TECO report on Halton's future expected soon A reportithat oul have meon to dtscss recosoenattonsn t on na psition etcomnt on At tat nmemeones ere poosal would be athpr. tenin i ha of the hr deatig cit rgiova seious ramificationsfor Haton tlaeyl mahe in he report The what aoght i reomentet carnt oin out ha the vcal lvel prene s etwns a one ter oveneose tnhe coomy ootd Coooty wi bhemade pulIc at a e repothal c rcoltaet te ai oneomemher suggestedîaohh iely report mas smtnpty a vorkingan wfirste.hvasyinheuuegor. senanar of ail monicipot couacat- moniripal counnat lors as teast lise report wat contamn three paper. An earhier paper haed The nommite e conois of Io n e ay sage mf has a ay the fotstu ture gver hn tors in Balton Cnty hikay ta he saven dayn prier ta tse ramat aternsativa acharnas anggasted the cmunty ha divtdcat monictpal Staffers throaht h ah a ae t td Ue mn st plare ra ther o hatd eitkar May 26 or Jonc 2. satr WrdeaJnSo At a maattag af Hatan mt w aa n s ata county and their tien on ta comnottea mas morkmng tamards hvn pn ra tUepo Atar atast three menthe af * hal ontd TCOt dlvadad annysao srto a d a second ta ste mauth. tetng m eotreamn g a t dead s AJler mew nd a evthnstdm ntady and n nanaes of t15 meetingsa tt au s uhenni te one asattca oand some membars of a regooma net-p for Ofîon wt HtonMP JnSnmm Us ants TECO (Tachan deg ng t g rver.met TECO in mad Pdnrch, it mas D5artag thaer iuthas TECO Casay datg malth U son George Kerr, coonty cata5cdl ta rayent mantas Usera has Co-rdanat ag) la nearing trcre and a od mah Use slgastad Use eoonty moatd hae COmtattee metahars have ofrspan ilit.a. and Use arton retTCOt ohtmtaaO bc ac pctto consptetton 0f thatr repart as divisin of raspansibilhtles. davidad mte five comnsaastls travetet ta Toronta on tma or- goverameat structure in the sprmng ateadhine. coscernag what shape regiomat Halton's future. rathar than sevan as"-onrre"ntty r-asisma tatry toa onsicipata mhàt coonty. One quastion Usat Usa BoUs Kerr andt Snom hava gaveronneat ill tahe, if andt TE() mil mont Friday sItar- Wtdte mamharn of TECO ara coailtatad. Usa response ta mmne af Ute conaaittee moulat adatress Useir orget coonty rooncat to suhndt a mhen it maght ha invokeat. ïhrkelat* !rên i VOL. 113 -No. f MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, Na 1972 Twevty-Four pases-Fifteen Cents. (, de 'Peupla are sbusteg an arnazng responsa te opponition ta tise ehannalization of Use Staen," Mrs. Ana Ptalacoy sain thlo seat alter mmiting in opposition te tisa prnjectin test seet's Champion. Cranl proposais are tor Use Sixteen Mile Creekte ha b channeazad wils cemant saln and basa tom fluont contraI Withdraw apte objections when channelization begins V ES 9b. 75?à '350 791. 49o EU Barber-Grona Caada Lsd. apaus thee yearn naeking Usa prper ste torsnes bondqariers le "afniy dociinIg eosMtas, iba rampf ny Canadian Pr.ndet Fr.ni Marrai an Tndny as hae dippeat a nîlvon ilaival itat h Usa an d tamisent Usa firsi mod. fise plant mît te Iseated ai île rear 0f île Allaance prapariy near the onty buidings. Chamber Milaon Chanier of Commerce msuea a mare malcome ta Use toma's mmit mecentiy acqsired idstry, Baritar4treane Canada lUA., mlen fine 0f île firans euecuîavas sîtendnt a luncheon metnof île Chamhar at Use Ch Rte otai Tuesday ni nain. A film, 'Aniipating Tomomr o maa saries of Élates îfitta.ting Usa operation ami hisiory of Use international iem, mare nhama ta 40 mamahars te attendmrce. Tha film nhnmed nem deveioprnns in lte aupitali paving indontry ami Wostratet Usa mida supe af Use sem Milton fin's apematimas. fl-G officlest Chataler prasidons Ron Marris onmud n msrm watroma te Use hirm's represnativas anat Max MrEea inirodoceat Bruce McEaszia, Ostario bmanrit m agr Mr. Mceezia mas Usaeat tam shomiaf the pirtamas .leats Frijiers, Chamiter treanarer. Otler Barber-Greene officiels a5 Usa lunehama ineludeat Barber- Ho sain th Usd tamning mas symbolir ai Use tImon partias mha hant morkea ta hring about Usa ceremany. Me mant sot only bant the birn doma Usair burnemora te choosteg a site but Use toma bant dose tlearu in astrnrning indastry le Usa tomnanmd Usa contracter hait atone his part te ha amamatea Use contract. J. Loe, architari for tetemorth Construction Limtent welcome Greene Canada Lud. F. J. Merrail aecresnry andt Toronto plant manager Jobs Ey, adminis- trator ut brasch operatoons Jute Charhap, anat assistant itranrb manager Art Mono. georral con tractors, tooit port le. Use ceremony as dit Mailton Mayor Brion Basi mnd pint manager John Eay ni Barber. Greene. Pemanesnt hotae Mr. Marril anurent those present Lit Hilton mou it hUe permanent borne for île tirs. Ma leatiraten thie firrn old ha operatet hy Casadias anat Canadian soriters mili ha employant. Mr. Merrili dres soimilamity leimeen Hilton aundthUe smo other lewns share the facm bas esthalse planta le île pasi 15 yaars. One a te Sycarnore Illiois and Use oUser an Suffolk, Engina. Mayor Besi olferent a melcome on lehail ufthUe toma ccl. Me (CO,,av,,d o, Paea Tweivej HoId up condominium check sewer capacity Aclion on razonaag le ar- monderan t a what point uommodate 18 condomanaium ratepayar in the area mould ha maita on Bronte Si. ai Eing Si. given an opportoniiy le express mon datayent hy Hilton Cooncgl Usemuelvea on Use projet. Ha Mondayountis a repart on Use mon amsured haforarýmng ahility ufthUe prenant sesers ta mouid laibe plare, Usose mithin 4S0 hanatte île projaci la cempleet. leai moasIdt ha notifient. The Prezei Construction Lsd. bus Depssy Reeva aise caltant toroan prapomdi 18 condominiumo mita artisi's conception of the on Use Branle St. site. Planning deveiuprnenî. Me peotnti nul i Boarat raconsaendeat a change le ws diffacuit te anritipata Usa proposanlthUron font site yard appearance tram siraagbi Boas lte font nune incitas, but noteat os a plan. Use neent for a report on Use Councilior Mrs. M. Powys adcqmacy ai seser farhaities. recommenteat action on te Give nalgithrs chanee meonne amait campletion 0f Use Depasy Renne Bob MrCag samer report. Ohjetions tantged hy the Conservation Aathoriies Braseh ta proposais ta davalap apartosant buitdings an Martta's Plna t h mlthdrnmn mhan a contractaisige for Use stran chama tiein, Miltan Cooncil tearscd Mondny. V.' W. Radiit of Usa Brmsch advised Use Hatan Ragion Co-. servation AaUsority and tha tamn "me moetade Usat île corryig est of Uhe marks mtined leuxos latter wantd aionnate the Martin'. pr= %r,. Tihe latter continaad le îl Braorh ta 'paaeat ta miîhdrnm any oh tia ta san devetapmest on Dr. Matna praperîy at soeh Urnie asayam aaUsoriiyhnas lat Usa Accepts $ 165,819 main bid The $165,810 tender of Winchester Conntrucion Lsd. mon acceptet hy Mtilton CaoncU Mosatay for constraction of a 20 loch mater main an Mate S. ment of BrosteaSt. ta Use toas reservoir os the asearrnent. The trunit main aill repince a ntaIt main nom conaacting Use lean ta Use reservoir ai Matnanmd frante. Thse contracter mill ha osnsg a reerns mortar edn aid matnt steet pipe, according to Use angiscer's repart. Eight tenders mare reonivant for île peajeet, ranging ta a high of $234,625. The Winchester hint mon Use lament. Concdl atse appraveat a hy-law grahg pes no ta terra ap le $22.aOU tram Us hni frorwUse projeet miil dahantaras are aold. Borromteg mould tahe pince onfy on raquiret. Changes in Use npactficahaos for tha ses workn garage mare approocat hy coonet miih nes prisas to ha ohtained hy Zasatta Canstruction, Use tam hidater os Use prajeet. Architers Brias Athins noten thUe lb hiat of $121,352 moult ha redaceat hy delelian of mome itema te Use initial spacifieniios. Theae moalat redore the renaît te $103,975 and othar meehonical and aleetricat changea might resait le stightly more redor- bosns. The ensisate an Use projers ws $10,000 bat Usa architent poisted out Usa aighth hay te the garage mon antaeat aller Use $100,000 maa atteconseat. The architecta ara te report to cooncil sens meek as Usa finat price for Use project. Protest delay Miltes Cameai le dissatifiet mith Usa continuiag detaya te coillog tandems on île extension le ia semage ironîrnent ptant and tatd Use enginears tis len eoalain Monday. The renoltian nnkad the engineering firrn of Duneas Happer ta stick ta ita ecitnde aineh ht natamlttet ta conrd April 10. costravi for Use marte sitinet le yoam latter. ,.' bsnnyobjeei tiera 0f objection ta Use aireata channatinatias, mhich iecmaaion eenting Use complete mater course of île itteen Usroagh tams, hava tedienlent ronooting cancers ovar the Projeriwtoich mas theasobjaci of a receni Champion featora. Lattera ta coonecil frein Bill achreiler andt frota Mr. and Mas. M. Brose opposait tle pespasad ojc.BoUs lattars baid aise aahsontild ta The Champion for pubhiceation. One appearnt lest meeb and Use ather appeara us meah. Copias aif Use lattera mare ta ha sent ta the Conservation Aathortty. ta a separate action Milton Cameat decadeat Usai due le a deiny le Use chamnelizahos, aS] egaeerg wor a n île Pine ai iridge wan abtetaa s engiseer Duncan Moppes mtified. 15 mas pointet oui Usai 8930.12 hoat hees paint alreanty tas Usa projeci. capacil Reservationa for Use lems's semaga service capariiy arenit haeg acceptet, arrng le a rmailution approveat hy Milles Cameiil Monday. Caounaa raiet proposats for davetoprnentin developmeot amen fine" on Use east aide of Oniatario Si. norUs of Derry Rd. and aithearear of O.S.D. sýe premaama, hecaose of planning mnd aconomien. Thai area sas sltet te house 4,230 people. Tse copocity te île semer service faclililaes which are heîsg enspandent, miS mat hae commuitet le mny davatoper untail aUste saeceoary approvale have bers ohtamne and a mafactory suh- divinter's agreemntsi hobeen signent hy the iown anat davetoper. Wantad gnarseteen The enpanded nemaga tratneni plant is designet to handle as avenial popuation of 18,000 and ai Use aos mreetig of Miltas Cooncil, developero sera requtsng guaranleea Usai some of thai capariiy moult hae raservet for ihea- paricaular devalopmens. Ai leasi sax davetopars have alrany onhad for raservalions. Tandems are exportent to le nattenth iis Frîday for the construction oftte mailiaon dollar exnion ai Use ireahaeni plant and construction ahouldtat e abut a yaar. fise Usron norib-eont quadrant davetopers have atraady receivet appeavai ta hoiat Use irss 4M6 tatai tahîe 1,260-loi sutbdivision aal ai Ofntario St. Possible 15,750 Mmaday's rasoltaan foiloment a cornatee meenting aiUs mthetoe rastaeU hatat Fridny evaning. Clark Jackt MeGearbie liait MCSC to turn over ng~ $1,800 for Unlty Park Moaey raineat hy Mitton Commonity Service Cluhs n hes Pntrposes. The projeet mas opprovei by Malton Coneil tast earîy stages of the stohas year alter praparation of the repart by tise Caoervations existence maillh lme ntd avec 10 Authrit. Te sreamwoud b ceente frnt oodardMato PartaiBoardt ha snt for Aothority. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h Th tammaa acmnetfooWowr sdevelapmentaof Unity Parh. Ave. aooth through toms le sear Porkmoy Dr. ond almag thse Altotal of $,800gs tavolvet. Thsc branca paasing heside Centessoial Porka andi Rotary Por. aite for tJsaty Park la eoundet hy Phase oe of tihe project is plamoant for tbis yeor sorts of Mate Use Ontario Provincial Police St. le the CPR tracha andate Martin St. Sation on Steeles Ave., Haghmay ontyrsnteî,aoarsmaeatinaa25 andthUe CNgRtracha. "Geoeralty citinens recognize tihe neei ta do smetbing Unity Park mas the firat mils tise stream but tisey are sorprinet tha Conservation project of thComsonity Service Aothomity repart cosasialers ftood contrat maty, mitisout Ctubs. Work os Usas project man reference 10, otiter aspects 0f conservation," Mrs. Phtemny alaferret when costrction of satd. Highway 25 mon ondertahes. Reconizng he ned or onneimmdiae aSmnce that lame Use Commonity Recgoiin tie eet fo sme mmdiae ction, Mrs ServiceClubsnhave focnsoed Useir Ptolemy bas callet for formation 0f o comntittee tsaI cosolt attention as as arasa, or arrange a public meeting t0 abscuss the projeet te dataS, ravreattos rampen. It la sot inctodisg tise eavironmestal aspects and lthe desimea 0f hases certain jut eacity hat shap residents ha retais tise oathelir apialitien 0f tise strearn. Use mont rayent torojevt ilî tarbe Mrs Ptlem ha ivitd cncenedciizes t c hobt there han hean sonne Mrs.Ptoemy antinvtentconersett itiens ta cat considerataos le havmng a necondt ber at 878-9093 anylime, or Mas. W. H. tnrs 878-6541 aller 5 rish, an indoor poot anat p. M. rommsnsy rentre. "Closed shop" Charge doctors deny choice of surgeons Charges 5ha1 the tonal dortors ronsassttee-a romnstlee of toa sestative os tha hospital hoard of sera hkeepisg MltIon a closet alotors who use Usa hospitat- abrectors for 1972, toat Use board sbop for the dortors sho are heme haat recommande thUe hmspitalthUe doctora abat sot fonlthUera mas ses' mare levellet Weatoeaaay, not grant sargiral privilegen to a safifarent votume 0f suglea atoroag a meetang of Milton Drv. Pesatyala Panntarwnath of cases wn Miltton ta heap smo Distrart Hospital Boarat. Boardt coassa sho hant apptied ta coma surgeons gomng. At presest Dr. W. memtev Dlsold Smith mante Use le Malles. S. Legole, ahone attire as le Use charge aller the board teorset Dr. J. W. MrCotcheos, Use hospatal, doea mont of the tIse hospital's meataval advasory meatacal committee's repre- (Coaaavvrat on Page Tanaiva) ry at sewagei praparet o lasi t üîdvelopmaotiancluate Maris Flats, four proposais for ihat meeting, wharh aparimeni huildngs ai 325 salle anatacatrat another 15,750 people oa Malide Dr., 025 people; rouit le adtent at counrai gave ail Allaance aaidaog Corporation, the developero a green lighi. 425 medtium demaity mile eani of Propoas rereve t data Hallon Manor, 1,015 people; KEITM TIMBERS, s 13,yar-old angler 0f 79 Futn Si. sas wearing a stalle so large shan abuwing off bis Isan passasa, 14 loch broum tront, UsaI a mide angle tans bsd ta beuse at t ioclutie buh in Usa sasse pictuma. KeiUs eanghî han mrnturae Moby Caca opentng day in Use 16 Mile Creet naeUsa sasaga plant. (Photohy J. Jannings) MAant Prezet Contruton, 17 condnium uanots on Bronte S., 65 people; Civiero Comstruction, 69 tom ris anat rondomiiumn maita on Robert St. seor Use faim grsounds, 205 people; flilto Construcion, 17 stagle fansly onile on Ridge ami Highsite Dr., 65 people; Miltan Isdustraal Parte, 180 apartnseni suites le hao buildings north of île CPR station, 450 people; Toraita Corporation, 117 condomainium onale un Ontaro Si. N., 450 peopta; Waspey, Halion Landt Graap and Victoria Wood, 6 adtiosal single iamily mata mn Use nortb-an quadrant ami of Ontario Si., 3,220 peuple, pion 13 arsof medtium densily ai 75 peopte par acre, or 1,010 peuple; mesi sida ut Ontario ni. in Use moUsh ami ut toma, 356 single famtiy maita and 12.3 acres of mnedium denaity, 2,260 people; Christi, Womo and Rigo, 16,9 aras of medim dnnity an Bronte St. sus ut Annae Bivat., 1,275 peupla; anat Victoria Wood, 774 mie ai singlesanmd 18.5 aras of mnediuam dansaiy ai Usa norUs- mest corner ni Derry Rd. ami Otalrio Si. S., 4.230 people. No promines CooiciSloms Icoente prannisiag reservatiana for semage rapariîy le haaitnern mho may soi mmnb le develop Useir lansai inusenintey. A les monte ago Use rooneil mas comaideringnarch n promisa to Use Usee major hiaildeen in Use narth- asi quadrant, df Usa owers prominet ta romptate titeir buildings waUsin fue ears, bat coonril bas chonget lis minat. '55 mîtl stl ha a firsi coma, firsniservet haine, noamailer mit me eutlut ai iis pains," marladet Mayar Brisa Boni ni Use conelusion ai Friday'i meeting. THE SOD WAS TI7RNED Titenday afternÔon Greene's plant mnanger Jon Kay, B-G ai Bamber-Greene's oas indontriat plant site preaideat Frank Merritt, il-G braneit te tise Alliance Mail nortis 0f Stontea Ave., manager Bruce MeKenzia anti Miltan Mayor when company andt tawn officiais jeissea te tise Baia BesI. Barbar-Greene plans an $8600 aad-tomning ceemany. Prom lefti ara indosiriat plant, toe anploy abua 125 te tise arehiteet John Love 0f Internorts manufacture 0f asphalt finshars, convayara Construction, Jeff Dreger 0f tise Milton and reatet equipnsent. <Photo by J. Jennings) Econansie Deveiopnsent Commson, Barber- Barber-Greene Co. turns first sod for new plant Won't promise developers M