Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 1972, p. 17

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Marshrall, and Mrs. 1 Milton, ta M South il loepital GaIt today crnus niere uwnuhip ot g the month o building fige. Vaine ut :SAY Hatnn Couuly Board ni Education bad theic taon to albe a bow nihen sindents troru the odmninistration course at Mc- Mouler Univecsity in Hamilton corupleted an 18 page utudy ufthe board operation. Wbile the report la loden with praWn, il afin nt- fines eighl areas wbece the gcoup feît the bnaod rhoutd direct attention. Tit0ed "A Btudy ufth1e Deciuion Mobing Poocenu ofth1e Hollun County Board ut Educolion," the report indicales the boord abouti wo lowoodu unprncing the ceiotiunship belmeen the teocheru and the bord, continue eniphoîrsunn commnunication with the public, incoeose the eruphauir un the intelgratn of new trustees via turs and seminors, encouroge t0e prenence ut principals ai bnacd and comnintne meetings au iio betrneen trustees and the ocodenc staff, ond encouroge eacbeos bo lobe pool in cnsrntltee work toi denelup mutual undeoulanding. tledue wnrk The report uged turîher reducionnofitta remoining ntidly adverse teelings cmsulting tor oamalgarnotion and said eveoy ettort nhooid 0e mode lu reduce the wurk lod ou 1he individuol A Mntier ut univoitien cales ot the boord ceceiue mention. "Muc ut tae cosiooinity na in the toom otunwcitten raies. One sncb underntanding îu tai the adt- nuistaturs are intorued ut any important questions 1001 May bo osked, tatore the meeting. 'OMi alluns temt su obtiu ail pertinent intormation in ad- nonce, and alno dues sut subjecl 10cm tu potenhial sources ut einborrsent", uays the report. No grandstardersallowed The repnort mokes mention ut the lock ut *grandstanding" by p Mlb RY t l9ts yott BET IORES trustees toc permunal muotivation. lu kept mn lime.'" Asked about the phenomena, There mece al*0 teeBu trustees noid tellom board oerentruent expoeraed by memboon wouid nnt stand toc ou ruerubru that the public dd rudividul meruber 1000 lc na self iuly appoeciote the amui motivoted mannec. "15 lu ork theyrust cntend wb apparently ou umoitten cule 1001 tha1 the trustees du sut rt ouy merutar ubo dunes soi la taie the siatus uusactoted witO gaine tor aupone mO nilubru lu elected pouitions. This nît rebuke bia ond ru other meutar ruxis deupite taioly exb mill support t0e uttender. press oseage of -Altough thls tooru ut group meetings. maintenance la rigidly adhered lu naueaecnondt rae Fourth deer entent in ctoued rueeimgs oud cou povide an insight mbt t0e per- a sonalîlies ufth1e individual dies on roau mnemboos, ,WiUi the exceptionutfpartis- A pregnout due non the mniocay pruceduce cundsctedl by victian of o cao occide the char, the gruup maintenance Thuosdoy mrunning. 'Me a poocticed by 1he board tu Iaogely occuooed an Hîghmay 401, self boposed oud administereki. ruile ment ut thc H The ettective nature ofth101 Wellington Couty Lade. prosu ceeloinly allumu for an ISPP say the deer nus the ocdeoly ond etticient meeting," victiano utrîafttc accide the repot indicaten. Halton Cnunty this munt, Line prtriltp Doluer of, the car Iivolve Thr~ cebiort nt10ter Ibat BaooY agua ni Missi commendabiy fcm aoeau ut Eutossated dormage lui thes conffict enîst. Those orear wheoe mou $210. annifict appeaos lu, 0e are ont- âned. -Il would appeao 101 h e'at, oltbongb Ibece mere originally $2 1 9 i some uveot siens ut bosllhty belmeen ueruberu mho oepceseoted ditleoent geu- for cancer gcaptscal oceas, tis bost1ly tas pcugcemtively ceduced mit0 toue W110 onty 30 peo cent utf util itl o nom olanout non- apansheur t rom, ftnfd enistent. Tbece meoe mndications, îucally toc the Coucer S bomevec Ibat some members stilI noatt 219 tant tce Buclinglun aoma tends îu onutl8.19 duinisote the bord sumembat Audrey Brush, ioeouc oud tat the rural aceas are the Milton and District Unir lusing sonne ut thelo betteo Cosedîse CoanerBSciety poincipais lu, the uoban centrs." she hoped ail pooceedu mu TOc report andîcates a feeling la by the tient pool ut Ma~ ut cespect tleen teachers and trustees but a locof usta. "Il 'i mou generally teil tOut 1he publcie la apathetic 101the actions ufth1e board provited that the miBl rate gu ut board es sut th and eceive oter ensive board total nt on cident haIt a alton- tourt lias 'ebicle ail poui raised îuciety ald b aY.0 Bill Joycc, R. 3 Camptalluille omerty ufth1e Milton detacbanent ufthe O.P.P. Oas tacs tramtferred lu, the -sccucîty guardu and pcîvate investigation deporîment' i Tucontu. Bill ossumed bts ncm dues ou April 4. Congcatulations and best mîstan go oLocncoand Ducutby Walkec, R.R. 2 Milton mO celcborated thelo 2510 medding ounivecsocy on Apoil 19. Faily oud tcicnds attendcd a dnccr party un Batucduy, Apoil 22 aI the Walbcr home te celcbcutethe Christine Angelo Raansbam wsboptîacd by the Rev. Hue: Fusîco aI Geace CltucO un Sunduy, Apcîl 23. bCistine s tce duugbtec ut Chcîs and Eleanur HRumsan, tucmccly ut Milton, n ut Miltocd Boy. Hec Gud- parents are Wayne and Morion Mnnce ut Guelph. Bepccnentatîvcs iroru vaclout grus oi Knox Cbuc mcci ciiîectatucd uithIe Pcesbyteciac Manse on Gacnctt. un Mondai aftrcsmn, Apcdl24.Buiness mat dbscmsedi asda social boni follomed. Tmourses fcont Milton Distict Hotspital Alice Roeder and Sally Gregory joined in with malbers in the 25 mile Walkatbou on Saturday Apcdl '2, toc Dr. Rygiel'u home toc Rciacrd Ciîldrcu. Due lu bad mcatbcc the walk huit tu ta rancelild boi ebuiomun Robert BLest i appealingto aIl sposocs asbcd 10cm 10, bonne tco- plcdgcs as thoughtthe 25imile walbatun hd been completed. About 140 people attended the Milton Mloor Hockey Helpers Ausociation dioner and dance ut the Legion Hallton Saturday Aprit 20. Head table questo ioctoded boust ulce-presîdent ut the Royal Canodian Legion, Branch 136, Lawrence Labing and Mrs. t.aknng; Pool Presideot of Milton Mînor Hcokey Association, Joe Wilson and bis mite Doreen, the 1972-73 Presîdent of M.H.H.A., Gos Mowbray and bis mite Marg; Pcesideut ut te Mitton Minor Hocy Heipecu Association, Nocmu Wilson and ber busbood Don, uod oeccetory ot tbe M.M.H.A., Millie Dauce and ber busbaud Bob. Peetotios mmpe muade to Norua Wilson foc ber bard murb ducîng tbe port yeoc, lu, Rauth Focd foc beading op the goto bcepiog toc Mio bockey and to MilliîeTomas toc bec work wilb te Mtoc hockey belpecu ond also as a member ufth1e ladies oootbacry of tbe Legor for ber belli ut tce bosquet and the ousual bon teei tor tbe hockey ptoyccs. Rccorded music tor dancing mas pcovcded by Colin Mooruant lom Missioaugo and 0e liadt a tcu supisesncedy foc the uooospectiog guentu. fi mas o tant lted cvcniog tor evecyooe mbo otteodel. Mos, Pou Smijth bus bees appotuted masogecenu ot Pttllocbus Sboes Ltd. tn Miltos laua. Bon voyage tu Mc. and Mcs. Bill Koki, woare leaving ona turc of Eucope toc the sent few neekb. The Kosbîs bave atustanots loobîsg attec tbear bustness ducîsg teïr absesce. 'flhc tebekab Lodge sovice hockey team, managers and coaches mere lceated lu, teic ausual diosec by t0e ladies ot the Lotdge ont Monday, April 24. The boys esjoyed tbcee titans sbumn byi Dace Smith, and a bag ot -goodies" wssa presested to eacb playec as tlicy left ioc borne. E MBRS. JEAN NUGENT ot Milton wan bunored the Grand COopter ot Ontario and Olivc toc 50 yoars ot service ta the Eastern Star ut Adamus, corumittee member ufthlIe general the Haltun Chapier's birthday night last week. grand cOupler, rigbt, presentei te 50 year Broiber Ceurge Pdoe, Wurtsy Grand Patron ut pin. (Photo by R. Dovvrns) 50 year pin presented ta faithful OaE.S. worker Birtbday ntgbt un Apc. 24 ut Haltun COupler Nu. 280, District 6, Drdcr ut thc Eostcc Btac aacbd 50 ycars for Bistec Jean Nugent. Hec 50 ycar pin mas pccsentcd by Broter George Pibe, Worthy Grand Patron ut te Grand Cboptcc ut Ontario. Sîster Jean came tcum Electa COoapter No. 79, Coran. Glasgow, tirotland, ut mhicb sinc s a lite anember. Sbc becaine a chactec ancabcc ut Hatn COopter No. 280 in 1953 and store tbat time bas bans ou ofitîec in 10 dittcrcuî yeacs. SOce (iîw Caplain, ou ottice sitelias Ied mony tounes. Jeanis a la, h- Ictnow nieti us outh lier geviol lui hic ancrber ufthis cbaptcc goo wti.l bamor atnd witthnyv su and an insptcatton lu att her tu serve Book seller is charged iBcacuofthe ovccnoftabookî is pttntiatvcti orcastand or the intentions ut phony notes- proise iv -tend the Souks ltler. men.> Milton DPP report tce accent of a mon in tOc George- lite man Oas arcsicd b, tce town area toc toond, on DPI' un cvanplaitnl icoan accu 'lbacsday. citizcns aho ocre able iv suc Appucently the mon mas posing thrtug the 'ucheae, oay poltce. asmaboo sulesman and non Thli ittans identity isuvcrctas tcying to sll li;smares tecldecly and lic gucr bi a nnmber oi peuple. Police sou Oc muuld mbk aliases. re-pot poltice Deiiot, dc,ttî jut lut anv ofleb gc hin., dors. 1 tt.tllt, if N o at to pa les forv 'vur drug itrtt, Sot lin davit, I,9 Il i lii i And il .oot vtt g t ýci ttt . t ce, tt to 9to9t that's An9d th,, biggvvttîîttttt .î b\tthetttt iia iit ro- W B ot %o tSýpa 9tttc. 'The-c aire ocr10 lO Gnacîtt PI.,i,, ,,,,ti, EhciGuadctttvstttor -ne thv flic rmc9 big hcarts. frs god an 9od ,dotn GUDAN D GS t LSLEY LILi fi,' aIf 212 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4492 TINY TELEVISION SETS have heen supporta mhoch cou 0e adjusted ian several instatieli tor patientsaiut Maltan District directions. To tistan, patienta une an earptug. Hospital and Hospitli Auxiliary vice- Tue houpitat hourd anero nom the tient set president Mon. Jane McCag an shomu msth la operation doring tiscir huard meeting lost mie ut the hedoidu of patient Ics. Nancy meek and noteli the nem systeru mil 0e lest Hubble. The Aaniiury renta the sau rets ta arruoying ta, 010cr patienta ta the mords. patientsanod they are txed ta the mail on (Photohy R. DoWns) Studonts praise, criticize county board of education irmividuaillyeIl give you grelot service. TogetherwdI give you goreau pnices. FNow open '0 srve the public n Brampton and suîraundi ng aiea. BRAMPTOM DENTURE OLINIC 74 Main Street N. Suite 4, Brampton 416-459-7442 One~ year warrt0y as 0 to dutmetts on aill denturtes pcovded 90 Lday mucey baclç guaotitee No chargefo cnutltation9 R epairts an lU ie Muidav Friday9a 9 990 p.m Evettullu and Sauodous by oppoitmet rove prc ag saled by the Denltrist Society of with the purchase of a BUCKET or BARREL a doudcous 16 oz. container of MACARONI * SALAD Saturday & Sunday only Kotuocky fried Ckice CHICKEN VILLA Main and Commercial MILTON ...8784171-2 O R iMO. -TII. .oa.m. . mih FORS. MO STU.11.30 .m. minihtI SUNDAY -1.30a.m. -p 8 P. L" i E L-L E R S a , 1111L m î a r

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