B4 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wednenday, May 10, 1972 Weigh it weiI A THIRD CHANCE i s doubtfilI if th average housewife geto the nemopaper read, or othller publication tOut cornes ioto thr bosse, belore her hssbaod conliscates it for perusal. Skie guI a second chanre Mo read somethuog tbat catches hier eye the nest morning whes skie sa lidylng up the bose, but crrdy eves ltes M skie able lu read evecylklsg Ikiat utterests hier. There is slill another opportunidy waiting and that la whes skie laites an bouc or sut olu rup ther papers for re-cyclisg. 0f course skie cao doit in feus lime thon that il skie rsthlesoly abandons any tboaghl of derivusg educalional benefits Irons if. I bave louod this experlence nsnst lucrative ansd toltow, a certain proceure. Wben the u=lidpie ut papers Mn te atMlty roou il nto longer stay piled, it lse Macion.s.trt wba cpy or woflTe Caoadiao Champion; ito larger thoan the daily papers asd makes an excellent ucapper. 1 place it on lte floor amd allow aout sintfent ut moching space. Wbile untotdlng it 1 id nonne treasaren. ULie tic tus page spcead uf t ulrîs on Miton urittes Ity stadens insceshealsin; fhey are good examples ut how Mo record se ovr-all ptctare ofta Mown aod mili go in my seuspaper file mode fron n nId allpaper book Megged Irons a merchant. On lte hock ut ose ot these pages Me thc momuoxs vleopolnl of the situati on in lrelaod unîttes by a 8frend ubo bas contact wiAite people over there andcotainsneamytactswe xhould remember. fliro 1 esjoy reading the many articles and pic. tres mc misseil molle umuy. Foc instance, the heautitul photos of o bai miler. Dibar papers are opened Mo thecrentre fold and spread flat about tlino mehes farther don. Wbile doing tItis I fid sonne cecipes in LA.RGE TYPE, a special festuce once a meek in Uic Hamoilton Sper- iter, anotheruceehly featsce on Uic stacs, tIs one about Vens; oUier items on nolime duit must ba kiet toc reteresce; a stocy of a propagalurelt e Royal Botanical Gardens uhosewifebhapposto bea friend of mine, and mosl impartant ut ail, a Mull page teatre of James A. Mîchener's arcle about Soath Alcicu ubieki mill b valumble Mn our correol chureki study on Atrica. Mary siher articles uce rend but sot bepl--carooons, jolies, amI Whal'u tm' 1 i ha1 lost copyoftthe chureki magoazie. Hum dd il gei amongAte papecs? It's supposed toeon themagainectabl. Il's se old nuester butl on imoportant ose; il ronloins Uic ubole sMory on Ihurcli Union. Whal luch Mo tind il! Thc. on a mestern laces paper Acere cernes Mo ligbt a pattern I lorgot 10 sacr the taxit lime around, and recipes for Oriental disbes arA cgg soufflesîM mîl wi ba fun lu especomno wiUi. l ayer aller layer, eacb une is placed Imo inches fardier dowu ml thr lotlmeasurex about lire Iel fMomsuitartfinish. I slip anoUier copy of The Champion over thc last foyer, Ahn, nladllog M cul aI Uic top edgr and hcepîxg il smseUi and ligbt, I continue ruMxig Mo Uic ballons. Ail rilgro are rolled on xeatly. I open Uie dramer ubece the string lu lirpland placellse roll across il andtliensacbesd tightly. lfis surprlsig lu tind Ahal Uhi amnosut paper tubes sp su 11111e romas a coll. Wr have 14 colos standing in a opace abaut une tsot by Mwo; lhey mdl te laben auay tis ucek, almng uiUi a Mgl ut steppel-on lin cmxs and a box ut clean glaseunre. Sa, wixhîe pertorosrng Uhit oecesoary mandane tâakit uc tind unIt lreaxures and gel as opportuoity Mo enriekthe miod. Iui aU ADUERS wti MIPFBER'S DAY SALUTE TO A BUSY MIPFHER Dear Editor: As Mother's Day oe approaching, me lixoi ail MoUier mil bae remnembercd. bot for Mes. Mary Homard ut R. R. 2, Campbell- vle Guelphi Line) Ibaees a gencral teeling that she xhould tie commesded as melS. Sa, me are lahmng Ahis opparhmnity Mo do se. Yoa con sec bec mny Smnday mortiing, aloxg mith lieros cildren, at St. George's Anglican churoki, uhere site is aluays basy wsth the cace ufthUi young chdldres, always osakitg suce Uiey are lanbcd after. Uic ix presîdeof uthIe Ladies' Auxiiary for Are Catopheilville Guides and Brounles, decotiot endîcos lime and esecgy promolîsg aclivîliex and ixleccols for tte yoseg people. Or top of ail Ahis, for the pout feu monUis sOc liai sxselfishly lobes on thc cure ut lice oUier chuldren, mhosc moAher ix very uSl. To Uhio of ail the mashixg, iroxixg and fcediog ofIl lods, Ibmn takimg on Are hahysitting ut other srîghhocs' chldren, produces a feelixg of ame and admuraion. Thereloce, on lichaIt ofliber neigh- boliood, I mould lîbe lu salulu Mcx. Mary Howard. llincercly, Mrs Velxa Ferrier, R. R. 2, Canspteilvdle 7 0F GEORGETOWN 0 dresses e skiris e pants e jackets hy famnoos makers *JONATHON LOGANSOBLEE KER STREETF LI PS "Fashion and Deslgn" 10 Main St. N. - Georgetosen First woman heads Holton Presbytery COOKIES, COOKIES, COOIES.... Tmo Bronnien. Thxe girls soll t,524 bexes of eneldes ymmng rouble rendors display tbeir marcs and a profit ot $165.10 mou made. flic moocy diuring Uh iclon0 Girl Gouide Assoriotion's milS go Mo Uic Milton Central District Guides, cookie suie Saturduy. Tise snsiting girls are Bromnies andl Rangers.-Photo by D. Murgacet Boyd, 12, ufth ls st MifltUn Guides 0'Reii2tl and Karen MeLaugfflin, 8, of thc 2nd Mton About the town wtth Do/ores Melanson 7Phoor 878-31U8 By Doloren Meimnson Verolcacte, 320 Fine St. uho celebraîrd their uedding cGordon Timbers, O5 Robert St. mnniversary on Maturday. May t. uns une ut if tirst yeac Aceology aNemcones to ourluwn are Mr. slsdents IronsKox College in aod Mcx. Pouf Stewart and Aceir Toronto lu Mour Nova Scolia ou a daugliter Eva Irons Toronto. flic 10 day crusade. Acuoarlo are living at 47 Bronte The urpse I th ri ma to Srtrl and me melceme Arnm lu mahe oux ollee Mon M ilton. plaesed Uic trip milh support Congratulations Mg Jins and Irons Are cborrb. Macg Koiglit, 279 Ridge Dr. ubo Their borne houe se Nova Scolia mîlI celebrate Ibeir tourki mas Merigomisb rieur Newx meddiog amniversary lumorrox, Glougow, but Ahey Icavellel aSl May il. Ivrthe provixce, includîsg Cape JciadBr enno ii Breluon Island.JakadBrVenno ih Tbey pst on lice church mond Hill tormerty ut Mlon) services ulule Acere and aller mccc guenîs ut Mob and Jonc nsch service Ahey had a lime ut McCsaig ai the Maytimne Balles tdllnmslp utA ditterent yomng Salurday cvcniog aI thc Galuny peuple's sociellen. lob. The croup travelledl 3,500 miles hy cor and mol nsony youog Karen Trimble, 228 Sydney St. Ppeateresedl se idourch marki eolurlained the Rom y h Aehoi Cordon fla Uiot tMpy aceSes- aý hec home-s F ctihZ4 plistted a lot, teing vcry meSl Apcd 20. Tmenty Masdix e receixed uherever Ahey ucol. Party, includrng Rerý. and Mos. Chie lughhighlt Udher trip mas loba Murray. lu spend an enjoyakile otternoos flic evenrng bagan uliki Uic miAh the Lieutenant Govecoor ut yorng peuple collec-nbaling at Nova Scolia, VictorGOland mnd bis Milton acena, aflter whiclu eveiy- mtte. Gordnmill lemuorhingaît onementhback tlute Trimlc Halton Centeoxial Manor Ahis rexidence for a party. summer tintil hie mrnes is slodies ot Rox CoSlege lu Uic Mc. mnd Mcn. B. Mclaroy bave flS. luhen up residence aI 421 Pearl St. TMpy corne iron Campball. We are happy lu report hal W. tord mnd me ucîcome tbam toi our C. Rocs of Harmony C'ourt Mmli. aparcoxolu bas celarnrd home atter a stay ix n bospilul. Congratulations and hesl Your Iriendo arr thîokig of mishes go lu Mc. and Mcl. P. you and mîsh yss well. Orniner ut Dntario SI. Wxho î.vlehralud Anci sîlvermweddxg Mxlt mîshes 10 Fred and Barh aoxîsccsary onSaturday, May t. Mc. mnd Mrs. Haorvey Haller are neucomern lu tbis area. flic Ilallers, mho mored Irons Bucbingtun, are living at Oies Eden Aportesenu. Mfoated birAhday grectingo go lu Gadl Vaughan, 409 Woodward S. ixho celebrated bier bùrthday bast Wcdocoda, May 3. Miss Karen Vecstiacte man*- Maptized by Ahe Rer. Patter J. Msrphy aithUi 9.30 a.m. Mous on Ssoday, May 7. Kroen is Uic daughtec ut Fred mnd Barh Vrxfcaete, 320 Pine St. A supper and cefebralion mccc teld inthec evcning aI Horohy Tomers Golf Club. Tbone attending includcd the irneediate tamily plus the Godpacents ut cach uftheb Vecolcacte's fourrbidren. Karen's Godpaccnlu are Mr. and Mcx. J. Farref, 339 Pine St. ami Mc. Faccef acted ou master ut cecernonies during Uic erening. Jun and Marg Auger ut Otter. ville (formerfp ut Milton) rlilie Mmxn on ndoy lui attend Uic cbristcning supper toc Karen Verofracte aI Hocshp Touers. Mcs. John Murray mou gurot speaber ut the Preshyterian Womnns Day Service altilinah Preshytecian Churcb lu George Mus. on Sunday. Rcernog Star Rebekh Lodgc cecently beld a dram andl Christina Tallin ut Milton mon a Mlankel uhile Patty Doris ut Gabeille use a pair ut pillou Members of the Haltones concluded Aceir spring season mith a dnuer and dmnce lont meek ut Someptace RIsc. President tiare SOrulisole presenteil a music stand lu dirctor Ken Harrison and vîcc.presidcnt Rouih ltiusxn made a presention ut music books Mo accompanlut Bob Argaîl. Hsrnoros huwards" OulgOixg Preshytery chalcesse, ut ilu meeting lest ucok. Hallun PresbYtery lu respaonsible Mor al dmntr mnd direban nI the Unted Churki batwoan Trnto id Hamltoan train LaIte Ontario mcs. Irens Parker of Mlniss- bIcs. Parker mws presaintaed Cao isthea Brst wman te it tAe chairnsn's gamel fer beone Chairmon nI Haln 1972-73 by Rau. Haold Wynai, Presbytcryof Thse United Chards of Cmada. Ma. Parker is o yomng loblsg bounetIe ukiokias a bard lime eonnihg people Ata sIte iana motbar ofth Ieommsand grmndnmUhero ut ie girls. M.- Pocher in a charter menober of Appleumod Unted Charki and in ucîl-kinoun Aoujout thc United Chareki far bier muek in1 United Chack Wome, Hamilton Contecence, mnd Gesecal Council. In addition Mo lier ork for Uic churki, skie is a member ut The Mouth Peel Planning Condi, morba mIAh Uic MeaLs.n-Whccls program for Uic cldecly, and ikes Mo npenid bar suins saifng. mccc aIse mado lu membrs by Jemette Leduith. PamI presidenl Don StInon mas monter ut ceremsies. On Turday, April 27, Rvning Star Rcbcbab Lodge No. 79 celcerated ita 67Ah birtbday sciA a forte tarnout. lister Mtary Foy, PasI NoblecGrad, axted as Noble Grmdforte opning and clnnlnsg cremonies. lister Clora Hun, D.D.P. of Cestre Dintrict No. il paid bier officiel viil. A Pnoms clled Itioril, Koek mas dcmonntrated by tome members. A saurnie Mllomed MRS MIR PARKE09 utA gamnes mnd a rnng-song alter PebtrCa-n, Uic baffet ut salode aod birUiday estcya ir..n cake. DAD.î GIRLS AND BOYS Moîhers are specil. And s, nce each yaar wc st aside a day for Ihees. TOus peur, if is Socday, May id. Moîths -Do y4i- Do xomclbing specil ot he 'mom" on yoor lite. Pcrhaps ... A ocm look. --RALF HOUSE 0F HAIR Milton Plaza 878-2501 1- il 10Ný