rATE LEVA larg dioa 10 fual prcie. ,ELLY eor- NOLLI 'E LTD. R 7-9949 17c3 îl000 -ced homes,. -undalin. 40 custom de- factn. Phage (homne con- n Dc., S.ar- Vinit Beaver ne catalogue 17,-t >KAREA pait, tastefal- living area, waoy and ni. Immediate àattractive- .LY 3748 NOLLI *E LTD. !47-9949. 17c3 ,MILTON oaklle Board eing Area and st00e 13' by 22' ced aine kit- aea,4 -pla. (aiful bacc-- cdouble ga- 1 'A acre vie. Anling arther infor- Cecon 878- c-oct ie Oak- beach apaci- aeeeably pci. iJ. Loegdee i a large otc tee cboppieg acnd cheach- eto apprec- $22,000. Cal o 878-9511. -buse -bedrooce acitb cosy bu itchen, à120' lt. clquette 844. ildceg on forth Oak->c tas ficnise iehed. Cadi c 070-0679 jencos brirk bomne eparacte dia- anc. foyer se, rlosed-in seenet. Fuît 100. To viece Il Ross Ces- 7-2755. Town aolid briek iooe lied- -en. garage, 13.000 don. luette m. 3. 17c3 e In brick and baagreat ace. Bright arate eating living and b gleaming nicely plan- anc cith fin- a separate extra bed- garage citb nelosed pat- ! and agar- Coting, clone AitthIis for mtion, cati 1_951t. Didter cc-pc berne ceîlh barn, un 7 ar-c. Hocaco as rmpictciY recurcird. 3 badc-aoa.s large iiled hcihrcc an.d vacicy, liing-ooa, diaicg raca, br culifat hcc-dcoad flcacra. C'il Rov Chappali 878-2f95ý 3daedrourn caocercota-aage on Lake Bricood, ficrapce, cu- ring %saleraun ap. Ackceg 311.500. Ccli Raca Balacctica 519-853-2000 torac-n appoci- Wr ccr happy c .c aoCe chaI Fat Sîc-cosn a coce c ia 'iîb cor ccacpca Ha oil ha pleacrd îacacaeîacaciib cli of a-ccac c-c-ci ateen quirica. Ccli Patc ai 878-2095 9r 78-6057. CALL 878-2095 878-6057 17c3 17 REAL ESTATE 18 TENDERS 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES ThedesCbampoe Mi 17, On9.2 COUINTY 0F HALTON Ward Brownridge AUCTION SALE Wdeda dy1 92i ROCKWOOD ROCKERY LATEDEATIINOTICE Tenders for Ltgensed Auctioneer Station St.. Rockwood. VELLA -Jeanne Lonise, sud- Fac-m - Ltvestock FRIDAY, MAY 19th denly in Spdnep, Aantc-alia on ILLMNew Equpmet Funitre ale Com-cig 730 .m. Monday, Map 15tk, 1972, Joan REMA R NL qimnntr ats Cocrdg70pe ouie Tieleceaca. belaved mile REAL STATEi cei De, Toola, ai Jo M. Vrlia, ievîng daugbter Scacid tend re CLEARýLY Phone 878-6730 Ac; q; i(i,,acd lhece St~AT OTNS Appraicols (l Types C.i H.TUFFINL ilmai of Mfion, dear siter WANTP.D - We bave a casheb l ereive y e ne 29e-tf 12Ob3 Auctciovcer tLran LutLne client eac lhoolc for a T FIremeaU atone M eph enai hoe el Ktiibc-ide. If T.,~I~ y00 are tbanking of sellin. poleasercal] 87"705. W dJn ,17 U T O A I2OWNTOWN - Older 6 eotfrtefllwn qimn for th~e Estate of the Lote JOHN SWANTEK Ir s ig o 1li storey (rame bouse, toc-1On8 uydsatndan anecerner commnercialsraeboyaw. lut. Repaira nceded. Malle 2. One 47000 lb. G.V.W. tan- 5 miles Nortb-East ai Rccakwaod, ce :for librarv an ofte. dam dhamp cruck; îrade-ie 109 Dan ce aur many rereet sales, Ford F900. SATURDAY, MAY 20th People ebeuictet gel tbe idea me are conepletnly acid out. Tendter forme and additienal Comeceiag ce 12 Mecco sbcry. Miltan Coueorai nel detng We bave tnuny ceaccesere inflormation oi bo available en CATTLE -17 beef capeý MISCELLLANEOUS -100 anytbieg abaut prccring a site coe are lockiirg for bamnes tea office ofthie aedereigned cerne. mcccly Shorîboresan cedar frre pacca. certie arece tncfr a eew llbrac-p, Mayor Oc-ian ie tbe Milton area. If Yca front Moaday, May 15. 1972. Horeforda; 16 Herefcord c.roc-rcibccc-a. exctenscon lcddoc-; 40 Boni eaîd Menday during Oie emtikigo ellieg. pleace calvea, bora icie Fnb. 1972;: %el ofi, pla-acad, 4' a 8, regulac oureIl meeting. To date give itillecer Real Eetate a Tendera oil be cpeeed pub- roc. dcc about Aoc.; Hereford c'a. pccoled green; ail ecyre rai ban made hbee otfec-s fou rail] aey tince aI 078-6705. lirly in the Couanil Cbambcers, bac]i. pare brrd. va papera, hacir; clr rail Irore, ccccr; purcraeland and "I donltktinb Ccaecy Adminictration Build- blck brifer caif. cîccaul 500 is. aa-i-ci relia cal brac o irc. 7 lýanyceeranabharge te reantil STLLng, ai 10.00 ame.. on Tbaceday, RCOR n ilL'.ý,,, lb brwes 4 cc- blidea, kibrary -- be saitd STLAPARTON Jun 8. 1972. Tbuo eubncitcieg ET~CS .3 euo ,MacE- ý,,rm, cr4oc. PirIml dcgvjegaou Milton 878-6705 tenders are coolcume to attend. ENS N.foFgcacrc ep ri las ablrec sbrvch Couardl rereived a lette- truc 17a-3 Locetcranc tendercoilecnt tor. gondo-der; 102 Masecyiaco ced drili, rchier quece Mc-. W. B. Eieiey et Rit. 3, ___________________ cecarily be accepted. Harrisîc-actarOK; MH 2v-crcl angcoriron acv bout 20Mianupetg0eedc- cea cfrai rrocec M - fclia.cel of c hrbardrc rub ceik - ea; lîbrary ce Maltce. (The cItter se fcan arw;fetlzri . hebar%; mlkcn;t publaebed elseobece en tuday'e CHRISTIE & WOODS D. L CORBETT P. Eeg.. cprecder; ID trarlor ceorer; qa' cc aica eai;2 ocedtc ificCapa. REAL ROTATE LIMITED Couniy Eegieec. mD eido cake Diar forc coco Iccaia 2 l,: 25 cara d f h hapo. Ccranta Administration oeadfa -rfre crgebi. qacolil c-îb0 vraa ciral Depoty Reeve Bob Cui Building, . and large bon for graie; Caica tra ile-rý cugeied rouri ceite bier, tO9 Main Stc-ect MILTON 'Milton, Dec 18b3 wedsryr hgo n; .tbankiag bier tac bee inec-est and __________________ itb fac-m irciior; uc-cuban bar FRED -About 1,500 ibaies of peining out the town pc-esning 20 AC NSLS cccadiiuner. -dard bac. on.. T O W N 2 TN SLSTRMbe CASH DM DAY OF SALE. No recorco. Sala arrcaaccy Ici srille Eciate a n t . Just Listed For Complete Esati or arcavrer nal raspacîbiefr accireros dcc of salo. M ai n age» Brick bungalo, living maccm, Auction Service MA STCacîcceanee dng ra ice ih20b47 Phone Rarccaaod 096-9755.'twno Mloa cil ie be cpcnuibir ample rephoarda, baibrocce & es- Af mta oc about $15,000 of Ibat total. vaecîy, 3 bedraomc. bac-dccod 5%IItis A. ScEcgcvcra toit il ceceeay la fins, ne. cec. rumic, clcar- AUCTIONEER A ' e"ngnate Th Iaadu NnSle MaCleilaci 878-5,190 cor 878-2095. Bates of aiî tye. ofu Mai SE niceae ee arin anl FDr MER VYN COULSON er t . Mae ir 21gce ac-wilied Bloc-ca and c bell. aider type Salon eonducted anymbece. Ocao tihe Guap 21n epic calille on breck homee3 bdraocea. lion l- Grp Lea ccii rbt caben the 56 ungle saues ac-c clv iccrupoacda. iarir. Tel 878257 MA 2Oh aI12.0 pm. oncerird la 35 pacaBri aparea. ccviecpoaddnte, Tl8827 SATURDAY, M Y2t 1.0pm. Evectualiy plane rail fac-a living rumce citb caeiri .. il Milton, Ot. lbc ficiicig: remploie receavai ai parkieg poc-rb garage Aakicg S29,500. 29e-tf CAMIE -- Aac-cbie.-carn, c-cS; reecaber ciroci o-aon aed (c-cm the Maie St. but tie taoca' Cail Roc Cbappcll ce 878-2095 Cieca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b bom foNeioee,2- ARGS b ov.o 1 ; Herefod cwIrcck; 3 arrco ea hahcc-ceiarking u06ociycanatbappy Cos hoe fr rlirmen, 2- AREGS raif ai aide; 2 Hec-fard beiera. 3 srcceon lighe barrarna; i gond about ibhat propcth Regieers ceacccacbualow.ei living A2TO SALE . ad. raiea ai aide; 2i9' rooeeicreelir, 2 aria of cpMoSi. aodbe denigced roumcheer kitcen. Cose UCTIO SALE Shortcc-eifcra, 2 vraa IdIae eighs; 3asnear Pircllfiratcc-cl tarteccc-aditaan lacstore,. Cuait Myrtir MrCiafo raicre ai aide; tbe aboce calaca Ferc i"l ieccncrr rneii- 2 c-a-king. A pavementl46feetcîide 11ev 87805190 or 079-209 fosired'by a Harciaord bull. H ara ec c a a-c; i al ac; ta pîer fa pear,' metb MRI. WILLIAM TAYL.OR fard boifer. 600 has Hecrford c scen dira, sccrapr. iwideocik .5ltot ca-cdc cat o At 35 King Se. E., Georgetown Avgua airer, 500 lAc, Holasrein 9ISCELLAMEOIJA Teap lac- Broocadi-erccderm COU N T RY oc ig My2r beier rail. ' rna aid; Halie cea track boa cawi 4aale B t.. arnfv t w fon 4-beraraach stye hom At 6.15 p.m. le.hi ..6 k.ce. d, i r 32ium-Jsonte wllermvd bith bccar garagea lag riebt ApcricecccaiIlece0cignratcr; POULTRY, DUCKA. GRAIM nom raîraeeci>a idar; 20' woo- dureibeock bcardc, lar-ge brcadlccced Fedescaocbtbeat 2hccd ece, arirocec 5cdc. Sel Tbrcc a.toabceceikcd liin-gc-aace18 xt3, inicc- laid chaira;ackcowickcr cbair; Muscovy durckS3Murnu5 dira. craill 250 la. l fîe Il oikepa minimumeoftoncee dscpedloi100x 10, eauý_rcldic; 21' R.CA. Victor b. and hec; 500 bcs. ici hay ied i' acb, a qcacila cal 2 c 4 andop t fitvieof ueccrpmel. Taxe isw ea iin ceaint dc-cp-tnaf graie; 100 bac. oi obeat. i" pire; pie ca ac [acaoen la iraftir duc-ceg daetie darcptdblei, smocing0stbna;li- catt ils:. arc pafarcratr 75oursancd 100 lactes in the aciy $300. Frira 537.000. Catiala ackectd; udit 'R.CTORS and tIMPLEM- rodiesa brut; Wood', c-hrcdeveng. Oboppere ciii ba urerd Rue Cbcppcti o78-2095. piano, ie ond cndition; piano îfl ýe ,.t590 eIc - c c pabc upase aticei ?-isc. coice htstgs-a jJcl7 ..1cbi hc8ca b. mictac, gond; oic-etc-la cc- parking 5-cet Sales Tax included- $2982Q No extra or hidden charges L IUL g-mpcc acra aîeoccr Cocbsucc 540 foc crac-col acc-cy crac pca-ei becr ctc;Vkn ain dobea cor acd Frececon loader; Ici. cc-vdcc- chia-cIa fac-ka; chaiva; brddamac- abnt dul furcec12araace o,3 ph ,,esanadaithc-ia-mscoaain-a era; camera; singl bed pdaclo praier od; CM.kF.i 3oe iu-r0 P. iacela tablecSiner scong achne; cO. ha haler, gnd;Cckshull ANTIQUES & FURMITIRE- cs abaucrd.acieaeecb ortel 31roaba sidec-aebconcBecatyNarsa 4Ohurmr 30 culr;mirrcr; emolpice c-iibbc,Cabbc45i-c cvc ic cîcecaira iabc.icoicamaicccimo rmncr, Cackhhal rabbar[tcala coielca1 ccaak ceaie tabe; inn (one od ad onn liredagonc aed flact rack%iiihiearmingclae. eci-rracc new) dihes;pot an pans; Cackhbai 125 bcs. groc-dr d n vn poltp id ceticlw orner; pie coar- drobe; raicea cod gcrdcc fondsc cn ccrai apreader;, Raecilderrcagan ceI e.icraa - kilclcro yiar brssahourd box; drillt 3iaccb,-brabc 3b.a cîcyhec cua-ici liaicger cile, press ciatra. plaes; bovah tecor9. dul ic:hl ý,I;wc, Lb, u su- adlt cie 3 rnhcel bicycle; iaa clipprs;ccorccbaccises; Cickhuccbyplice laccia * i e(ests icritrunk;3al cairodlaoy. aarn fatlic-ac m o3 ph. c-edapr.,ccrc-.liccccak-iele: lie Sacîr an cnn ter aciucol teecbooou Hardie aaharci spay ~iccicila- press.a.4 ckch. Mr. Talor icgioingaup hic ,c15 gal.c.ick, Wicovain en-1'lc g alclr . lu-:siirn homce. Sm of tis mcatecjl gcneA-1rcodition; Ccbabcitlbc-coit caP - it uillcp. crîaea oacly cric This. coul nec acder gc-caac-dc- Cas ca-ca cor itcreaiiogo vceicu. oiha 8 groocd dricea hici !Ic5i.r'L, ALFRED R. AFENCE on rcdbhrr; Mace haracar onnbar n rlmru c- - retý cmploie caich pipesancd 22'salhilodio People hua The Championt 1- R.R. S. Georgetcon. maid, aed mcdl Champiun clos- sifieda lu bcy. le yuur sailes Suive 5-or HeIp Waoted message un cici page? Phun prabton by caiitg 878-2btt, 878-2341 lu place o coant od. Championctaceifieds. A.ELPAGE 57 YEARB' CONTIMUDUS SERVICR Mcmber cf cthe Toronto, Ontario ced Dakviiie - Trafalgar Reol Entote Boards MILTON ON A CRESCENT Acel foiybuomelacgsaciuslivingctcea itb 3 goodaîaed bedc-acmr, eiaoly fioiabod rc-ar. rourn. pcrod drive. god Ici. fancard ciib nca abade cc-cea Have bcught hume in country. Mabo offer. Lac-e country bhome. coca, cerc Milton, on I oct 100 ar- farce cne Ca Cedoe Hilia %viril a lv Garden farce. 16 acarea, ail tilîd drain, 12.000' of bedrooce bungalow,. plusacil equipmncet. 10 e-l. Cag ec-gut atoe bcusa oc 97 acres wilb c coco h hoc-ue. Idral country hcame. Cote ut- naca STOP DREAMING Malle chut drrcm conte trc Ccii ancd lt ut dis plansa. PERFECT lots tu boild ce. REVI fronc. 00e coul lake cua- bauce in tc-ade. FOR COURTEOUS, PROMPT SE CIf DENZIL LAWRENCE OAKVILLE - 845-426 Iy craut ctan. -greebtoccec, 4 Oconcr cnxi arc suitabie foc ruse ycouc- hanse iRAL 10 chorise RVICE à78-9543 7 17c3 Oa-car car.cccar- a iicr o iraspiccibIrc or lal a ccir sl dcc. TERMA: CASH, Lunch aille. Fien soleacil. Phoe 878-673C 20c3 Rua Coatter. tee Cautaeic Mac-g Brnccidge, Cirkc. OSD Guides, Scouts busy with campouts IMilton's 3ed Oic-i Guide l3mpacp at Ontario Srhcet foc- et Deaf bac hec-n hucy thic (pc-mg witk cokoula and camp- tcoa plua o ce noie to c-ainle ceda foc- a lent. Two compeutn oc-c ptaacod, crcding toi Guide Copluic Mrc. -Langea. One wîll hee bold May 28 and ancthe- tcr ceekend cf une 16-18. Tbey alan beld tcc boule ce sccbce pc-cpc-rl and anoîhér aet RattUescohe Paint Fac-k. "The girlsc bave eejayed thece a greol deai and I lbinb Ukey bave lc-arced o great ccany stuBcs, said Mca. Lingea. Boys basp tro TheOD SBcout Tc-ep as hec-a rocceng eperiai ortivilie n dc tc- moalkc chea te oc-atc-c na ore rondarîve tc outdcer or- tciiice tore. Brauter FPaul D. Lotgea c-cports the boyc bave beldi fouucceanfu rampculu, tca lant fall, une ic Fchruary and ccc- in Mocr, pluc attc-cding bath Ose tuBi ced mînle- cocepoc-cec ut tce Dictct Camp, Camp of the Woodland Tc-aits. They aleca vtuited anoOser Brout lrcop in Acton and tou-cd Ose priating stop nahere The Champion ce pc-cduced.* i Dec Ose nceekead (May 12-14) they attendait the Distrirt Campec-ee in Wandnturk. May 19- 22 ce the tireit aca Cc-cdc-cs' Weebecd cbca pateel c-cdc-c- and Ibeir assistanta gel acay fcr a oeekead ct ic-ac-ieg ced relaxon. A thc-ce-day hikceg raimpoul in piaaced Jutie 16-18 chea the baya cill bîke ouI frcm the scckcc Frîday nîgbt, set up camp, thea mcc- e 10 t aeothcr camp on te Soturday and c-ctoc-a ti scbac Sucdoy. Oe Juce 19 o picote aupper ciii ba beid tac bot iScutsancd Guidec, fcuturicg a ceceer toast, tc hoe held on scebau prape-ty. Ccarwash.la dacetoa crc orna," romplaied Ccacrilcor Colin Smnilic. The loticap-eccntly ued asnc parking icI for patronc cf tce cc-arby bolet, ced te building ccd ceay ccrate a parking prublece, hoe mil. Mayur uc-lac BocI, nboce rani escale to-m oca the lot, didn't cote on tc- motion. The mayer ceid port of the property ns deemed flood plan land ced "pou cen't hmtld anylbcng ntsc there.' --Sdenlu are ntorting to reot the doa cekil sunmmer vacation. BUY OR LEASE A VEGA From Richardson Chev-OIds Ltd. GOOD SELECTION AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW Leasing is Easy EXAMPLE: You can lease a Vega for as Economical Too littie as $ O2p0 on Price covers a two door sedan equipped wath automatic and radin onna 36 month term. At the end of 36 menthe pou can bey the car and apply pour tease paymnente fin the purchase price. We need used cars - - high trade-in allowance for your present car if you buy, or we'l Iboy your car outrighf if you wanf f0 lease a VJega. LS ONAI ST. S.MLOe8831 the CHAMP This Mark 2 Pool won the 1910 Ontario Swimming Pool Association Award for The Best Residential Vinyl Liner Pool. m a