_ 1~ se The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednenday, May 17, 1972 TISESE KEYSTONE COPS of football iuvaded tise hanquet 0f Use Girtn' Athtetic Association 0f Milton District Hligl Sehool tant week. Provsng Usot foothall requiren a 10t0f leg seoro are olodents Karen Tri obte, Liz Richardnon, Beroice Cousodil, Marteor Poirier, Susan Arbie and Dehhie Leggo. Their skit mon slaged dorissg Use banquet, mlsichs eau ld io Use uditoriom 0f St. Pool's United Churris tant Wednsdoy. Numeroon amorils were presentei 10 Use top femnale oshtetes 0f Use Wtgh scfsoot atUthe eveot. (Photohby D. O'Reilly) Top festival Martin St. Schoot rame say mUsh mont of the honors at Use NorUs Batton Festival for Use Pertorming Arts tout week. SeverataoresaschS ouletopart in Use event wfucs oas hetd ut M. Z. Ocuoct Pulic Sihoul in Acton. )thuci eoil andl pictu'es,'iccin uniis weli s popes. Request road designation Enqumlmig Council hou auhec Use Minmoter of Transportatimn and Commounication o denignate the Ntoth Line, north from Steeten Avenue Ou, Use George- town houodary fine, a devetop- ment road. Three reauoms were gtven for Use requenlo fi rut, Use coud mill provide Use main arcenn tu Use International Ptowiog match f0 t974; second, Use roid fu detirfent nstructurat odequacy, drainage and mabotenance demaod; third, Use road is on extension of a urbao a rtertat1 road, namety Hatton road 1t mo of George- town. Ebenezer By Mes. R. MeLean Birthday greetiogo to Tom and Ken Hewer, tu glarmea Thomson and DoroUsy Gardoer. The Eartys attended BaUsooafod aooîsersary and the MeEnerys' 60fth oedding amîivernary. Mr. Fred Hutfman hou returned tu his home wiUs hits daughter and sn-in-tow, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hayward, atter o sojourno lune weehu in Mitton fHoupital. The Itosse n othe church wr inoloviog memory of the tote Me. Wm. Moore. lather of KeiUs. ~Irnmpioui «Y. GOODNIGHT, OuIS. PUFFIN ms tise play clanss aBruai trip. Bob Bosugisto, Lois Fay, MitIon District Higs Scisool'n Grade 12 clous ms Hog Marshsall, Bars Tom and Jouet Brodfe presentssg tlsee evemtngs Ibis week. Tise are pscttsued in a scene front thse play. Final three-act English comedy wan produred and usowossgsa tongnt (Wednesday> atthse selsool. direcled hy teacisers A. MacArthour ansd J. (PhotoubyS. flla) Roherton. Proreeds are for tIse grade 12 To remove odoes fromn jars and hotttes, pour a olution 0f waler and dry mustard mnou them and let sf004 for severot houes, Ibmn rimein hot atee. White Oaks Daring feats of skill highlight evening NOTHING BUT THE BEST is Use molto, frmaIes ut Milton District High Settoot ose lu descrifar girls' atlotirs. Lant week durisg the schmtl's guets' athietir bosquet, a nem trophy, UseS. M. Mitchelt trophy for outotandisg con- taibution lui girls' atelirs wsea presned f0 Ous tient wîsoer, leacher Mes. Shirley Mlitchell (centre). Mes. Mitchetl is retiriog aliter Ibis schuot year and Use Milton girls wanted f0 show Useir appreciation of ber work. Hetpiug ber oth Use trophy are shudeol Liz Richardon, (leftl, peesident 0f Use Girls' Athlelir Association and gorsl speaker Lorraine Stobbn, a member 0f Use Caoadian Olympte Dressage Tram. (Photo by, D. O'Retllyî M.M. Robinson Vicki Kovachik Queen at M.M. By D.-J. Bcers The soscecoseaso sucumisg tua closegaisso get outthere and Guod muoîoig' Robhinon lias saIsi the action. That's t., D-J.! crowned a beailtyuounglady peoiquccii, Hcr nainocîsVicki the~ ~ Brigo ot SMILE AWHILE& 1 rsidcu, shli isî gograplis starss 9is A Tlie druorolios commîltee -4 x 'ent aillout tiiie pcycviog t 1E ail oI thec ynisî olt Iliere tlia tlie Usoeme Heaven on Earlfl'oud 10 liebeautîful.'rli Issu liads ufthUe decatîeg. flothis Storgeos aod Caeul)n Couper. are t, lie cou gratulated loe a smasli lurma Special iliauks sliuld lie euteodedl îl te gus wosuorlid lcuoîn tous 'l dusk Fcîday. Jeff Pactcîdgc, Tîm Culler, Richard Gisue and Jolis Dîmîug oece imvolued.C E 'Oie 1072-73 slodrut corucsenE president Mach Parcy. senior vuce-presuient Marg McCrath.,c. - sîce-peesîdent Lucena Zutias._ R trcasurer Steve Harînglon, R saciat1conseners Carotyn Cooper and se Goulet. A neus prsgram ue itrodusednest yeacowitthe SCAS (Student Comcîtl Adsîsory on Electrohonf Cammotleei wo usîti ast asa cossultng cummîttre tu the Hi-Fi and esesutise. Bencate ibis gcoup Usece witt lie the regutor SOudent Couocit reps. Eh Gad! * *~ . Sully Surrer Salty Succer reprtng wiUUthe co m ila scores trom the four soccer matches. Eurty os the week our O<5E p jumior tRaogers and seoior Rams vient ioto haffte ot the Centrat homegrouod. The mtsi-team mere hohhed t-S. Atdernhot mas Use nemf gong f0 tep and take un Iqi the Bom . .. anU they did. C'mon gusn. Aldeenhol! 'lIe jumior score, accordiof O Frank, mas 0-2; Use seniors more 26C MAIN ST.,EAST-MILTO plaued hy o repeîL t-2 ssore. q, 0 0 Get your sneakers ready mies, for tse Atteletie Banquet May 30. For $2.50 you cani get a detîcious meat comptete, wits trozes peas and carrots m - mn - m. Four speakers wilt htghtight the evening. HANGIN' LOOSE 1.T'rackand Feldtfua eek. 2. Drama Nite is tant upproachiog' t. Yeah Vickt' PAUL RUTLEOGE Z-OUT CES me Floor Modol Color T.V. NYWMIRE .... ILND CIlICE IRICES N.ON'TARIO44nf 878-4633. By EdFord WitUsonty t9îdays ut schmtl tet, speciat actîu'ities hase storted sprioging up lttly. tant 'thursdayonight was the art show ohrc sume ot White Qahus masterpieces oece disptayed for Use puhtic atong wiUs those ut flivorat Wolfe trom aceonu Use There oau aiso folk sif 10f and a sertes of Runnsmn dmncen. The 'theatre Arts gruup Ud a short Thenoun Friday oîght the athtetes of the ochoot eeo Usuptay on the anotuai Atetie Nifht. FeaOu of daciof and uhitt oece pectoemed ou the tram- poline rings and othec gymoastic equmpment hy hot guyo and chiclis and Uses the teachers tmhk osotestudents in a bashethaîl game. The teachees tedt hy Me. Singleton faced pcetty ett and mmnaged tu Oie the game ut. Senior norcer The senior sucrer teom deteated Otaheloch 4-2 tast oreli and moust tare Perdue and O.T. Us te near future. We have ot att tOungs, a chess team"- at Whsite Oaho. t couldot presîdeot ond v'ce-peruteot, une bliv itleu1theardithbut msthleminyeaens treeortfour appaceotly these guys eues have and have ailt u fper cent in att touueeamcoto agaînot uther soutjects. 'shuuls.Facoo5. Wett ou "tram' lieat the faternityhboys ofT.A.B. n~u~ 10-6, however they heep score, Ca nd r and appacestly the touroament1 oe d r oos finishcd, iniressUsuan a wee F Adooertising SpeiOatis In tOus yeacos utudent couicit f Basiness ifîts office. Flic proper fitte is social cases, thecsomneters, glass- dîcectur wiîcli Ocan that you'ce aere, ahtrays. on charge ut att dasces and other ovr 1,M0 iems avooo,ail suuncy-makîog schemes. eeurouod isith voue od tt atmo meaos that you get att message. Use îsooey hassteo throsssat you. 1 Dominion-Ad To qualfy lue Usis post or Products rJ. R. Curde OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MAIL LPHONE 6327788 HAHI-ECLUPSE POW-fl-BOYî tm a*ete tiller that challenges you t aethe -lift test" for yourseIf!~ Litt the handlen and se.The weight is otovsr theties,ohere iloksfor.not aslenst N. cou. 12"Usa. fines on ali oertical skaft esodefs ulae p to24'oidnd uneolunive Hahn tieesign ploocizensosn packed, gsssoif S Remooshle oSmils and adlontahle depth bar nsokshandlingoa np. 2a' esodl han pooerac s Open 9.00--7.30 PM Saturday 6.88 P.M. LUSOAR TWUN SEASONS SALES & SERVICE S WinsIan Cisurchil Bf cd. and 401 826-3689 'IWO AI Wolf e 1 These a vocoûrc le-, tocal uperatu( wiUs tOu go veru gos cru ftaltoo. Repri Couosdi intergu' MeKeoi Treat your home î to springtime *1 comfort... When yoo renom Ihat old tornace of youru - go ose better. Treat your home to total eîecînic comfort conditioning, lt's eany to seilci 10 a quiet, com- pact, flameenn eîecîic fuesace - conditiooing. Thon you'II have an ail- elecîric nynteos 1ha1 keepu eveey roomn treosh and comfortable, sehatever thse ueanon. There's n0 eouier seoy t0 melcome yeor- round COMfort con- dilioning I0 your home, (rt' The Hydro Finance Plan seili heîp yoo gel otorted right aseoy. milton hydro 250 Main St INSURE NOW FOR EVERY TYPE 0F DAMAGE OR LOSS WHILE AFLOAT OR ASHORE, IN STORAGE OR EN TOW SPIRE,' EXPLOSION 0HEAVY WEATHER oCOLLISION O GROUNDING OTRANSPORTATION OTI4EFT OUNDERWATER DAMAGE OLOSO OVERBOARD for your boat and motor modern insurance /fj~IN ISURHIN E 208 MAIN ST. E. 878-2894