Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 May 1972, p. 15

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I ________________________________________________Tise Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesday, May 17, 1972 U3 MÉOonn t vamI grant a ehorn and Sy 25 par for the strative ers t, least et- isodereli. regular teacers teaces dtive thon esm. Tihe oe hack of i flot tise eaciser. edon tise tise isoard 55 nupply day in tise toachs 26,406 toi )69. Conleos gond ideos are isever reveaied, as suspect, heaase te adi- vanre an ides, so often resulta te Seing given tee respousihulity for carrying il out. Attend any numhar 0f meetings and pou gateer ail kinds 0f evidenre test indicales tee typical reortion. You advanre a suggestion or ides and te cisairman isas pou immediotely flngered te crry ont tee total projart seitisout regard for otiser rurrent ievolvementa. It may Se nirelp done. Words like "sinre yau ssderstand te ides hast, seould you carry it ont" or "",ud pou lok inte il, and giveu a report' ' The resait qoite oliviously te a haoitanry on tee part 0f many tedividuals toi get canght oiferiug an ides orsa solution. Wiling workern wha are often great "ides" people have just on lirniteil a rapocity ou teene seha dont alsesys geneaoe ideas as quickly. One editer isas suggested editerially 1 teere soull Sesa moratorium in organ- ira nice te Snose deportinot: Recently s magazine conducteti a survey in 14 induslriolised countries te 11usd te "ment hsabitable" country and Canada scored tise sigisesl. Al countries surveyed seere srored on murder rates, pouation deusity, car ownecasip, arossomir grosetis, infant mortality and oteer social indiraters. it must Se spriusg. Litter is everysere. Be careful diriviug around tee parking lot aI tee plaza, tee glass- breokers have heen let loose agate, Not only is open nir Surning a fire hazard, it's a iseaite hazard ton, say te experts in air quslity at tee Mnstr o5I f tee Environinent Even sinail Oires (leaves, grass, Srusis, stumpo, fallen ti-es, lans or crop stuhhie) cause "considersSle" amounts of air pollution, partirulorly in Suilt-up areon. NexI time pou teinS about puttissg a match te a pile 0f leaves, teints about tete: One pound 0f Icaves eurned, te tee open can release 00 times as murs pollution os a Pound 0f coal Surneti in a fis-noce. And pou can hae charged under tee Environtal 'Protection Art if emoissons frein on open f ire cause discomfort te Peuple, lins or enjoyment 0f normal use 0f propartp, interfere seite tee normai condat of business or couse damage te property. A conulting engineer te Britain han ronse up avilis an ides for ruttlng dosen on rusihor troffir te rity centres. John Ogilvie suggesta crestion 0f "whiite areas" in roties anti tee honuing ofcar licences astvarying rentas for rosis hose and non-rosis heur perioda, Cars We're Seing catalogued ond counted, surveyed and studied, snalyzad and adda&. Statintical reporta ahossd and busineas te requireti te accSmulate more and more data. Trends are prohed and predictions mode. Graps are drafted andi computers ara Surdened witis mounitains 0f teformation, Where willil, ail end? We get the feeling, an se nea another governiment statistlcal report Seing PrePoreti and consumning man hosors in preparation, test te i sudden avalanchse 0f popar, 0f nigisîmare proportions, weaUl ail lie gaspteg for simple commun sasse that msst have Sean opplied Sefore we hadl occeos to o murs information. Accountante annually telik teey'l Seat tee pmoblem 0f preparteg the statistical reports and vow that onoteer pear tee data will Se accumnulated pr- gressively. fi seocho Seautiflp ontil tee form arrives next year, catin for different dota. No one Sas ever chancati an estimate 0f tee mon houra recutred tei prepore tee atatistical information, much 0f it duplicateti, Sut requirad Sy différent Acta, departments, ministrles maions test wenld prevent tee one advancing tee ides, or solution fromt Secomiusg immadiately responsile for carrying i ont. Inevitalily teere are teose seSe con develop ideos but who don't necassonly have tee organrisational ahility, te time or tee energis te implement tetise ideas. Organisotious are tee poore if teey are deoîed tee ideon 0f teene Whio might willingtp make suggestions il teey didn't autematically fart tey nigtst Se ousigned a tank teey ran't carry out. There is no seay 0f haowing hose monp gond ideas have Sean silenceot by tee fear 0f aildeti renponsihulity, Sut as teini ment organisations con pleod guilty' te te "railrsadisg" technique 0f providing committea cisairmen or project leaders froin omong teene wiso advance idems. Every organrisation will Se the Setter if il con avoid shifling gond ideas hy immectiatelp couplisg wite il tise responsibility te impiement teem. vilis son-rush isoor licences aviuld Se tonner! frein whiite areas and Seller mass transit facilities avoulil ha providein t city centres. Those cloteing drop hases at Milton Plaza hateer us. If tee cisarity group ohicis ounts peuple toi leave teings teere was really anxiosss tu have te gouils, teey sisoudd Se sendteg a trucS more often for pirkupo. On severol occasions in tee pat seeve noticed te hases fuall und overfloviug. Wa have te give Counicillor Colis Smillie credit for his actions at Monday nsgist's roundci meeting, for criticizing Bell Canada for lis refusai tu pay more 0f te costa 0f replarteg a sidewallc Bell creav avant te, rip up on Bronte St. Sinillae is a Bell emptoyee soisle may Se beting tee hand test feedo hin, Saut ises detertned test neiteer Ma Bell nor any oteer big corporation te goteg te sealS rougteshod lover tee tesen counceil. CotScii hou osSad test a f ive font sie sidewaiS replace tee siresent four font senti, and offereli te split tee cent site Bell »W-5 par cent. Bell refused test offer and mode a 50 - 50 couniter-Offer. Council fiusolly decided te maSa a 35e0 split, againsatSmillae's opposition. Ustil tee motion finally pouseti os as 8-3 vote hae hald ont for tee 2D180 split in Costa. "Il dont Sos seiere lIl Se seorlting boul weelc," ise muttered. on hae mode hS final voliant pitris te make Bell pop fonur-fiflis o0f tee cent, We may nt sgree avitis everytising Counrillor Smilie dotes andi saya, and teat's our privilege ou oliaervers anti wslrisdogs of tee pubslie perse, But ave cant Oait hlmn for Mis refusai tu has te Bell Canada, is employer, and tests is privilege. or what have yose. It is aqually hayond imagining houe many civil servants are requireti te, open, checks andi file lise reports received. Computera, tika ises topo, are Seing overwortted as memory batiks ore plugged wlish vast quantities of dota 10 ha recatlad, ra-arranged or simptyre gsrgitated. As we se anotisar report wa wiondar jost how long business sl passivety accept ail tise demancis on it toproduce otatisties, collect taxes, Pay prensiumn taxes, serve as tihe scapegoat for untold causes, ha tisa villain called private enterprise and otili continue te provide employment, produce gonds and cattrihute te a growing standard of livinsg. Wil we flot sec tise llght uantil it is but a faint glimmer managiog te pierce lisrough the enveloping mounitain 0f poper and statistics? Wil governinenta neyer consider lise hurden they Place sehen they require yet another form te Se filed and another ensployee te check it? Will those who relquire suris ex- haustive statisties te solidify their decision neyer realise tisat sonsetimes commun sasse hss servedl eqsslly weil? Sugar and S pi cle f by bill snmlay lin sure you are seS ai catiog about my tiaugiter's oedding, Sut tesg as. saes tise osly ose 1 have, and il mli te ail avec Rhis Stlrday. Tise liuat typeocittes seitis cooed lingers.> Il sise avec dues wasI ta gel inarcied aga in, ase' gel esacily tiscea mards h'ain Sacr aId mas, SBeat il, ktid." Hasever, tisera's samething ta hal tearsail hy every aspeciaeac, asdti ai tise ted, and t are learnlng. Fout. For savecot ointe, tee isas tees flontteg arausd im uleasly, tellig hec maliser, misais a fusa-hudget ai the licol mater, "Stap orymng, Main. Tiseras sot that mucis la do. Ils a simple wedding, andl l'Il tie tece la telp, yoa gel ceatiy." Typical of teday's Natueally, ase massit Sera mout of the lime, asd tele dida't telp ai ail, lisaugs hec intentions oece impeccable. Tises laie steppe i n. A ineek before the oetig. lut ohes tise liscatle mas guon ta hae apesad sida lac tise fisaI drive, ter motiser mesti nia hospital. Foc lise kid, il oas tika haviof a maiesous goase ssateis frain tnailr ys the magie carpet os otacs yau are flying. have ohen aId Noah is lily lausti saine dry lusd. Tise Sause mas ta ha spieked ond apasseil. lheseai a stemistes. 'tisa yard inas te have hees insiaetilate. The yard 100a malin ai lest fauis leaves. iscoisn plesie labsle and tain chairs, failes limbe; asd eat Dont avaecy. We'il copa. We'd btier, ar Kim and 1 ut le taises away, about 3 pi. o atuaday, hy the cisaps on tise whiite moata. Today t eamne Saose asnd bond my haisy ocmnging tecisoudosi ndseail ond fel. lshe'd tees gaing tike a mtaclavind, slning ail lisnse -l1tte things" sisa Sept insislisg hiec main sat ocy aboat. LÀse dlean shirts asti seets toc diad, sisoppisg, coahîsg, avasising disSes. Ocdacing flamacs. Tisying ta et stees te mateS the sos-existent ellding dress. Feeding and thraaving oat lias cala, ose ai thein pregnasl; visihong hec muin. Saine lac me. Tryssg ta gel a gang of boys tecrahe tisa yard, ondl il rais ail day. Tryiag ta eopa vilis people avis mant la So wtethar tise eddisg isaon or afl, lits os. t tini. sisoold hae ejecteli. The fuesîture widl ha dusteti. But osty in tise living rouin, whare tise evest avilI taise place. 1 don't inteod ta have a lot of people eonnssg acoood 00e hedroomo and inipiste tiseir losgers aceoso tise ledges. la tact, t das't ittesd to have a lot of people rauemig acousd ose isetroons ai ail. Bf tisey wast tailoai soumetia, lisey cas go outoide and lois at my tins dead elmos. Tise caps and sauciers miii set; ail ha waosed. Tisey mutl te dusteti. Tise silver mill set ha pohised. It, tas, avilI ha wiped aviis n dry dlots, and if tiseras an egg-staia os a spoos, toags 10e-sals. Everythisg isoliy, agly. or out of place, ssID ha stolleil smartiy loto tise baisement or tise allie, anti tise tiors tisereto tocisei. lvelfoad tiat imond, witsaut her motiser arounsti laiechie os, have a simitar Sassc philosphy: 'What's il ail gning ta ialter len yeaes eoin sein?" oS, oere sot coinplete nadois. 1 mll ohine iny stees asdilie hou prassised me se w5001 gel inarrtet in a T-shirt, even tsoags sise isas ta sene hec isconl-nese peacis-colaurcil igitie over jeas. There'I ieasolemaivows, andcasdles and 1usd aad dinsi and citdren of ail ages. Whal inore coutld you avant toc a hanppy aveddiag? Tiseces osly ose tiuing tet apseta me. Il hiec noliser isaoul of Saspilal in lime, shahI gîve os hell for pcactîcaily everytsing. And if sse isont, oe'il ail regret il ail oor lives. Foc me, tl mas liSe piehase a Sauquet af rota, in seisei I ain n finis teliaver, and of Taylor and Richard Bueton. Sut my osld floineca loc tise oaddisg, asti oocis 1 have tried te canvince my mile lac daughler willte ahbatilulhbride if1have ta diacsveeing tet misai I ted piceet mss years. dreas hiec myseli. poises svy. s 5 5 shutOla Tis isaTesday, and the bride slilhasn't liaslhec weddsng dres. This ba Tuesday, asti ecemarnny, anymayî Anyse misa duies Dow [] i tisCorner They say yoo casIt Seep a gaod mas dams, asti teal's quite true mises il comms la Att Watie. Att, tee 15055s teoi-gaseralian istacksisst, seeveti milS Miltos Pire Deparîment lac il yeara hataca ise calireti Iroa tee tire service in 1967. But te's still cisassa lires, tiespile hos reliremnest. Ars sioplis oniames t. sear MainStl. astino las tsretsghlmig tiays, misesever the lire atarin sousieti Ali moutti hat lac lise Mosn-tasses corser la amail n ride ltthe hIsse. Il tee trucS sas heatiisgteatsway il ouatt stop asti pieS ie up, or if ose ut the tireligistees passed hy milh a car tey avault gîve Alia rside. Oftta heating la tee seene of a ire, l'ae secs Al standiing teere teneate tetreeahbesideiSt. Pautoschureis asti have gives hirn a tilt te tee lire. Osa day tasîmwee tee atersu mest otes a matarepele caugit lire os Bei St. Heaisg thee in y car, 1aveot ep MWl St. asti aceasu Joas asti il asly seemed oulurat te see Att standing tee aI the corser, as il aoaitiog a rida. I isat a mamestary lapoasof memaory andilorgol Rhai Al hou hasg up isis Sauta anti isis heissel. Jusi tiSe in tee gooti ult days, I stoppeti asti attereti Al a ride ta tee fire. -Don't yau Saum pin int in lise lire brigade any mare?" ise isalonaedl haet. Tises, tele 1 coultil muite as apolagy, tie Sati a chasge ai hearl. "Gaesa l'Il go alosg anst ee sisals hnppesing," ha aiti as ha sidt inta tee front seat teside me. We gaI ta tee tire, I gaI my picture, asti Alf mastiereti arausti chateg milS iss aId reeots train lise bicgatie. 'Be sure yau maris me dams as peesesl," hae cissee ta Chiai Rote Clament asti Depuly Cisiel George Bastiy. Yep, il's isard ta Seep a gati mas dams. Saine ai tee "tasg-Sairs" sn Miltan have tees leyssg ta tll us tee local police gîve teem a isard lasse. JusI hacasa tee Sair is sisaside-Iegth, say tise yoasg mes, the polie are suspiciaus asti teey allas gel queinet. Mayte saine al tesse curty-locked yoang mes shouldti ly gassg la Messes aviera, accoctissg ta a friand avio sent me aine seavspaporc hppmngs, long-haies or enI aven Mesies Cily's 5-allie tieporsoant le eluig lu haniie, appieatiosora long- Saireti or teacded youthl asti tee Puble etisealion sacretarsat isas lauscset a campougo aI tee jniue igschol ureltevet ta cuetail long hase. illadents mite long lochn asti ippie-style clolising are iseinli isuneti froin classes. Armysinduecea in Mexico, of course, are lociîden te let tes hase gras. Tise trahfie deparlinent came up mite a senasible reauan toc relasing 10 taise applications foe licences frnin asynne mite long Saîr or a heard. A spaheaman sailit, l*ia' osly a malter ai identification. Tis picture has te appear as lise licence and il se taise tes pîcture mils long haie or a teacti anti laser lhey ahane ail tee teard asti gel a Saîrct, nsisody ssII recsgsiae tem." Hereas a sure sîgn tisai spring la here. Cisactie Lasnon phaneti ose day lsl secS ta tell us he sas a mas searisg a steas isal Masy teansis la tese misa espeesset tes casiotascea la tee meiler, aller tes ceati ast eeis ctuin about my physiea stalle aller assemisg anti ercti tea manster af a atecage sisetins my hacis yard Ise pleaseti ta report lin fil as a lititle ses Sol pilease, don't aller lt me help yos Saîtti yaues. Asti an apotogy. A mante or ao aga woae a eotssss about tee peace asti qie otuish descentieti avec tee ttoss' teona otes teTV avesl on tee lisk. Ta tese avi inquireti, andti l tease tas shy te aiS, Is sorry la report lise sel isas heas fixati Cartoos, gossisal, hlarsng cemmerrias mousie asti tee seav are teck again diuruping tee peace in tee Doons' mansin The site asti tais are happier, lisasgh. Asti thans tasser amnymoas friend avi st The Cisampion a happy 1131h hiethda cacti. se lave yoo lao. Pa ges, of 20 years ago Tahen fronttisSsue of the Conadi» Champion, May il, inut. Tise annoal Intar-seteol fieldi minI soua meac btleen Actas, Milton, Georgetowen and Erin mas tel in loGeorgetamn as Watt- seotiay of Rhis aveai. Sehasi spirit misai este hemant for a cloue paot hy point haIlle sn tee late allernoon as Milton asti Actes vteil fsr top Sasses oI tee dlay. Milton toppeti the day hy a malter oi points asti cheecs, huts asti geserat rejaicing haste tasse in lise Gaegetown Pars. This mas the second cosavOive asn lac Miltas, sloce teey capturai tee leaphy lasl year. Mare tes 300 estres campatein s the 2lot sasualt lav day Haltas Coasly Music Fesival stagati liait Thurstiuy anti Fesiay lo Knsox Preshylarsas Chuci, Milton, aviera tee 37 vocal cloas sewra jaigai hy Mes. F. O. Roueil, Mes. Sac, Musie Diractar ai tisa Torosto Normal Scisal, and ose of the tirst ta atarI masse lo Haltas Caasly setiata. Mes. Russell expreneti pleasare ai tee say masse in HaItos hati progressie. Aller a nuter of suggastions oece rejecle in t ors, memters ai Hatos Caalty Cueii samei the naav hume loc the ageti Hallos Cesteoloat Masor. Quinn Elizabeth Masse. Moontaissies Monor anti Halten Coasly Haine avare amo Rase noues rejecteti. De. James M. Mateer, DiceciOr asti Matieal Ogîscer of Heaits aI tha Ballon Couny Healte Unit aloce ilaslocepisos in 1947, isas cassgsed bis position effecive Jsty 1. Dr. Mater tes aceptad as appololisent as Peolessar asti Headi of tee Dapartisest Of PaSlie Hesite lo tee Paeilty of Medicine, University of Britishs Columisa, Vancouver. 50 years ago Taken f rom tee issue of Thse Coadian Champion, Tlsorsday, Mtay 1a, 1922. Miss Nasal MeMollas af Hamhy massune ai tee nurses miss grationtei tram, GaIt Ganerat Hospital tasI Prsday. Negalialios are n00 peoeetig aI Gesava, sys a Reuter timpateis, ta sasti 15,000 Russias retugees sha ara sam ai Cas- stastinople la Canadia asti Australia. A dous ailegai muesiinars in tati aI Pinevslle, Kentucksy avare tausti loestatei train oloiskey they Sadinatie rîgit in tee tati leoin sugar asti eco heat. Tisa movie "-ise Four Harsein af the Apocalypse" avilI te playai uthe Frisceas Thisea, Mitos, tamacraav <Fridayu asti Salarday. O. R. Hotcheos, tanmer Rinva ot Nason- ga:ssapa o:asis tams as Tuestiay. He moveti ateu tis es f last peea st avis era te s tee ceaI astate hbussness. teteresl inogolf Sas hein arouset 1 sueS a pîlehisn -Mitons tel il Sas Sein fait secessary la Calt a meing mithte sis aI tscmsng a club. A sine-Sale course Sas alceatiy isees laid satusia tee taavs Esquesing Coascil mal as Mssday. A suinher ai calepayers avare presant, sastatg maris tissa on rouis in tilitecenl parts of tSe towsip. Muss May Hites, af Hainilton, sPont Mateer'a day oste hec parents Saea 100 years ago Taisen froos the issue of Tise Conadian Champion, Thursday, May 10, 1872. Wa ara isappy la tears that Joues Roisona, Milton, Sas passai the dreati ordeat ofthlie pcusary asamisatias halore te e ncisars aI lise Lisw Society ai Osgasda Hall, ast is nom aeoilati as a Mminer af teat sacsely. Mes. Johnson Harrisonsmîtl gîve a social on the aissemest ai lise Westayas Iliureis, Milton, an 'li'dsasday, May 22. Tise puie se cardsatty invîteti Tise nesty appoinltid hîgs scisoni trustees ssiI merlaon Salurtiay ai 2 p.m. toc tee purposa of orgassiig as a boardi anti bor tise transaction ai ganarat buinss. The fists haseaal match of tee seases msil te playe ins Milton an tee Quaas's hsclhday. Tise comnoltie n te celaeation hava ollaredti Is prises toc te est clb. Wa have isati nuaroos comptlat of tisa lagisty tiisagreeaste aoso srising leose the wsol drain aI tee tasnecy. At limas the Saimy teeses are ateosi averpamacing. Prohahty te dossesîtors mdll tate saine setion ta ramatiy te evit camptimad af. 'tsa pragcam of sports tacrlise Ques's icitiay hou tees lsoati hy tee Miltas Camssiltee astis tsvely lie le; asticipatei. 10e ustierslast at tee crooti aI visitera is going la ha targar Ihan avec telara as socS TH Ecain THE CANADIAN CHAMPION D'ILS ýN'N'lNG AND PUBLISHING CO "' -_ IV L ID SI E- P- - in j- A cils. P1blýee1 RIVE ýS. Edite l91 m- sl, c- W -1 N-I AU 11- -d W-Y Ne«soapel Allollatio, 1.1. iý Ww ..... ...... 15 0, dVý'illn -c. .-Pi. .1 Wa le sold. SWIRLING WHITE WATERS cascade down tee volley nosar usualip plociti otreom roars andi rushes us springtime as April Cedar Springs Rdt ussnortisBurlingten asathe headwaters 0f tise shoseers and melting snow combine tu tors it loto a rstng Twelve Mile Creek wssd their seay teseard tase Ontario. The terrent. (Photo by R. Doseos) sday day iondays. l'Il let vou knOw. 1 t y Commenting briefly

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