2 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wodnasdoy Maop 17, 1972 1500 participate in festival aât Me Z. Bennett school Wed. (ooco...ooollY lirge audience oIntcîIndiatecchoir. vradeco5 "Id 6. encolniel 20 ad oven nOnS flicn Music Festival cntnpetilioss aitthe M. Z. Bennett ochool, Acton, Wedoesday of tant neeli. School principal Ehosen nSith oea dehighted init te inteneti sboinn by parents and friendo titis year. About 1500 chîldren parti- ntPated trom the M. Z. Bennett scitool, Actoc; Martit St., W. t. D.cb and J. M. Denyes srhooin Mdlton , Penny Merny, Broogiite, Pinectein, Synysîde, Fainvirin, Lînsehouse. Gien Williams and Snyders ochool. Snyders ina. entered ton the fîrst tinte. Ad- ladicatur mas Boy Holtan of Stississooga, son of an adjudîctor lire vera years ago. He said ail the cliis wore ut higo calibre. Suson Bruce ofth2e M. Z. Bennett ochool iutnouced the adlodicator. Truphies inere tnsntcd Su thn top Ilinne entrien in eacit o> Il classes. Big innaers Martin St. Schoul, Miltan, biadt seven entrîns and took ixî troptses-four licols, and tino seconds. for tthe uutstandîcg record of the day. Festival chairman inas Ralpit merKeoînn, principal ut l.auebouse school.« Thtis veans festival inus consideredvery successful bythe commsittee inrcharge. 11 niasses- Otesoîts are: Triple duet,v grades 5and 6, ennolment 250and aven: Martin St A., J. M. lOrnyes. Pineviets. iNine a essuies) OPimary choir grades toand 2, en ltnenl 25t)and oven: Brook- colln, Fairvirin. Pinevies. i(Four, Japanese purchase cattie rwn Japacese. cunnently oorhîsg uts Ontario date6, farmo, pacchased calle frnm aresaherds at thethnd annuaî Royal Reviene ,aeof Hulsînîns held ut Guelpht uc lMay 10 YuaO,. Kuroswatgsu anad Mlones Ikeda of Glt paid l0,00 tu C.laude Pichet of Georgetoiwn furcabrndhlieerPicJand Tenal Elles. daughten of the AIl- i2anadian Aged Bi of 1071, Ihorulea resul Sapreme. W. J. Prcoud ot Oubvîlle supplîed the $6.000 Very Good sisoyear-old vois Oab Rîdnes Texal Pcf. At the soe sale, Jrftrey Nurse vo esrgetownreceived $4,500 for a bred liee solS torH. Korbeld of LUhîllisocb, O.C. " he saIn hud as ancrage prive o> $à.146 on 25anwimails and top prove of the day nos t15,000 paîd ionoattvn-year-oldtR. J. Stewart ni olton hought frosu Ehyhohoe Corney cosigor Thic satne don' thn tlrubacheri Show Wiudon consifnmenl sole of Itoistrovo isas held ai Guelph, ccolaong $69,0>10 on 54head ton an averagecof $1,29:1. Foeigs boocro panchased caille for U.S., Italy and Sotiotam bidders. crop peoce fcr a female was $2,600, paiS bý (Sleton Fartas ni ,sllistos in joint cvcsifnnnsi JamsW. Cansc of Georgetonsn and R>1). Graoham ofErontfor a hrcd Inviter Olanboe C Fmpenon. Seiondl hochest pnoce nos $2,500 poid yL'ni.mpe livestock Ltd. O> Geurgetownt fon as unatrd pOelgoon boyen. for a bceS heolero croin eter Moyer o> MilSmao3 Covnynexs bo tingi thrc otiocn bceS heifens aI pries can6000g trois $1.300 1,00. lita iXCae'scovoolSo aoilhosg Onal t Syale tacoos. Neu DOuidee for $1,750 Funds sti trickling in Procreda Ion t6e local cancer catapaige une ssIlI tricbling in. hot il oppears t6e Miltos atsd District Unit of the Canadiots Cancer Campaîgn woll tait short of the goal. TrYeusuner Audrey Orsh said $6.ih160has taenrnilleeted and ody a fein peuple have yet tene heurd from. The goalonas set at $,gff [À. T. MOORE IAMPUM5V 854-2271 UP IN THE AIR titis ineit eigbt large croc feed tanst uth6e Martins St. mtll ut Superswect Freda. The tankis, six feet acnnss and about 28 fret hdgb, ill nacit old about 15 tocs of feed reports miii manager Sergio Zoppas. Ttse ii i. exteoding its Ioadung plalforin lu spred op the ioading of trocks haslicg fred. A toll craun inas brongbt in to boist the tanin ami welders fasterd thnm isto place. Pbotu shnows the second tankt being hutsted Munday aftercnocn. (Photoby R. Deotta> ut The Conadion LegIon Saturday, May 2Oth le Corsages il Refreshments Orchestra - Golden Melodies ALL ARE WELCOME For Enqoires Cali 878-6529 MNIoin SI,, PercýeW. Merr, jni, chour, grades 4, 5, 6, inr.voecI.îFivenriu enrolment 250 and over, Junior choir, grades 2 and 4, Speyside, Lîmehouse, Glen enrolment 250 and over: Williamss (Five entries) Pineiun Brookville, J. M. Senior chorgrae 7, Denyes. (Fine entries) etoohnt 25an onr?:Stewart, ,Boys' choir, unchanged noires, tuin, Martin S., M. Z. Besnett Brobville, M. Z. Bennett, (Tirer enies) Speyside. (Fine entites) Senior citoirs grades 7 asd O, Triple duet, grades 5 asd 6, eseoiment 250 and over, Martin enroument 250 and onen, S20 Fairniew Boki.(Fv Speysîde, Gies Williams, entries> roele Fn Lisoehouse. (Four estries) Praoary choir, grades 1, 2, 3, . Triple trio, grades 7, a enroment 250 and oner, esroinseot 2643 asd oner, Martin Lasehouse, W. I. Dinh, Gien St. A, Mantin St. B.,Fairview B. William. (Fonceetries) (Sic essuies) O.M.8 APProve Forocloit Ontarto Muncipal Board appronais rame roing bite, Milton Cotnor chanitars Mosday enecning, as the 0MB forwarded officiai biessings for secerai local projeca. Firsi receined inas the 0MB appronai for the tainos Bnweyear capital hudget prograni, wh.ich inioudes $2,6,500 in the correct year. Aoother ohayed an espeoditure of $1,270,000 for te extension to te seinage ireatmeot plant, another the $400,000 reconstruction of Steeles Ane. hetineen Martin St. aod Otntario St., sootiter the $100,000 noyense fornthe nets toss inorits department building on Nipissiag Rd. aod anoiter the $97,000 for reconstructig Harrop Dr. The Haillon County Board of Education Haose Ecnomins prasea.. noancil wmOl preset Ifs AssnaI Report at ameetinggopen tsshe puiîn Wsdnssday, May 24, 1912, 7.30 p, ta te fielsd in Gommitto. be, BS'central Administration, 2050 Guelph Line, Barlinglon, Ont. Enthuslastlc respons.e fo SPIN the Stup Plstci.nasa (aea SPIN) prognatr n cocding ta s. Basit MeDonald. ,Mn. McDnald's hoshacd cO OPMN coletn of ce- sahie ganhasge ai epaa A Eden ina, CamPhdllnie and Brook. cille on the Bis Satarday of ecd trip. te galber the May coller. hion, reports his seife. Most of the tpeople depositicg seaste moteri are laking time te tie ttafr paier boindies, aittugit anme have forgottes ta do su, sayo Mrc. McDnnaid. MnDonald stores tae woste, maierial in his hors, ustil ta bas esougit mateniai colleced te taite te nccyciog or wste Birss te Guelpit sud Hamilten. -Mont homneosnners han 0cm 20cmr grasui ito first csttisg of the -2420 ut May holiday 2is weobcod, most stores selli be closed Mocday. -Tis seeekecd ni the victorila Day holiday and maoy seill ta taadmng sortt to fIith or spcn the cottage. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR THE TOMMY HUNTER SHOW A NO DANCE FEATURING: Popular T.V. Star Tommy Hunter Sand The Rhythm Puis ... ATr MILTON ARENA SATURDAY, JUNE 10 Tommy Hanter Show0 Dancing From 8.20 fa 9.30 p.m.. -Came Early- 9.30 p.m. titi 1 ar. PLUS 'REFRESHMENTS - SNACKS - DRAWS - PRIZES SPONSORED BY MILTON COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUBS ALL PROCEEDS FOR NEW COMMUNITy COMPLEX - Chraiseiti&ketsdsSRpar porion ADMISSION aif the doar, $6 per persan. i- - @ISSU C)THE WINNER OPTIMIST CLUB (Mo Milton 50 - 50 DRAW For the Month of April, 1972 F. J. PERROTI 260 Kingsleigh Ct. MILTON, ONTARIO. LOAI2 frocs Nadali Pl aiv Tenin year a Aprdl S hy the t United ut Cal Limotei On cni A c Distant, Sehool asited KraSa pocitio 600 cn the eut ensua c lssmp, the cri year-o ctrunb date na rots o> inas il Th.. 18 Pe. 19 Sst 20 Sse.dyine& MSS N is hat the 00w fronilto of thn scren is ail about., Showtmes:Thur. 8 .m. taturday Matinee Fri & Sat. 7 p.es & 9Pp.m SO-C Idre 75c Sudants &Aduifs s... 21 m.,,22 r.. 23'.d.24 "BLUE WATER, WHITE DEATH" < '~ ancanoâowtime 8p.m. Th.. 25 Pca. 26 s.,. 27 O.tued.e matic#@ 27 UJARREn BERTYY..GOLDIE HAWfLI Safsrday Matînen Shoti me Thurs. ep.m. 2.00p. m. Fri. &Sat.y 7 p.m. 50c Chi Idren 7cStudents & Aduits __ITALIAN CANADIAN CLUB 0F MILTON 4j5 Box 92 -SUPPER DA&NCE IN HOLY ROSARY PARISH HOUSE - MARTIN ST. SATURDAY MAY 20, 1972 Roma's Orchestra SUPPER SERVED AT 7.30 P.M. DANCE 8.30 te 1 A.M. No Tickets available at the door Contact any committee member Members $4,00 each Non members $4.50 each. Corne & Enloy Yours.if - Everyon. Walcom.