B1s The Chiampion, Milton, Ont., Wedniesdnay, May 3, 1972 OUR READERS. WRITE FUN, FRUSTRATIONS BRUCE ST. G000 SITE 0' F LIVING IN PAI FOR TOWN YOUTII CENTRE e Deer Sir. Nearîn toue meela lie paned same I lait Milesn tar France, and maci las lan paclied alla, Uhse eselting (ad sessetimsse frnstratlegl das. frirai, 1 slayed lar oe mool i msU a mss eonary feeily, lapin g-Usat ranva and boared mapidila cesse aailabe le a Feach liase, Tise second meeli, an apeelmnent mas sisered mitis anotUmseinlgle mimsioary mise apartinent-mae man lanily engeged le e Isea-meti yaatis camp. TomardthUe end of that meek, l mas apparent Usai I'd lave ta nettle fer ather Usan a Frenchs liase, se arrangessents ae made tor me ta line eithUe aenersity ranideace anaur Orsay, n ths onteliete ai Parle. BeUs lagaage stndy and settling le the residence teil an Use sasse day, April 10, mnd salve Usen Inne isea trying la steer ssy liral, sehicl oniy Usiela le Englisis, inla the 'Frenchisu". Sassetissent tan eet avec ssy deptis, bat ets day tisce la ne challenge mnd sessetimsse, evn, enceeragement. l"o se geetef ni for Use peeyees af sseny people mnd for the ceanfaet and strvagth Vve rtvtined as a renult. I sue mise enecyonel Have yna ener lait yoer seay le e linge city mnd net licen absle ta seale ynarself andecalait? Wliat a predicamntt I lied te land my may ecroan Paris la Use Ae',sencan laspilal foa booster abant uet man dan. Tla galegmafinetas I allnmtdUtesapvlnsely. Tht reiun trip mas smeUsleg tise. I gat an Use metro lsalimayl ettee meling a trean te, ait wonn foand I man travelling le Use wranil directin. Rat ta lare yoa mlUs datadas, let me tnst may, 1 lait tla Asserican laspital aisat 3.20 ar mo, ait it ws ea erly f pan. alita 1 fiaay rined lacs et Orsay cesideave. Tisougli il mas fer tram, fanny ai Use tisse, il satn tivistit me, ait tnte visalisit il pu te *'taperitace." A nanlar of fmany Uslegs liant bappeatd, altisers nery frastrating. lai il's ail pact af gettief msed tona differet coanty and cuslture, as seS an langoage. Il tais ailtant tan boues every day la tracel tuanmd froan Parts for language clamses. I et ssy nan sseal lait dine) et Use Aliace Feancaie stadeai restaerant. Usmily breakifast mnd oupper are valas le my ran, as iliere iasal knitchiente n Use Usled flanc for preparation. Salve natt Usings are ner-y exppesive campant hta Canda, is a bit viseaper fis mny. atsng on thie tus floue, I mas cermnens te lanawo bmany stepa I lad ta vIvisb, since Usere s n elennior. Wauid yoa blient 83? I Tisais ose mny tu lue meigisi! Paris is rtaiiy prttty in Sprleg mitis lar many blls and nalteys, and liases avatlli se cosily alto Use bilvsides. Many of lis people have trait irons le fleir yards, sebicli are in isloom, as are se maay fioseers. To me, it'sstrenge ta seethUe lamses seitis bricks, lesr n olastne leaces ail aousA mnd gelaes misicli are isepl lueised; people malking lis steeta miUs tant tonnes ut ceusly Frencs tweed potier Usele arma; mny stores misant Use mares are oui on tise sidemalas, and in mmie cases selere vndars are cattinil ont, ndceetssg sebat ty're stlaig. Tmo people have sent me cepies ai yoer mritt-up fram Tht Chnapion. Tsasis you for a gond article. Tmo mio correctins -lVII oaty la fnac miles tram Audrey Lawerence mot 20) and Use maioat angage le French, but Neambi is spoki th Ue aires misere lili lae aring. t really appreciale youe stary. (Miss) tan Mebar, -Foreign Correspndnts," R.U.J.F. -E. 402, Rue A. Maginot, 91OrsayFrance. Tisere le machi telling eliant Use nId Brce St. acmsal and t admit it doe liane emalea ters, liai an dam enerytling le Mie hlId marles. Perne Use tinne me are li mnIl we die, tisere are Uselle olifecta and crtale people aise hld a speclel place le anc Isearin, Te resmlieer Use gsad Usings in M le la li e recommendel, lint tips gees oanmd tisses chsange, people chanege, thnga get otdeand we gel eider. Set ail Usige Pea amey, evn people. Wliel we must this abount la set preaeeving eld bueildings, lait liuilding ne Usinige for the foie geaneatsns, liuildings fer ner visildren and Usele cisildren, s place aliere Usey can leara. liane tee and grase np la lie uefeil citizean. lt's misaI we leave la Use yoaUs ot Milton Uset coante. Wlietlser il la a liateeitel lig tlieraey, e recreetioal centre me lierand nea sclianl, Il malles no difîmreane. Milton le le dire ontd aiany Usinge, liuI I enpevially tinli It eeeds a buiilding allere Use lads cen go, liane lise, lace sparts and tant Usey are erlaeving smetlang tee Usele tisse spent on eerti. Thse nId miseel lis servad li peepese toc a lang, long tisse liat a aid oUser Usiege that have long liesn tare doses. Wlset about tise De. Gnwlaed Hoe on Maie St. Usai; mes tculy a big lieaetll liome. Il wans apretty corer, liut nase it's tillad it setores. Wiset about Use grent tell treen Usat sed la fin boUs aides af ner Main Street? Tlney snrely made ner luieness section mare attractive, but tisey vhapped Usess dame. Wiset aboeut Use iseautifili viese Use people an Braet . anoe lied ai Use anasatale, whlen Usey sait le Usele havis yards? Nase ail Usey e le e Mll and a dicty eailad tracli. Ohsyen. I coutl go an andaon about saving Usese nId Ussege fer panlarity, but vchanges cesse and wiUs Useva, visanged idean and people. Let's give aer cisildea momeUsieg la do, momeUsleg la leep Useir mninds ovvepied, a rentre aisere Usey van go and "do Usele ame Usleg." 1 seanld bale la tisinli me aider vitbeens are galeg ta lie reapeansille for set istpieg ur lame lieild fthne fu lture generaios ta cesse. Milton le my liane lame, t mas hans lare, ment la Use scisanla sereeand 1, an mas an yane, canilooki over et Use aId schl and ressanler misatifun me hadt tisce, liaI 1 van alan looki oet ertiestise romd ait visaie a iseatifu aI es bsuilding, eqmipped maUs ail Use thing n e neds la bud a latter boady, a fle mind, ait a gnnd cisracer - a building UsaI esy vitd van lie prond of in yenes la cesse. fie isande and minde malie, mark loe tise deai. I only pray 1 fine long engli la Lie e yaatti centre hire ineMillan tsat sesI giv tne yon l umeny Usings la da, Usey wnqev âetbang easaud pool hl., beverage conans ait atiser places mise Usey are learmeng snUsing mnd sot e- compliet.iei any moctisseiile peoteet. Den't pet Use blesse n tan mises me venltlais Use troubile ta gine Usarn a place la go misen Usey are aat af scisoal. Au 1 maid before, me ail lie ta lace chsange, i nr may oI Mie, le nue Usallang and le nue attitade. Tise niy persan mis neccc cbanges se Jesus Chirist and even He saini, -and a little cisild shie tend tises." Entat inUsase dsysivasus kem i'sUshe yaesg mis mill keep Uhs aId moeld gaing. Se letes betp Usese ta keep il goleg isy giving Usan e place tliey cmn lied strengUs of visececter, hlati ait bapplesa. Yaues truty, Mes. Editi ShlarPe, 429 Pearl S.,Milton. -Thus s lie Heune the Citsens -A uat"se Day anfr Me t 2 Corne toi Where The Action Ils Obituary Cnd' ags an G eR.C.NR Whul ho es, n Mtes Usîed hucsh Tarate ahee Reneebamsanernneni y lits open pot.ecery ridayand Saurnayseifl D vn t es,,aisn nîeetiyofl itneesi daglte MciartBA ODhealn nsssel ic<sese s aehd acler yce mleHeene esCeetunofyaraia nlre anslin cdedcatt e ecci, is ciesse sMîlen aiTesoe.M LLRV SW P HO Feus ~~~~C Una La'etseainseeîc eineelaan lied~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ss'dne Csic Unis hcc e asas iciie , teRî dan n 26c ~ ,~ ,s,,,~ ,, Lai -ianeup per billS, ita 8 a r as e y Prp Turantoe Fan - trai sei e mas bed en1 baturday crm fie Turer and Porter Yacht J. L GRAHAM Chape]. Hec. Grahame hast serned chueches n aToronto, Otaa, Milon and Dnda during his 4 year career. He as 72. Greahame Hall, in St. Oasiss Chisitian Educelcan Centre, mas nae in t hanar et Rtc. andi Met. Graliam fdllcaang hie mintey iset. Tht Chiristian Eduaeion Centre mas lieut white tht Geehams meretseenlng an Milton. Nany claplea Derlef Wurld Wue Il Nec. Grahamese nrct lue tee yoaes an e chapîana miSs lis Rayai Canadimn Nny and duesegfins ttie se Miltn lie servit as t3saplain oi Use Multes Brandi, Rayai Casadtes Legios. Legson- satren lianoeed lia liy tnmeeleg tegs et Use toaa cenlaple la bail mat and puseini peppits et Use Canadien Esige seliscl 5raced lis osklet. la Jaeay tIeO 1ev. Graham as onthUe Qnees's Honore List admwan promoted frontClaptale Ches tirea la Clasa laisK Use leastus, Doinison Ucited i Oiitawa ced St. Paccin Milice. In 1965 le became visisclg Aiveal the pallbeaers Icese Milton a'eee Te Bradley, T. A. Hutcisone W. t. MeNeil and J. saluie drive Setardsy, May 13. t'hey'll talie bulli rotaceebte andi sileur naa-retuenabte blto CAN IDB SERVE YOU? Mr. N. Zuibryci One of our representatives wiIl bel et Cedar Springs Motel Highway 7 West, Georgetown Tuesday, May "fh, 1972 If yoa reqaire a terce oan for a new or eaisfing business, yen are invifeai fo discuss your needs mifh hlm. An appoint. ment can be arranged by fefephonîng Cedar Springs Motet 877-9030 on May 9th or in advance by confacflng: EEINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TIRM RANONGO FOR CaIIAOIASiMNeMls 20 Hughson Street South, Hamilton -Tel: 528.o471 CONCREVE biâeia Toiy ISNUr "NNRYATION" We read mith alsanesent le Tise Champion nilt 19 Use deelatan by lise âe- caillod ONSERVATION .Authsmlty, 111111Y alietted liy feaeCscl ecanlts alt 1sMl ree lite a cae li. We clase ta, lina lin Milton 16 yasea lacaane me liked isa attractiveateea seltiag. For mome ressort tlie pemere tliat lie bacc decide t ifat a cancrete channaI la beicer thaa a naural meaaderlaa crotta, eee bleds, 1mbh and ail amail animalea van lina a natuel fife. la it realy se nevesaary le cllaseelize the oeeek, lieause if liappea te lie isiglir end aider Ilian nsal fer perliapa ealy tn or Iliree deys eacli year? Fer mont ai tise tme flore le a serinai fleow, and a mancrete dsaeeel weeld lie a hl nty gaplig liaie, ceitieg Usraeg eer lame. Bramptes, Oais- ville. and Port Credi t are fine exaeples of Peris if Use CONSERVATION Aathity lied embarked an a progesa ni atee pleeinil stretegie places, years ega, at une lly hleed eeglneera la lresme tp concrete manetresities, some efthUe praliles, il indeed it dams eniet, seasld liane lima partially eatved liy nse. Hamever, it eppeare Iliet develoîmtis and the alceiglity daller are fer mmre imporlaat le loay's werld tlian parise, green fields, trems and neare in genera. Me. Ditis Sies ceetainly correct lis lits remarlis Usat tram tdisse ta fisse lise ereeli caald do milli vleanlng nut, an gerliage ceilecla init, liutanfeeiately, ts gerliege, mitl stilt cetteet wlielier Use ereeli le ntraiglilaaed, eliaenelized or selitener. As lie stated tlie ptanned cure le seerse tdma tise DoreUsy M. ireis, H. Brame, 400 Kingslelets Ct., Mâton. --Tht pnd maa lisy spot on Use seceieit as anglees yong and otd ftceisd Uerelaofielifar lenat. Tise season opeeed Saiardsy. -Mdlaon YouUs Cueit reporrts aprofit of $200 an Usele lait sdance. Anafier stance le plavait May 13 ni Mactin St. Sciant. FAY'S ELECTRIC COMPLET E ELECTRIC SERVICE INDUSt!RIAL MAINTENANCE *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTiNG *ELECTRIC HEATING *WATER I9EATEt SEN TA LS 818-2048 FREE ETIMATEI Hus the. bdcpe for Security Knamlndg.,epsis. aonna.t fot yautsaeeds andSond planning ta Snve ynatta*y ailtgo into ynur insuane pro- gam. We see ta tliatl frssure, ...Be Sure INSU RANC E jas Maie St. E. 111111-289 îi% .4 j' MILTON V.W. OWNERS COMPLETE: 1. Service!! 2. Parts!! 3. Sale Facilities!! Available for your V.W. We honor all Warranty and Diagnostic Coupons Roseland Volkswagen àýý 888 GUELPH LINE (OPposite the Burlirlqton Mall) BURLINGTON 632-0222 OPEN THURSDAY EVES TILL 9 PM. NIEW TORO RIER Here's a Whlrtlndm riding mower wtth Meatures yoa'd expect ta pay a lot more far. Si eleclric slartiflg *rugged body f rame *adjustable ateering wheef *diac brake s tores on end, to aave garage apace Si5 hp, 4-cycle angine; 25" cuf See il now, at your neareat Toro dealer NOW AT BOY.. O@AAOm Hmghway 25 & Britannla Rd. 878-3912 He pic Hoeaby Use siglit Saturday, 12naa Usele tee plant Uses THEM. Tis sel apeviel Pr Use 4-H entelle Use tree and TIse pri ailaepmt dead elmn tise elmn a PIC pour ser, ispropel Plants esvirom tranapini a lle with geo, and abi linclas nm area wl Cal in%' accident Operet Chasrles 'lise dciv Ralierts 235 Gel . cidest snelaecy Tel SU' On Ap of St. G hld Usi St. Geai 1Èlie ai eceipise liy the and a Rosrr Inayers KaUsy speaelie an "Un and so WiUs La o slimm Par ese Prateets Seeving courage Tliey mnd fer la gine I ajUlstas yeer Use Billes. ecriptee teaclii At Claec Netmone lield se April. T ociety tanse tat Reabe2 yoae n fWM. R CANA 401 your INSURANCE] agent con meurt a lot ta you