HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A locl asseby of The Pentclcctai Asnetiies of Canada Wàkefield Rd. and Rccy. 25 Milton jPastar: Rev. M. Christensce Tel. 8792064 The Lo&s Day * SUNDXAY, MAY l4th, 1972 11.00 aan.-Oc8orning Wonhip. 6.00 pcet.--JFcetly Prayer. 7.00 p.in.-Evering Ecangelin- j tic Service. Wednesday, 8 p.nt. - Bible Study. Friday, 8 pat. _, Young Ocaiples. Thest thiccgs 'bavc I coritttn unira youta haI helicccîh on the ttame of the Son of God; t-hat ye etay knoco thal yehave ettetal liOn. 1 John 5: 13. BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCUES MiniaItr Rtc. W. R. Lei, B.A., B.D. 878-4428 àSUNISAY, MAY 141h. 1972 Chtristian Faetily Sondcy No Chorch Schcol. Parets & childrtt tan woco,hip loge. bher. BOSTON 10.00 a.ct.-lFatily Service. (Nursery provided.) OMAGM 11.30 amn-Family Service. (Nurery prucidcd.) A Cordial Invitatin Is Rnîcnded Tt AIS GRACI ANGLICAN CNURCN Milton, Octario. Recto-: Rtc. R. W. Fonter SUNDAY, MAY 14th. 1972 Suodav cltcec Asctt-ic,o Dcs "Molhor'c Day" 8.00 a.tc-Holy Caomonion. 9.30 a.-Jnior Chuenb Schoui 9.30 cnm.-Holy Eoobarist & 10.45 a.tn.-Stcior Chur-ch 11.00 a.c.-Bapticn, Malins & Thuac-dc, May t1, Ascensi'on Day, 10 a.rn - Holy Comninon. Yca Are Ahoayn Wtlconct At Grave Otnccch CNURCN 0F CNRIST No. 5 Sideraad and Och Lice Trafalgar SUNI2AY, MAY 14th, 1972 10.00 n .Biblt Srboëlt Classes for aIl cota. I1100 a.-Morning Sforstop. 8.00 p.nc,-Freachjng of te oslan. Mdlton Distrct Hcgh Sehani wilS adcpt a hall pear ccmester cysteet in Septeether 1973, Peincipal R0. C. Hanter lcid parects i tht cpen hacne Mondcy evenccg. Tht princial nted c neether cf differecî prcgretcs had heen intlroced et recent yeces ccd etere ccc cndergcicg evalaatccn. Hec said in anncacoing the plans tai introdtce the hail ycar emestemnystem,ctudents etccd Se t aking hall Iheir cabjeets in the fist seeter ccd hall in the eond semeater etith longer penids. Foreign foad Tht open hocce ait the high nchccl attraoted parents ccd frietdc ccd featured claccsretet dicPlaYn, films, chilc, foodI fom Icreign ccanlnîies, band prarlice, ceetiag prcjectsancd allier at- tivities. lte auditorict prcgrat ait the THE PRESBYTERIAN CNURCN IN CANAGA KNOX CNURCN MILT014 Mininter: Rtc. John M. Murray Degacint: Mms. L. Vlachînet SUNDAY, MAY 141h, 1972 0.45 a.n.-Fesîical of tht Christian Fatsily. Sermn, "Tht Valuestcot a Child." 945 a.et -Occior Cbatvh Schocat. Att grades. 10.45 a.tn-Jonjar Chneth School. 7.00 pm.-Tht Young Peopi.- o'S Society. Nursery ictilitits availabît. ST. PAUL'S CNURCN of TNE UNITED CNURCN OF CANADA Main St. rit James St. MicOclt: Rtc. C. A. Haincr, B.A, M.Dic. Orgafnigt acd Choit Leader: Mms. Haralfd Maget SUNDAY MAY l4nh, 1972 10.45 et -Chriclian Faetily Sunday and Sacrametof Bapticet. 10.45 ame.-Cbaech Scbanl for cll Departets. Nursery faoiliticc for babies. ANl Wetce MILTON GOSPEL NALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christits, gathertd in thce cdm o tht. lird Jeson Christ. LxcrF Day SUNDAY, MAY I4th, 1972 10.30 a.et.-Beeaing cd Bread. 12.15 p.et.--Sunday Sclccol 7.00 pet.-Gncptl Servce. Wrdntcday, 8 pet. - Frayer ccd Bible reading. Ail Are Welcoe To Thete Servtces This is a lfailhhci naying, chaI Christ Jcsu ccame ino t'i, orld ou tactsine I Tiet. 1: 15. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCN Comeettrcial Street, Miltn. 878-9606 878-3542 SUNIIAY, MAY l4th, 1972 Tht Lotttn Day 9.45 a.et.-Bihlt Sthool. 11,00 a.et."~Mooning Worship. Rtc. David Eacîtood. 6.50 pet.-Son0 Service. 7.00 pin.-Ec'eoieg Warship. Tht Fet'ivalc ai Malt Voit,. Pracce. Wtdnesdlay, 7.30 p.et-Frayar and Bible Study. 'Lei an coter inca the Honte cd the Lord codtn thanhcgicin-g and ia Hic Courts etith prai ce." coclucion ai tht ececing leatud etancal neethers wcth the nchcai bacd perforeting onder David Scie. Gordon Temelcarprovded c pianc talc, Ecetît Hill vcal solas, foih club eeterc Betly Devin ccd Dehhîe Wcldec, Gordon Agneet, Cîcdy Warren ccd caura Goalcanlc votai and guctar naethers. Gyetshcow A gycacantt demcnlralccn an rings, paraileil hart, high bars and vanltg wcc given hy Tcet Elhct, Brcd Joyce, Sacdy Eliot, Mithe Oendrc acd Stace Smeth. Previeccng a play, ocdcaghl hMs. Pnffin, cere emhers nI the tant. Tht play la ta be preeted on thrte evenings in and-May. lic Richardsn wcc etanter of tereetcniec fcr the acditoriumt proae. The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, May 10, 1972 7 vit edr B. Ccet.. R.IA., C.A. Charteecd Accountant 143 Main St., Milton Phone 878-6542 ROBERT J. HARDY Charlcrvid Acrttont 18I Maio Si., Milton. PHONE CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. Additioo's & Alitrccions Rc R9occcc & Kiohec Gtc,.c,.c Home. Rtpcirn CALL Ken Bailey, 878-6853 Ail, Hflccrs 878-6625 21C-tf 878-3483 - 270-51251 21cti CARPETS & DRAPERIES ALUMINUM DRAPERY ALUMINUOd DiJ/'N L U MJ.JV Windows & Doors *Rtcdonlia GLASS and RRFArRS * lductriai MOBIL FAINTS *Coeteercial W. J. KOSKI Ready - etade Drapes an stock. LIMITRO Fat Custoet Service Il Falton St. 878-9452 Behind Brian Best Oeally. 21C-tl KAISER ALUMINUM SIDING Soflf1 - Faci., Wîcda.e and oon, Atoningc, Caepart ccd Porth Eclosuesc Railioga, Eavetrcaging FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OF CANADA Faut af Forcythe St. 845-0318 BICYCLE REPAIRS Browniecs Sport Shop 150 Miii Street Bicy.cle Ropaitt Flots Spohct WhccAt Tccctd 3, 5 & 10 tptad hoh rtpairc 878-4602 21c-rt BANKING Bank of Montreal The First Canadian Bank Loi-c iaccars, hoala, hoa tepatirs, vcatcion and olher. DON KYLE 877-5141 Georgetowan TED PRATT7 853-1,100 Acton JOHN SEMPLE 878-9911 Milcon 2ît-to BONDS & STOCKS INVESTMENT DEALER George E. C. Jackson Rtg. Reproettvle MILTON DIRECT LINO 639-5916 EVENtNGS 878-2580 aa7i DEAD STOCK REMOVAL PACONI Dead Stock Remnovnal LIMITED 0f dtccd or dicahîed Cattlt ccd Hottes. Phane (416) 692-4421 Bichc ach Lic. No. 299C71 2ît-f Tht sticg cf reprath ic the trt cf ci. Wcrdn mtIt hie aeighed, not toacled. Milton Plaza . To serve you better OPEN EVERY EVENINGMONDAYTO FR IDAY Growing with the community lVlC. iAIL tLtL I KIt. I - 1 t1 rF. SA"IO5LItSTING * INDIiSIOIAL * COMMXERCIAL Greenwood Monuments * FAtRNIS & HO 'MES Oc, Hcc. 7, N.aa. e El ECTRIC IIEATING Ptcer P-.c Jcccph Thccoma INISTALLATIONS 416-877-9.505 519-843-3719 hO Si.: ic ~ Mcllilton 1.c 878-9513 - 877-57951MTRRE 2k cit MOO INDING FARM SERVICES PHONE 878-4111 or 826-1223 COMIiTE Et ECTRICAL & MECHANICAL INSALI lONS & REFAIRS PA DA L 1 N Dce:Jccc>ccOalcer" Electric Co. Ltd. Pct::t:. Ciicc g Eqccpmet tor Pccciccc tlogc- Bttl.-Daiy 3153 Bat,. Lice Rond, Mtalon. Exocellt Vetllaîcoa hyttetc' 1 o-t C hiL 853-218 Rural c MUNICIPAL CALL 870-2067 FOR HOME Maintenance Service ' APPOINT7.OENT Fr,., EsVacceta Noc Ohligation jTOWN 0F MIÎ.TON 21c-tf TELEPHONE NUIMBERS S Y R STotto Cierh ccd Teeanrer 22 MinS. 78207 FARM BUILDING locpecccc ef Buildungs, S1 f i R-cc, :0nd Rtiet Flcethiog Traches 21c-fF Plnning Board ___________________ OMG\ tEl NINGIS PLEASE Ccetete cf Adjastetent CARETCEANRS Waterdown 6891-10186 Tcon Superliendeat _________________________ 2kIl hroct-cille 826-3902 Seccage Plant & Wcc-ks Ycrd MILTON CARPET and FLRSS878-6171 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 1 LRIT Fice Chitits Office 878-9251 FOR FRE0 ESTIMATES HORNBY Emeocty Pire 878-6922 GREENHOUSES LTD. Poaicea Dcparctent Please Caîl A. Trccc.hi,. S. Tttocs Je. 878-9561 878-3074 Cali 878-6438 Anytime 9 ..878-6969 LýteýtIlralarangmens. 9 am.ta 5 p.m. OnIy 19 A. TO 6 F.M.I 1cc Fîcsc fic-ch frcet car 2ct ________________ Fr-, Decict'ry OPTICIANS CARPET CONTRACTORS c1h: Ltc, GtryR. a1-tIH.CEKM T R Supplying and - Dispensing OpticianS Installing FUNERA LDIECT REC OSSZN THE B051 INnancn k JL rj Floor Coverings tuncCct omt.c 607 TRAFALGAR ROAD " BROADLOOM 14MnSt. Bcltcoia Radiat Drietquic * CORLON & CUSIIION MitcIon Wtthday, 6 pet, ta 10 pe. FLOORS cc ut ttccc vai o hoipiai, Wcek.hcds, 10 ame. te 6 pe. " INDOOROUTOOR CARFET tc: iteoct servitcoey.ponttn - 878-4452 K. W. CLEMENT --- cfOclitc Rncs proetcy filled & SON 123 Thccmasc Street MILTON 878-2194 - 878J-2194 CONCRET! NEW CONCRETE WORK Wciht. Si,.p-, Bcc,.ccaoî Fiocet. RESURFACING iorc, c.crht, patios, vcrcadahs. Cc c , c y:c td bond.c ic., eticttcc,. onret CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL FIFARD 2,50 Martccc Sctee 878-6853 21c-It GENERAL OTMTIT CONTRACTORS - OTMTIT GENERAL BUILDING Arthur A Johnson, O.D. C eoNTRACTOR MILTON - 218 Main St. " Alceralioce 878-3673 " Nett co.nsîtucto 0000V DE WILDT 9,.tcc: 54 Miii St. E.,853-220 878-3534 Wedcttdays & Satcrdacc 21c-If Reccdence phoot 878-5327 21c-tf P RIE S MASONRY CONSTRUCTION PLASTERING & STUCCOý LIOIITED R.R. 1. CL.cccricticnt o. Plastering & Stucco aycicccc 0Comm:rccial Al Types afSocco 0 cicccc Nev'c a Icer, O,.pacrc, TEL 854-2h72 a: 854-2532 Cote Ceiiinac 21,.t ci Aîdershat Plastering Ca. 21,-ci __________ 878-2016 KENNELS ailer 1 pet., 689-6211 ACTON PRECAST c lau Cliec CONCRETE & SUPPLIES ROCKYRIDGE -Stpcc, Tanksh Wtil Ti,, Baî-Jng Kennels Reg'd.ý PAINTING and cIi,.Ccc,:ttFrci:c Ntî bucidincg, quit voocded Pi,ti, S,:,.: Pc c, cL,icc:g, lc iac eans, ecloc- DECORATING Pualcpiccg S lc. cil ccrticd :a:. lct ic hct, 853-1529 pih ap and deiivtry. GIL VANSOELEN ___________ D. JAMES PAI NTI NG - .0ý 2, Caacphtlilii DRAPERIES & FABRICS cos, Lccce a' mccet o-ccfc Contractar Gaelph Lioci LE U CSTM AIOR Phone 878-6816 INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL CE YUUTMTIO 21,.-cf INTESIOS EXTERIOR D R A P E R 1 E S __A___SAPE Cciii1 Not 1cr Froe Eslictatet DRA-ýiePERIcEri COANDSCAPE 878-6137 Ori i cp,.: cc cci cy. c CNTRACTR Ot 114, Milccc. Uccît, c,.,* ahome .iiccii. 21a-ci Fac: l:.icc in ccor -cchome MILTON LAWN and dcrriur ervce 3ARDEN SERVICE Decorating Cail 878-2513 Today Lcc,.t,.,ctc:: hccddccg Fl-I JUNE DRAPERIES 't cc:: cc:A.ccc.ct rie 'dc cc: Ic,: ccT o c ccci , c:cc e INDUS) RIAL 2ic-L ci op Fcccî LSOCcN a COMMERCIAL __________________ 3344 Mccc S:. IVh e REhIFOCNTIAL FINISH CARPENTRY 878-9070 21-f Frot Etieatas *REMODELCING 878-5141 RE.ROSLIBRARY HOURS Wt spetialic on ealipaper I IHEN CABINETS Maccday la Friday aplcto. 21c-t *VANITIES 12 Naat î, 5:30 ARBORITE COUNTERS Ecotdags TO PLACE YOUR AD 3c,.tday, - Thncnday - Friday IN THIS SECTION CLIFF BARNES 6:30 ou 9:00 petr. 0F THE Satnmday. 878-9135 10:00 cet. tc 5:0 . CANADIAN CHAMPION 21îtf 21ctf DIAL 878-2341 Ashphaling Drîveways Parking Lots Milton Paving Co. LTD. Mltoncc, Oct, Fac Fr,., Fîccoattes CALL W-ALTER I9AYWAREI 878-9234 HAROLD) AGNEW 878-6643 2lt-ctf PLUMBING CONTRACTORS TED'S PLUMBING R 1, Ccety0ellilàiit FOR REPAIRS CAL 854-2413 Anylie Rtatooalc Rates 21tf ACTON Terminal Warehouse lodacîrial & Doetc Storage Fricate Fccrnite Lochera Banded Sînrage Pick-up & Dnlictry - Moviags BROKERAGE SERVICE Phone:c 853-2320 Acton 364-2941 Tornto 21c.t0 TRANSPORTATION BUS SCHEDULE MILTON and TORONTO Lv. Miltot *705 amet, *10.15 a.e. cc-8.15 am., a-83ý5 pet., h-6.30 pn. PIANOS - Tuning and pe., o--7.30 pet. Repairing MILTON & KITCHENER Lc. 18.30 p. GAKVILLE PIANO SHOF Ar. Milton *7.00 ame., o-815 305 Charch SI. rit Reynoldsa m Ocholille MILTON & HAMILTON Fianos taced ccd mepi. Lv o-8.55amt.,c_530 p. Spetcicioig in 'ccd retondit-MLTN ndGE H caced pianos ITOcn G EP Ccli PETER LANDER 884-6671 Lv. c-10 a.et. c Open daiiy untl 9 pet. Ar. Milton c-2.30 pet. 21c Il 1-Daiy ecepi Saccrdcy, Sac- day, Holiday. PIANOS c-Sacrtay oniy. TUNED and REFAIREO ,c-Saoday ar Holiday. M. WISLOW -Friday. 334 Fine Street acTcrSc ny 878-6572 _______ ___ PRINTINO " BROCHURES * PUBLICATIONS Il BUSINESS FORMS " WEDO.ING STATIONEOY A toctplet Decign ccd Production Strie 878-2341e Ie Dilîs Printing -. & Publishing Co, Ltd. 191 Main SI., Milton. PAVING ASHPHALT PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS and TENNIS COURTS For Froc Eclcnattv CAILL 634-1321 RUDDOCK PAVING CO. LTD. 2238 tild Oaad BURLINGTON 21t-tf SEWING MACHINES Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONE 878-6M61 Milton Fabric Centre 12 Marocn Street ServitcsandRepairs on cil mairescof cttcingemachines 21cot8 SMALL MOTORS Service and Repair Let Us Service Your Soccnahi, Chain Sac Othcard Macor Moîcrcycie Lca- Macvr Soc Biacter Maiared Garden Eqcipcct Winterizing & Storing MILTON MARINE & SPORTS 25 Caocmerci Sc., Milton 878-6521 21C-f TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MEN'S WEAR 202 Macin Street PHONE 878-4472 21c-t8 21v-tfl TREE SERVICE NORTH HALTON TREE SERVICE icotc Wictee Frtccs Tricceccng ccd Largo Tret Rettocci Fcily Inccced PHONE ACTON 8530108 HAMaILTON 527-7976 21ctf UPHOLSTERY Milton, Upholsterinig Rtapholteritg - Oestylicg Custoet bulf ftcrnitare C cclrc aphaIcttrimi A tccnpitte teletion of cari- Ftcectticca e snbe rs Fate pick-up ccd dclicery 878-9094 0.0. 3, MILTON. Lorot Arthur, Frop. Wciiioo 3 yaar gccrantteeo wrm.cochip. 21e10f WELDING SPEYSIDE Portable Weîding Service Fret Estnmatcc Caomccercial Ivdocîrial W. KAMMINGA 0.R. Na. 1,ACTON Phote 853-2438 21c84 CHARLIE'S WELDING Wtlicg - Re.ccrs - Partable 'ci: Lin,, RA. 3, Georage.Itvow. CHtAS SPECK 878-5365 21c3 SAM JONES WELDING PORTABE AhliLDING SE-RVICE 26 NcrtonCrcnc GEORGETOWN, Oc:. 877-5953 21c-tO i 'c-lac Sritol 878-4676 Milton DAVE DENNISON 2lctf WROUGHT IRON " Railogs-Indocar & Otdace * Garas " RoiociDvders CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATION LTD. BILL HEARD 250 Martin St. 878-6853 DIAL 878-2341 TO PLACE YOUR AD IN THIS SECTION I rds Iiam ion ~ECTOR A8CCOUNTANTS BUILDING ELECTRICAL SERVICE MONUMENTS PAVING STORAGE CONTRACTORS H.S. semesters