Bessie Coxe. Photo loannd by Mrs O. Gowiand (Elma Randall) MEMOHI ES 0F BRUCE ST-Miss Mai-ios Craseford's grade Fetter, Bonnie Berry, Margaret Wiid, Doris Sale, Jaclie tseo mous in 1939i-40 included, front row, Joan Shannson, Mary Marchand, Shirley Oe Forest Cari Gervais. Third row, Oooch, Berdette Basman, Jouis Fetter, Joan Oiddisgs. Donale Evelyn Bradiey, Ruths Stroud, Joan Goodchtid, Dong Riddeil, Bristoos, John McKinnon. Patsy Teasdei, Fiorise Morrison, Jerry Johnsson, Jack SiTtullie, Paul Bruss, Boh Sim, Bobby iSandy Echoman. Second rose, Helen Anne Tufford, Evelyn Lavoie. Donisis Marchand, Auhrey Gervais. Photo courtesy Oliver. Betty Aiian, Joan Mitchelli, Betty Pearson, Helen Mms Maris Furian. Downtown arec scene of week's collisions Main St. ahece il ruas tisrough Soslild oI RSE. 4, Miltas. field Dr., Milton. Oamage la thec dricîog a Natioal Orocers' tise comoercial partisa ai toast, Estimatcd damage ta tise Stoks* car as estossatcd ai truck. ODamage ta the Cardullo was thec sccoc ai toue collisions Sesooci vebicie was $25: ta tise $150; tai tbe Sithu vcictc $250. ocsiclc cas ootisoatod aI $300. duriog the past serti, report Boasfield car $350. Satucday's second accident Tiecc aso reported damage ta Milton Police, rPo atier accidents happened iacolved Oins Cardilia of 67 thse trucks. On Friday s las car calltion on liaîscday. The tîrsi was a tas Raort St., Miltas, aperatiog a Tise loarts Main St. accident sscurcedtotaweeveiis drives car collisîion involiig Marthla car and Bcony NisaIt oI 33 sas a mîsar as Tbarnday. by Patricia Scanoil af 375 Stokes ai RHR. 2, Campbeiiviiie Victoria St., Milton, aho sas Damoage sas estimnatod ai $100. Williams Ave, Miltonand Oavid and HazelA. Smith of 122Wabc- c:41exandr amrKikhai1 G-PuShkin GLeriontov Ssii doson the glorious Saguenay River pust the Gaspé, Quebec City and visît St. Pierre/ Miquelon. FOR FiiRTOER INFORMATION CONTACT MILTON TRA VIL SERVICE 14 Martin St. MI LTON, ONT. (416) 878-2886 MEMORIES 0F BRUCE ST-Miss Bosees' class at Bruce St identicai pictture by onother reoder, and tise year 1884 was seas photogiraphei before tise tino0f tise centory and lOrs. P. seritten on tise face 0f tise print, Cao anyone teul us wich year W. Coolie wlso ionned tisis photo tisinis lit wsea arcund 1M8 or it wonid be? Doms anyone recognze sisy 0f tise studenis? 1897. But severai years ago Tihe Champion seas ioaned an Wolfe school MEMORIES 0F BRUCE ST-Mms. P. W. Cooke ioaned ibis photo of a Bruce St. group aroossd 1930. lIn tise front row are Crawford Yosug, Aies Coolie, Jim (ed) Hoimes, Chartes MacArthsur, unknown, Harry Auger, Jack Hardy, Harold Wilson, unkosn, lins Norris. Second rose, ussknown, Assi Fasii, Joy Gaibraiths, Isabel Perry, George Sisufle, Jack Wilson, next tinree usisnown, Franki Childo. flsird row, Marina Bond, Rotn Whnite, Eiizabetht Sproat, next thme sinkon, Eisie Pearson, Margie Shepiserd, sinkosn priocipu, E.D. Shorey. Back rose, ail tsree uinosn. George A. Jenkins Chartered Accountant Announces that he has opened an office for the practîce of his profession at 1311 Gainsborough Drive, Oakvitte, Ontiario. Tetephone 845-8178 "ýBONIN'S SI OPEN 7 BATS à WEEK From 7 a.m. ta 11 p.m. 5Main St. E. Milton 878-5323 Far Essa Oas aod Oi1 Prodacts. Tires, Minor Repairs. 23c Car Wash, Jag Mitti, Taiascae Cirears, Bread, Sait Orinks. Confectiaooerp. welcomes ail & to open hous Geserai Wolfe Higb Schoi wil boid îtslîirst open bouse May 18. 715e schoosi s locatein a Oabvilie and is one of tas vocational hign sebosis on the couoty. Thec schol is geared ta train students wlso aren't oriented towards an arts and science prograus or tise fîve year tesical courses. Mont courses icsd ta jobs aod careers in th5e tcades, or service industries. iiuriog ses bouse neyerai side prcseotatîoos, a cboir, a drin and bogie presesiation as oeil as a look ai tise tacîlities mii bc h ghi gbcd. 2 lieas 5Or 24,000 miles warranty BRANDNEWWITH 1600c enge VOLKSWAOMNS (Nodow payment sfyuai Va kswagco Seraice and Warraoty Reps r Sers ce Depi spcn Thars.togp pm Freo ts y car by appointment Highesttado is allo acaoanuedc.a Lu a Bucket or Barrel ~ s L of the best-tastîng chîcken in town.. Main and Commercial Milton 878-4171-2 MEMORIES 0F BRUCE ST.-Know anyone lis thi groop? It's Miss Bessie Coxe's grade Ises ciass ut Bruce St Public Schooi in 1931. Front row, Bruce Keimais, George Morley, Bill London, Malcolms MrDuffe, Duncan Patterson, Chuck Lazenhy, uisbnown, Bon Ervus, Harvey Bruch. Second rose, Coin Susullie, Lavcrne Rbainson, Art Cooper, Charie Campbell, Bud Homeseood, Ted DevereBl. Third rowi, Jean Morley, Mildred Evans, Madeiine Yates, Tom Ford, Pearl L 1 1 . 1- __ . 1 mà..U- 1