4 The Champion, milton, Ont., Wednesday, boy 3, 1972 ~hmiotÀ~uf Dole out hardware ut Flyer banquet HAROLD MERRY nus the big semeur ut the sceing trephy wbile Nick Cteucbmacb, rigtt Nadalîn J.t Ftyer banque) Wetlnesday. Club Prescrits the mest vatuable player award. manager Vere Gooding presonts Mie bigb Brush, Young y Win awards Tbe twe Miltun boyu who ptayed hockey ut Cdrmul) e' M~t. University in New York Skie eeasoo made Mheir mark with h Mhe varethy and treekesas club. Craig 8rmbh mas eamed the meut impruved senior with Mhe earsiey crew and Gary Young won Mhe avard toc the muet outotandmng treehesan. - Craig ptayed kms îles) year viMh Mhe CorueSl club. He went teir alter an espreeetve etint wih the Milton Merebante. Gary Young non lugb ecurmng honore on Mhe ast "'e~ reebese loues, esUlectmng 47 pointsesi 21 gease and 26 assista in 14 uameu over Mhe eeaeon. V, The tresen wue 13 uft Meir 14 gameseoverMte seasoe Ynung'e eutetending pertormance vith c1-aasthe treebeses te year sutd stand tees en oed eted tur a cruck ut tbe vareîty club sent - Awurdu were preseuted te Mhe recîptenie at a banquet mn Ithacu recentty. Girls hold HUIJI MARSHSALL an etîtsfandieg roobtes defencemuan nit Mhe Milton Flyr nus awarded the Ted Heud Memurtat f~r '1ý(,h.. hetrohy aaredanualy s wàde 0 the irs meeting placet bel iltustrating sportsansb.ip with eutstuneting T he tiret enecutive meeting ut ability.the Milton Girls Softhat Assaion swas Field My tas Mhe U.A.W. Hall. Diecueeed were the regtetration tees and houndaries for the teugue vtecb viii ho uenouenced uit autater date. The Stermes fer Mhe registration witt ho dîetrîbeeed ibrougheul the Any tstereetedl or wileg parente and etedente whe veutd hbe te coach, manage, essiet or ampire Mhe girte' sithail gamiee and weutd ho witg te attend a clînir for instruction, sheutd contact Don South, Bob Stark ne Mary Lau Jetterson. Theloned TransfusionServie~ of is ceelincelly esploringnn neaye te imprce eoeds efyprocessing Jqt~ ~ blondeandblond predces. S PAIN HON SCHOLL wes voted mest poputur pluper et the yar a* bh Nadehe Flyers' becquet Wedeesday. Execuive mebe Bo6 tb Hartlec meade Mhe presceltain. (Photos by B. Milton rink tops North Bay spiel A NS1tlc tente si rd hy tphoos Wi Rowly en t Deris oweywo $5Uinprze rnb wr tev ClmenteJho at tre dn pil n otila McCtho n M ethyIb.Fer . 0 las weken, Fght trmsDelb efwshsfr t eutde the iornig. Hwley Fre Bel Steve in ~ 5 se Menacebeoe inigconet The Fly Soason 18 Coming Have Tour Screons Ripa Fast, Efficient Serv 0f Course w. can Supi NEW SCREENS & DOOI W.J. Koski Limite 11 Fulton St. Miltas Ontario 878-9452 ire Ici 3Iy RS d d Harry Merry recetved a tend tarewell whon hi o n hoM Mhe tegb ecerer and mest vauabte player unurd and Mhe 850 ta gous wîth the trupby preetatiune Wednsduy ut Mhe Nadahon Ftyer Junior Hockey banquet. Merr vas a gumi cheece tor Mhe MVP award. Well known tur tee tenucieae chockteg, Merry le a perpoteul chuter and a reut bard nurber. Merry est unty tupped the buit ut Milton Ftyer ecurere but earned a reputetien as nee efthMe tmneet twu vue shutere in tho teugue. l3eîencemnen Jett Luebriaige. an import, natked utt vîth Mhe reubie et the yeur awurd. Lockrelge, whtte set a giasi un blttdes, portermed us a rugged reurguard. Fiyers more ut coure laden witb reshies Mhis year and itu cunceisubte Moe choice for nuki ws ene ufthMe teughest tride. Sehuil lu MPP Copiais Rue SchoU woe the sed 1er the Muet Pepulur Player and HugbMurbaîl1 mue Mhe Ted Hesd Meeseit trephy unarded te Mhe player boss illestrutisg spurtesuensbtp wîtk ouiuimding pluying uhbiiy. 'Me MVP truphy es proesined hy the Charles Hutel, the High Scering Anard by the Plaza Moke Shup and Mhe enocive deestes the Muet Pular Player anard nbite the rester awurd sa deested manully hy Tratulgar Meters. Tihe annesl banquet held uit Mhe CharIes Hotel Wednesduy viue an inoeresul ultuir niMh only a tom brie speeches. Club Presîdent Murray Heud revewed the sesos sn capsule forrm aed Mhanked hoib Mhe baye who camne trom eut ot tenn d Moe local hoys fer Mhec ettorts during Mhe year. Sert Stewart lis curling chie f Sert Stewart nus eleciod presieeo of Milton Carling Club atuareent meetg ofthe hoard o) durecturs. Deens Runley beld the post lues yoar and wtli remao un the bourd us pani presidosi. Others on the board of directors are etco-presideut George Fletcher, second vico-presideot BMb Cartwright, treasarer Tom Carter, momborsbtp chairman Deug Wmngruve, social diroctor Deug Leslie and publicity dtrecter Jobn McCut cheon. Murray Grense as a director asnd ut charge ofthMe kitchen and Morley Rusberîy is gantes dbrocter. Mob Cartwrtght wiît double as seeretury, Mnr Stewart le te charge of pruporty, Dennis Mowley o in charge ut building and tee and George Fletcher is te -%-- 1- eharge ot the ranleen. ob Reeti t rospumtible tor rotes asnd hy-Iaws white Den Kennedy te bouse chairesan. Ilennis Renley is in charge oi cpen sptets uthile J. MeCutcheon null tube carro ut arrangements for Mhe to-club eptels. H oeTough sousue Hoi nthere voeu a lot ot injuries and crucial injaries sour Mhe end ot the year. "We dBd Mhe host possible wiMh circumane heound ur centeut. We sart ut homhod eut le the ptayutta," Mhe ctub pronidont euted. He indicated the clab vas reudyteg hemeletv tur amMter sesio and ad Mhe ire time hookd tur the 1072-1973 seaame. Ho urged those eshu played lues year and mure still ut ugo te conte bock. Harold Merry wilI go te RPS rein yeoc os a echolarehip aed a bandtut vIL louve Mhe hoesn hocue tbey are unerage. H.ever Mhe club shoald hoe lot wsth auetresg nucleus ut players pruvedmng aIl ut thoso eligible roture te Mhe club. Altbugh reurgard Desela Duor miused eut us the lropby preeuluhos, ho vus a persmni accolade frrnm presideut Floed. Heodeuaid Dabier vas a roui luyal ptuyer mnd cluiesed hte ruming te the club nus gued acquisiioun. Manager Vers Guuding ami sponsor Lau Nadatis spoho hoîetly te Mhe ptayers, Mmakhog thees fer their eftorts und wisbîng the whu teuve Mhe teum Mîus yeur Mhe beet ut leck uberever Moey go. Nudalle esled ho bau been sponsoring a hockey and hall teume fur severul your and be hud sover bud a chaespion hockey bes. Ho said ho bopes bu est) hune ose oua su msatcb a trepby hoe bas tor the chioan haIt teues ho spuusored a tom MILTON MINOR HOCKEY tAl persons w ishing to be a Coach, Manager (or tassniant Coach or Manager) must apply in iwvriting to the Secretary, ne later than June 15, i1972. Pieuse state position and league preterence, and experience or qualificationes if iaoly. Juvosile Minor Novice Minor Midqet Major Novice IMajor Midgot -- --- Minor Bantam Hoase Leugue: Major Bantam Midget Minor Pee Wee Bantamn iMajor Pee Wee Pou Wee Novice Mondap Nighters John McLean, Secretary, 336 Oak Street, Miltos, Ontario. JEFF LOCKIDGE accepte thse rooldes of the yoar award 'fron tantswnsr L NaalfLoclsrldge plsyed detienoetfor the Flyers and vas ono ofeino rooddes englue club. Obituory Wilbert A. Rusk Wilhert Arthar Rush, vhs died in bte 705h pour ut Milton District Hospital on April 13, vas a litetiese rouident of Mtilton ami district. The mueofthMe ltle James Rush mnd Harriet Wilson, ho vus hors inotMe ditrict mnd sperit mmlt ut bus Ste ho Milton and Torusho. Hu vorked tor musy yeurs in mochasice vith automubile delhe re amdin tuhM city. Fur Mhe PuaI aevou years ho bas lived uit Hallon Cestensial Mmnor. Mirviving are bits mite Mue M. R. Neteon, vhs ho esurried 58 yeare ugo, and rne cbildrmn, 32 grusdcbildren and 13 grout- gruedobldres. The tamily One of a eries The people who service what we seli lDoria), Mrs. lArso EvanslLnteî mnd Donald, aIl ut Milton, mrs William MeCallues (Bersice) ut HeaisoilteCbre. Ed. Farrell (Merle) ut ondon, SOrs. Norma Arsold ami SOrs Ken Nalme Ihtargareti ut Gesrgesvsn, and Mrs. Demis Camesn IMorial ut Clubville. FuseraI service vas haîtd April 15 at te McKersie Ftmeral Home wssM Mhe 16ev. J. M. Murray ut Knox Preshyterian Cbarch ut- ticiutmng. Isterseul tulloved uit Evergreos Ceesetery wiMh grasdsams William MeCaum Terry Farrel, David Btie, Orad and Bob Evans, Ken 16mb, Allast and Bert Arnold us .i'ow you can arrnge a boan fiom your office, Canaeda Teust bas aeconvenionî non way for Yee le arrangce celon. lits calîcti Pbene-u.Lous. And il's jeet tbet simple. You phone. We beyn. At cempetitteuvultes. Tiie resens for berrewing are yoars. We'l tend yee niency fer e non car, peying bis, benme iouproeenns, o vacation, you numo it. Ail yen de is cati os. Titis necensuesycpcieltîrtp upîone, or dlon- len, er aceesslen jess te muke arrangements fer yece cean. Se cati us front nbereeer you tike. Typical monthly payments Cee t of Total Mesîthl Terni Asse t Laee Rep sel Payaiet 6 Moths t 3108 <10.31 t 310.37 t 1.72 12 ee th 1,00t t4.9t 1,064t9 t.74 24 e mihs 1,800 204.52 1,80.12 75.18 3 e mbet 2,000 320tt7 2,320.67 e7.35 38 emnths 2.500 479.28 2.979.29 82.15 30 moethe 5,007 958.58 1.951<18 111,11 t1.8%esscsag Asosel Ioterse Rte Canada Trust M~ Phoineiý-a-Loan Service Mai etca Chartes-878-2834 - e b t e ~ . .,.~ um BILL TIGHT started in the car business le Mitton. In 1939 ho started with Bit) Higgios and worked there tor 20 years. He's been with Tratalgar for seven or eight years. Bill aise has 28 years on the Milton Pire Brigade to his credit. Bill knows cars and that's what makes him a valuable memtber et the Tratalgar team. Brake work is one et his favorites. Let us check your brakes nom at à A In I MAN S M Il Co. -2369 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369