Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1972, p. 21

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Tite Champion, Meilton, Ont., Wednesdlay, April 26, 1972 »9 mulagcrnants for DOORE ByMflre. Jheflauilt. eas held laut fsuradey nvnng ut Rn huaieot Mca. Ray "thi. Rne 4-H pledge. A eata hr girl'ýonlgpanegvenas Foc Rne rut ufth Rn eetn Rne girls planned their oh1 fer achlavemuat day uhicit tili be hetd an Satarday, Miy 13. Ittî Rheme in, "Eaay teps ta Peruonal Cars" and eaci memiter ia acting lin Il. Pa iclaln he n rIge Wenar paad ue o ther tapie ut diasau.B 8.30 Rne meeting tenajendand Rne girla ull meetagi onWdndaMy3 forada reheasla ca= l McKay'a home. The press reprle fortl meeting tee flhe Narth Trafalgar Enchore Cluit hnld Rheir uenhly audce party aithRn Nat aagr Caamunlty CentreonSeara night, April 22. Due lat the toggr night Rne attendasmes anas douai. flanre unre anvmi tablea ot rachure in play t Rne hinja piss eing auardnd lat Rne tolloaning ladies Mca. Boit Crtninr, Mrs. Jim Hamilton and Mca. Marin Murray. Tian gaula prises unre weon hy Rne tollotelag Jin Hamilton, Jute Murray, Citadin Brown and Gerald Tennycite. flan lucky draun anere won hy Mca. Harold Rend and Bock Burton. Omaschununan The Eden United Church Women met uith rnhne ut Mca. Harry Loanden ut Dnrry Raid, on Mondaynevnng, Aprti 10, at 8.15 pin. inutan ufthen lam meetiaag wnrn read by Mca. Wilmnr Maun. Gel ted carda tere unt ont la Rhoee sho hâtd heem il. A banket ut truit anas sent to Mms. lien Break at hor hune uhite site man~~~ ~~ raonaigto e ilonn Te ornposaueaa ;-re yR rsduMa John Hamilton. Thandnvotionteaa given hy Mca. Harry Loteden anho chose an hec topir "Assurance of Easter." reart an Rn anu t rR =a llFlreasan tehinhuwa held et Rne Tratelgar Memorlal Hall. A diacuasin anas hnld la hold a desert lanchenai atRe chorcit on Tueaday, May 16gat 1.15 p.m. flan get speaker til he Nancy rouai, uWho tormorly livnd ut Grand Valley but La note living at Toronto. Nany rete,, nas chosen as and la a preut promoter ofthRn dairy imtustry. A delictoan luncht ae mecvnd by Rne lnatesa anho teaasnad hy Mro. Mauon. Mc. d Mc.Albert Marcit- ment ufth Rn tR Une vislted on Rtheeehnnd t Mc. and Mcn. Melvin Pnnney ut Gorrie. Hlllceat's Rhird ennlvnrmary services uaa held on Bmnday, April 23,1972, et ll.llie.m. Muuic anas supplied hy Rne organist, Mc. Dennis Van Ruvuns. Tin seramon us given hy Rnv. Rod Lewis, B.A., B.D. Minintor ut Bouton anid Citagh Preabytra Ch:rhn B.A., B.D., M. Src nitro Hillrgat Ulnited Charcit. Choral selentian "He" ity Rne Choraliers ut Antan, mndc Rne ladership ut Ted Hane anas sung. Follotein Rne nvauing service a specil prugram, uau hnld in the asnemly hall hy the Choruliers ut Avion. lThe Chorahieri led by Ted Hunsen and Rne planint as David Harris. "The Lard la My BShphord,' as sug hy Rne Choruliers, anhîci anas very inuit njnyed by ai. A deliciuu lhoi a enjoynd hy ai. Thte Hilîrreait Duttodil Lancheon ueo beld on Wed- naday, April 19 th o vory gon couad attnding. flan clturch anas danoratod etith Yelowa Dattudils. Folloteing Rne lunclanon the ladies anore invitod up stuirs for Rne Isogau by Mca. Roy Wilaon, Whio guaraaitned a vnry isteresting atternoun. The srograma aa upennd aniR Rne oingiog ut hymai, A dont as suag iy Mms. Deugle and Mrai. Traaik anho aa uccompaaiied by Mrs. Fisher ut E'ora utR piano. Tno ainlnc- lions aeretplayed on Rne pieuo hy Te.Ty TuAI ut Gakville, lt movement Beethtoven Sonute Opus 12 and Chopin Balladi No. 3. A very teUhon lady ut Oakt- ville, Mrs. Haigit, Elucutionist pet us Rhree very iaitorentisg thils. Helln Ailas lirs. aurd Bruanridge hud Rne pleasure ut intreducing the gonst speaker, Mrs. Helen Allant ot Tu- Day's Child. anloch sturted ouf and led toe, t0ohldren bning looked atter by a sauil groep anloch la n itning louked alter by Rhe Onario GovSernt and Soucial and Pumily Services. Mcm. Allan reportaid that anveret peuple teinliud us maoy citildrmn ou nin adoptedait ofnhse cblldreai. In 1969 C.F.T.O. ad- vertiond Paaifly ider, aioan aen us Channel 13. A scoad duet as nang by Mrs. Deugle and Trasit titit Mcn. PisheraithRe piano. The programn mou clod t due siing ut a hymai. Mrs. Wrigglnsanorth rsentod gifte ton an hu anere on Rne prograru. Mis Lynne Adams cluuedi aniR pruyer. Birtbday greetingu are etteaided tu Roy Breait aho aniti celebrate bis birtbday us latucday, Aprîl 29, tu Huard Brudley Jr. anhuanil celebrato bis larttoloy un May 1, to, George Hall, Myrou Pemney and Mark Bruanridgerun May 2, mnd to Ma.LnrdBunkier un May 3 antcb is alan Mr. and Mrs. Buekler's aneddiag ainiversary. Dancing, sag-ssng Thte nid toik and the yung tolk of St. Slaplsm's Anglican Cburcb of Hnreby and Rhe congregatin ofthRe Stearttoun Anglican Cburcb aillihave a big iote uithRn Norlth Tratalgar Cnmmuaiity Centre on Friday nigbt, April 28, anhen toto youog and nid anill enjoy an nvening of old lime dancing. lnrluded teiti be an nId lime sing unng anbicb anill be flluand by a dnlicioun lunch. Birtbduy grnetings are cslended la Deborub Hamlton anto colebrala ber birRhday un Wednenday, May 3. Lowville Limestone Farm Forum has memorable reunion Bp Mca. Richard Sverelgn Mcu. Nancy Doîhel as hnstes for the LUmmstme Paru Fsrtum remion laist eeb. Members brongbt minutes mnd pictureu ut pau meetings, anhini brought hack tond memorien ut thte eduratial value mnd telloteslp Rne FF. b ad pruvided for urge larasers. fin gcoup pluynd corda aniR Rne prism an hy Mrs. Ellu Rochtefort, Mrs. George Gastie, Mcs. Margaret Harris mnd Harry Richardson. The liadis taougbt delîcloas sandwiches and dnaiserts to complete a memuorahîn nveaiing. fin last i=*a' of Limestone P.P. anas in 19M2.1 . s partly danel torame chueg"n honda i the area and othor intorenfsaund activîtîns rnplacing tite organitim. fie F.F. as a national organization mnd Rne Luiestone P.P. began la 1941. fin groop as edaratinnal for lacmnrs mnd anas osehil la Rne govecusent la gn ahitrmers' opinons on tans lealution and Raese opinions mnd questions anere diarusued mnd ensuered aneekly avec Rne C.B.C. radio and ut meetings aecrus Rne comntry. Cae deecatlsg fie munRhly meeting toc Rne I.auvde-Zumaaerma nvenig mnit ufthRn U.C.W. anas et Rne home Of Surs. Nancy Ramshoan. fienrell ral tees a tlent for sale. Mrs. Verea Peer led Rhe gros p in Rne anrship service. The pragram anas pruvided ity Mms. Gîraina Culling Whot demosstrated cake decorating and sapphed eacb mnmier miRha susal sqare ut cake, in Rney cosdd lry Rheir ordlie abdlity anith icing. Lunch anas prepared by lils. Marj. Hall and Sucs. Bermie Willey. Evnryuane tos an enjuyatan nveaing. fin cnmmumty tendu get mell teistos la Audrey Paboaleer. Wn arr plnused la heur Mrs. Prancin Robtertson te sou recuuperutIng aI ber hume in Mlon. St. George's Anglican Charcit heli the annue openi meeting lu infurm al dnominatiais us mbal conrered Citristiaun cas du for Wccid Relief anid Developasent. A fimas situas un "Minislering Lat Rne sullerint churct ufthRn cmumniit uurld in Russia,' anhere Underground Evangnhism Inn. (an inlerdenominatiasal miniutryî utinries smuggle Bibles acros the ires corlain tu tndlot Chritians dauied Romi. Thse Bibles and itymnals are lrintod i Gramy by Rne UE. lac., ut very ligitt ueigbt flexible materlala aniti plastic coveri. Thn U.E. Inn. purpuse in Christ's command, "Go yn intu ai Rne aorld. mnd ranithRn gospel la nvery creature'. Mark -Assessuru are csrmesly visitisg toaa prupertins, Isnparmng tu carry oat inarket value assessuanta aniici comte mut force in 1974. ILS MUOIOD 16: là. In Rassie nu une mndec 18 ynors ut age cmn eaiter a state chorrt mnd Rhis als applies lu alther Eurvpeon cimanist inuntrinai la a certain degirer. Disussion folluaned Rne film. St. Luke's Angitran Charcb Baritoa hrugt tond made articles ut shaduan nmitrîdury tram Pakistan lu onUt. A debilons lunch mas snrved by the si. George's ladies. 1ILBRIDE COMMUNITY HALL bus ton demolisbed, Peter Borins ptircbused ton building and it hos bon tocs doua. ndong us erus nh village anestof Hilton. flue old htall as tocn us île yduy ton bull bus houteil consties mentangai, dannes coutly la muintain un the Burtiagos Porto asnd Renreutios andl parties. -(ýPhuto by J. Jnsmgs) Comusitten denidei tlaose il asd tdll il. Neaif door seigihbor Hornby Helen Allan speaks to church ladies Omagh Annual W.M.S. luncheon attracts many guests Bp hirs. Cecl Palleron Thte annual umurgusiturd loncheus under Rne auspices ut Omnagb Preubylarian teumen's Miusinnary Suciety anas beld aI Boyne Centre W. Tbursduy April 19. Morc toan Ha0 gueulsandsi mentors galbered aI 12.30 tor bol meut. Mrs. MePadden skid Rne bleosng un tbe tuud. Aiter Rne dinner presîdent Mms. C., Paîtcramai melcumed tbe viautru and presided for tbe lanuncain. Mis Shboron Murpby osto Mrs. Margarel Lambert ut Rne plana contrîbsîrd pleasna vocal nambers. Mrs. Dura Cberringtun ut Oukollle nau ut Rne piano la leud la a uing ong of aId favurites. Gifts anere aarded for neyerai movelly contesta. Miss Flara Watt ni Hilton anas cbnues us quers for the day and Mrs. E Bu an ton duor prie. Neuresl birtoday priornwent ta Mrs. George Broancidge ut Streeluville. Thse lucity plate anas anun by Mrm. H Roberton. Mrs. Harold Rutherford a membor ut Omagb W.M.S. anas presentrd nito a gift by tors. Morris Turner on bebaît ai Omagt ladies. The gift anas la tonur Mc. and Mcs. Rutherfurd sobo nr rrlebraling Ibrîr f uth nrdding anîoersary tout day. Allboogb site anas laites very mach b y surprise Mms. Rutberford rspressed ber appreciaton for lthe gift and guud nishes. Participation Audience participation nus ton itrynole ut tite prugrain and gifla ncrr presenîrd la lte firsl who nould recile apoem or verse lrom memury. Mrs. P.W. Merry rose la the occasion and cecited lthe purin iy Wordsworth Mrs. W.E.PFord, Mrs.W. Me- Faddeo and George Bruanridge guI a lugt asd prise toc lteir anitly jokes. Miss Plora Watt, anas Wnel applauded for ber impromptu numbor. pluying the piano and sîngisg a Noranegiun Folit Song. Titese ununnal numiters ou tite prograin brougit out hiddeo talent mnd provided happy tellonslap. Miss Leona Fîddler reeieda nilt for sitoning paper money ter tan Can adian>. Hr dollar ill mas une tramt the RBanas, and itad Qurco Elizaaitlb2 portrait ononeside and curios mots us the Titis nas qite lalerestingto ser. Mrs. Mande Laurence anas bouured toc itaving lte moul grondeitidren and Mrs. E. Bul gotthe prîne for bacing nileller in lier parue (peut marited outoîde ut Canadai b er leller nus trum ber îkisgitr in Austraiea, runner ap mas Mcv. Robert Cronier nito itad a leilnrtfromt ber inn in Germasy. ManIer Nrdl Gîllins and lti Miss Siterry Blanchtard ut auriton assisled in draning raetor prîtes. Pilms and commnnns on Tibet and Cuba had ben planed for lthe progran, bal Rne garaI speaker anas soable lao eprsen. fi is boprd aI sonne fture dole lthese interesliot pîclures nay be situas. Miss Marpity sang "This is my Tasit" as Rhn closîng nuanier. Gansts allended troin Hilton, Oahvîlln, Ourlîngton, Rethel, Palermno, Nelson Preshylerian and local. Pluwanes Eneitre The Haltun Coonly Plnsvuon's Associaion iteld a succnssful eccire parly at Boysn Cente ou Wrdoesday eveaiing, April 19. l'nenlv ion lables anere in play lmtToro tili1 yourlgrden. nd aIl itad an enjoyuitle evening. Prions tfor legit scores nere givrai le Mrs. William Stonîl. and for toc gents Jack Robertson und JlackMarcitnent wrrminnrs. L.ucky drans froin tbe lallies weemade bo Mrs. Pranit Raddrll, lorme L.aing llr. and Harold Dawson. The iteaalîfal plant donalad ity lao and Rea Plorinta anas mon ity Mrs Verna Picitl as the lurity door prive. Presideait William Raynec wîith itrpers Ross Srgnorlth' Spencer Wilson and Jackt Taylor convrnrd ton pacly. Procerds arr le put in a iund lu Spansor a Qucen ut ton Parran uben Rullan houto Rhe International plouiaig math I lova. This is lo be brId ai Rhe tarin et Craig Reid, Auitgruvr. Hec. Lynne Adas aas gurut speaker ai Omagit Pretitylerian vitarct on Sandoy Aprîl 23. Hurnty Suth 4-H Stybisîs met in ton Presberyterian cumrb hall on Suturday Apî 22 aniR 15 members atlnndîlng. Naaicy Lawrence vice presideait conduclad Rne business. Hall rai as report an gmod grouming pruîect. Meetings seven and eigbt anere comined and a anuri meeting nîli bo beld April 29 tu bad in record bouits, dintnrs mnd tu practîce for achînvement day nlacisMay 13. A discussionsand nltes mere gîves on Rne rare ut ituodo and tint liy the leaders tocs. Puttersun and Mro. Kîren. A municare tnr tondu and a pedicure for ton fret eucb reekasianull as careul dily rare mate ton gond grsuming and attraclive bande und legs. Rail cippers, sudt file mnd Rne loilet articles mure chutes. A qala on guud groong complelad by Avon tean itld, anith nue m--ber boiving a perlect score. T be actorvemnt day prugrauns anece bondnd ont il mas decidad Rut racb member uuuld be repeinsible for ber oun lmnch. Il bod huai uuggouted Ret Rne group purchase bot ebinken dinnun mad stay logethor an a group. The score sheets tor judgig maternais und Rne lunge unur uern'disrusand, anid members more7 hetped fi la in hir record sitent ut achinvunent. Nmncy Lawrence and Anai Opiteen deuuaistrated makisg tape bintes la, pet pictores ut rerord boula. Huatossns anore Joanne Brauke mnd Asn Opntîen, Rney sorved couies frufit brend and tea. We are happy la repart Rhat Mcs. Clarence Ford Sr. la dalng nicnly in Burlinglan Josepht Brant Htospital. Friendo sent gel uell teashes lu Mca. Arnold McKee a patient in Mississauga Houita. Birtoduy greelings to toMBtty hecto, Ken Lawrence, Shaun Juanes, Ceeul McCann, Paul Marshtall, William Rayanc. Kelly Stephenson, Raudy Batbi and Steve Lawrmence. lUNE-UP f SPEWAL Drivu n sou aad lnt as Tune Up pour car for dependablen sale sunmner driumng. erMy l r-TUNE-UP INCLUDES Complote motor check-up ~lncluding adjust Corburetor 'wlth tune-up *on ail GM cars You got one Spark PIug Froec' *) wIth ovory one you buy A Sauts11 of $7 o. v-8,'ai andi $3. on 6 Cylinders tau Make your appointmnent Cgee at MILTON MOTOR 38 anSALES LIMITEI 38 anSt. Milton 878-2355 -I Planning board briefs PAI a regula meeting ut Milton PlnigBard Wednesday, lanne r s -Approved plains for Sollupra Car Waoli on Commercial St. = oa atumber of umnr -DenIed an applcton by Pree Cosrcn for reL g beceuse ut ahortagle inttead yard requiremena but agreed la conoîder mnoditied plans. flue landisaon BronteSi. in the Robiert Si. arna. -Agreed an interon report on eter tacilities in lthe Bronte- Robert St. orne be coaoplled and charged back la Prenel construction. -Recomnended R. V. Anderson compile a comprehemive re- appraisal of euistlng sevrage Coillection tacilitian tin ail arean ut louai alated for onu development and for eew developonent in thn nId araeof utlouai. Planning Board and reuncil are anxlous te, have information availabn about lthe souer capacity uhen nu ilavelononenta are initiated -Adviaed Oakville Planning Board ut an application for rensng hy Superlor Propane unest of lthe Third UÀne onar the CPR tracku. Plamoers ull give Rne Oubvîlle Board the OPPortunity la cannaent on lte plan. -Advand Oabville Planning Board that lthe Milton Board ageen uiRh prepteed aaoead- meota in the Oatvle officai plan in lands along Rne Third Uine lamandary and Rhanked the Oakt- ville Plarmera lac the sipirit ut ru- tperation uith uloct thte mattor 79 andi for sters your

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