114 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednaîdap, May 10, 1972 200 attend annual twilight meeting BpfHenry J. Staley Russell Huerron, Harold 'Me Halto Holstein Breeders ihutup>on, Kal Hanscn, 99 hl ilicie aimiailu îlîvipu-t lia-mIl Hurecwrilmo meetiîng on Fcîdascîcnng, Moy thc dram foc tlie prise, 4-H 5ai Noyas Sales Mrena, Daliville. iomliccvsundee 15 pearu of age, Clnse Ma 200 Holstein lireedoro Jobn Reid, 99 pointa, mi and 4-H cluli menahera judged ramiers op, Randy Peddie, tiraclassesaofcaille admacied Barbiara Bromn, 97 points; 4-H tie demnnoaatian siomanuhip) memliers 15-201 yearu of age. condacted hp Sert Stewart aod Raliert Murray, 99 points, milli Dave Reid. The caRIle were frou cuarier up Murray Srawnridge, tie Toceil lierd , Palernio. 98 points. Wlaaers Prian montera wn Oie judging A nature flb "Patterns in tie more; ladieu' division, Dnralliy Wdd' man aliam. Lucky draw KCingston, 98 points, mi cannera- nînnera nere troue Honter, ap Mary Anderuon, Pal David Stanley, Lloyd Mcilnorp, Buchianan, C. Everoti, Shirley Woody Crilclioy, Myrile TonSl, ToueSl, Myctie Tovoîl, 97 points. Gary Pallerun and Gina Menas dicision manoera were Buicbors. Plan ta hold achievemrent days By Mrs, toreen Banieor liers lin article of laungemear, Aciecomont Dua mdll bue bold michil îlite on dîaplay ut darîug May fnr the 4-H Aciuocment Day, alang wi a Hamnemuhîng club projeci, record book ni, gromuog fintls, Seing Weil Dresned and Weil Tealed .torned.,Ton clubs in tlie Darmng the moning nesins, dîllunar ua inilI inoo on Oirmembursn dl tested an Oie Saiurduy, Map 13 ut Si. Pautas udormainu Oiep bure atudied ut United Cliarcli, Milton. Twn Oieir clumetg.AlSclubsuwOl monin inter, an May 27, nia niner gice deonatrutions or sot up clubs mîli attend iboîr oshbîiia on anme aspect of Acievement Day ut Hnly Cross grooing an tbe ufleramun. Mrs. Roman Culbnlîc Clarc in 10D. Bannîster, Cauotp Home Georgetown. Vîsîlors ar e Ecnmini miSl pesent melcome ai tthe aflernon ceclîlicates and pins la Iliase progoints wbîcb commennce ai cnmpleîmng ais and 12 prujects. l;30 pin. Ecccp member inli completea Approuîmalelp 200 gicla Oic proleci abafuctarily miSl parlîcîpaled an OoBng Weil1 reccici a stin g udrleap Dressed and Weil Gronined. fean1 Oie 4-H Hnmemahun.g Eacb basaplannrd and madelfor Clubiccevi Junior former exchange program Again Ouas peur Oie Junior hep, pîga and poullry judgimo Farmers Association of Dntsrio an meSl as for sîluge mahiog, and the Ontarîo Miniali-p ni public aposasig, group debaiing Agriculture and Fond are actimg and draina. ai joint boita bo dolegalions ni Wlue in Canada lie wauld bie Young Farinera iroin Noribers a- siudp the mork of rural pauOi frelaid, Scnlland, England and nrganînaiun aund boef Wales. production anA marketing. Join Halton Coanlp is boalmng a returns a Ioland on ivug. 4. delegaîn fOam The Young Fermers' Cilis ai Ulater i 5wetbern frelna. Johin Coed Bunhin, 13 Saltycasîle Rd. P e a î à Neottonards, Counlp Down nrrined in Halion on Aprdl 22 Hoen apeatthbe irst woee bore in Oie aCchieve m e haine ai SdI Jachson,' Caledon Eat and as npendiag Oie second Asbgrone4-H boungîng bassina otonb wi George HendersOn fIAd iinoe monetings rrcenlp as muar Georgetown. Johin oift Oie meinliru mocrd on Iboîr mariy nlp Mays5 carrenispring prolectand made Hlereford Fermo plans 10 p«rtîcîpate iu John, 27, farina mîli las father Acbicccinn Duc Map 27 wn an a 145 acre Hereford lari. Heoretowcno.- presnly holds office as club At ilicîr asit meting troasuror nI Milliole Young incînlira oli soles on pretiir Farinera Club. Ho lias licou a iiînib, anA boni and abomed clbalimrfrorî12pears and 900011cr momlersbnmmtuput sernod as a commuiter mombor slicciccin a gurvirni. Thep tlked for six peurs. Ho boldsa a bout iing buttonliolos and p-aiicioncp amardn for caille, l.yio lienuonar demonslraînd Sme art for yoanger members ai thc sccolb meeting. [endors da-iccdhon tnbhem abousecnat 4-H group and tlie comanilirc noclid ona dnitl'or sciccenday. names ~ "h M c a b l-iglill meeting deuIl iO incînlirs noce aulird I do a as president bok.blgtstth N an ByiJohnNixon thecconicrrncc wn Guelphi wrre Theliprimeetingofithec Haiton cboaco 4-H Jraev-Go crosci Dual Purpoar Slinrîuirn bail (lob aa beld on Aprîl 18 at the P0LLOCK Agriculiorai Ofice in ilton. T election id ofiîccru novAN f id s bilons presîdesl. Ken MuNabli, cicr-president, Brc 1 AM B L Mcatont sccc-retr Jonc nanieeu Nixon and prcssc reoter a- Joh Nixon. unsril unMnai Plie l6onembr ra rdcild MmveEe in lumora and seniors and Taleovnn bassons more lucard an al qua- t40î 58 field It mas iccîdri to bld tbe 44buuLT ___ Manmeengai ocbils Jrc nî !n i 62 NainS.Zot FOR " EATING ENJOYMENT @ur enu f ~ 4: J Select from Chinese dinners Op0en Sendap Until 8 pan, LIDO RESTAIJRANT 181 Maie St. Maltn OPO 9061 -Fast Taha Oni Ordera- elrnmpon Veu Pàg Byllane Menu Bon Catde0peaalla If unu îaad île second Aniualo lridlibonli Farmu ld. performance iouiod bll nole ai Hayus Salon Arena (Oalooille) but May 1, 1971, pu map hava ndnued un excellent appnrtanily lu lieed-up' pour beef tmagirana, lu toal, 25 bals of une hall Charolais, flirne quartera Chiaroais, one quarter Simmental, and one half Limnousin hreading mere affered for naIe. ASi huila more lealed ander Oie Ontarîo Performance Tealing Pohicp for buef caille, and met minimum Mtandarda of average dadpy gaina duriag lin 1404aay 1970 FORD CUSTGM t Daae Hnodiap. Lîsht green a-ith dock gren interiar. 351 P- 8; Paner Steerita, Paner brabea; Radio; invite Wtails, Whln Disec; Equipped. 20,00 miles. Romaunder ot 5 poar 1 0,000 miles msrrsetp inlodeAt Lic. No. N13616 Hoai Sponiol '2675. 1968 OMEVROLET Station Waneon. Gnlda-,tv mutchuno;ineoa 307 Pi8, Powerc Orsiies, Paner Stecrita. Radio, White inlsîl, ihool Duscs. Lu Na, 96282X Hot pecal '14 75. 1961 CAMERO S/S Bloc a-tv aaui0g iteri- 327 Pi8 275 ilp. 4Ospnod transmis or 4 nen idenoal tires [c Noý 781353 oi Sesi ACTON PHONE 893-2869 STREETSVILLE PHIONE 026-390 388 Main St- Milton 878-235 lait poriad of S Iha. a dja 365-day moiglits of tAnpona Sullu avec 12 muallis of age mere lcriiî teaici, and ibose pouager more sold asguaranteed frEra Bo For thue rattemnen Wnho font Oint the analec hlmd la henid Iheir poehethnnha, Oie fallnlg as a aummary of Oie aslea Mrcm;: 14 oinehall Charolabtt avernged $478; 4 lhin-qn r Charoaia btinl $430; 4 one-hati Simmeatal buala 1; 3 une-hall intouala hulae $140. The taghein mttlang hall at this unie mua aion-hall Lbrain hall froan n Charoaisn-Shorthara dam Two cars, truck, house in Stewarttown crash SPRINGTIME 111 MLOSSOM TMME ami nadli Suudop, geaeraly thn Suatdap fallootbag peur, flic aiglitsand scalsa of llisamiog fruit Maineras Day. Tis yoog lady finda an apple la-ens uttracta thousaedi ta Oie Niagara b-en an ideal place to ait bacli ami enjap ponicaula. A day mici iny people set aside cabure's picture shot, (Photo bp Dep, for a special tr-ip ta Oie regian is Sîcasonn Agriculture and Fond) Anne Murrcay supports Flowers of Hope drive Canadas top iemnale cocalial, ibeir Flooteru ni Hope cainpaign. Local Associaion", Oie odded, Aune Ma-rap lodap procluoned a- Poinueers are ulmapa nonded pYou con slow pou cure hp May 14 - 20 un National Weol for i 1mcai AusociabinansaiidpMiss planutngFlomers f Hfope seedi. Oie MentsSly Reiarded ad ouhed Murrap, -andfîacasupr Thyreyaiicfln oo ail Canadians 10 loin ber te as ni c ourse ennential. Butinant of courage and praimuas of Oie mabmng Plamera of Hope inoin, ail, me a for more moatally roturded, and sent la buOi fîguraiiolp and luterablp, a-idecaiandig and acceptanco of pou lip retsrdnd poangler and foin Oie Atlantic bo Oie Pacific. Oie riglilu, the aliditieo and tlie odulta froint marlahap Duruog Oie mool, more Ilion 350 poicolmai of Cunada 640,0f0 Oraughaut Canada." Local Ausociaions for île mentailp rela-ded poople." "The menlolly rntsrded Mentali> Retarded Ibrougliaul Symbt of hnpe themanîren are bbe flamera of stanadn id s uort nroer- "If for one ceusn ar nnoc bapo, Oi e naggcaînd. "Their stadin an supot trouh uionam.voly supportt»ur gardies needa île cure and cultinatianofa desnig Ji Farmersruiti r dusdm flIBWh,àûl4¶ .,- with th. national Haion Junior Formera are Halion Miii Coannillen. association and rocenlly douaISd haig a rruaîon dance May 260 a ThFli Hloo Junior Paeiner lier talentu te mabing radin and Oie Aclon Moodomv Golf Club 9 boanquet as on Juan 3 ut I4oy teîevtsînn proamaionol matrial p.m. tn I a.m. miii music lip 'Me Ilcinol ai 7 pot. for .s armas Caada. A former Oýay-rn. Ali punI moinliraore Jîo Ranlîn, lbe U.K. toacior, nIe bas alan arbod asna ocîlted ta attend. If pu moald Delegato frutm NorOi Irelaad unluameer on nbultered otorbalupa le tickets, contact ap Halton vbomnd a mup and sido ni Northli n Oie Maritimes. Junior Formner. IrclanA anA diacussed lamngt TheoAonuulCburcb servi cea ill us iacm ares.a rigi feied at Ila.m. Jsse 1i KnEoxs ___ U M Prcvbpîerîan Cluc, Miltun.m Ta lWB . Bull Taurur> w as stîli gelting calSor Hationis gonnoltucseni îîbl Sundapn aid an advrie onl teani tn Sasir or a lnucnamrnl nllerrd a free puppy bo a gond onoedbeend of Joncî24and 25 homc in s rrcenf Chiampion Ru> Imackhlamer n au classîbied ad. Tcp Champion ,e m . B no aed as a dregalrlnlith clovibied,îihepmorlmoil. f a Tiron vehiclesa nd n hunt more mnvalved Ln a collision on Oie Seveulli bine Esqaeaing in 30nwarttao Mondep, May 1, report Mitan OPP Drivers îavalved more Margaret Sarîtcher of R.R. 2, Georgetown, Donald Bllocli of R.R. 3 Orlon and Harold Goodinan of Minuissua, mha mai aporating a trucki. A boume amumi hp Mn. A, Luaniers ut R.R 2, Georgetown receired npprasimuîelp $00 damage. Eatimuled damaga ta Oie Buetîcher car mua $2,000; lu Oie Ortn veticle $500; la Oie Goadinan trucki $509. Mn., Saetlclier rceivou minri injuries te Oie accident. A toto car moli an Sandnp, Aprîl 30 reaolled in an oppcoimute $»0 damage te bath cura. The accident accarred ut Oie intersection nf 17 lideread, Enquosng and Oie Eaqaniing- Cbîoguacnunp Tomn Lino. Drivera invalved more Ruin ISlai of R.R. 5, Miltai and Patr-icia Carmeo ut Charles S., Georgetowa. Daring Oie wonh ni AprOl 30 tb May u linre mere five coliain in the Northi Hultan otrna potrailed bp lin Milton OPP. Au a rosuS of Ima o uthIbu collisions five people mere înjurod. Ton vehiclea more mnalnnd un Ohe machs accidents. Total praperly damage ma Special displays feature police week The Ontario Provincial Police are esteodiog an invitation la the general Public ta tour their police delaclimenta duriog Police meeli, May 14-20. Dormng iliat wneli a special team of OPP officiers mill louciog thie Halioo Coooty OPP detaci- monts witli dioploa to illuotrate tbe vorioao furctions of Oie force. Ali lemeotary and ancnndurp agq4.baineuones ganaps amd orgnLationo and a-na reaideolo are inîted tu tour OPP stations. Openhboues The opecial team and the displapo wdl lie aoth lb ollowing detaclimento during police monli, beimeen 10 arn. ta 4 p.m.: Oak.- ville Detaclimeni, Sunitap, May 14; Aclan Detaclina, Mandop, tdap 15; Mîlton Dotaclinent, Tiîondup Map 16; Surbuinuo Detacbmý;eni, Wednoaday, May 17. The lemiaina mdiue ho t Surlinglon Dotudlimont Wedl- neidup, Mup 17. The teýn mili lie ut lurliogn Mail un Tha-sday, Frîdup and Saturdnp ni thal meeli. Specini tura o ne sIiad arermt rqireh Oipu clé moot Police ntations, Tin farce sapa if is olmaps mdting ta annoter quesions abut police marli. W(i Oie exceptinoni On h Acton Detadlimont, aIl bter sations are open 24-lina-a a day mit offîciers rcady and miling ta f 414continues ifs.. SIZZLING 19%6 ONEVELLE S/S 2 Door Hardinp. Durt grenth Ul ttng inieror. PO8 Autootatuc Badio Lnc Na. L9434 1969 81UC Feadar $ida. New paa-t Ired). Opondtransisiaonand 307 VO8 Encullent .g con di nton., Ai anus as non. Lic No In92asV oi penîi '2195. AS US SPECIAL 1965 POUTIAC White nili red cnteoa antamatuc [ný Na. 763596 6 Cplicdec, ashmw i uavere daily gala on lent f linon pit anven poandn., moîglil Per day of ageof aIlino Point une poand and an adjuuled pouring meiglil of 1,129 Pound. froan a Chnralaln-lhartharn dam, $8725. Hie perfarmane record ehumnd ai avorage dallp gain ai lent ni Oive point thrac poari, meigil por day of aea o! Oune abant linon pound and en ndj ualad pearling egit of 1,186 The muet canbain allIca ai the ente mue $43. Oerety a performance lnelad and quaraitaad aine mmdld lae morla Oint mach la aipenea hbord> Before pu boy poar anal hall, naier mhnl an animal wath n lentSi performance reeur&euld ido for pour bard. Sncb ai ninat mauld anouhtedly hae eenicllp udntagoca aI Pricon canidoruhlp highar "n mlloenaed uith 0wlrdehrenh ale. Two bumaries established Tma hurarina ni $04.80 nIa $40,1 apebep Oh fareu uyHratoa DIaIret Wenfen!g Inalitute lai high achait efodentg (boy or girlî grnduatilaula e frein Grd G2o rade »1 mOIW ai average of ut lenut 40 porceie Ta qalify thalle appllcaute muet, alan have cumplelod aI tant sir 4-H bumeinnlaag aila or aix: ugriultural club precu, or flan matber mast hoe an activc: mameu' aihale mambar Applicaion farina, avnllaht& ut lbe Agricultural Office,. TMlon are lu bue rehireed ta Hume Ecooit, 181 Main St. Miltn, bp Juan 30. We're Availacblef Vea, cour Champion s l ý aln on Wodoeadup natlthe toilauîen nnwdeaina. HALTONVILLE Janninea Canera Istare e-BROOKVILLE ACTON Mea Bai Depea Cille llalianaep noal Mille liera GEORGETOWN Stevnns Stora Feedlea' Store Jae Taoh lhap Daluan Inaka aine SPEYSIDE Kalleas Stor HORNBY I-loahy enanStorn Cauntry Faone DRUMOUIN Orumqaiu Stum OMAGH Onaeh Canerai Stare PALE 1040 Palerna Gairni Stane NBELSON Celling' eri-ie ltain Mni Manae Varinno LOWVILLE Lnaavlla Varinno Rabertean £ Ceelene KILBRIDE Ceone Cnead lance CAMPBELLVILLE JaoyVaro lhnll Moawkaa Ina Ennipes Caragn Cornas Corner MILTON HEIGH-TS POiler Onrîne Pnrhaida Coanoul stare le and Ameuna MILTON Chana Restaurant, Dam-Ore-lu, Hindis Restauran, HoodFe Drive-In. Banînes Bain. Alfannuaý Frala Market. ea Eud Ms, Miltn Varlaey incas Ceauralitoana, Marrie Onalonery, Jim'e Billiardi. flan Champion, Elelenes Pharinane. Ladmitnie Supnr lave. Milton Dalinannesen. Snripe Diecoant, lane-Hnra Lin. Plain lmohn lIane. Maies MIN1, Maaunin, Restaurna, Milton Districn Hospinal lobby, a-an samie stanin., I - BOOM C Camping pice ta AN OPEl ut ilio ta canot a $40 in a A sin@ Onnelean rmaulte damauge t Sap Mil invalrad i of ERR, Miltn I callision à Camri inrool i Brampton R.R. 4, daimage t une $100. Plice n accidents on Wedî Oiusday c 4-Hi on iii nhe Hi Clab arn operating attaaîçt ta Ois peur fluera are in 208 pro> ai incrnu about 50 Pr carollimert Of lien are 34 min Thsn neen of lomering Oie, Ohece iSt poar Hullon clu, -Grade; Sehani tai -rnn f; onenapapo Opportunl "ty to "»beef up"t at annual cattie sale Zýq pýr6 ( SPECIALS îuifffta~nIItoi tar urep pour Spring Son as bar bai deas, Cannerieno GMAC finoncio$ ansd service et FOR 70IBCIUB Monsanto RSK YOUR DEILER FOR FULL DETUILS MONSANTO CANADA LIMITED Montreal Toronto